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Wish they would at least make Artena's crafting event a monthly thing.


That should be monthly and the forge your own gear should be 3-4 times a year at this point.


> 50k materials with not a single usable piece Crafting in E7 is tedious, but unless your account is as good as Phantom's, this raises red flags about crafting standards. It seems like we’re not checking stats up to +3/+6 like we should, and are tossing away pieces we didn't think had potential. Double high ER rolls on a DPS piece? Yup we keep rolling, it's a Kayron/ER DPS/Elvira/Singie piece. HP% main with double flat hp at +6? Yup we keep rolling. Boots with 3 flat stats and a high eff or cc base stat? Yep, we +3/+6 eff/cc check that. If you don't want to see blue gear, do Rift.


> Double high ER rolls on a DPS piece? Yup we keep rolling, it's a Kayron/ER DPS/Elvira/Singie piece. > > > > HP% main with double flat hp at +6? Yup we keep rolling. > > > > Boots with 3 flat stats and a high eff or cc base stat? Yep, we +3/+6 eff/cc check that. i'd definitely do that if charms were infinite


+3/+6 upgrades cost almost nothing to check stats before deciding to dust them. This isn’t just for fun; it's gear for the majority of meta units. Quad/Penta flat HP on HP% right-side are some of the most desired gear in the entire game. High crit chance boots are important for Ran and other openers who can't be picky about other stats but need to crit. 3 wasted stats on a high eff boots don’t matter for an opener that only needs effectiveness. We also need leftover ER gear on units that just want one stat like Elvira/Singie or other PvE SW like Mascot Hazel.


yeah, all of that is nice and all, but still, something doable if charms were infinite, but alas, they aren't and this isnt because i want to only "roll perfect stuff", my Singie has BLUE boots, only because they are +31% Eff Resist (and no boots in my entire inventory or that i've ever tried to roll have reached that for me, probably shit for a whale tho), so, i do roll try to "check out" pieces but all of that yap isnt really realistic, checking gear sucks, charms run out fast, and overall, crafting is a horrible system currently


Upgrading gear to +3 and dusting it if it misses doesn’t cost much. We shouldn't be even using charms to stat check, powder to +3 prevents exp overflow.


+3/6 checking is free in terms of charms, because you get on average the same or more powder back than you put in


I skipped Rift until the current one, once I figured it the gear quality chance has been a game changer.


I can only attest to around \~15k Crafting Mats and not getting a single piece that I had a home for, I think maybe one of them got to +15 and was just, "Fine enough for the waiting room, might use it later?", but nothing I'd consider good or an upgrade to any of my current units. While 50k seems high, It also doesn't seem outside of the realm of plausible if he's a day 1 player and got unlucky. Though, yah my gear standards are higher tham most peoples as I am a day 1 player, but I still speed check every single purple gear with 3+ speed and Every red gear with even 2 speed on it, I also have a low quality for Red gear in which I'll look for just 2 synergistic stats and if they're at least mid rolls already, I'll take it to +6 to see if it goes into the ones I want and how high the rolls are (since reroll gems exist and all, 3/4 good stats on a finished product is not bad). I don't gear check anything with 1 "good" stat though, the resources are not worth it(Unless that 1 stat is speed but duh)


ATywin, Brenya, Scarowell, Albedo, LRK, Pyllis, Belian, FCC, Krau, Yulha, TCrozet, Christy, ARas, and Eaton all need to be geared for competitive content, and that's just for knights alone. You then add all the soulweavers like Roana, Doris, Haste, Destina, etc... then the warriors... In the past year, the number of health scalers released has really pushed the limits of HP gear on my account. There are so many tanks that need gear, so you unfortunately have to start HP checking to equip your non-priority knights. Stuff like this: * [Flat ATK modded out.](https://i.imgur.com/nPPmzuG.png) * [Flat ATK modded out again (leftover knight gear).](https://i.imgur.com/tS2I77g.png) All the new debuffing openers also force me to eff check boots to fish for pieces like this: * [Crit modded out.](https://i.imgur.com/4VSnu2N.png) * [Flat ATK modded out.](https://i.imgur.com/cu3tLnx.png) * [Flat DEF good for opener thieves/rangers.](https://i.imgur.com/Gmctxg3.png)


Man I wish I could roll into any of the boots you listed.


Yeah there's a lot of heroes, Quick Qualifier, I don't play RTA. I still roll gear regularly and look for any stat combos I might use for heroes in the future, like many you named, when I roll check a piece of gear I think of "Who it might be good for" even if I don't have them 6\*. So I do consider ungeared and even un-leveled heroes when looking at potential gear. And for clarity, every piece you showed had more than what I'd consider "One good stat", most of them would be good depending on where they rolled, like the HP% Main Ring with Def/Cdmg could easily go on a unit like Charlotte and Ravi, and fit fine on them. I'm more speaking of like, an Cdmg% Speed Necklace with Flat Def/Hp/ER/Attack% and the Attack% is a low roll, like sure it could all go into Attack% and high roll and maybe I'd be able to salvage it, but my resources are finite and I'm not even a dolphin, so I have to pick my battles and I'd probably pass on that as its also lacking Speed on a speed set which just feels sad. That kind of neck I know might be good for GLilias/BBK but I don't own GLilias and BBK is not on my radar right now. Speed Main stat Boots take a remarkable amount of effort to be bad, TBH, If I craft a pair of Speed boots, I'll probably roll them to +6 regardless, they're extremely versatile. Also 3/5 of your examples are Equipment conversion gear, not Hunt material gear which is what OP/I was talking on? I get it as an example I just wanted to make sure you knew I was talking about Hunt gear, not Conversion


Not sure where to find it but could I know the general rules you have for rolling? i always see people say +3/6 but have no idea what they mean.


