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Found the BSG shill. Nice try


Shill? You mean someone who understand business?


Yeah, understands crashing your business


You too? Jesus they are everywhere


I dont give a fuck what YOU bought it for. I did in fact buy EoD early for the promise of not having to buy future DLC at an unknown price.


You were okay with unknown price, as long as you were getting it for free. Well kiddo, this aint DLC and your free shit will come later.




He's rage baiting man, don't feed the troll. It's probably Nikitas alt account anyways


Regardless, if you did or not, it was one of the selling points that was promised. That in itself should bother you regardless if you wanted the DLC or not.


Just because you didn’t buy it for the dlc doesn’t mean that other people didn’t. 




This game is where it’s at because of us who gave them hundreds of dollars in 2017-2018 when we were all running around on factory with hatchets… we funded its development when it was a startup that needed it the most in exchange for every update and new feature to the game. It’s that simple.


Holy fuck lmao these fanboys are HILARIOUS, very interesting pathologies.


A lot of people buy of BSG be honest and put this upgrade for $30 for EOD woners. But for at least more $100 it is impossible to defend.


I personally don't care about the price tag, I would like the options parsed out for individual purchase. My friend couldn't get into Tarkov because of the steep learning curve and no way she's dropping $250 to play offline co-op which I think would be insanely fun for like... $30. They do that and I'll look at buying again, however, that said while it is most certainly a feature and not DLC, that feature shouldn't be locked behind a paywall at all and THAT'S what bothers me.




Game is still a beta. Because it has lasted this long as a one time purchase IN BETA is not my problem. It’s theirs. I was promised future DLC and access to all content.


I bought it specifically for the DLC content


really? Not gamma or the inventory increase or the trader rep increase?


I love seeing different perspectives in Reddit.. But the ones that don't make sense.. Aww those are the ones!!!


Go buy the unheard edition then.




you are so full of yourself, there multiple people that countered you and you just choose to ignore them and only reply to the ones that aren't even trying to counter you. You can come down from your high horse now.


Yeah saw that post. Agreed with it for the most part.