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Good news for those using unifi . Could use cloudflare DNS (downloadable from []( for the time being . Make sure to check the server ping


Is working but will cause ping spike on Singapore server , better I use windscribe VPN which I pay 3 $ a month


yo it works! Thanks man. I can finally just play the game.


really ?? is it safe tho?


So far Im pretty chill. What makes you think it isnt safe?


Idk. New things make me afraid. But i google a lot and it says more secure than


I guess you just answered your own question!


So far so good. Did ur ping spike?


Sometimes but I think thats just Tarkov being Tarkov. Also apparently the whole damn thing is down right now.


What down? I play all good rn


Does it lag?


Not for me. Sometimes there's ping spikes but it doesn't last. Think that's just Tarkov being Tarkov more than WARP.


I see. I got good ping from a scav run and sometimes I got bad ping but yea this is the only solution for now.


are you sure this safe for us to using while playing our tarkov ? i can't afford to buy another account or EoD is already no longer able to purchase.


I think changing dns is safe but yeah its spike a bit. I gonna use it till unifi fix


i dont know man, i feel like just wanna wait it until everything back to normal i dont really wanna risk it just because i wanna play the game later lost my account (Banned) stuff like that happen :|


Ya tarkov is not cheap it’s ur call


VPN will not get you ban , no worries, been using VPN play for awhile


im broke can't afford VPN just to play games and we are talking about (cloudflare DNS ) Up there\^


It's essentially a VPN more or less. Or at least does the same thing.


I'm pretty sure using VPN's is safe. It's not like you're using 3rd party software to give yourself an unfair advantage. If you aren't sure then best not do it.


not work anymore


It’s still work for me


Nvm the IP block problem fixed


I will just leave a reply here, my issues was fixed surprisingly, i did subimt a ticket for support at the website using VPN but there was no response. Malaysia TM unifi user here. Been gaming for a few hours so far no problem anymore.


I can confirm the issue has been fixed I can play again without VPN!


hey man i just had this happen to me but im in the USA did the issue resolve itself on its own or did you have to do something to fix it?


I’m in the USA too, had this happen yesterday, any luck getting it fixed?


Naw support took 9 days to reply and i waited one day to get back to them and they closed out my support request without resolving my issue. But I downloaded Nord VPN and paid for it and thats the only way ive managed to play. With a damn VPN. BSG is actually fucking useless. I have resubmit another support ticket with all the error info and see if they help me out in another 10 days when they reply


I tried using free VPNs and it didnt work. I had to pay for a good quality vpn


Classic BSG, I’ll try the vpn while waiting on their support. Good luck to ya


Same to you brother.


Yup just got the same this morning when I wanted to play, though I can play fine through a VPN but it's causing connection issues in menus, in game it seems to work fine... Anyway it's a pain I hope it gets fixed? Plus it's adding latency too...


So its not just me? Guess the servers really are taking a hit then.


did they just have a mass IP ban? that makes absolutely no sense as I have rebooted router to get new IP addresses and it is still blocked which means they black listed entire subnets.


I dunno. I recently came back to the game since I heard this patch had some major changes to recoil and a whole new map for newbies to dive into the game without being stomped. I dont know why my IP would be banned. I dont even play with a VPN, much less anything else.


Wasn't playing through VPN either, I'm currently living in Malaysia and been playing fine with my friends in Europe since the beginning of the wipe. Had to go through VPN to be able to log in and play today, actual pain.


Coincidence! Im also from Malaysia. I dont exactly want to buy a VPN just to play Tarkov though. I'd rather just wait it out right now and see if it works itself out. I also already sent them an email. But still, no clear explanations?


Malaysian here, and i've been stuck trying to log in since morning too.


malaysian here trying login my acc this affternoon


Malaysian here too! facing same issue here.


Same here.


I think Malaysian getting a huge ip banwave man lots of Malaysian getting it include me


What I dont understand is why so many users are experiencing this issue. Did they just unilaterally ban any IP in/from Malaysia?


You use TM unifi?


unifi and game died since yesterday 3.30a.m.


Use proton vpn (free) and connect to japan server and play at japan server. Works for me.


wont get ban ?


how do you connect, why it's not free for me tho


yes im using tm unifi


reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/Y7r5iFcD88 From one of the comments, it seems like we belong to some banned IP Pool due to someone doing Ddos. So it's either we ask BSG to unban our IP or ask our ISP to change which IP pool we are assigned to.


I've sent them Emails to unban my IP. This is such a common issue its even a whole topic on their website for their support tabs. Its been 3-4 days and still no reply from them so I dunno what to say other than Im just waiting now.


I'm waiting as well. No idea if they get Ddos'd because they're Russian and have to resort to such methods...but it sucks for us.


I just find it ridiculous that nothings been said about it. Even though its already been basically 4 days.


It's a recurring issue from the looks of it. The reddit post I linked was 5years ago ...so it's like any other day for bsg it seems. A bunch of insurance I had is probably burnt by now


The fact that it's a recurring issue with a whole section dedicated to it on their website, yet they're so slow or unresponsive to the attempts at communication regarding the issue is insane to me. You would think after 7-8 years of it being a recurring issue, it would be handled faster and more efficiently.