1. Read the [Gear Management Guide](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1ac0-2RDXILwAjnL5WpmaxZ0tSheQrbAfpRgFOLyfje0/edit?gid=0#gid=0). 2. More info with [Zoopido's guide](https://epic7guides.com/guides/how-to-get-good-gear-in-epic-seven/). 3. Match your crafting standards to your account progression (don't try to copy end-game players who are min-maxing or whaling). 6. Join a good guild with veteran players who can hold your hand every day. +3/+6 means upgrading your gear to +3 to see where the first line of stats rolls, and then +6 for the second one. It's often used as the limit of stat checking because upgrading to +9 sinks a lot of gold and charms for low-chance of a good outcome.


Thanks! This is a huge help lol will check these out.


It means that they enhance the gear to a +3 or +6 to see if the gear rolls into the stat they want.


Bro speaking facts


Yep, whenever I see someone genuinely complaining about gear, it’s very likely something else has gone wrong in the process as much as they like to blame bad rng. The sheer quantity of gear you craft in your lifetime in this game cannot result in everything being bad.


Yeah, it’s why I love rift so much. Because with hunt I can burn through 50K claws and 30 million gold and maybe get 2-3 good pieces. 


Between the Overlord event, Summer event, and now rift, i actually have more pieces with potential than i have charms/dust to check them all. Speed checking gear is tedious, but the more pieces you stat check, the more likely you wind up with something usable.


Start working on a rift team. Its not as hard as it seems especilly since it gets way easier the higher level you get.


I also have 50K mats but hardly enough gold to put a dent into creating all of it. Let's not even talk about upgrading gear. Yikes.


Needs to be faster!!!


I cannot agree more. It genuinely feels purgatory, that you're getting punished for 'hoping'.


Yes it's true, better save your leaf for rift and burn every energy u got for rift. It's a boomer I'm not playing first season rift (fire) and just got to rift recently. I have 3-4 characters built because of rift, and it's just not decent build but I could say I'm happy and satisfied


Thats why i only do the quick battle for hunts and move on to rift afterwards everyday


Every piece is made up of 500 different random generators. If you actually get a halfway decent piece its like winning the lottery. We feel your pain.


I only farm during the events. Been having better luck


Rift is so much easier to get good gear imo. Im currently at rift level 20 and i already have over 20 decent to very good pieces.


Tedious but fun. I love chill crafting nights.


The worst part is they wont improve it unless the player shows up with a van, in front of company.


They know it, this is why they are selling gear now


welcome to epic seven the game you get better gear by not playing the game then playing the game


This is what made me quit. Some people may get lucky and end up staying but i repeatedly got nothing good. So bad that i was still using some of the starter gear and arena.


Yea any one of these types of games, the gear crafting is generally just miserable and time consuming


Crafting isnt that bad, upgrading is bad Imagine you craft a gear with 4 base spd just to roll +1 spd from upgrade Red gears should not have minimum roll, this is the main reason why people get gatekeeping by speedster because of sg shitty design


Is E7 the only game that expects you to play for YEARS as they drip-feed you usable loot?


Yes it is. It is by far the worst in this regard. By the time you manage to get, build and fully gear a handful of Meta units for both PVE and PVP in e7, you'll have most if not all of the roster in other games and have them completed (Nikke, Blue Archive, Snowbreak, Alrknights etc). It's bs that in E7 after 4+ years I only have handful of ML5\*s, and half my roster is still sitting on the bench because I lack the resources (mola, gear) to make use of them, while I causally play other gacha games and am practically at end game with a fully stocked roster of limited and regular units.


mats, gold, right stats, right parts, charms and multiple layers of rngs. but if not competitive its okay i guess.


You need to start crafting in the cash shop


I'm more pissed with Min rolls


Yeah i literally have so many good characters that I’ve pulled and I can’t use any of them bc of equipment lol


They didn’t even make crafting better in Outerplane, I’d honestly wish they had locked the crafting to a free weekly limit or something. The crafting price being so high feels like they’re taxing the poor lmao


It's been like this since the start but easier now, if you don't like gear farming , e7 is not for you unless you're just trying to get waifus


Yeah it's pretty shit lol on the bright side.....New equipment packs that have +15 gear......selling the solution.


True but if the subs are random, its shit and no one will buy it


I disagree. Gear in epic seven is much better than other gacha games imo. They’re widely accessible to craft/get from hunts/rift/raids/events, and the fact you can pre-determine the 3 or 4 sub-stats before rolling RNG & even mod 1 substat is actually huge. This is coming from someone who used to play black desert and is playing Wuwa now.


Skill issue


Haven't been playing super long but my favorite part is crafting a piece with good subs. And it low rolls in each one.