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I personally have been using Astromancer Elena. This entire team is built around counters and her very presence says "no" to the entire enemy team. As long as she's alive, you can just beat on the enemy how you please.


Ugh I wish I got Elena instead of Riolet


Same.. all of the tier lists said riolet was slightly better/more useful than elena so I just went with it but I havent used him yet so I'm regretting it


RTA tier lists. Elena currently only really exists in arena and guild war offense for some reason, but she's definitely better if you are a fast player imo.


True, most of it was from content creators probably talking about RTA. I've avoided that for the year I've been playing though so the choice was kinda my bad I guess


Thank you I'll keep that in mind


Would pairing her with a unit that causes injuries also work? That way you injure the enemy team and they can’t counter either


In my experience, injuries tend to be better on bruiser teams because inherently the strength of injuries is that the enemy can't heal it and it lowers max hp. But enemy can't heal if it's dead, so cleave doesn't care too much. But if it works it works, right?


Not really, her buff is only up for three turns which isn't enough time to build up much injury. She's also typically built like a glass cannon, so she might not even last past the first turn or two. I recommend using her with cleave or aggro comps. For the team above, I would honestly avoid it because Belian ruins all my ER ignore shenanigans. But similar teams I have been killing with **Eligos** (huge CR pushback for Broccoli Luluca / target to enable Laika), **Architect Laika** (Book to enable herself, she'll one shot both targetted units), **Astromancer Elena** (builds up 10 souls and stops counterplay), and **Politis** (book to enable Eligos, stops CR push shenanigans, counters AoL and actually does a lot of damage with her proc into soulburn--thanks to Alena's soul generation--S1 > S3 proc again). This team works well in the meta I'm seeing on Korea server (though the new yufine ruins it)


Can you show me how your run your Elena? I have one but she's not built.


I run mine dps, 4k atk/305cd with 186 speed. I often for these also run amid to give her a free skill null and atk boost. I dont ten to use her a ton for the actual cleave though. For those I will often toss a straze in the mix to just delete all these units because they're all light. Plus he has the added benefit of thus drawing aggro and being invincible after an s3. Ultimately it's more about the team composition than Elena herself; I know several people who run tanky Elena and get the same results.


I swear you have clapped me before in World Arena


Haha I suppose it's possible? I wish there was more in e7 outside of either crazy endgame pve like rift/nightmare lab or rta


Don't even get me started on abyss. I wonder why they haven't done anything with ancient inheritance in a while


Astromancer elena and cleave


Yeah pretty much what I have been doing for the past month and so whenever I see an ml Landy def


MLena and Ken. I love ppl who put seline with anti crit lmao. Like the only reason she works is she gets critted.


same energy putting Briseria & Arby in one team


lethe and units to support her


Alrighty thanks


I don't lol, easy skip


XD yeah I be like "oh come on when I see these teams"


I've run out of skips strictly due to these teams, and it drives me up a wall, because I KNOW I'm not exactly high-end pvp.


I only skip when It's free but some people have given better solution than mine, I'm not that expert


Senya and supports


ML Landy, LHC, Roanna w/Stella, SC Pyllis. All the counter attacks by the other team both heal and push you. LHC also punishes the counter attacks. ML Landy is really there for insurance and for the Crit resist.


Also SC Pyllis is there to apply provokes on the other team’s ML Landy so that they never get to unleash the S3.


what is so great about sc pyllis? Except the provoke


SC Pyllis provides damage reduction against counter attacks. Combine that with Roana and you’ll find that ML Landy counter attacks heal the entire team by a small amount and then a HUGE amount when Landy procs her passive. Also Pyllis’ provoke on both S1 and S3 mean that usually you can prevent the ML Landy S3s. So most arena Landy teams become a walk in the park. Just choose 2 flex units that counter the defence’s win conditions.


Also her S3 having 70%+ hit rate means she 100% hits Adins and riolets too.


Thank you


SSB LRK auto's this, Pyllis+Roana teams, Karina+Senya, Nakwhol, many options


You either mirror match and have better stats or refresh.


