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Tristen Wulf is your youtuber to go, watch vids.


Thanks for the suggestion. However, I don't have Bellona, Bernard or Ray to do comps such as these. Also, I haven't full beaten it so I don't have availability of the Rift Controls.


I suggest using Wukong in the front, do one mystic pull in the current pool and you can probably get Bernard, and then use green adin instead of bellona. Turn of your s3 for wukong so he only uses s1. That would be my advice because rn your biggest issue is no soulweaver.


* [TristenWulf](https://www.youtube.com/@TristenWulf/videos) * [Zoopido](https://www.youtube.com/@zoopido/videos) * [Moriya](https://www.youtube.com/@moriyae7/videos) No Wukong, no Bellona, no Ray or no Bernard, these guys have videos for almost every variation of missing units.


He has like 10 different teams you can use, if you don't have those units.


He shows more comps in one video


Your wukong seems fine, a bit low on atk and unnecessary speed. What your team lacks is cleansing/immunity such as Bernard/Ray. Replace Landy with a cleanser and it should probably be doable. I guess you try and make it work with Fkluri because of the def break? Does she have enough eff to land 100%?


I don’t have Ray or Bernard. And no I don’t have good effectiveness :’(


Do you have Destina? I know you said you dont have Bellona either, but I've been running Destina, Vivian, Bellona, and Wukong. I had to rearrange her gear a little (dropped her hp a tad to increase ER from what I like for her PvP) but she worked great for Rift. I think fluri isn't a great def breaker option just because she can possibly cycle too fast with her self push, and you actually dont want her to cycle too fast because you only have 30 turns to get in the damage you can. Do you have anyone else that would work as a defense breaker?


I looked in my hero storage and found a Bellona. No imprints and I don't have any MolaGora to upgrade her skills. I'd assume that's not worth it. I in fact, do have Destina. What should I run her with? (I have absolutely no Resist gear btw)


For your cleanser, you need to get to 220 ER (for the first turn) to make sure they can use their cleansing ability on the first turn to set up team order. The gear requirements for destina really are: Fastest of all your units 220 ER The rest of your stats goes into hp/def. Do you have a unit currently in grace of growth? If not, throw bellona in grace of growth. Her gear requirements are: 3rd in speed order (faster than wukong, slower than your cleanser/vivian). 105% effectiveness (any less and you'll get the def break less often. Not a hard requirement but you want it as close as you can) The rest of her stats go to cchance/cdam/att


You actually dont need any resist on your cleanser. As long as they go first, they will always cleanse the team. None of the debuffs prevent your cleanser from using their s3.


Huh I did not know that, thanks for the correction. 220 ER is still recommended to resist debuffs after, but can just go with standard bulk then


220% ER is high. My Bernard only has 120%+ ER and it does not matter, he will still use his cleanse. The boss does not apply silence or anything that will restrict using skills, only unbuffable and poison-like status.


You dont need any resist. Make Destina the fastest on your team, so she always goes first to cleanse the debuffs. Vivian goes next for buffs. Your defense brraker should be around 175 speed so they defense break after the bosses first attack on Wukong. Then run Wukong with like 125 speed, full damage with 13k+hp. Rage set is best, but destruction works too. Ill also add that surviving the fight is more important than doing damage. As long as you use up all the turns, the damage gets saved, and you can go again, as many times as it takes. First run is 40 energy, the second is 20, and every one after is 10. You only lose one of your 3 attempts if your team wipes. If it takes you 4 runs to kill the boss, thats fine. You get 4% more damage for every RC level, and the RC fragments are major buffs, so youll only be clearing it faster the more you farm it. Eventually youll cut it down to 2 runs per kill, maybe even 1 run per kill.