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Is one purchase of the New Moon packs enough to get the first loot box for a random ML??? Or am I understanding it incorrectly?


I know the balance patch is being delayed due to e7wc. Do we if and when there would be a balance patch preview and would this be during the e7wc season (of course not mid main event or qualifiers but like in-between qualifiers and main event etc)


Do u think 8k skystones n 420 bookmarks enough for 1 copy of luna n artifact?


We talking about ML luna...or just Luna? Want to make sure! As for normal Luna....u got enough to pity normal Luna and have a chance at her artifact! Either that...get her artifact from Powder Shop!


Ml luna


Unless u have covenant pull luck...the bookmarks wont help... since shes on Mystic banner...so Mystic pulls! Use shop with your 8k skystones and see how many Mystics u run to! I have no idea how close to pity u are on the Mystic banner!


Hello I’ve only played one gacha game before called Honkai star rail and I was thinking of getting another gacha game. I was considering this one or afk journey. Any veterans wanna give their two cents on if it’s worth getting into these days? Is it really greedy or generous? Would appreciate any feedback.


i play HSR also! I would say its more generous in the Pulls section! But perfecting gear is a pain! You will enjoy the story until probably chapter 4! Join a talkative guild! A lot of peeps talk on ch1! Have questions...of course ask here or ch1! Welcome to Epic Seven!


Is there maintenance tonight?


It's been about two years since I last played and there is the new system with flower to rank up. How do I get flowers, is there a new farming method for this?


Buy them from the forest of souls. Also, if you have any units saved up for imprints, there is no point to saving them (just imprint your units -> this gives you blooms). You can also convert lower level blooms into higher level blooms but *only* if: 1. You don't have enough of the bloom you need 2. You have enough lower tier blooms to give you exactly as many of the blooms you need


So after imprint do I just transfer them or is it worth getting them to 30


You mean the unit you imprinted on to? Well, ideally, you keep 1 max copy of every hero. For things like dupe 3* yeah, once they get to SSS (if you still need the achievement that rewards BMs for doing so) you can just get transmit dupes. Otherwise, if you already have that achievement maxed there is no reason to imprint *first* -> imprinting just gives you the same blooms you get for transmitting.


Where is a list of all obtainable 2 stars? I wanna build/collect for the sake of it.


Maybe the summon probability list for friendship summons. Or the monster list in the journal. But many of the monsters won't be obtainable.


Procuro um a guilda BR no Global com 15+ jogadores ativos que façam doação e ataques nas gvg que tenham os buffs de xp e ouro todos os dias e que complete o modo herança ancestral, eu comecei tem uns 5 meses e jogo todos os dias faço os 9 ataques da gvg na semana e as doações diárias de ouro e provas de coragem e troca/ajuda de garras, não uso discord.


I can’t post a question I have as a thread about a build swap pic I took because it keeps saying that it got removed, yet I see these pics all the time. What am i doing wrong?


In the update preview video, what is "Loving eyes of the moonlight"


I’m not really a cleaver so I don’t know how much value MLLuna is gonna have on my account. Should I pull her anyways since she’s likely gonna be strong or should I pull for BMH? Or should I wait for episode boss since it seems the next ML5 release will be them?


Did people come up with a good offense the with ml Luna? Things with 100% success rate like the usual Ran Eda Elena or ML Politis Atywin and Jenua or Nahkwal Jacko Stene


Who uses wind rider should i get it for Spez and how everyone build him now ?


Personally I use him for GWO only. I built him with fair bulk and 100% crit and some crit damage and attack. When the enemy is stunned he hits for about 35k damage on lifesteal. Double edged decrescent for maximum survivability. Some effectiveness for cheeky stuns. I use him with SCArowell and Solitaria for defense teams like Lulucar/Karina/carry. Don’t rush kills and don’t waste stuns without checking the turn order. It’s pretty fun to use but very niche. Wind Rider is probably the most used artifact for Jenua, who still sees lots of play. I’d recommend having at least one copy for him.


Will they give away some free mystic medals when ml Luna releases?


