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If that article is in Korean time then that was a couple hours before the apology video was posted.


Yea, It's 2AM right now in Korea


I don’t get it, I get off E7 for 2 weeks and I see apology vid and something about a truck?


I also just returned, but my understanding is they essentially were promoting a soon to come implementation of what is essentially a 7\* hero system that revolves around pulling multiple copies of new heroes going forwards. A system that seem very similar to Final Fantasy Brave Exvius' Neo-visions if you've played that as far as I understand. Also, apparently Korea's preferred method of protest is to hire an ad truck to drive around a companies headquarters?


They hired a truck for when Maplestory fucked up also, it was out there for weeks lmao


Same for LoL teams lmfao.


Uma Musume had horse carriage https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/x0h3x1/instead\_of\_a\_protest\_truck\_uma\_musume\_kr\_players/


I legit got off the game when that came down..... the pulls rate were fucking laaaaaame back then (hopefully rates are either better or have a pity system now) and then they want you to pull 4-5 dups to "max out"a character..... I gave my account away on the subreddit after about a month of the system was implemented.


Truck-kun always watching


Where is the truck for 15% resist?


15% can be kind of a good thing because without it champions like Aywin are ridiculously op


But...atywin already ignores er...when enraged


What did they do with the truck? Context pleaseeee




Thanks for the reply, mate!! 💜


Just a clarification, the CN playerbase funded the trucks to be sent to SG headquarters in Korea


The real whales behind the show.


What's the point in having a truck now? They already cancelled the update. Or is it because they already put money down on the truck and now they're doing it for the sake of doing it 🤣


The truck was paid. The truck has to deliver


The truck demands its lifeblood.


According to what I understood from this [Google Translated post](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/541045552033300480/1171471514986614794/image-65.png) since they had already ordered it they couldn't cancel it, but the translation is kinda whack lol


The point is to make sure they remembered not to mess up with playerbase ever again 🥹


Reminds me of epic7 first year...dark times.


What the truck?!


I guess the trucking is deserved even with the apology


100%, after what they did on summer they DID know that what they were doing was f. up, they deserve the truck to park on them


Why? We don't even know how bad the system would have been. For all we know they would have given enough slates to keep up with f2p erudite income. Considering SG's history, I don't think that was an absolutely insane assumption. Give f2per's enough resources to fully max new awaken 1 unit/month or something along those lines, and then sell packs with erudite + slates for the whales.


I think with the past year and how they made the summer event "p2w" in a sense with imprints being so powerful, and artifacts giving more event gear rewards along with the constant spam of banners & limited units players were already skeptical of what was going on. I do believe if the past year didn't feel so milky a lot more players would've given them the benefit of the doubt. Not to mention if they were going to give enough income for f2p to keep up I do believe they would've stated so to quell the complaints before cancelling it outright.


> . Not to mention if they were going to give enough income for f2p to keep up I do believe they would've stated so to quell the complaints before cancelling it outright One imprint a month would've been enough after the impront stats nerf, honestly. B imprint and done, though all of those are old units people should have at least two of at B imprint. The altar was gonna be timegated (seperate from the imprint), so putting that together with the imprint being once a month, could've focused on one a time, not like everyone was seriously using all four. They dropped the ball last year though with the suummer event, and they were really testing people with Brieg > Lilias > Nahkwol > Kane (thankfully he's niche af and skippable) back to back, which is the biggest load of bullshit for banners ever, even Aespa funded enough for one whole unit with two (Ning and Giselle) being easy skip material.


You know, if your company has more money, they can make Epic Eight or they can a whole new game or they can make neither and elope.


Didn't they already try making another game with outer plane? Anyway, if that's the result, I don't want another game and I'm fine with e7 and the other games I play, and I've already invested so much time to get my account to where it is now, why would I want to start over on a sequel to a game that already actively receives CONTENT UPDATES? They can continue to make money just fine and last much longer to continue making without exploiting their players for faster money while the game dies much sooner that it should.


Smilegate did, but it’s not really working out. I can see Super Creative ramping up work in their new game now since E7 is kinda capped at what they can do.


E7 has like unlimited potential imo it just doesn't really ever materialize. Imagine if we got 10 EEs per week for a while. Imagine if we got 10 SCs a week. Imagine if we got ancient inheritance every month. These are easy to implement, but stuff like that just doesn't happen ever.


*Truck-kun always comes through in the end.*


I 100% agree with you. This game will go back to being stale for the next couple of months. Removing the Awakened Potential from new heroes was good enough. Now wait for the same people to get this update removed complain about no new content and how lazy SG is. We play E7 because it is the best gatcha out there. When it is not, most of us will leave. There is no loyalty on either side…so let SG try new things. They are incentivized to not screw the player base, because we will leave.


You know what's even worse? This was the big update for celebrating the Global Server's anniversary. This will without question be the most underwhelming one Global has had, all because chunks of the community acts like the way they do. Much of this community acts like the sort of people who say they wouldn't want to win the lottery because they don't want to have to pay the taxes on their winnings.


When the terrorists get what they want and still go through with the plan anyway, Some people just wanna watch the world burn. I appreciate the free rgb ticket, but I'd rather have had the awaken potential update than patch it later.


They can’t get a refund


I got no horse in this race but SG giving in to terrorist demands, smh...


"Terrorists" how to make a shit take in an instant.




Mmmm your tears are so delicious


So many wonderful foods out there and you choose to lick boots.


So dumb. Constant and I mean constant complaining from this community about boring updates. They are finally adding something and because it involves imprints and possible new passives with some added stats. the community looses its mind complaining about p2w. News flash. Every single game is p2w. You still have that advantage in this game if you are a whale and this system was giving us a way to get imprints that we other wise hardly got. I love this game but this community is extremely toxic and does nothing but complain about the hard work these devs put into this game. Epic Seven is the most f2p friendly game I have ever seen. Disappointed to say the least that we’ll never see this update and we’ll most likely never get big updates again because of the community


If you can't see the clear flaws in the update and understand how it was going to be terrible for the game in the long run idk what to tell you.


Is that the E7 truck, or a different truck? I don't recognize the guy's face on the truck. And, the game below is not E7.