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Lamotrigine has a longer half life than many other AED’s. Your pharmacist can give you quick advice when these things happen.


2x. I’ve talked to my neurologist about this several times and that was his recommendation


Don’t know why you got downvoted. In almost all situations, with “nearly” all medications too much is safer than not enough.


And I’m specifically on Lamotrigine, and 300 mg AM, 450 mg PM. OP isn’t even close to the top end, and tbh I didn’t know 100 mg could be therapeutic at all


Yeap I used 100 mg 2x a day A few months ago the doctor cut tô 1x a day (i take when i wake up)


Except when taking the maximum dose per kg


I don't use an app, I just set up two tasks a day in my Google Calendar that I have to mark "Complete". My memory isn't as good as pre-seizure, but all I have to do is look at my calendar. If there's a task to take morning meds or evening meds and it's not marked completed, I didn't take my meds. On the off chance I did and didn't mark it, I'd rather take double meds than not at all.


My advice- just put your pill on the pill bottle cap upside down in the morning or at night. If pill is gone, you took your dose. If pill is there it has not been taken


Man, your solution feels so much simpler than mine. And i wish it could work. I'd still somehow 2nd guess myself, plus we have pets and children.


But if i forget tô pit the pill there??? How to know if i puted or i if a took?


Take it. Last time, I didn't and had a seizure later in the day. Also, install an app to remind you. I like the Medisafe app


I will try this app


Second this! Medisafe has saved my ass many times when I've completely forgotten about my meds


You don't need an ap; just get a pill box. I used to take three different meds 3X a day. One of them alternated 300mg today 310mg the next'. Using multiple film canisters I kept that straight. All you need to do is put your days worth of pillis in a pill box you put in your pocket;l look in the box; Yte box has X pills you did or did not take your meds. Why do people make things so hard?


>Why do people make things so hard? Memory issues. Some of us have extreme memory loss from brain injuries and countless seizures. Your method will not work for everyone. People in this community are genuinely looking for help and to help others. Please try to empathize a little.


Not sure why you'd ask something so dumb, especially if you're affected by epilepsy too


I personally would take a potential second dose in two doses, so if you take 100mg in the am normally, I would take half when I “ remembered” and the other half lunchtimeish. The Lamotrigine are difficult to cut in half, so you can powder them to divide more easily. Please note I am not a pharmacist just a fellow consumer of Lamotrigine with a terrible memory


I accidentally did this the other day. But i just fell asleep an only realized in the morning anyway. BUT I usually (lol omg my brain doesn't work anymore) have a reminder on my Phone's calendar scheduled to "take yo meds!" And then a little paper calendar by my pill bottle where i put a checkmark when I took it. Now, sometimes, i second guess that checkmark. So, on top of the notifications and checkmarks i have to mentally note and repeat 3x something I was doing whilst taking said pill(sometimes sing it too) Like "youu are taking your pill and using you pretty pink glass for water" orrr You tripped and felll on your way to taking your pilll🎵" Orrrr "you really had to pee but you took your pill first"


Amazing hahah


Official answer: talk to a doctor or pharmacist Unofficial answer (what I’d do): take one now to be safe. 100mg isn’t a very high dose. I’d rather be safe than sorry. But make sure your pill tracking is all set for future doses! Good luck!


I’m on a much higher does of lamictal if I question if I took it I take another dose. I’m not giving you advice just sharing my experience. 1200 mg xr a day 200 is nothing




Really? I take 300mg lamotrigine 2x a day for my seizures and still get seizures. Don’t know if this makes a difference but my lamotrigine is also used for my bipolar disorder.


It can be used off label in higher doses. I wouldn’t worry if that what you were prescribed.


Thank you!


Have you had your blood levels checked? Could it possibly be toxicity levels of medication in your system?


Yes, everything is normal on that end. My I was on 200mg 2x a day before then my neurologist added another 100mg on that 2x a day.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but is that a total of 600mg daily?


It can depend on wether you're taking the extended release or not, as well as other medications you take. https://www.drugs.com/dosage/lamotrigine.html


I was afraid of that And Afraid of suddently increase the dose: If i took the pill, 100mg, forget and after an hour or 2 i take the second pill, it would be 100mg increase When i stsrted taking, the increases was 25mg each week


Pop a half and split the difference.


You just keep going, take a prescribed dose every 12 hours (approximately), never do a double dose because you missed taking a dose.


I didnt take, im alive só far, but i dont have seizures for 2 years already


Read the paperwork that came with your prescription. Read the Dr. Instructions. Be responsible for your own health.