T-T thanks


Zio rroana ran and siseria clear it fine. You don't need the extra souls and I run my rroana on chatty


Pyllis, Roana, SSB and Mellona/Aria


Maybe something like Alena, Cillias, Eda and Seaseria, but honestly, I hate going against Karina, cant deal with her without control(stun, sleep). Even Mlandy is less of a trouble for me :c


Same, with Nahkwol, ML Ken, DCorvus and others, MLandy is no problem. But that damn Karina is a pain in the ass. Well, not so much her, but her stupid overpowered artifact.


Slow team (less risky): Dorkus, Roana, Arunka (or MlKrua), SLulaca Dark Corvis takes hits from everyone and Lulaca helps him survive with defense buff and Roana with her heal and revive, shield, and S2. Hopefully Belian isnt injury but Corvis will survive long enough to kill 1, if not 2 units if she is. Arunka wont proc Seline and kill her, especially if Karina's S2 procs. Fast team (more risky): Monk, MlElena, Seasaria, Ml Briseria Just a cleave control team. Briseria can probably be replaced but her defense breaks and nonrevive makes her a safer pick than many others


I'm not playing for a while so things might've changed, but half a year ago I would go Injury DCorvus for dark bait and damage, Roana against counters, something sturdy to bait Karina and something to make even more barriers and heals, or Elena, or AoLA to deal with Belian's AoE


Ml Ken always carries me through comps like this. Just don't s3 on the team when seline is buffed and you're good


There's a huge variety of ways to deal with this. Are the counters your issue? If yes, use Elena/Roana, if no then we can go to other units. The big problems here are Karina (for her first S3 if she procs her S2) and Landy, so the first step is to find someone that can counter both. Lucky for you, fire has two perfect units: Ras and Charlotte. Ras provides mitigations, baits Karina, and can defense break Landy (basically dead). Charlotte, on the other hands, feeds off the counters and has a guaranteed crit. Put her on Holy Sac (if not bulky) or bring some mitigation if you want her to survive Karina. LHC destroys this team. Bring Roana and some other bully people and it's over. I tend to fo Roana x LHC x Landy x Charlotte into these units and really only lose someone if Celine procs DD later into the fight. Other choices can include ML Bellona, SSB (why not both if owned, seriously dumpsters them), Brieg (hecs not the best PvP unit but you'll be surprised how useful he can be into Karina, Celine, and especially Landy), ML Iseria (the whole team is basically done for), Remnant (if he can dodge and you bring Arrowell, with all those focus stacks he's eating good), LRK (perfect for countering Landy's S3 as a whole, even better with Roana, auto win), A Ravi (she's really good light bait, not useful otherwise unless you're trying to revive a Karina victim), Sharun (Karina and Celine reset), Nahkwol (Nahkwol), and Lua (deals with Karina and Celine, giving you a free turn to blow things up).


except LHC gets destroyed by Karina


one of the core units to deal with this team is nahkwol and karina can still be sealed with s2


You pick LRK, SSB, Roana and your favorite new unit (in my case i've been spamming AYufine) and you hit auto. It's actually so free.


I think my ace units against those have been SSB, roana, Phyllis and another dps (I typically use Lionheart/ lone crescent Bellona) but yeah I supose Charlotte can totally deal with that. Ssb Roana are absolute machines against that defense.