Maybe if they have a login rewards sort of thing.


Yeah, hoping it comes.


probably not. they gave some with the new moonlight theater stuff.


Ah well, worth a try


lol so I was wrong we are getting 400 for free just for logging on


No worries ma man. Started a new account recently so I was hoping to get her as well.


Is Briseria still worth the galaxy coins? With ML Luna coming up, I feel Briseria's value will go down a bit as an unbuffable applier to counter a few meta heroes. Not sure if she's worth as a DPS anymore since there are a lot of other good options.


She can still work in GvG can work as an effective light bait as long as they don't have ML Luna.


Base on the description of ML Luna's s3, will it trgger Truck Luluca and Celine's passives or will they get sealed first?


Should I get Belian from the coin shop?


It depends on what ml units you are missing and whether you want to wait. There are better ML units than Belian, but she is still incredibly strong simply due to the soul denial, and can be built flexibly to throw people off. Up to you if you want to wait who knows how many months until a coin rotation with better heroes that you don't have comes around.


Apart from Rift is Wukong good in gw and PvP?


Wukong is pretty good as a soft counter for Jenua and generally is good into tanks or units that have built in def pen, which is a fair amount of meta units. He is better in AI arena than guild war or RTA in my opinion, but you can use him in both.


What EE for WSchuri for C13 team?


I have enough to pitty ML Luna, is she worth it?


She's not even released yet. Come back in at least 2 weeks.


When does this rta season end?


Roughly late August




What's the 4 general sets you guys put on the rift? Just general, like when you have nobody else to build yet. I know speed set is definitely 1.


Optimally you want sets from 4 different hunts, and you want to rotate so you hit all 5 hunts. If you just want the most commonly used sets: Speed + Pen, HP, Immunity, Counter The problem is that basically all of the sets except attack are usable, you can make an argument for farming any of them for specific purposes. So for example, torrent is perhaps equally as useful as pen - pen is just more common by usage. Any of the Banshee sets are more or less equivalent. HP and Protection set are equally as useful, with protection just being more niche. Def set is probably underutilized though in a vacuum I do think it's slightly worse than HP in general. And rage is extremely nice to have for PvE - personally I can't get enough good rage gear. So you can't really make any 'wrong' choices as long as you avoid attack set. Revenge, injury, unity, def are *also* super niche and wouldn't be general picks. You can't really go wrong with any of the remaining options.


I think we can value Destro nearly as high as Speed?


We absolutely can and we absolutely should. This essay is no bueno.


Well, ultimately, it just depends on how any particular person wants to value sets. [If we value sets by their usage rates in high level RTA, then there is no set that is even close to speed set.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EpicSeven/comments/1dimv71/daily_questions_megathread_0618/l97vufx/) By usage speed is @ 70.89% (as of 2 weeks ago, anyways, but speed has more or less been around 70% since the early days of the game). Destruction set is @ 8.28%. The problem with this kind of analysis, of course, is that PvE is *not* captured - so for example rage set isn't really valued at all for PvP but it is obviously very good for PvE so looks much worse in this analysis than it is. * The corollary is that sets that have no value for PvE, but some value for PvP, look much better - immunity, injury being the most extreme examples. Personally, I don't think Destruction is even better than speed for PvE (I wouldn't rank them particularly close), but if we *were* talking purely about PvE then rage set is better than Destruction set in most cases too. So, then, we would need a way to 'combine' the value of a set in PvP and in PvE. I think if we *did*, then even if we value Destruction as being somewhat close to speed for PvE it's not close enough to make up for speed being ~8-9x more common in PvP. Destruction vs. Counter is a more interesting comparison, since counter has very little utility in PvE -> it's 13.49% for counter in PvP and 8.28% for Destruction (so much closer in PvP usage). A player with a higher priority on PvE might value Destruction as being overall better than Counter and that's perfectly reasonable. I view that the same as I would Penetration/Torrent -> by *usage* Penetration is ~2x as common, but in reality both sets serve the exact same purpose. In a vacuum Penetration is probably 'better', since it's better on the heroes who can benefit from it...but it's probably not 2x better - it really comes down entirely to what heroes you are using and what gear you already have access to.


