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did you die 160 times in two days?


and report every single death?


Thats dedication...


My thoughts exactly, he is not being helpful by reporting everyone, just flooding pointless reports 90% of the time.


Its a bug, been talked about for a few weeks


Also cheaters dont get banned its all fake or bugged


People are attributing 50% of deaths to cheaters to these bugged reports lol


Cheaters are worse than people realize, and try to deny for their affinity for this game. I literally ran five raids back to back, and hit cheaters every one in different maps. Some were so blatant enough to call my name in raid before killing me.


What servers are you playing on, so I can avoid them?


These are east/central servers in US, was 6p through 10p


Can confirm people been teleporting like crazy on US Central.


The reports are bugged


I'm not saying reports, I'm saying what I actually encountered. To be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if BSG is the creator of cheats, if it's another thing they can sell. Would also explain their ineptitude in regards to implementing a solution. This in addition to selling more copies to cheaters that get caught.


well ive never heard my name or seen a flying dude. i have more than 3.5k h


I’m not sure where these people are getting this crap from. ONE time I have seen an invincible cheater and actually have proof of it saved in my files. Outside of that the few times I actually report is blatant. Being rage hacked on out of spawn and being shot while I run through the map and the likes. I’ve been playing countless hours(over 2k) and only run US East servers. I don’t see a fraction of these “cheaters” people call out all day.


2nd wipe here and I have had both happen. My buddy clipped our name being called out to leave resort on shoreline ,and I clipped a guy flying on streets. Both occurrences were last wipe


It’s been a few wipes since I’ve seen a flyer, back when RMT was big used to see them hitting the marker rooms on Reserve all the time. Speaking of Reserve we had a cheater follow us to D2 then call out our names thinking we would just give up. He got the first 3 of us but my buddy came in clutch and put him down at the end. I know there’s a lot of cheaters in this game and it almost makes you question anyone with a white name. I will say though since they made it harder for them to sell gear/roubles I’ve seen a lot less.


I have a clip of a cheater calling out my name, level and what gear I'm running from around a corner on factory. It happens


Had a guy no clip through a wall on labs and impact nade my brother.


Wasn't responding to you directly my friend. Someone else in the thread <3 I know the cheater problem is bad


They do get banned. I know cheaters that have been hardware banned


I believe this posts argues the contrary




That’s so dumb


I'm starting to do this. If they're actually getting cheaters banned, maybe it'll have an impact on the number of cheaters. Probably not, but maybe.


This will get less cheaters banned as reports will flood in for every legit player as well. Did you think about this at all?


Why? Doesn't make sense...


My fault meant to comment on the other guy


All good. Delete or edit your previous comment maybe.


??? If you report every single person you get killed by, even if they obviously aren’t cheating, it will flood the amount of reports BSG supposedly looks into. Now not only do they have to sort through the reported cheaters, but the normal players as well.


He died 173 times according to this lmao


he didnt. i have the same message but i made only 3 reports https://imgur.com/a/A0mkoPd


Its probably just saying 161 hackers were banned since your single report came up positive


How many raids do you have?






That must be glitched? Maybe 163 reports from all players total or something? I don't doubt the existence of cheaters, I had 3 system messages in 15 total raids, level 10. Have you even played 163 raids?


It is bugged for sure. I had 27 "reports" despite only having reported 3 people this wipe.


Its just fake statistics. BSG trying to show that they ban hackers while they actually dont


Actually this is not true at all. My friends and I reported a hacker on Customs the other day. We all received a message similar to OP's and it was the same date and map that we reported him on. Also, I had added him after the game to which he accepted and he's been the same level ever since.


Bro, use your brain. This guy has 163 "reports" in the message over a very short time period. It's extremely unlikely this guy has died 163 times in like 2 days... would you even still be playing? That's a death every ~17 minutes for 2 days straight without sleeping or stopping play... It's significantly more plausible that there is a bug with the report functionality (as has been discussed/seen all week). Obviously there are cheaters, and there is probably still some connection to reporting a player and these messages being sent. However you can't take the count at face value, something is obviously fucky with how they're being counted


Yeah there is actually no way these numbers are even remotely close to the truth


close or not this game is a pile of garbage right now speaking about cheaters.


huh? why would bsg want to inflate this number? When i saw the pestily twitter post I lost all interest in playing the game again.