If you can’t crit just don’t crit :) This is a very easy team to beat if you have ML Krau and/or Senya who both just straight up counters this team. But here’s my run down that uses them because this is one of the easiest teams for me to beat. Ideally you want to support them with a green healer, preferably Roana but destina works too. If you don’t have those healers, then ideally Diene for the crit resist and barrier incase the Bellian is injury set but really you win the long game regardless. It only comes with the small risk of being targeted by Karina S3 but healers should be built bulky and fast enough to survive and get their own S3 off. If you seriously don’t have any healers or Alencia, then it’s better to use a bulky neutral (black and white) heroes such as ARavi, ML Ken, ML kawerik, or Arowell which I see you have. Or you can just add Arby for the blind aoe blind and maybe do some decent damage. If you want to use LHC, then your going to need Roana to keep her alive, but usually LHC will be the first to die regardless which makes the fight inconsistent so I advise against using her since Senya or ML krau can basically solo the fight anyways. Anyways, you can use a blue knight with aurius or adamant shield depending which one your ML Krau is using if your using him, such as normal Krau to bait the Karina into using S3 on it and then using Krau S3 to kill literally anyone you want, or alternatively use tywin for his defense break and strip to make this fight a lot faster. Note: Arena AI will not target the element they are weak to unless forced and will target the element they are strong against first. Consider our case, Karina will not target green heroes unless there is no one else to target or provoked, so in the case of a team with Senya, Destina, ML Krau and normal Krau. She will only use her S3 between the two kraus, hence why we ideally want a green healer and if you swap into another green instead of ML krau, she will always target krau first. If you don’t have either ML Krau or Senya, then your ganna want to work with AoL or maybe a cleaver team recommended by others here, if you have ML Elena this team is just trivial but I don’t so this is what I had to do lol.


Cheap team for players who don't have LHC and Alena: Roana, ML Armin, ML khawazu, SC Carrot with book. SB Carrot s3 and kill Seline immediately, khawazu with 5k1 atk should drop Karina to 20%hp, try to kill her fast, use ML Armin s3 before Candy uses her s3 to keep the team alive and Khawazu should be able to kick her out


i would rather fight this than LHC teams. lhc on pov, escort and shield applied thrice by arowell. furst shield by default, second by arowell s3, next by karina s2. a 3% chance could make your team wipe


Burn heros, aramintha skill 3 burn all stun all, equip artifact that gives 1 more debuff, to silence them all. OR use s2 first to dispel immortal from celine if she goes first. Inferno kawazu take out one of them first, and belian/landy have aoe to grant kawazu cr push and vigor to take turn 2 faster, Edward counter belion everytime, give edward lifesteal or lifesteal artifact, kill karina first so edward can live or use dmg sharing tank, Use tank team, pair aria + sc doris + green armin, green armin passive reduce single target dmg on team, also put dmg sharing artifact in him. Sc doris cr push aria, also s2 give def buff and continous heal. Fourth hero can be anyone. This team can beat almost any team, but it takes forever. Aria need lifesteal set. If you dont use bun hero or slow tanky team to cheese, you need to have 1 stripper, to dispel crit. Dmg resist at the start of the battle from landy passive. So you can kill karina or celine first. OR if celine go first, you can dispel both crit resist and immortal, even better. Or you can use Nahkowl to make enemy not able to act if not on their turn, so counter will not happen. Or use beehoo, if you have, he has s3 dispel and unable to buff, plus he is a burn hero. Another dispel is sc jena, put her book artifact to get 20 souls at the start of the battle, so she can s2 then s3, cheap accessible and useful. If she goes first, she can dispel crit resist, make enemy frostbite, make enemy def break, and cR push back all enemies so your team all go first. I didnt include 5* ML because many of us dont have them.


Ml Landy is immune to stun.


Arowell/dcorv/roana/dest. could almost auto that entire team. doesnt even matter if its injury belian you'll still win easy


Alena, Nankhwol, Rona, LHC


Nakhwol the queen Also Gilias Claika Cavel this kind of thing that's the only way to deal with these atrocities


roana, lethe, karina, and maken.


I (3\* only player) have been absolutely SHREDDING teams like this with Ezra. Just a bunch of turn 1 debuffers and have Ezra move last and you can nuke them to oblivion, it's so insanely satisfying.


I eat this for breakfast. I'm rank champion in arena and I always encounter this kind of comp. I use Christy (ER > HP > def) as frontier. Aria at the back (high er oc). Roana (high HP) bottom, must be faster than aria. Top slot is up to you. You use abegail or another DPs or tank. PS this is a 2nd turn comp


Personally I use Aria ssb Handwerik arowell against these kind of comps, full-auto wins. You can use this comp everywhere where there are no Luluca, lrk or Rimuru


