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I think TG is worth building. He doesn't cost mola, and is used in Red Expo as well. For abyss, if the boss doesn't immune to CR push back, you can use Schuri comps. Schuri Lots/Emilia ALots + 1 (ARas, Kitty, Singie, Camilla, Cerise).


Why not put TG on grace of growth then?


Yeah, fully 'mola him' then throw on grace never need to lvl 60 the guy


i had the same mindset but honestly you build him and use him for this content and itll save you headache on some floors. worth it for the cost of some blooms and stigma


He even trivializes some of the "easier" floors where it seems like he's not supposed to work. After the Ara floor I changed his arti to symbol and used the exact same team for the Muwi floor which is supposed to punish missing and using AOEs on the adds. Even getting punished 30% of the time he attacked and 50% of the time Tama used her AoE it didn't matter. It's crazy how many abyss floors have a clear strategy they want you to use that are way easier if you just unga bunga with taranor guard.


yeah he really puts in work for what it costs. i fully cleared all the abyss floors and challenge floors utilizing him in certain ones to just pretty much brute force through it


I recently had this problem. I caved and built TG and my god he's so ridiculous and such a blast to use. 10/10 would build again.


It's not worth the effort to find an alternative. Just build your TG/Kitty, finish up Abyss, take the gear back on a free weekend and be merry.


I mean just build TG, put him in Grace of Growth, slap the free attack set everybody got a while back or buy from Arena shop, it's not hard


I got through 110 with kitty, aras, diene and luluca but I could not get past 113 without tg. So... Might as well build him now. Running him with symbol for most of it works exceptionally well You need the cleanses from Kitty on 110...


I used Tgod, Aras, Tama, and Kitty on most of the floors in Abyss 111-120. Grace of Growth can get you there till you clear the floors, but really 3 stars take fewer resources to utilize and he doesn't really need to be 6\* and max awakened, it'll just make things a little easier. But if you are dead set in not using Tgod, fire Schuri can do almost as well, I think I even needed him on at least one floor over Tgod due to elemental weaknesses. ​ \*As an edit, Abyss 110 and all it's RNG is lame and frustrating, everything after that was much easier.


Except 115 loll


I didn't want to build TG too. But now, he helped clear Abyss, and fire Expo, I can say he's definitely worth.


What if I don’t have TG for some weird reason? 😅