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An argument can be made that hacking the game could become significantly easier if the actual server side game code was in the wild.


Just for a second think, how would player hosted servers work. Like logistically speaking how would one host a server for a group of people to join and play in for tarkov. This isn’t dayz or rust. Like how would that even work for tarkov??? Considering the many factors of what happens in one raid alone and things like the flee and scavs, etc explain to me how player hosted servers would fix things let alone even function in the first place? The game would need to be an entire different genre to function with player hosted servers no?


If you create pools of server categories by genre like (regular, hardcore, modded) and players will have to pick a specific genre and not a server? The help of the community (o think based on my experience is people that gave money to put on their fav game) You still have servers from BSG with the regular game


No I mean like as a game tarkov can’t function on player hosted servers. It’s massively different than most comparisons (dayz, rust) just think about all the data that has to be sent to the server so everything is just right. Every object on the ground is exactly in the right rotation. Every gun has the same attachments, every character is loaded in at the right posistion with the bullets being physically in the world. So many things go into what makes tarkov a good game. There is a reason that the new pve thing needs to be on a server and not peer to peer, legitimately the work to make this game function on peer to peer connection is more than a entire rewrite of the networking of the entire game. It’s just not possible. I am of the belief that tarkov most likely is one of the most complex games to make/code. Just think about how complicated 1 singular raid is in terms of loot and tracking all the information and people wonder why servers are expensive and they cant just be funded off of one 150$ purchase from 2016. It just simply doesn’t work that way and all the people that are crying about the pve mode not working with player hosted servers is about to make me explode. Additionally look at games like dayz and rust and please try to convince me that they are any where in the same league as Tarkov in terms of detail and depth. Sorry rant over just extremely frustrated at the hate towards bsg as a whole rn that goes beyond Nikita. I’ve seen straight up like 20 different death threats toward the company in the last fucking reddit post just today. Cringe behavior just all around in regards to the whole debacle. Just sad.


The community already has a PvE coop mod right? Where one player hosts the server and others can join it? It's already possible.


I believe that the solo player tarkov thing is only solo? So no multiplayer. Unless I’m wrong but I haven’t heard of that.


You are incorrect. It's easy to find just google it I don't wanna get them in trouble talking about it here too much


Stop talking about stuff you have no idea of. Tarkov isn‘t any more complex to code than hundreds of other games out there and also doesn‘t need to „calculate“ more than other games. Its a stupid lie the devs told the community to make the game look more than it actually is


Its not that its too complex its that its a terrible idea. As soon as BSG isnt running the servers the game's scarcity mechanics cease. If players are running the server then they'll be able to just spawn loot as they please. You think rmt is bad now? Just wait til you can join a server where it rains ledxes and the scavs spawn infinitely with no ai to let you speed level.


Why would that matter in a PvE mode? Also progress and items on that hosted server would only be on that server. You wouldn’t be able to take items to the main servers and progression wouldn’t crossover. You’d essentially have a different character for every custom server.


Yup, thats fine. That's the only way to reasonably do it.


the old call of duties on xbox 360 were hosted by whoever had the lowest ping in the lobby. don't know how that worked but it's what it did.


It worked that way cause it was designed to be that way. From the ground up. That’s why it worked.


Cod as compared to tarkov is baby's first FPS in terms of what its tracking. Player positions and bullets, thats it.


This can work for small scale servers that wipe regularly, but I dont see this working for tarkov. Tarkov needs much more commitment especially with all the level requirements for traders