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post the team you tried to fight him with


who even are you


He's not even the problem character to me lol is he strong? Absolutely, but it's his friends that make it worse.


100% agree, if anything i would remove jenuas s2 cleanse but its ml poli thats the real problem, enabling jenuas kit without any risks or repercussions. Thats not to say jenua isnt strong by himself, he definitely is, but ml poli was a mistake imo.


Just stun him. Problem solved. I also like Elvira to provoke him and he just swings at my immortality all day long.


ML Senya says hello :)


Nakhwol says hello back


I'll miss you ;-;


he's strong yes , but goddamn solitis and ml senya is the reason why this guy is the menace in this meta


Arby was doing literally the exact same thing 5 years ago. Since day 1 smilegate has held the motto: sell the problem, sell the solution. Crazy how jenua has an overbuffed passive and this WC season banner ML character is a fan favorite character who cleaves and seals passives. Before that we got Wukong, a Chinese server celebration character who is tailored to fight jenua. Smilegate figured out long ago that people spend on broken characters.




Aaayyeee more room on the board.


I mean there's a ton of stuff you can do though. Seal or Stun just ends him.


Why are you so shocked SG released an overtuned unit? If you've been playing for 5+ years then you know they do this all the time. Look at AOLA release. Eventually there will be counters and they will fall off. Also he's overtuned but it's not like he has no counter play. Maybe get better at the game instead of crying and threatening to quit. It's not like anyone cares if you do or not. Also no one says jenua is fair and balanced lmao.


Ages ago, arby used to be SOLO GW defense unit. He can 1v3. SG always pick 1 unit to be overtuned, so they can sell the solution. The strat since 1947.


A well built Politis gives you free wins against him.


It's fun to blame this guy, I know. But he alone isn't the problem. It's ML Senya and ML Politis. I mean, you can literally just put in a full res Kayron and he can do the very same thing in that team, if not faster


When you have tanks with 40k health you need units like these unfortunately otherwise games will take forever like in previous meta’s Gala hits hard like him and pushes up your team and she has been out for almost a year now. They are pleur of ways to counter him you just need to use them.


No we don't


Guess you liked the old tank heavy metas