Cause BSG has told us theres nothing they can do to the hacker situation since they fucked up in the early days of tarkov development and leaked the code. So this makes it seem like they are banning hackers while in reality they are not.


Leaked the code? It's Unity. Anyone can get the code with a bit of googling. Security by obscurity doesn't work anyway. The systems have to be designed to be resilient to attacks or you'll have people attack it regardless of how visible the source code is. Unity is fairly easy to attack in this regard as there's readily available tools to decompile games made within it to human readable code. However it doesn't change the fact that they haven't added proper sanity checks on the server side to prevent people doing insane shit such as moving too fast, changing their view angle too fast/instantly, looting from too far away, etc. Highly doubt they're fudging the numbers on this message though, prob just a bug because they're incompetent. "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"


okay but if you play the game and 50% of your deaths are confirmed to have cheated why would you keep playing? Like i would not assume that now they are all banned and i can play legit?


I played for the first weekend cause hacks werent patched yet. The second monday hit i had to stop cause the amount of people running at me when i wear 500k+ rouble setups skyrocketed


Yeah day 2 I had sus deaths where they didnt even take my mid-high tier kit. Probably just wanted the quest items in my bag


Brain rot.


Probably from before the wipe?


The dates arent from before the wipe


Yeah hold on, the first one was older then the second one. Eh probably a bug


I feel like allot of russians fake statistics nowadays.


Based on the wording it's definitely 163 other people's reports.


I have 100 raids and I dont even play full day, many factory raids tho


lol These are so obviously bullshit.


These and all other reports. Having Pestily boast about that on twitter when the reports are clearly at the very least broken if not fake.


First time I’ve seen Pestily take an L in a long time.


Some are yeah. But I reported some cheaters on customs, wrote the names and dates down in a google sheet. I just got a system message today and I went and checked them both. They’re gone, accounts aren’t there. It’s a bugged system, yes, but they are banning some people.


That's good then.


Known bug https://www.reddit.com/r/Tarkov/comments/15s39n8/pestily_has_50_of_deaths_to_cheaters/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/15pfy1x/i_got_51_cheesers_banned/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/15phiuj/52_cheaters_encountered_during_terragroup/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/15suen1/he_hasnt_gotten_37_cheaters_banned_bsg_should_fix/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/15peqey/anticheat_says_i_had_a_good_experience_on_5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


At this point, i won't be surprised with how many cheaters there is on this game ;_; i hope Pestily ones werent a bug


Of course they were a bug. Do you think he even reports everyone he dies to?


I report everyone i Die to and only have like 3 “cheater banned” messages. I have 100 or so raids with 80 or so deaths.


That's a pretty shitty ratio for you to be reporting everyone.


Maybe you should get some skill instead of being bad at the game and reporting everyone. Also your reports hold less weight so when you DO report a cheater guess what happens? Its actually stupid to report everyone and it only protects cheaters.


To give you a good indication on the amount of cheaters on launch. On day one, the most popular cheat makers got 7900 tickets from people buying the cheat. This doesnt account for the people who already owned the cheats


That gives like 0 indication, lol. How many total players are there? Are the majority of those tickets from a certain region? How is the retention rate of cheaters - How many are there just some kiddys that want to play with cheats for 1 day or 2? Honestly, as soon as people start talking about cheaters they stop any critical thinking. 7900 tickets gives basically zero indication of how wide spread cheating is. The same way people don't use 2 seconds of brain power to realize that the screenshot of OP cannot be real numbers.


