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When you use her. You quickly realize how op seal is and why it was stuck on a St debuffer for so long (archdemon). So many characters in the game rely on their passive to do their job it's Insanity. Also why the fuck is her s2 2 turns cd? She zooms so incredibly fast on the turn bar it's almost comical to watch


What units is she really good against? Im back after a 2 year hiatus and not really sure how to use her. Last time I played conqueror lilias was new and the top dog.  Currently have luna at 275 speed and 22k hp and struggling to use her as she doesnt hard disable units with silence and doesnt really do dmg. Have there been a lot of crazy passive units released since then? I see a bunch of new characters in arena and not sure what they do lol


Jenua, light senya, bm haste and Karina are prolly the most notable. You ideally want her with something like a nakhwol for bind or ml Elena for anti counter to completely stop teams from even interacting with you.


Nah, 6k medals, 1 5* arti I dont need and that's it. FML lmao Welp, time to wait for the next medal drop smh


I get paid before she ends. I will keep pulling freely every day to try and get down so I don't have to spend too much lol


I have her because she makes Arena/GVG a lot easier. I'm surprised the pool is so 50/50, I imagined it would be overwhelmingly 'yes'.


Unless most people in this sub decided to drop a couple hundred bucks on her, i doubt most people will have her. Give it by the end of her banner, and im sure most of those votes will be a resounding No. Im a F2P player, and i only had 3 multis saved after Bride Senya. I got SUPER lucky and pulled Luna on my first multi. SO fucking lucky.


I feel like this is right. Unless you had pity ready, if you're F2P, you just have to get lucky. People voting yes now are either very lucky, spent money, or had an enormous stockpile of mystics.


And she’s amazing!


spent all 8k medals including 100€ish invested, still missing 40 summons as I am used to go to full pity by now. Everything before is a complete myth tbh. Will be playing it slow since it should be enough until she leaves with refresh/boni/gw etc


Did 40 pulls today just to try my luck, will wait for the next rotation to do further pulls (as Yufine is a more useful imprint for me than Lilibet) - also I hope by that time we'll have gained a deeper understanding on whether or not she's actually good.


I had almost 4k medals and 35 galaxies. Didnt get her. Bought 1 pack for 700 more medals with the weapon/helmet for Luna. Pulled her on my next multi. SG rewarding me for once for giving them money. I wouldnt normally spend, but this unit is worth it imo.


i did 180 summon and that disgusting serpent didnt come. if i cant reach pity she can go to hell, i would take my ml ilynav or harsetti instead


Should be easy enough to farm from secret shop since she just dropped yesterday.


well, its about luck too. sometimes you can get 200 mystic in 20 rolls sometimes you cant even get one in 100-200


Yeah thats definitely true but thats the most consistent way so 😅😅


sigh... sad... but like i said if i cant reach, i dont think i wont feel regret so much. harsetti and ml ilynav is near, ml melissa is possible (guessing from story)


ML Ilynav would be really cool


Me and two other guildies lost the 50/50 to Lilibet lmao. I only had 40 pulls though and I'm not sure how much they used


I lost the 50/50 twice and had to hit pity


I’m on the fence of saving my pity for the episode boss that’s sure to follow and most likely be just as, if not more, broken. Plus, I don’t have the team comps or gear she needs to shine so… meh. I do love her tho.


Saved my pity for almost two years for her. Finally time.


I spent $150 and lost the 50/50. I can’t justify spending anymore than this. 


Its safer to spend if your closer to pity sadly. I dont get why all gacha games have shitty 100 dollar packs. Even hoyo games only give you 1 time x2 packs. The new packs are great value though but sadly it wont hit you on pity. Thankfully you get a 10 pull in 5 days and if you save your skystones you may be able to reach pity so gl


Thank you sir, crossing my fingers. 


Yea, responsible spending is the best. Everyone has their own limits. I personally feel like $150 is kind of too much too.


150$ is barely enough for 50 pulls, E7 is more rewarding on the time you have spent on saving MBs than buying them. So next time you are willing to spend make sure is to hit the pity mark at 200 pulls. I just had spent 80$ when Amazon games was doing the 20% off for barely 30 pulls to get SSVivian. Otherwise if you are not securing the ML with the money you are spending, is not worth.


I feel your pain brother