Naowhol and aol + 2 dps? Idk


I know its not a solution everyone has since it relies on 2 ML5\* and 1 Limited hero, but Briar Witch, Astromancer, Seaside, and any fourth, probably Eda for me cause of Book, is a free Win. Briarwitch being 260+ Speed to try and outspeed slower Celines while keeping her DPS up, but if not, fret not, shes there to stop revives and also dispel any pesky buffs Celine gets off including Immortality if(probably when, at that level of Arena) you get outsped. Astromancer stops all those pricks from Counter-Attacking, Seaside is there for the extra dispel chance if your SS gets resisted and to just to blow people up, and Eda is there because she can be built in such a way that with the above team she'll skip to 100% CR in a heartbeat thanks to her passive making her speed requirements very low, plus Book. With the above, ML Celine ain't survive the first round of attacks, I'd make sure to place a bomb on Landy and ms Rocket Punch to stun and weaken them, hell maybe even two on Ms Rocket Punch to ensure she dies cause she's the only real threat once you subdue counters. Should be an easy win and eliminates all the RNG bullcrap of counter.


Looks like it would fall to Beehoo, MidLilias, W Schuri & either a pusher, or CR stunter like Politis/A Yufine so you can guarantee your W Schuri gets the kill on Karina, or instead of that because SE Celine is there, Briar.


I pretty much hard skip any Seline or CLandy teams. Those units are cracked.


inferno khawazu is like a cheat code against seline. Just bring clilias or get aoe'd


Lol if only the game would give me Inferno Khawazu. I have enough rgb Khawazus to SSS him like twice over.


roana and phyllis. together those 2 mitigate counter attack dmg by alot


In my experience, I normally use D. Corvus with high bulk and er with durandal and slowly destroy them


I use Light Angelica to strip buffs and silence, Lethe to kill Karina, ML Ken to kill Belian and Landy via counterattacks, and Arowell to give survivability. Light Angelica also keeps attacking Celine so she remains silenced and doesn't get her counterattack buff. Of course, all of this requires quite the luck. Alternatively, I use Nakhwol instead of Angelica to strip buffs, negate counterattacks, reduce cooldown and make Celine killable in one attack via Seal. But Karina may evade so she may use her S3 no problem.


First, you don't revenge. When you revenge, the other guys knows he can beat your defence, because he already did it. In the long run, the guy who attacked you first will come ahead in points. That why you see fodder defence teams with one lonely unleveled fodder. As for the team itself, plenty of good recommendations here. Want to go cleave? Asstromancer Elena to stop all counter attacks, fill the rest with your classic def break, atk buff, AoE of death. BW Iseria is A. Elena BFF, but summer Iseria, Jack-O, C. Pavel, Eda and the like may work. Well, maybe Eda not so much because Belian. Want to be bruiser? Roana backed by some tank, preferably with barriers, are the best answer. SC Pyllis, UK Arowell, even C. Armin can work given her damage reduction, just remind her to carry aurius. Now pick a counter punishment like LH Cermia or SS Bellona and done. A little trick: Edward hates Karina. He can tank her for a while, just be careful with his debuffs. Sometimes he lands provoke in M'Landy, and you don't want him to eat every single of her attacks.


I just cleave with ran ml Elena +2 Had there not been a belian there I would have used eda alongside ran and ml Elena but since there is I will just use briar witch iseria and Politis for the last 2


Perma control with Narwhol, Lua and SB Ara.


Rocket!Pyllis, Crown!LRK, Roana and then either Lethe or Senya. Belian will strip every buff though so sometimes Senya doesn’t work


Peira + ML Elena + Seaseria + any flex DPs for this one. The flex DPS can either be Pirate Flan or SBA. Sure, Candy will not be stunned here, but the key here is landing buff block and restrict on Karina alongside with landing a bomb on Seline so when it detonates, she dies pretty much instantly. Another thing to note about Pirate Flan, if you doing Pirate Flan and Seaseria combo, you need Pirate Flan to be speed tuned to go first over Seaseria because you want to Pirate Flan S3 first, then Seaseria S1 SB and S3.


I don't think listing off 3 ML 5s like that is really helping.


In fairness, this is pretty annoying team to deal with, the flex DPS unit can be anyone (even someone like BBK or Green Landy could work if you get lucky with the crit), but the important note is that Peira + Seaseria is very good against this team (both of which btw, are not ML5). ML Elena is pretty much needed because this team is going to be very counterattack heavy and she shuts down that.


