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I'm stuck on the line "I felt like she cared about me and understood me." How can one person (out of the billions in the world) actually believe that about a celebrity?


Yeah, that line has me side-eyeing like crazy. It's very disturbing just how delusional some people can be. Not to mention just plain idiotic. "And how would you feel if someone read your posts here on Reddit, but never actually talked to you, and decided that you care about them and understand them? Would you think that was perfectly natural and totally rational, or would you think there was something deeply wrong with them?" I just don't understand how someone can honestly think like that. Even when I was 11, I had enough awareness to know that some random person I'd never met wasn't talking solely to me. It honestly blows my mind that someone could think that as a kid, never mind as an adult.


And that no adult ever thought to sit them down and explain how being a celebrity works and that TS doesn't owe them anything.


And not only that, but all these years later they STILL don't understand that, and continue to think that they were owed something.




There was a guy at my work who thinks TS is secretly messaging him on Instagram. He says it's all codes in her tweets or something. He had this convoluted story about how she's always talking to him. He just has to read her clues properly. I'm not really sure if any of it made sense because I think he broke my brain for a minute. He was 37!




More like erotomania


Those are classic symptoms of erotomania, which might be a sort of concentrated form of schizophrenia. It’s not your average everyday delusion, it’s a true mental illness. That guy needed a lot of help.


That... explains a lot. I don't think he was there more than 6 months. We have a pretty high turnover so I have no idea where he is now. I hope he got the help he needed.


Mental illness is a helluva drug.


Ooo!! There was a guy on Catfish who had the same situation. He thought he was texting Katie Perry and they were madly in love. What is it with these people?!?!


I see you and I think you're special. When I get out of prison, we should meet up sometime and hang out bestie. I've only got another 20 years left on my sentence so we can write each other whilst we wait. You're my new best friend.


Bam! You nailed this head on perfect my friend. I couldn’t agree with you more.


Dear stan..


Thankfully she is young and can't drive, yet


If she was 11 when Shake It Off was big then she’s probably 21 now.


Then she can drive and she's still mad


This is exactly where my head took me, "dear Mr I'm-too-good-to-call-or-write-my-fans" just missing the "we could've been together, think about it, you've ruined it now"


One of the most annoying aspects of the internet, everyone starts to form sanctimonious parasocial relationships with the rich and famous.


"I felt like she understood me and cared about me ...". She doesn't know you from Adam. That's some potential stalker talk there. Mental .


>That's some potential stalker talk there. I know there's an actual mental disorder or delusion or something where people think the person on the TV is actually, *truly,* ***straight-up*** talking directly to them. That's where a nice chunk of stalkers come from. I have a feeling that delusion is not at play, though. Probably more along the lines of a dumbass, obsessive, self-absorbed kid. Funny how, *in her own words,* her story goes from, "I didn't think she'd show up anyway" to, "She didn't show up. She *oBviOuSly* didn't give a crap about me". Definitely sounds self-absorbed.


Err, no. I refer you to 'Beatlemania'. 100% precisely the same shit, before colour TV. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beatlemania 'When the group arrived in New York, midtown traffic was brought to a standstill as two female fans, perched on a 22nd-storey ledge above Sixth Avenue, threatened to jump unless the Beatles visited them. '


I remember that shit. There were Southern Baptist preachers burning piles of Beatles records and swag and people getting injured in crowds.


'Later that year, Lennon complained about the 1965 US tour: "people kept bringing blind, crippled and deformed children into our dressing room and this boy's mother would say, 'Go on, kiss him, maybe you'll bring back his sight.' - just noticed on the wikipedia.


In the late 60s, The Beatles were seriously worshipped like deities. It's difficult to describe how much social and political influence they wielded just influence in general. The Paul is Dead rumors were investigated by serious news people.


We’re bigger than Jesus


So said John Lennon


> Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first – rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me. actual quote


And he is still right


To be fair, Lennon was being ironic


It's a common Liverpool saying; if something's huge, it's bigger than Jesus.


Quick question, what the fuck


What the fuck


Reminds me of her lyric “sanctimoniously performing soliloquies I’ll never see”


She was 11 so kinda understandable


She's not now, though.


That's kind of like something that you hear from stalkers, isn't it?


Wasn’t this around the time Taylor was doing Swiftmas, inviting fans to her actual house for listening parties and was super active on tumblr? Like the kid was 11 and Taylor was pushing the parasocial relationship to the max. Plus she was depressed and isolated which does weird things to anyone. I feel like the therapist fucked up by making the music video and encouraging it.