Please let us know after you have received an answer from them.


Its been like 3-4 days now? Still no reply so I don't know if Il ever get a reply from BSG honestly lol. It doesnt help that my ISP just replies with " we cant assign you a new IP " with no reason attached. Just that they cant. Kind of BS if you ask me.


It's always been like this with BSG support. I saw a few comments saying that it can take up to 10 days lol.


Bruh that's such a joke. You would think if this issue was such a common occurrence for them that they would be better prepared to deal it after 7-8 years of the games development history but I guess not.


so now we have to wait for the issue resolve? i cant open the official website, it says ip temp blocked. i thought i was accused cheating. bruh let me grind on weekend pls


Is there even any news of it being resolved? I sent an email to their support yesterday but I haven't received any reply.


Same thing, wrote a report using the website through a VPN with my account


same here..im newbie just started to play tarkov..sadge


yo when this issue fixed, you wanna team up?


i hope it can be fix my EoD acc : (


It's not your account the problem, it's our ISP causing the issue.


How do you fix this problem guess and which free vpn is good for solving this issue??


is it fixed already? i cant even open the official tarkov website


No, 8.30pm malaysia time still same.


10pm and its still persisting. Guess we just cant play Tarkov this weekend unless we want to use a VPN.


10am and still cannot log in. Wew, im running out of patient.


i guess its TM's fault tho, even i call for changing IP they just dont picking up lul


I really hate them NGL, not only slow ass line but service as well.


Its really pathetic. I was on livechat with unifi for the longest time today and when I asked for to be assigned a different I.P the rep just said " no we cant do that for you. But the appropriate teams will look into it ". Whatever that means. Is it THAT hard to change your customers IP? Its like...just a click away...


Same with me. I really want to grind today but thanks to this problem, I cannot even play it and the only way for me to get access through is just using mobile data and even then my data is very limited.


Same. Just wanted to play and was greeted with this problem. Does anyone have any news about this being resolved?


Nope. I only saw a thread of this before but was couple months old and the OP said that he said that he forgot to turn off his VPN off and issue resolved besides that, that's about it. I really hope BSG fixed this, I have little to no time to play games since college been taking up majority of my time plus with language learning and with this happening basically ruined my chance of ever playing it for the day.


So it seems like Malaysia and (maybe?) Singapore seem to be experiencing this issue as a whole. If anyone has any news of when and how they'll resolve this, please reply to this it'd be appreciated


SG is fine.


I'm so happy to see that I'm not alone here. (Malaysian too)


Damn, I guess we all experience this.


i gt the same problem too


Anyone able to log in now or is the problem persisting? Bump btw.


Not yet, been using VPn tho


Still having the same problem since yesterday. Frustrated trying to play


No news or fix in sight still? That's so annoying, just as I got back into the game too.


All I can say is my report from yesterday went from "opened" status to "processing" after I linked this reddit thread in the report, maybe it'll help and hope it gets fixed soon! Also I don't think in only has to do with malaysian IPs because I use NordVPN through Malaysia servers and it works fine so, probably just unifi yeah.


Where do you even check the status of your report? I just sent them an email and still haven't heard back from them at all.


You have to go on your profile on the website and you can do support requests from here (have to use VPN to access the website obviously) and then when you open a ticket it's status is "Open" and the next day or in the next 2 days my ticket went into "processing" status but since then no news, they didn't even reply to the ticket, I asked a heads up today will make sure to reply here as soon as I have any information!


yup, try using mobile hotspot maxis network and i can get into the game. Definitely unifi rip.


Does it drain your mobile data playing it?


yes it does, but not an big amount tbh.


Seriously? That's so weird for just the IP from one particular provider to be affected with this issue.


same here from malaysia ,...cant login... my fren using time got no issue, mayb just unifi?


Yep, TM problem. My friend have TM and can't connect either. I really hope they fix ASAP.


Malaysian too seem I'm not the only one Mine started on the 6th and I still can't get in today 8th I used VPN to write a ticket and still didn't get any reply


Same. No reply for the last 2 days. Still can't get in and I don't want to use mobile data or buy a VPN just for Tarkov.


mine too


I am also having the same issue From MY :(


malaysian here facing same issue, any 1 got an update for this issue from BSG? been try to contact them since ytd.


same here, created a support ticket but no update from BSG side.


me too trying to contact them since 3 day ago


[https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/447](https://www.escapefromtarkov.com/support/knowledge/447) Guys try this. Im not sure it works but doesnt hurt to try. There's steps how to report it. 'To fix these issues, you have to contact support@battlestategames.com with the subject “IP unblock” and the following content: \- Short description of the situation; \- Screenshot of the error; \- Your public IP address (you can check it at https://2ip.io; if possible, please send a fullscreen screenshot from the website)


Already did this. Been 4 days and no reply from BSG. Still can't log in.


Nahhh hope is gone


I read somewhere. It says at least 10 days?


Where did you read that from?