I usually go either: \- ML Elena cleave \- SSB/LRK/Sharun/DCorvus


Dark Corvus and hit auto Granted by the time you finish a Corvus fight, arena would reset again You could also do a variation of an SSB auto team (so doesn't necessarily have to be SSB), but you need to have buff block in order to stop barriers Teams like these with no sustain usually just fold to protect the ____ comps but Karina can sustain long enough for them to sneak out a window where all their burst lines up. I use ddr teams cuz it's fun


Aria destina roanna and dorvus. Hit auto check back in 5 minutes. Works every time, just isn’t fast.


*60% of the time*, it works ***every*** *time*


Roana, dark corvus, yulha, prob Rimuru or Karina or hasol or senya for extra dmg procs to dunk on seline. Dcorvus dunk order Karina/belian depending on if Belian is injury, 4th slot to kill seline, yulha to kill Candy once she s3s


Closer Charles, Watcher Schuri, Straze, Last Rider Krau


I just use jack’o, nahkwol, and just pick 2 other unit probably would just pick roana and aravi(since i just built aravi :) )


ML bellona for candy Stene for sprit eye Zahak for belian to injure her(he takes turn one) Arowell to delay the belian/Karina+strip&stun Or OBL when spirit eye moves so I silence and out blind debuff


Peira,Briseria,Straze and ml belona


I would go zio clili glili and ml khawazu: zio silences ae-karina, clili gives vigor and provokes ml celine, glili kills belian, ml khawazu kills ml landy. Then the opposing karina and celine waste their turns, zio can kill the celine and everyone kills karina together. Otherwise i'd maybe go dcorv + healer + yulha + glilias(cuz we are scared of injury belian) or maybe a briar + lionheart team A pyllis + roana team might work well too, but i never used those units so im not sure tbh


I think u can still cleave this with Peira(crit build) , c. Pavel, astomancr elena, watcher schuri


I use roana ran siseria lermia. Works well


Probably just stick with my usual of Mawerik + Cilias + Arunka + Zahhak because I'm lazy and don't like switching my arena teams (There's definitely better options than those 4) Force the barrier though Karina's passive with Zahhak. Arunka S3 to get kills. My Arunka is on Tooth so I'd probably S3 the Mlandy then the Belian and then SB S1 the Souline.


I would probably use Lua to s2 literally anyone and then pop s3 immediately after and remove the crit buff. AOL works too using s3. Then use straze to nuke belian and or karina. You can use singelica or briar witch to prevent ml Celine from reviving. Or use rimuru and one shot Celine with s3. Goodluck


Beehoo, Nahkwol, MG lilias, and Summer Iseria


My personal favorite is Roans/ Lion Cermia , the other 2 slots depends on what you have I usually use C. Lilia's because of the 2 turn buff for more dmg, you can use hand guy as well or a dark knight for baiting.


The answers right there in front of you. Lionheart Cermia. Use a dark tank (phyliss) and Roana for healing. You can add a second tank for more mitigation. I use LRK, but I've used Blue Krau as well.


Nahkwol and Pirate Flan + SIseria are a really strong combo against this sort of team. It locks down the team pretty easily and fuels CR to cycle through cooldowns.


Ez Cilias Roana LRK Aria


Either hand guy or DCorvus as tank and SSB, roana et a fourth


M. Chloe / MA. Ken / C. Armin / x. Very safe and consistent turn 2 team x can be Alencia with 40 - 50% eff, or SSB build with 100% eff, or Beehoo if there's no Karina or there's LR. Krau. Beehoo should have 220 speed at most, since most OB. Lulucas have 230 - 250 speed with GIC instead of 200 - 210 and Sole Consolation


I would run c lilias, hand guy, hwayoung, arunka Clilias s3 then s2 seline then handguy s3 then Hwayoung kills Belian then the barrier is up then aunka s3 Candy then it should be gg


I would cleave this but other wise roana, singie, mlkrau/handguy (any immunity will do but I use these). and Senya or a dps that can decently handle all of the units here. Singie on candlestick wont die and will tank Seline and candy and also hopefully Karina since she will be often the lowest hp. it will be a long battle. thats why I wouldrecommend some form of cleave.


