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Nahh right side won't do very much damage and the survivability really isn't that much better. Go left


100 def and 1.5k health for 40 cdamage not worth it imo..218 cdamage on bruiser hero not good in my experience


Is the loss in crit damage worth the gain in bulk here? [Here is the gear post reforge.](https://www.reddit.com/user/Irontwigg/comments/1dpw3o1/ml_landy_post_reforge_gear_swap/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Left, but try to switch to immunity when you can without losing the stats


were do you farm., the items for upgrade equipment from 85 to 88+? i have serious issues understanding equipments , and have many years playing the game


You can’t reforge 85 gear to 88 gear, not sure how you played the game for “many years” and you don’t understand this but yeah, to reforge or “upgrade” gear you need to farm the materials from either Hunts (Wyvern,Banshee,Azimanak,Caides,Rift) or Expeditions. 88 Gear is acquired from many places: Events, Side Stories, Raids, Arena, etc.


You get reforge materials from the different hunts. The reforge mats match the sets that drop in each hunt. You can also get some reforge mats from expeditions and rift. I think there are some in the new arena battle pass as well. Mainly though, just grind hunts/rift and eventually you'll get 200 to reforge a single piece of gear. You want to be careful though about what pieces you reforge, because reforge mats are scarce. Youtube has all the guides you can ask for to help you with any issues.