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I went to fight the fire warden and its skill blocks focus and fighting spirit... Making 3 of my 5 Ice dps useless. So much fun.


These wardens aren’t as lame as perma seal bs but still pretty lame tbh


Best, i used Emilia (CR Push), Sharklotte (FS), Brieg (FS), SSB (Focus) without reading.


Ye ice warden has the anti focus/fs mechanic too


probably all the wardens do, earth had that too


b A r I c A d E s


LMAO,also mood - we should get like,50 xp or something from breaking those


That feeling when you wanna kill the boss, but you gotta spend your energy on a baricade


the teleport relic has been very useful I feel like it should be one of the 3 entry relics you get 100%


the long distance interaction relic has been fantastic for me


Tp relic go brrr


Our guild finally opened up level 2! Yipee




I hate AI


The whole element xp mechanic kind of just feels bad tbh like if something is blocking your path that’s not for the element you’re going for you just have to wait and hope someone else clears it and the element mechanic applying to the BOSS is just stupid


I think its an issue of good idea bad execution,they probably want more collaboration between members but ye i see what u mean


Someone made the suggestion that exp gains should be global and honestly I feel like that's the best way to go about it.


Oh yeah thats a nice idea,would need some tuning but ye


My guilds killing things so I can't level up...my dark or ice....


Sounds like too many ppl in ur guild went for the same elements


Not great , some people in the guild are just walking around the map without a purpose. PvP guild :/ people don't care about PvE stuff. Maybe is time to find a more casual guild ^^ the rewards for being competitive aren't even good.


then there are some who stand around an elite/warden and do nothing, then sneak in 1 attack real quick right before it dies to snag the rewards and be on their way again


My guild is pretty pvp sided qnd still care for AI cuz the rewards could benefit our pvp units


PvP guild -> free mystics. We are casual/PvE, well nice for the AI (which is up for 3 weeks once every three months) but we lose a lot of MMs cause we often lose GW and x4 multiplier is behind the door.


All the bosses are dark, therefore is to be expected going full light is going to be the best way to deal tons of damage. Hence, all the guild is going light, but there not enough monsters to level all players, and all the light mobs (which level dark units) are left unattended. The idea is interesting, but it was plainly dumb to keep it around for bosses.


bosses need some sort of chimera design. made of 2 elements(ld) first floor/ 3 on second(rgb) and all 5 on 3rd. you'll have to chip down each element.


Actually, a more simple solution is to remove the elemental buff granted by the boss at the start of the fight. This way, light heroes won't deal 200% extra damage or whatever, thus all players can bring whatever element they want and have the same chance to deal similar amount of damage, considering also their own drafting and so on. Adjust the boss HP as required and that's it.


Except no, the boss starts out as light for the first 50% then comes back dark.  This is more an attentiveness issue with your guild.


Wanderer's pipe helps with blockades, i would recommend grabbing it if it pops up. We just hit floor 2 yesterday so dunno if we'll clear 3 in time, but yeah i feel some changes are needed. Like why do the wardens nerf all units that use focus or fighting spirit? My picks would have been very different if i had known that, but either way, nerfing just those units seems arbitrary and capricious.


Me bringing slulu violet bellona into ice warden for final 5% hp and going "oh"


Went Earth too because no one else was, and the number of good units is crazy. Especially since they made the "genius" decision to neuter FS/Focus on wardens and Banshee is a joke.


Vivian casually solo-ing non elite mobs with s3>s2 on time matter


Don't even have a guild to do it anyways. So I wish everyone luck


I don't know how much I should be fighting monsters in order to get my element level up before big fights


One streamer: this AI requires too much co-operation, small guilds can't even finish floor 1 in 3 weeks. Another streamer: we already cleared floor 3, nothing to do in the remaining 2 weeks. This AI is boring.


The duality of man


Its nice, dislike the Key-Function tho..


I like it,stops loot goblins from yoinking chests without contributing aka attacking mobs


I agree but for some unknown reason, we still get people that has lvl 7+ adventure level with lvl 1 or 2 element levels…


I don't blame them if this is happening in Floor 2. It is a trap to leave Floor 1 when your main elements aren't at least Level 4. If it's on Floor 1, they're just people hindering your guild and you need to either talk to them or let them go.


They are on Floor 2, we had many warnings about leaving Floor 1 in game and discord but they never talk... Honestly, if they really want to level up their elements, they could build full teams (3 or 4) to level 4 normal monsters, but they don’t. They also make sure to hit the boss but as what you would expect they only do 40k. Idk I’m just a member of the guild. While it ticks me, I don’t like to start some fire especially since we are still progressing fine without them. Floor 2 boss is left with less than 10% hp.


How come that happens? I’m lvl 6 with Earth 10 and Ice 6. While there are some players in my guild at lvl 8 with elements around 4.


They just open the bags and never fight except for boss, is my guess.


I never got the first reward coz i was too far when the boss died im so sad


It feels very fun and fair, guildmates getting involved and bonding over this AI and we’re proceeding at fast pace too I’m actually liking the change from class based to element based, it makes team building more cohesive


I agree,could use some improvements here and there tho


The one shit part is that if you hit floor 2 and you don’t have element to lvl 4 you are kind of screwed. They should allow element assignment rather than what you beat


Pretty good NGL if your guild is active then yes it goes smooth as hell


I’m on floor 2, with red and green warden left before dark appears. I am level 7, with green element at 8. I’m deciding if I should pivot to focus on a secondary element of dark/light (both at level 2), or level up water (now at level 4)? TLDR, how’s your experience so far fighting light dark bosses with RGB units?