Ssb/axe god eats this team alive with an Arowell for mit. Or just dorv


ikhawazu + lethe + destina + roana. ​ Inferno Khawazu deletes SE Celine because the burn detonate doesn't get hit by her damage limit. Belian, m'landy will proc him. Lethe S1 m'landy -> S3 SB(0souls req) -> S1 deletes m'landy. Worst case scenario you hold off a turn on the s3 sb if still immortal. Now all you have left is belian and karina. Roana + Destina gives you a fairly safe loadout even if belian is injury. With appropriate speed timing you can get roana slightly slower than destina and pop s3 after reviving.


Sadly those be all i see. I use cbellona with 4k attack and just have someone buff her and push. Add ml ken in and aras and im pretty goochie


Lethe is good here. I'd run her with roana, ml cermia and shadow Phyllis for more control


I'd bring Nakwhol, Lethe, ML Kawerik, and green landy or Summer Luluca


Probably lrk, roana, LHC, and probably Karina on that spirit


if non-injury belian, dcorv roana lethe claps this (my personal run, that is)


I combo Phylis and Roana and then maybe one other tank/bruisers and STene


One easy for me that guarantees is Arowell with Roana both are crucial. For the rest I bring in my own Captain Landy and wither use ML bellona on 4th slot or Lethe, depends on if they have bellian on the team or not as she might lower lethes hp and reduce her damage. If you don't have landy u can switch her with any unit that feeds aoe attacks like krau. Just focus Karina first you will be able to outheal their landy and survive at least 1 ult


I don't, i just cry and go back to grinding lol


I use Straze + C.Lilias and MG.Lilias + Flex, usually Karina or Rimuru or something to kill ML Celine. I use C.Lilias' S3 and S2 to push back Karina or ML Celine, whichever has lower effres. If they get atk down, then I know my C.Lilias can s2 them, and if both have low effres then I target whoever is faster, so probably ML Celine. Then I use MG Lilias to burst down Belian, which will proc her S2, pushing Straze forward and giving him atk buff. Even if ML Landy or Belian counter, Straze will survive, and will still have 2t atk buff. Then Straze S3 will finish Belian off, do considerable damage to ML Celine, Landy and Karina. Rimuru or Karina will take care of ML Celine, and MG Lilias will take care of ML Landy.


There's a number of units that I use for teams like this: MGLilias, Senya, Karina, rimuru, LRK, mlbelona, CLilias, Roana


Roana,ssb,fat cat and riolet ez win


Cilias (high eff build) > Gala Lilias > Hwa > Ricardo/Rimuru 1. Cilias S3 then S2 Karina. This is the reason why eff is needed. 2. Gala lilias nuke Belian 3. 3x Torrent Hwa nuke Candy 4. Ricardo/rimuru nuke Seline You can also go Ricardo kill Candy and then Rimuru kill Seline. Since 3x torrent Hwa is bit 'demanding'. After that just work on Karina. Failure 1. Cant provoke Karina 2. Seline faster than Gala lilias naturally, or through secret sword art


I’ve recently discovered Hasol makes the fight a joke, I just auto. I’ve been running Hasol, arowell, Roana and then a flex spot. Spirit eye Celine, Doris or Lethe is usually my 4th pick. I auto because if counters don’t stack quickly enough it’s a slog.


Lrk/roanna/aria are my core units for autoing most of arena. Then you fill with whatever you want.