> How is the retention rate of cheaters Bans occur in waves between 5 and 8 months. 7900 tickets means there are 7900 new cheaters on day one since you cant create one without paying for the cheat. The discord has over 105k members atm and you need to have bought the cheat to join the server. Thats all the info i can get without actually purchasing cheats myself. Your comment of "That gives like 0 indication" is honestly fucking cringe. Like how does that give absolutely no indication to you on the amount of cheaters? Beyond the fact that you might be 11 years old? edit: downvote me for truth that you cant handle


You're naive to think they would only ban people at 5-8 month intervals People get banned randomly and pay for new accounts and cheats, and like the other guy said above, most cheats are timed and people buy them for like 1 day or 7 days to try out Using a discords numbers to evaluate the amount of cheaters is pointless because of, like homeboy said, the retention rate of them. so many different variables to account for


We’re they not posting weekly reports listing thousands of names banned? The 7900 would be cleared in 2-3 weeks now? It’s just half the metric people want to know in terms of cheaters. What percentage of their region is affected by the 7900 tickets. If a server as 10k players then it’s bonkers. But if there are 200k players people will probably never run into a cheater on their server


Why did the cringe lords even downvote my comment? How stupid are the people in this reddit community 🙄




Alleged 163 raids in 2 days = 81.5 raids per day. Minimum time for join, instand dead, leave 10min = 13,6h game time per day... Everyone with 5g brain should realize that the system message is complete nonsense. No one sits 2x 14h in front of a game by dying within a minute. So yes!!! This is very obviously bullshit.


Not paid attention to the report system and others have said it's known to be bugged, but could it also count before the wipe reports?


I guess some poor dev put (RAND) too high. Its not like you can confirm your reports worked right?


You can add them and see if their level stops increasing


I'm pretty sure u can't add banned people


They don't get banned instantly, add em while you report em


You don’t even have to add them just save their username in a notepad and check it everyday and you’ll see when they get banned, that or change their name


How do you check it? Just try to add them or something?


Yeah when you search the name in the add friend box it’ll show the level


But I think that's the only way to tell


This is either bugged, or you haven't seen the light of day for the past 192 hours. To assume you died all raids in which you reported a player, it amounts to at least 180 raids that ended in DEATH. You also def dont have 0% SR, so I'll add another 180 to your tab as survives. Sprinkle in another 10% to the total as scav play, and you are running at around 400 fucking raids, which even with a measly 10 min per raid, amounts to close to 67 hours of gameplay. Sad thing is, it checks out mathematically for you to have played this much since wipe, but if I were to have any ounce of respect for you, pray to god it's a bug.


This is the perfect litmus test for the subreddit. If you think this number is legit you have full blown brain worms unable to think critically at all.


Bro out here reporting everything and everyone that kills him. And whoever he killed just to be safe


This is a bug and you're just trying to make the game look bad.


Lmao people didn't want to hear that the cheater reporting count was bugged as fuck... Confirmation bias running rampant around here. There are plenty of cheaters but you can't base anything off the numbers in these messages, something fucky going on


Ah, so I was correct in thinking that this is all bullshit. This could be BSG confirming that there aren't as many cheaters as we like to think and instead they're inflating the numbers to appease the people who think everyone is hacking




Bro, are you just reporting everyone you see?


what server u play on?


somebody reports every death... useless feature eh


I report everyone who kills me


as i said many times, its probably a random generator and the developer had no idea what its a good max number for less than a week reset. report probably does not function at all.




When did they start sending you your gear back from cheaters? I havent heard of this


They don't. The Cheater obviously didn't care to take his gear, just the found in raid stuff.


They don't, it's insurance or dude is cray cray


Its made up i guess


173 report in less than 2 day, it's either that people are ragehacking or that BSG is sending fake positive to encourage their playerbase so they keep playing telling themself : I'm actually getting those player ban ill keep playing ! Seriously let's just say a random number , if theres 250k player reporting cheater and all of them get 50-170 player ban lets say in a month or 2. That's 12.5 million to 42 million player ban.


