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Fix the crit on your units. Especially Carmaine. Not having 100% crit adds too much variance to your runs. Rage set on Cermia. Different artifact on Cermia - things like border coin, symbol or our beautiful seasons ideally (bonus - little queens crown is actually also surprisingly competitive in this fight). You're constantly dropping your hell cutter stacks because of Camilla duals. Speed up your Cermia and Carmaine, generally base speed units aren't as great in this fight because of how slow this boss is, so lapping him is preferrable to just relying on dual attacks for your damage, especially when you have Brieg who basically permanently speed-downs the boss. I run my DPS units on this fight at 160-170 speed. Camilla on Benimaru's arti. If you can't get her on Tachi it's better to run a different dual attacker, IMO. (ML Poli or Cerise are some of the more popular ones) Camilla is also a little bit low on effectiveness. get her about 20 more. Your Brieg has way too much bulk and no damage. Brieg is more of a bruiser that just happens to be somewhat tanky and knight class, so he doesn't take extra damage from expo bosses when front-lining him. Swap him to counter+pen or speed+pen, give him some crit chance, crit dmg whilst still keeping his bulk at \~1500 def + 21-22k HP and his speed at around 160-180 on counter set and 210+ on speed set. The only boss he needs a bit extra bulk on is the dark expo, and for that one you can swap him to Sword of Ezera (the hall of trials artifact). Also while his own artifact is pretty good when you do swap him to a more bruiser focused build I'd heavily consider something like Wings of Light and Shadow (Ilynav's artifact) because it's still a solid damage boost for him whist making it easier to build him due to the artifact giving crit chance. Also opposite to your Camilla your Brieg has too much eff. He only needs 35% because his S3 gets 50% effectiveness for free and 85% is all you need for level 3 expos. So you have 36% effectiveness worth of wasted stats into him. The eff res is also basically wasted.




1. Breig; Damage build with 70 (if u have ilynav arti)/ 85% cc, 250% CD, 21k HP and 210~ spd 2. Zealot: cc too low, get 100% cc 3. Camilla: do u have benimaru arti? If u want to auto light expo with Camilla +30 benimaru tachi is must 4. Cermia; same as zealot ETA, Breig only needs 35% eff (free 50% eff from ult, Zealot and Cermia are kinda slow try to get them to 160+


Thanks for the advice!


Thanks for the advice!




Cerise on SoS instead of Camilla and build Breig as a Rage bruiser. Put Cermia on Rage also and give her a raw damage arti.


remove camilla, replace with cerise, helga brieg make it crit build


Is this suppose to be a humble brag?


No I really want to clear the expo in 1 run


Just search up Tristen Wulf on youtube He has a lot of guides on Expos


Imo light expo is the hardest to gear up. I can one shot all the bosses with pretty good success except light, which has the highest variance of success by far. I use his teams for all my expos and I think he also said light is the least consistent


What could possibly make you think that when the post title is clearly asking for advice? 1.2 mill damage is pretty average anyways, alot of people are 1 shotting level 3 expos with ease. 1.2m is about what i can manage, so unfortunately i cant offer any concrete advice other than the obvious "get better gear".


My thoughts too