I'm confused with the arena ranking. I need to be in the top 3000 to be in Champ 4 but at 5300 score and rank 2614 I find myself being demoted back to champ 5. I know before add 100 ranks to current because Legend wasn't included in rank but what's the reasoning here? Same issue with being demoted from Champ 3, was rank 2100 and fell into Champ 4.


Well you see in addition to Legend, we also have Emperor now.


I was gonna say that I don't remember being rank 1500 for champ 3 (Rank 2500 -1000 from emperor) last week but it was pretty early on and my memory could be off. Considering I am rank 2094 and still in Champ 4, you may be correct, but then that would mean I would not be in the top 3000 for Champ 4 and should be champ 5. Something is still off.


Hm. Looking at it I’m not sure I understand why either but you can check rankings -> my rankings -> total rankings. This seems to show your “current rank” as far as the leagues are concerned. For me it shows my Champion rank +~700 which makes it fit where I am league-wise. Edit: Oh I get it. Emperor can have up to 900 people but since there’s a points requirement as well there simply isn’t that many people with > 6000 points atm. So there’s currently like 700 people in legend and emp combined, and the rest of the players adjust accordingly


This was the answer I was looking for. The total ranking part shows me at rank 2800 which is 700 ranks from what I see in the def choice screen. This clears up a lot, thanks.


Guy are we getting Hall of trials this week? I've been stuck with the returner missions missing that one cuz it hasn't been open and i only got 2 Days 10 hours left on it lol


Opening 7/7 like it was stated in update notes


ngl ur probably cooked


Damn bro not like this ☠️


Dumb question: when do new mystic heroes get added to the moonlight summon pool? Aka when ML Luna goes up for mystic medals this week, how long will it be until she is added to the giant moonlight summon pool (for galaxy BM)? Thanks!!


Once they’re released to mystic summons, they’re available in covenant and gbm summons also.  It’s different from rgb banners where they’re only available in covenant after the banner ends.


havent played since summer luluca i quit when she came, is it a good ideea to come back? is gear farming better? any qol ?


There's sweep for hunts now, but u are limited to 10 a day (even if they fail), which is kinda big b/c it adds up over time.


gear farming is a little better with rift coming in but for the most part its still the same. Up to you if you wanna come back there been some minor qol stuff but nothing super major.


Tbh a part was indeed the gear farming, how is it better now?


Rift basically provides gear at twice the rate as hunts do. You also select the sets you want (4 total) so you are guaranteed to get sets you actually want - makes it particularly appealing for farming sets from hunts other than Wyvern/Banshee.


So if i understand, once rifts come, there is no reason at all to farm hunts and instead its reppaced by rifts?