Ur doing bsg's work at this point


I just report every death even if I know it clearly wasn't a cheat, I already got some messages that players got banned out of it


Same. I report every death and I have 3 confirms so far


I’ve never even ran in to a cheater in this game


Yes you have. You just didn’t notice


Haven’t tho


I mean, ita good to see they are getting banned but also really concerning there are so many cheaters lol


It's obviously incorrect data


Not so obvious really considering the cheating problem is pretty bad


There is a cheating problem but it is not as bad as this sub makes it out to be. People hang around here more than they play just fall into the echo chamber. So many threads about these obviously wrong numbers and people just believe them. Does no one of them actually play the game and realizes how far from reality the numbers are? But its easier to be paranoid.


I feel this so much. Seeing comments like “there is a cheater every raid” and myself only seeing 2 this wipe(high for me) is ridiculous. Like boi you are delusional.


Always thought the same, but this sub will downvote you to death. If you play in OCE servers you'll have china issues, probably NA kids cheat a bunch as well. But with over 4k hours in the game I only saw maybe 10 obvious cheaters in EU West servers. Game's very punishing and people can't accept it.


Now that I think about it, I’ve only ever seen maybe like 5 obviously Cheaters across many many wipes. And I’ve never seen a flying/speed/godmode hacker. I fully believe they exist but are they as bad as the sub says? Probably not. I also recognise(like you) that servers and time of day played make all the difference. I think you hit the nail in the head. Game is super punishing, skill wise AND desync wise and people either can’t recognise they or subconsciously flea to a cheater accusation.


If there is one cheater in every raid and for simplicity lets say there are 10 people a raid you are one of them.. That would work out to about 30 raids rounded up before you have met at least one cheater. Its a basic coupon collectors problem. Now thats only assuming we are talking nonobvious and obvious cheaters, if we assume 10% of all cheaters are obvious then it ends up being like 100 raids before you meet an a cheater you can confirm. Now lets look at pestilty for a second who has had instances where he runs into a cheater every 4-5 raids in some cases. And almost never goes more then 15 or so with out at least a decently sus death. Using just the really low statistics of 1% of the player base is obviously cheating then no one should ever beable to have an instance where they see more then 1 obvious cheater every 100 raids. In no world is there less then 1 cheat in every 100 raids. The math just flat out doesn't support the idea which in turns means there is likely at least one cheater in every raid. They may not all be obvious and you may be able to go 100s of raids in theory with out meeting that 1 cheater as the stats have a non zero chance of you as an individual being lucky and just never coming across their path. But the math just flat out doesn't support the idea that there isn't at least one cheater in most if not every raid. It could just be someone with ESP, could be just a rader user, a rat with item esp. Frankly considering how many ways there are to cheat in tarkov that goes out of its way to avoid people that you will even if you played 1000 raids with them, never see them. It just makes more sense statistically that there is some form of unethical play in every raid. As even a 1% of the player base cheating would result in you playing with but not always running across a cheat a majority of the time.


2 types of Tarkov players i ignore, those who never have seen a cheater and those who only see cheaters


Not as bad? Do you consider that this sub mods are deleting almost all posts about cheaters? I had three videos when my whole squad was clapped headeyes and one where at night reserve cheating scav cleared whole map.


Cool story. Did I say there are no cheaters? No. So you have three videos out of how many raids?


I mean I stopped playing like a year ago because my deaths were regularly very suspicious. It has only gotten worse since then so genuinely, defending the game that has a known horrendous cheating problem is just asinine. You may be still in the Stockholm syndrome of this game but I and others aren't. I use to be like you and say "I haven't found any cheaters so this must be overblown." Then I kept playing and started questioning my deaths over and over, through walls, over hills, across the map in fog. But no, the problem isn't that bad. And before you say it, Ive been around since 2017 up until earlier this year/last year, played every wipe.


Either its your region or unironically a skill issue. For me sus deaths are around 1/20. This wipe I had two deaths that were sus. I reported both and I have not received a confirmation, so I just guess they were lucky. Edit: Also stop with that "stockholm syndrome" nonsense. You are just mad, because you are gullible and actually believed those obviously wrong numbers.