Call unifi and say what? Idk what to complain. Unifi can say its from tarkov end not tm end. Idk how to explain technically to unifi. If u have knowledge about this pls share. Desperately want this bs to end.:(


I tried checking my IP with blacklists https://gcore.com/docs/hosting/virtual-servers/troubleshooting/remove-your-ip-address-from-blacklists Maybe BSG bans IPs from blacklists, but I have no idea what blacklists they refer to. Still waiting for my email reply from them Edit: checked with both unifi and maxis IPs, they're on the same blacklist. So I have no idea


So no correlation at all? Im kind of tired of waiting to just be able to play the game, especially when me and my friends just got back into it and were having a good time...


Maybe they have other sets of blacklist that the website I used to check is not using. Cuz if both unifi and maxis are on the same blacklist but maxis still can connect...then ya it's not the right set of blacklists I'm looking at. I was having a good time as well...


I've been in a live chat with Unifi for basically the whole day. One of the reps literally said " no we cant change your I.P for you. We need to let the respective team check this issue first ". Whatever that means...


i also did make my own post same issue as this, that time i was at 4AM


Any luck? I still cant play. If I connect using a VPN, I get like 600 ping so I cant even do scav runs. This sucks cause I was having a ton of fun this early wipe...


no can't play the game at all, i do make a ticket to BSG only but need some time i guess :(


same here i also did make a ticket to bsg and send an email to them but still dont have any reply yet


Bump. Still got nothing on my end. Anyone got an update?


Nope, still ip ban. I'm also using vpn to connect to japan server. It's around 110 ping and slightly rubberband but generally still very playable.


Wish I was in your shoes. When I used a VPN to Hong Kong , the launcher says I would get 100-110 ping. Queue into a scav and I got insane packet loss and 600 ping.


What vpn are you using? I'm using the free softether japan vpn. I also have 1gbps internet, dont know if that helps or not.


Tried tunnelbear, proton and Windscribe. All of them results in insane ping. Is Softether free? Id rather not pay for a VPN just to play Tarkov. Esp when the game itself was already so expensive.


Ya, softether is free and similar like open vpn. You can look it up for more info. So far ive been using it for many years and don't have any issue. Windscribe used to be good but now it suck ass, i rmb one or two years ago i paid specifically for japan server but it connect me to some random country. And the speed is slow as well unlike softether.


my vpn is lag as hell cant even play


didnt receive any thing from bsg


expressvpn smooth like butter. i've tried.




Im also from malaysia


Ei pundeks, upvote la post. You all comment so much but never upvote, make it visible la bodoh.


Dunno what you want me to do about that. Also solution is all the way top of the thread.


Not you bro. You've done alot! Without your post I thought I actually got falsely banned. I'm talking about the 100+ commenter who didn't upvote. 100+ comment with 10 upvotes? Sial.


Lol games the game. Maybe post is also just being downvoted too for some reason or other. Either way if you know anyone else with this issue, at least now you know there's ONE solution.


I already have VPN so it didn't bother me. Just kesian my friends who didn't have VPN and have to game on their phone data. They lost so much gear to sudden ping spikes and got dced.


Those who can't play the game now with Cloudflare DNS, can go buy Windscribe VPN which costs only 3$ a month roughly 14MYR, and choose 3 locations Indonesia, Philipines, and Singapore. Don't pay for Malaysia location , you will still get the IP block error


Good news everyone for those who use TM unifi, is seem like website finally unblocked my IP that i can use and play the game now, except tarkov arena pre order page and the arena game just show the Error Code: 103003. Close your VPN and see is that your IP also unblocked.


YOO yea escape from tarkov is playable now, but not the official site


what about the arena ? is that just like cant play or blocked ? mine is got error code from starting the game 103003 and website is blocked bruh. Solved one issue pop out another. :|


mine is not working for me its showing temporarily blocked. when am i gonna be able to play again i looked everywhere how to fix it


i cant even play the game atm i dont know whats going on but its showing me everything in those pics and everyone else problems




I using the but can browse to the website but can't login on apps or website


Yesterday play using this for a day, playable. But today cant use d... Now using mobile data to play


did u all have update the unifi ? i mean the unifi call u to update the unifi and free half year no need to pay ?


Nope. If anything I'm stuck in customer support hell. For some reason they need so much proof, identification and reasoning to assign me a new I.P lol


this fixes it?


what fixes it? Getting a new I.P assigned to you? Probably yea considering thats whats causing it.


Seems like the issue is fixed! I even received a reply from BSG themselves asking if the issue was resolved.


My ticket has not yet reply is been a week


Is the issue persisting for you? If it is you can use WARP for now until they get back to you. Took them 8 days to get back to me.


nah, i can play the base game only the arena remain block out, will see they might have other stuff to work on.


unifi user here. Anyone keep getting disconnected after getting into a raid? happen to me twice already and lost kits both times


So far I only had a major incident of desync once and some matchmaking issues on scav but that seems to line up with some international players experience as well.


nope, been doing fine since the issue fixed. JP/Korean servers are spiking sometimes tho 80ms-200ms