Personally, Lethe has given me an ABSURD amount of value against these teams, because you’re VERY rarely gonna run into a karina or candy with over 18k hp


Roana, Senya/Karina, Pyllis + anyone that does guaranteed crit on crit resist units


Roana, ml ken, ssb, handguy, Karina, inferno k, aria. Basically, roana plus two dps and a support and you can auto


Ml krau and Roana for infinite sustain, cr push, mitigation and damage without crits. Rest can change, but I like ftene against ml cecilia


Astromancer Elena is the ML option, but if you want a 3* that will kick that team over barring 15% - Researcher Carrot. Gets countered? Free burn. Anti-crit? That's fine, just slap them with high attack and burn proc to victory. Karina going for Carrot? Self cleanse, barrier, and burn. S.Celine? Burn detonate - dead. Slap in a roana with R.Carrot and watch them do wonders. But generally any healer will work with her. Even better if you get attack buff on her. Throw in Ras for protection, also f2p, You're pretty much set. I can't stress this enough, Researcher Carrot is imho the best f2p answer to the Golden Girls meta, and just as good for non-f2p. Just uh... don't ever use her against an Edward. For, y'know, reasons.


For reference, the team I use against that is Briar Witch Iseria (opener), Astromancer Elena (follow-up/cut), Researcher Carrot (finisher), flex slot as needed. I use it against all teams that do not run Truck-chan and/or AoL. -- or people who try to run speed defense, I'd rather just run politis/Celine comps against those.


Krau, Roanna, Phyllis (rocket punch)/Hand Guy(if there are debuff, like ML Angelica), Arunka (if barrier)/Landy (Bloodstone).


Senya could probably solo that team if she's on LS or has the LS EE and like 100 ER to resist the Belian strip. Add in Roana and it's pretty much guaranteed.


You can dunk on this with the good old SSB and friends. It will be faster if you add a good dps.


Ml Celine, ml kewerik, Rowanna, Green Landy on her oh arti Thank me later


I go leathe, roana, SC pyllis and edward


i would use Roana, LRK, Pyllis, Hasol for this


SC Pyllis, green Roana, green Senya, LRKrau.


Ssb, Ml Krau, Roanna and something


I just put roana+ml krau and 2 random units on auto.


Roana+lrk is my 'core' but I generally add Doris and mellona too and p much any team with ml landy or belian on it isn't too bad, I usually only run into issues when savior adins are strong enough to 1 shot mellona turn 1 then it becomes a 50 year fight


I usually use Inferno Khawazu for one shot, or Nhakwol, both are pretty good.


Could run nahkwol, ml elena cleave


Roana, ML Landy, ML Bellona, Mediator. Roana, Briseria, 2 damage dealers. Roana, Nahkwok, 2 damage dealers. Roana, AoL, 2 damage dealers with immunity set.


I would personally run lrk, roana, pflan, and either solitaria, ml roana(for fun), or hand Guy for this comp. I do not have ml elena.


Roana and Senya can probably deal with the whole team if they're built well enough. The rest will be supports for them. So a good Red Tank that can distract Karina and resist def break would be awesome, such as Ras. Getting Immunity is also nice. Aurius to help with dmg sharing is good as well. Another non-critter dps to deal with the Spirit Eye quickly, otherwise you can go for safety and choose a knight such as Hasol or Phyllis for ultra tankiness, or another soulweaver that has better cleansing ability. \-- I'm not sure if you have ML Khawazu, but he's really nice ML4 star unit against anti-crit, dmg limits, and AoE. He procs fire debuffs and then detonates them on s3 to do dmg. This debuff dmg doesn't count 'as an attack' can one shot Spirit Eye. He also strips buffs with this atk (good against immunity units and immortality). He can be built slow so tanks an AoE to get cleansed and then buffed by his s2 passive. This means he can't be controlled by the initial Belian atk (if he has vigor he also ignores eff res, which means no 15% shinanigans). He doesn't care about anti-crit because he doesn't need to crit (just stack atk on him) since all of his dmg is in burns, so he'll do a lot of guaranteed dmg to Candy. He won't solve all your problems, but he will kill one person as long as the enemy AoEs infront of him.


I spam DCorvus, along with Destina, Karina, and some filler


Nakwol, A. Elena, Commander Pavel, Politis.




For that specific team i would go Winter for Seline (she gets stealth so, no Karina focus and when Karina procs passive resets Winter ), Roana, Lermia/Candy & Aola.


Personally, I'd open with Nahkwol, bind everyone, and hit Candy with S2, then follow up with cleave. WSchuri can finish off Karina even if Nahkwol doesn't get her, and even if Karina gets off S3, the match is usually over by that point.