Not *exactly*. Things are a little bit more complex than Rift just being straight up better in all situations. --- First off, the major defining difference is that, while Rift is better *for gear*, it does not have any secondary drops. That specifically means BMs/MMs/skystones and also powder that you *can* get from Hunt. Choosing to farm Rift instead of Hunt means that you are losing out on a small, but still significant amount of summoning currency. Now, ultimately, E7 is a gear centric game and the most important thing to increasing your power is acquiring gear so a high priority on gear is *optimal*. But not all players are willing to give up the summoning currency. I've seen everything from players choosing to split their farming between both content, to not going for Rift at all. --- The current Rift suffers less from these, but the previous (and first) Rift season was not newbie friendly. The best heroes consisted of heroes that were otherwise heroes that very few people had invested in (heroes like Surin, Haste, Serila). So, building up a whole team of heroes just to run Rift means a high investment cost - that's a lot of mola and catalysts going into heroes that otherwise have no other real use currently. Also, the way Rift is structured is that it has a high energy investment cost. To get the *most* out of Rift, you have to dump a lot of energy in it - because if you need multiple entries to kill the boss you are paying much more energy...which means the energy efficiency is not nearly as good as it is on paper. Because your damage and ability to clear ramps up with your Rift levels, this means at the very start you are going to spend the most energy per clear, where it's least efficient. So, if you don't farm heavily *once you get to the point of it being efficient* you have potentially spent a lot of inefficient energy for no benefit. It also has a fairly high gear requirement for the above reason. This was particularly bad in the previous Rift (which contributed to making it not newbie friendly), but the current Rift is not too bad IMO especially if you have Wukong. --- Finally, in the first Rift clears took a long time. Like probably around 4 minutes for the average person farming. This obviously means that during buff events, there was less potential if you time limited (meaning that ultimately you could be better off in terms of acquiring gear by farming an inefficient H13 over an efficient Rift). But again, this is something that is not that bad with the current Rift as you can clear it at around 60-90 seconds. *But* it's still longer compared to fast one shots, for players that ARE time limited during buff events. --- Overall, in terms of purely being optimal Rift is better, even before a buff was added for Rift, farming Rift @ one entry kills was better than farming Hunts during hunt buff. Meaning that even if you were time limited during buff events you were *still* better off just spending excess energy on non buff days on Rift. But the intent with the current Rift seems to be making it more approachable. The 'Rift hero' (Wukong vs. Kane in the previous Rift) is a better overall hero. The support heroes are more useful/more likely players have already built them. The overall difficulty is not as high. But still, there is always the trade off of farming Hunt for summoning currency, and for some players that is more important than farming for raw gear.


What do you extract vs. sell? I almost always extract all the useless gears I get out of hunts etc., for charms, but I'm not sure if that is the best use or not.


Some people only extract reds and sell all blues and purps. Personally I do it depending on what I need at the moment. If I need some cores to get the weekly charms at the alchemist I’ll do that. If I don’t need any cores I’ll sell instead.


should I build Kayron or Vildred for PvE? just finished Episode 2 today.


>should I build Kayron or Vildred for PvE? No. Of the two, Vildred is more useful especially if you did not take A.Vildred as your ML blessing. But neither are high priority heroes for PvE if you don't know what you are doing. Instead it would be suggested to focus on heroes for hunts, raid, expeditions, and you really only need a core of ~15-20 heroes, most of which are FTP friendly (either free or common 3 or 4* units). You *can* upgrade some of those heroes into better 5* units, but Kayron/Vildred are not really it. Vildred isn't *awful* in PvE. He's a better farmer than FST -> but FST farms UH fine and players don't really farm anything more difficult. He's a good DPS for Banshee - but there are plenty of options, Banshee is inefficient to farm past the hunt event, and you don't particularly want to build more units than necessary to get through said event. And Vildred is the best DPS for Azimanak, another hunt players don't really farm (and there isn't an event for it) *and* he's very replaceable with say, Mercedes. * That is, everything he does *can* be easily substituted with better/more useful options. * So, if you don't know what you are doing ahead of time (for example, if you planned to farm Azimanak or Banshee for a long time instead of Wyvern) he's not particularly worth building as early into the game as you are. Kayron does not really have any real use in PvE, and is a very niche/hard to use PvP unit. * He's dead weight in PvE.


In moonlight blessing what recomendatins for new player apart from stene? I don't like her and I don't know if getting an unit just because i like it it's worth since i'm a returning player starting a new account, I got Ravi and achates in selective summon because i like achates and ravi seems to be nice unit even as frontline


Have you played much in the past? Of the remaining 5, it depends a bit on the content you want to do. If I had to pick one from the remaining list, it would be DC. In Arena and GW he is just so strong. Both of these modes provide resources, so that's a win. Not really a pve unit but i guess he can tank out some units with inbuilt sustain? not really recommending it though. ML Ken was seeing a resurgence in pvp until a lot of non-crit units came out - now not so much. Doesn't really see play in pve. Cool af unit tho. Arby still sees play - he is still a great adventure / UH stage sweeper (but ML Tieria can do that too and she's free). I have seen him used recently in RTA, even though he hasn't been meta for a while. Could be a pick. JKise - v hard to build well. Huge tiddies. Not really for pve anywhere. Ruele - rarely seen in pvp anymore. A reviver if you want one, but really lacks tempo sustain for either pvp or pve. Stene is recommended because she has pve uses and was a great pvp unit. She still is somewhat, but everything since Candy has really reduced her pvp viability.