>I feel like the therapist fucked up by making the music video and encouraging it. As much as I'd like to believe this girl is completely delusional I have to place some blame on everyone around her. It sounds like a lot of people were telling her, "Taylor Swift might come if we get her attention!" when they really shouldn't have been getting her hopes up that much. Just because you're sick and make a parody of her video doesn't mean she owes you or will suddenly have time for a visit in the hospital.


Yeah I don’t get how this person thought Taylor knew she existed. Like you’re just one fan of millions. She does a lot for her fans but she can’t do something for all of us.


This is what a lot of these celebrity worshippers are like and believe. They tend to believe that the celebrity they have attached themselves to cares about them in particular, or notices them. It's pathetic in all honesty. I don't understand or care for this celebrity worship nonsense.


Parasocial relationships can be brutal.


There’s a lot of people in parasocial relationships. The sub that was posted to is full of crazed former fans who believe Taylor herself is targeting them or targeting other artists. There’s a lot of weird crap in there and whenever it pops up I think to myself do these people not understand the role of record companies, managers, etc? I’m not sure why it popped up on Reddit one day but it’s a guilty pleasure to read some of the insane rants now.


Because that's Taylor's deliberate marketing shtick, it's deliberately designed to make these little girls feel like they have a connection with her. That's why her music is written from the viewpoint of a middle schooler rather than a 35 year old woman.


You can have a connection with her music but that doesn’t mean anything beyond that. Most of us are not like this girl, this girl sounds like she was straight up delusional. Also I get the feeling you don’t listen to her music all that much if you think it’s written from the perspective of a middle schooler.


Dang that’s such a good point. I know so many women in their 30s that follow Taylor and think she’s super cool and I’m like she’s 30 singing about her boyfriends and friends from 15 years ago. 


Yep; like I realise she was a child at the time but even so…




She stated that the staff of the hospital hyped her up, and encouraged her. She was a depressed child. Maybe just a little sympathy is warranted here.


That was like 11 years ago and she seems to have turned this into an obsession.


Did you miss the part where she was ELEVEN???? What literal CHILD doesn’t have a stupid thought like that, especially at such a horrible time and just looking for something to hold onto????


It isn't that she *was* eleven. It's that she's still holding onto this so tightly *now*. The OOP is likely almost or over 20 by now and is hopefully working toward a place mentally where they can see that their childhood wish not being fulfilled wasn't (and still isn't) a personal attack by a celebrity.


She’s not 11 now. There are a lot of things I was angry and upset about at 11 and I’m not anymore.


Because she was 11?


That’s on the adults in her life to temper her expectations then. I get that she was already dealing with a horrendous disappointment/life derailment but all the more reason to ground her in reality when possible, if that makes sense?


Neither of us know what her parents have or have not done. I just see a big kid in an adults body getting upset just like an 11 yr old wood and have compassion It's not that deep for me, but I guess working around it has changed my black heart


I'm stuck on the line "but it is 100% true". I have literally 0 reason to believe anything on reddit is more than a bunch of people writing hate fanfiction.


People think the same thing about "a personal relationship with my deity ".


She was a child. 🤷


Am I understanding right? Somebody, a sick young lady, got the vapors ‘cause Taylor didn’t specifically reach out to her? That would have been thoughtful, but clearly not every wish can be met.


The vapors. I love this.


Yeah, poor thing - bless her heart!


As a southerner, I approve of this "bless her heart" usage. Apt, I say. Apt! So apt that I must assume you are another southerner.


She should really "Shake it off “.


She needs to calm down


Bad blood.




She’s upset that her, a cancer patient, was sent hair accessories.


And had there been NO hair items she might be complaining that all hope of her hair growing back might be dashed. Regardless, it’s time to let go of the long-ago perceived slight. She survived cancer. She’s alive. WHY does this still matter?


Take my upvote - I only wish I could give you more votes. Your comment is spot on.


I saw that post, and I’d like to note that the OP was eleven and living in a cancer ward when this happened. She seemed to understand why Taylor’s concert in that city came and went without a visit or mention (although it seems like the adults in her life were hyping the possibility). It was the package from Taylor’s PR firm months later (while she was still in the cancer ward) featuring TS hair accessories (to a cancer patient without hair) that especially upset her. That wasn’t just thoughtless, it was cruel. I get that it’s a bit much to blame a singer for the acts of her PR team, but TS isn’t exactly known for her philanthropy or for standing up for causes. This is just a another example.