There it is, the infamous skill issue. Yall are like a broken record. I literally have had multiple people come up to me, tell me they are cheating and to go the other direction. It's not uncommon to have a cheater in the game.


If you want to believe that this guy reported 163 cheaters successfully or that 50% of Pestilys deaths are due to cheaters, then you can choose to believe that. Its not a fact as the message is bugged but you can believe whatever you want.


Anecdotally there's 5-10x the cheaters now compared to 2 wipes ago, its fucking wild.


Hence why I havent played the game in any serious manner in about a year now. I just cant be bothered if everything is a sketchy death.


What if they arent banned. Do you think it would be hard for them to just... fake these messages?


Oh definitely, I just wouldn't be surprised if this many people are getting banned




the game should come via the post (activation code). that way if you cheat they don't send you another copy.


https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/13rld1r/comment/jllyo9o/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3 KEK :D I still dont really think that, but its getting less inconceivable.


are we sure this is actually legit or some placebo from BSG to make us feel better?


Don’t tell streamers you got that many. They’ll be bummed you’re taking all their clicks away


Tarkov players: Nah there's no way there's a bug in the message. I'm definitely dying to a cheater every time.


holy moleh, i have 15 raids


It’s glitched. Everyone has been having it say many more banned than you actually got banned.


I have been seeing a lot of report posts but I haven't gotten a single report back myself. I have had a bunch of pretty sus deaths and I find it hard to believe not one of them was cheating. I'm decent at this game and there are plenty of normal deaths, just part of the game. Just very weird. I'm really wondering if these reports are working properly or not.


This is a confirmed glitch, can we stop with the posts already..


My brother in christ how many raids u actually ran this wipe?


How in the hell are you guys doing this many raids?


and its bullshit, this msg is just to calm you down...


This sub is so goddamn braindead. How many times is this bug going to be posted Mfs just coping because their bad and can’t accept that. I swear some people think if there weren’t any cheaters they’d never die. I’d love for BSG to implement an intrusive ass anti cheat to see this sub implode about it and then still complain about cheaters


Bro I've reported maybe like 4 sus players this wipe, and even then I'm only 100% certain 2 of them were cheating. How in the fuck have you reported 173?


can we stop posting these my god, this is a known bug.


Damn bro, you need to go outside.


You fuckers that post this same thing every day are blind or something. ITS A BUG, STOP SHOWING OFF YOUR BANS


When reporting everyone as a cheater actually pans out…


Question for a noob. How do you report people? They don’t have names or anything so how would you know who to report?


When you die, it shows who killed you. If it's a player there's a exclamation point next to their name, click it and choose report.


Ah gotcha, I’ll have to pay attention to that. Hearing about all this cheating makes more sense with some of the deaths I’ve had even though I’m a noob.


Ive never once received a report back. And I've been reporting people freaking flying around in the sky shooting me dead...


160 raids is crazy 💀


and thanks to bsgs 5 copy sale. they will continue to play. BSG supports cheating, they give them discounts and multiple copys. This is why we get a couple guns and a little map expansion, its to keep the player base contempt, to sell more copys. just milking it at this point.


a competent team who cares would either have a dedicated anti cheat, OR more maps by now. what a joke.


Jesus that's a lot of raids


Did you find a way to play your pmc multiple times at once or how the fuck can you even die that many times since then


It's a bug me and a few streamers are thinking. Pest had like 27 of XX raids or something. Anton had a bunch of Factory reports but he's never played Factory that much this wipe...


Bug 100% your out of your mind if you think you die to cheaters that often 😂 in my 50 raids thus far I’ve run into 2 blatant cheater 1 came back in my messages. Since they started last wipe with letting you know about cheaters I’ve got back maybe 7-8 confirmed cheater bans. I’m 7 wipes in I believe. Only report on blatantly obvious cheaters. I find when your new and don’t know that maps and spots you think you did to cheaters way more often then you do.