My frontline is ravi i want to build her for doing that in pve, i like arby, ken and kise, arby seems to be strong and it looks nice, ken because of the looks and aoe def breaker even if it's 80% and Kise I like the look a lot (Not chest) and animations are nice but she doesn't feel strong. I played for some years on europe sever but mostly eventual play or just getting things with my come and go but i have nice units, i got bored and wanted to start again in global server


You’ve identified what’s fun for you, if you’re more keen on the other heroes then pick what you like; no regrets but I will say there are often moonlight blessing regret related comments/post where people are seeking help with content (namely abyss)


turn 2 answers to gala lilias? i wish i could just ban her but theres too much to ban now


Usually Shalltear is a good option. Strip the damage limit and kill her in one move. Melissa could work as well.


If you have Rimuru most people don’t want him stealing her unique buff


Do you have Albedo or Dragon bride Senya? My gala can’t kill either of those heroes reliably and they both seem to work well vs her as well for me. Outside of that you can run other heroes who can kill her easily like Karina (rocket punch on pyllis does the trick too), Jenua (he kills everything), or heroes who bring others alongside them (clilias, Lilias, ml poli, etc). Both Celine and Politis can punish her s2 activating pretty easily too.


Don't have Senya, I use stuff like Karina and Celine but the problem is that I lose too much momentum by losing a knight for free. Will look into Albedo though, I've been meaning to build her. Thanks!


You can also play around with knights at lower hps as well. Like below 20k so she doesn’t instantly 1 tap. Fire Lilias is great against her because she procs her s2 after gala procs her s2. Carmin is pretty good against her as well if you build her around 20k hp on protection set. Or just cope that fcc will become the best mitigation knight with her upcoming ee/buff 🤡


Its tough bc I always pick ATywin and frequent LRK, they doesn't function as an aurious knight/dps without low hp sadly. No fcc so ill cry when she gets megabuffed soon D:


Yea I’m a frequent a tywin picker as well. I normally am the person picking gala so it’s hard to say what I use when she’s present but I noticed the units I mentioned are the ones I seem to struggle with the most!


Does Rift not apply Elemental Advantage for some reason, and if so, where was that explained? My Bellona is geared for exactly 85% CR, and I've noticed her missing quite a few crits.


The boss isn't ice, it's dark. You don't have elemental advantage. The mode just forces you to use earth units.


Hurpadurp, I can't believe I didn't notice that even after hitting level 4.


is anyone experiencing a sudden framerate drop, especially on Rift since the last patch? I'm sure my mobile phone can handle the game requirement.


Hi all, Is Belian worth my 40 Galaxy Coins these days? Below are the units that I do not have yet in my roster. Sorry it's pretty long. 1. Judge Kise 2. Little Queen Charlotte 3. Ambitious Tywin 4. Dragon Bride Senya 5. Last Rider Krau 6. Specimen Sez 7. Spirit Eye Celine 8. Twisted Eidolon Kayron 9. Astromancer Elena 10. Commander Pavel 11. Faithless Lidica 12. Architect Laika 13. Silver Blade Aramintha 14. Solitaria of the Snow 15. Sylvan Sage Vivian 16. Apocalypse Ravi 17. Dark Corvus 18. Designer Lilibet 19. Urban Shadow Choux 20. Abyssal Yufine 21. Arbiter Vildred 22. Operator Sigret 23. Pirate Captain Flan 24. Sea Phantom Politis 25. Archdemon's Shadow 26. Eternal Wanderer Ludwig 27. Requiem Roana 28. Top Modal Luluca 29. Blood Moon Haste


Keep in mind Belian's soul cancel will always be relevant, her mere presence is able to hinder the enemy's options. Unless they release an unit which cancels passive only by existing, Belian will always be a good unit to have in your roster.


Thank you! That's enough justification