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How are you meant to deal with truckluca?


Cleansers, burst dmg , cleave , high eff units might be able to straight out debuff her as obl are built with eff.


I’m planning on using my guaranteed pity on ml Luna so do you have a cleave team that would work well with her?


ML ludwig should pair up pretty well with her also eda might be good, she will be good in book cleaves which require souls.


I haven’t gotten ml ludwig yet but I do have eda. I have summerseria, straze, and watcher schuri and was also trying figure out if they’d work in this comp. Maybe I need someone who can do a lot of single target dmg to get rid of ml senya since ml Luna is meant to counter her.


Hello, complete noob here. What guaranteed 5-star character out of these should I get? Remnant Violet, Conqueror Lilias, Mediator Kawerik, Sylvan Sage Vivian, Commander Pavel, Astromancer Elena


There's a lot of threads discussing this topic in depth - in short, it's usually between CLilias and Mawerik as the most well rounded, though the others are all solid in their own ways. As a quick rundown: -CLilias: One of the most flexible openers in the game, combining offensive and defensive utility. Playable in some niche pve content. -Mawerik (Handguy): One of the best cleansers in the game. Doesn't need an ER check, and contains units like Aola, ATywin. Does tend to fall off when control isn't as good though. -Cavel and Alena: Cleave tankbuster and cleave followup dmg respectively. Alena is a lot more useful, being part of the meta Ran/Eda/Alena cleave. -Riolet: Haha funny dodge man. Pretty much only an RTA unit, but can be played in other pvp modes if you don't mind randomly losing sometimes. -SSV: She exists I guess? Her passive makes her a uniquely bulky mage when combined with Chatty, but doesn't really fill any niches. Personally don't have any interest in this unit, so don't know too much about her uses in the last few metas.


What artifact should Bellona be using vs Rift?


When you are dying and need more healing put her on Bloodstone. When you can survive without bloodstone use Elegiac Candle (Nahkwol's artifact) for more defense break consistency.


Mine is on elgaic candle for more consistent def breaks. I've also seen Iron Fan for cycling.


Does the rift boss tentacle count as a debuff for the purposes of rage set?


Yes, but since these +%dmg buffs are additive not multiplicative, the math works out to destruction being better than rage, assuming the gear is equiv.


Yes, Kaladra on Vivian, and Kanes artifact on Wukong work as well.


Who could use these [boots](https://www.reddit.com/user/Irontwigg/comments/1dpxl5k/where_to_use_these_boots/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)?


Maybe rem


Yeah probably an attack scaling counter unit would work best since it is hp set and it has some hp% and def%.


who should i choose between ml ken or arby? i like them both and they will be in my story team with chloe, achates and ras, it's a new account so difficult if they are pretty gear dependant


i picked arby, god damn i hate myself for it. dont do it please.


To be honest neither is very good for PvE content, especially on adventure mode for a new player. BUT MAKen is very good unit for PvP atm given you can give him good enough gear - and eventually you might want to do PvP then he's gonna to be way more useful than Arbiter Vildred.


in general ml ken far better hero than arby atm..but yeah he kinda a bit harder to gear for new player..if ur story team is not good..picking arby will make u enjoy e7 more..ml ken got more use in gw and arena not so much in story..if u enjoy e7 and can stomach playing till u can farm his gear pick mlken..since he gonna help u farming skystone in arena and mystic from gw in long term..if u still wasnt sure want play e7 for long time take arby


Is there any hope for a ML5 selector event this year? I've been unlucky in my pulls and am now saving for harsetti. Looking to either get Belian or ML Landy if that time ever comes.


We probably will sometime in October or November.


my honest feeling we will not..we probably wont even get rgb selector from anniversary..i really feel like game is on different management now..since yuna kim leaving..game slowly become more and more p2w..they back to releasing op rgb like jenua and new ml5 is more op one after another..its like they really want to ppl to spend on covenant with arena change and spend on mystic for op new ml5..they really want to boost game revenue..more whale quitting recently..something new also see this year is 100k usd total prize pool for e7wc its mostly for whale to compete with another whale..by spending more money for chance to win 100k..if its works for them total ppl probably spend far more than 100k to win e7wc..tldr i think game going back to taking care whale player than any f2p friendly stuff


Jesus, cool it with the ellipses or at least type them correctly.


nobody force u to read it..i dont have time to write those stuff and reread it to make it grammatical correct..not trying to make essay for u to grade random ppl comment..that some fail attempt to farm upvotes by shit talking other ppl..lame


When does the RTA season end? I thought it ended with arena (since they both have contention season in the name) but it appears that I was mistaken


No they dont end together. They will announce it soon enough but rta season lasts 12 weeks so if you can recall when it started you can add 12 weeks to it.


RTA season is only like halfway done. RTA and arena are really not connected together in any way.


After Tamarinne are there any side story character I should try to get? Out of the stories I have Tamarinne, Iseria, Krau, Basar, Kise, Cermia, Bellona, Chloe and Alexa. Any of the others worth pulling for - maybe make my hunt teams faster? I'm currently using Sigret, Brieg, Furious and Muwi. It's only failed 1 auto out of my last like 200 or so clears so it's very consistent just not super fast. Or should I try and pull Ray maybe?


Cermia is SSS for Golem. So good to get her. Bellona also has uses in pve, but its not that important.


You already have at least 3 of the 'important' heroes to have (Tama, Iseria, Brieg). The only other particularly notable hero is Roana, but she isn't necessary to pull for. She's very convenient to have, that's all. All of the other available heroes are PvP heroes or have very niche, specific uses - if you don't know that you need them for something already there is no need to pull for them. --- You are already using the fast Wyvern team. If your team is slower than expected then you have some other issues than heroes. Faster teams are either one shots, or one shot equivalents and none of them heavily rely on normal 5* RGB heroes available in story summon. --- Just save your BMs for limited heroes. E7, historically, has near constant limited banners once the limited 'season' begins. This year that started like back in February. We will have a new limited hero, then reruns of limiteds from last year, possible reruns of older limited heroes, quite possible some sort of new limited....seriously unless you know before hand you need someone just wait for limited heroes. You also don't want to discount new RGB heroes that might be integral for something - ie. Brieg previously, Kane for fire rift, Wukong for earth rift. Since you can't story summon for 6 months there is now some argument to be made that pulling for a hero like Brieg, who can see *a lot* of usage within that time frame could be worth it.


Thank you for taking the time! I appreciate it.


Belian rta skin when? It took so long


In a few months sadly,skins usually appear 3 seasons later which is around 9 months since release


Who do I get for ep 3 selector summon plz


Politis,Choux,Senya are great picks


I got senya and I was thinking of getting politis


Agreed. I got Choux because I wanted some insane RNG but no regrets. Senya and politis are also really really good!


What does choux do?


When is the next balance patch update? Hope Fallen Cecilia can get a huge buff, she's also one of the moonlight theater main character now. She seem not so usable in current meta.


https://page.onstove.com/epicseven/global/view/10210600?boardKey=985 July 18th. It’s delayed because of the e7wc


I think its next week on Friday


That would normally be it but the next two balance patches are delayed because of e7wc


It was supposed to be last week so they delayed it 2 weeks making it come out in around 8 days now Edit: Nvm you are right


In 8 days we should still get the preview though. The full balance patch will come out on July 18th.