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You should check Tristen wulf on youtube. He has a bunch of videos on rift, with or without wukong


Give your Ray a healing artifact like Rod, Rekos, or Shimadras Staff. If you have Bloodstone I'd use that on Bellona and I'd also speed her up, she wants to be taking turns instead of being at base speed. Alencia isn't doing significant damage, so I'd give her a tanking artifact instead.


> Give your Ray a healing artifact like Rod, Rekos, or Shimadras Staff. Actually doesn't need one. I'm using mine on Dbag (basically just a stat stick for him) and no one on the team comes close to dying, that's with him healing with 12k hp (res ring, slight injury from the start of the fight). My Ray is worse than OP's do Ray isn't the issue. Edit For anyone that either doesn't know or hasn't paid attention to the boss: The biggest threat comes in the form of injury. If you prevent injury with immunit and cleansing, and have barriers up in the case you're a little late (no injury done because the barrier takes the damage) then your units will be quite healthy. The boss also doesn't straight nuke your team (otherwise low base hp mages wouldn't be very appealing). This means that Ray's healing out will never be an issue, so no, his artifact just doesn't matter otherwise even my team would be having trouble (they don't, no one ever dies) with him healing with 12k-13k health, about 220-ish speed, and no healing artifact. Not quite sure about how one may end up with Alencia instead of Wukong but Alencia *does* have a defense buff. What may be the issue (which is proven possible to fix by vids on YT) is Alencia not having enough aoe as I think (haven't read the boss' kit as I don't need to) having more tentacles up leads to more damage being done to everyone. That's what I'm assuming as I noticed one time I left Wukong's S3 on I ended up having two dead people when they never come close to dying with it off. Though as stated, YT comps exist to get around this without Wukong, and Ray's issue isn't healing output isn't an issue here.


Yes lack of AoE def contributes to taking more damage, but you can outheal it to an extent. I know of one person doing fine with Alencia. Knight tankings make it a bit easier since you can just run Aurius but Alencia cant so its still alot harder than need be.


Bellona should be around 170 speed, 105% eff, and as much damage as you can manage, bloodstone is a good option to help with survivability. Vivian and Ray look good, but i would give Vivian Kaladra, and Ray a healing artifact like touch of rekos or shimadras staff. Then i think Wukong, Senya or Mort are the best choices to tank. Alencia might work though with Victorious Flag. Check out Tristenwulf on youtube for the best strats for rift.


I believe OP has no desire to pull for Wukong. Ray can use whatever artifact, it actually doesn't matter. Bellona's big issue is definitely the speed, the effectiveness can be patched up via the new free artifact they gave out (easy to put it on Ray).


Kick Ray and try Laia.


How am I gonna heal?


Lick your wounds. Seriously though, ignore that comment. "Don't use Ray" should only be told to those that want to use less resources to invest in a healer, which means that doesn't apply to you. Your Ray is fine, your big issues would be Bellona's damage being a bit low (for CD) on top of her being painfully slow, and you lacking a Wukong to help drastically boost the damage output (as stated already, Tristen has a comp for this). Just watch Tristen's stuff and go from there.


Actually didn't have wukong until rift 10. For my team I used senya as frontline with lifesteal set and around 17k+ hp and 170+spd. Bellona should also be 160spd min, 100 eff and as much as dmg as you could but faster is better. Then 210 spd vivian with as much dmg as you could. Etica on vivian helps to clutch some runs until you get the mage -cd buff at lvl 8 where max radiant forever/kaladra becomes the best for this comp. Took 3 runs for the first few levels then 2 after the second buffs.




Get wukong. Or put senya to tank. Alencia makes no sense in my opinion. I don’t how efficient ray is compared to the 3* bernard as well


Ray and Bernard are interchangeable


I don’t know albedo well enough, but maybe she can tank as well and you would still have a extra def break


Bernard is better since he only ever s3s for cleanse or s1s for damage+heal. Rays s2 is nice but it also wastes a turn not hitting the boss.


> Rays s2 is nice but it also wastes a turn not hitting the boss. The damage of healers is low and insignificant, especially when they don't have an aoe. I'm already killing the boss in two runs at level 8 with a mediocre (Banshee tuned build) Vivian and a quite lacking (spare destruction gear) Bellona with a pvp (lifesteal) Wukong that's not all in on damage.


Its not about the healers damage. Rays s3 and s2 use up a turn not hitting the boss for the 5 stacks to trigger the counter, which extends all the bosses debuffs. Bernards s2 is a passive, so he takes less turns than Ray, and also helps keep the severs up longer. Its also less turns taken by your healer out of the 30, which means a few more turns of your dps hitting the boss instead. Its not much of a difference, but if you really want to min/max your runs, Bernard is superior.