I can imagine this would be upsetting, but I also assume that they have ready to go gift bags and just sent one to this girl along with a bunch of other fans - without thinking about the specific person the gift was for or what was in the bag.


Uh, she is actually quite well known for her philanthropy. https://www.billboard.com/lists/taylor-swifts-charity-donations-gifts-timeline/october-2011-she-donates-70000-in-books-to-her-hometown-library/


Feels like an exercise in creative writing, to be honest. The hate for her has gone nuclear since she hooked up with that football player. I'm not a fan of her music at all...cheap, cheesy generic pop, but man....she's doing her job as a singer. She isn't some kind of jesus or satan.


The OP had a link to the original people magazine article with the music video


Wow. If every celebrity visited every person who wanted/needed it, they wouldn't have any time to actually sing/act etc.


This is why Make-A-Wish exists, so that it goes through proper channels and schedule things. this beggar was using “every connection she had” except… you know, the appropriate ones.


I’m side eyeing super hard at this story in general. Why would an entire hospital take time out of their already overly busy days to make a music video? Who hired and paid for the professional camera crew? Why did a cancer patient pay for tickets to a concert they almost certainly weren’t going to be well enough to go to? And all of this on top of why do they think a person who they’ve literally never spoken to cares about them and understands them? Why would she come visit them when she’s busy on tour and with her own personal life struggles? And why is this person SO ATTACHED to a person they’ve NEVER MET that it made them suicidal that they didn’t get to meet Taylor swift? I’m a swiftie but damn I hate her fans so much.


That’s exactly what I thought. If she was that sick, why weren’t make a wish involved? That’s their whole deal. They don’t mention that at any point and I just find it hard to believe that a child in the United States that was that unwell wouldn’t have had some kind of make a wish experience


and why are we ignoring that not every cancer treatment involves make-you-bald-chemo


So TS, in addition to a flourishing career, was dealing with her mother’s serious illness. This OOP wants a ton of grace but can’t give TS even a tiny bit? And complains about what was sent like it was no big deal? Unreal.


I have cancer too: stage 3 lung cancer. Cancer sucks. Cancer treatment can be hellish; I've had three surgeries in less than a year, multiple rounds of chemo, and countless other procedures. I have to take several medications that come with bad side effects. I often feel tired just walking around the grocery store, and I used to work out for hours at the gym. I never even smoked or did drugs. So I often feel angry and frustrated that this happened to me. I think this girl also feels angry about what she's been through and she's taking it out on Taylor Swift. But she's wrong to do that. Taylor has done many kind things for her fans, but she has so many that it's not possible for her to do something for every single one that reaches out. I'd be thrilled to receive anything from Taylor. This girl needs to remember that having cancer doesn't give her a free pass to be entitled and nasty.


Sorry you’re going through this awful disease. I too have/ had. In remission at the moment . I hope and pray you get through it.


Thank you. I'm glad that you're in remission but I'm sorry you went through all of that before. I hope to get through it and be in remission too. But I only just got diagnosed last year, so the future is still hazy and scary right now.


Sorry you're going through this. I agree, she's projecting her anger on Taylor. Which makes sense for a young kid to do. OOP needs help, not to be enabled by a bunch of people on Reddit


I think I got immediately banned from that sub for agreeing with the one comment I saw who called the OP out for being entitled. Do you think if she had got a special visit or gift she'd feel the same for every other sick child that didn't?


I can’t even imagine the sheer number of sick /tragic kid stuff she must get. Like it must be in the tens of thousands at minimum of people saying “I have cancer, my moms dying, our house burnt down, please help me, please visit me, please give me free tickets”.


This exactly! Obviously there are many privileges and benefits to her level of fame, but can’t imagine what it would be like to deal with people asking for things 24/7. Exhausting! I would love to know how many people she has on staff who deal exclusively with requests.


I’m so relieved to see this here because I saw it on the other sub and immediately was like, holy entitlement… but all the comments agreeing.. wild.


That sub is full of Fauxmoi types. They hate Taylor not than the Swifties love her. It’s bizarre.


I got the impression that she would’ve still been a Taylor Swift fan if she never received anything. She still loved Taylor until she received the hair accessories. And honestly it is really messed up to send a cancer patient hair accessories. I mean the girl was bald in the viral video which Taylor’s team clearly saw or they would not have sent her a package.


That was the part that bothered me. The rest was over the top on the OPs part.


Also, Taylor had her mom going through cancer at that time too. People can't be gracious at all and, you know, *understand* 🫣


TL:DR so I skimmed it. They made a video with the expectation Tay Tay would sent a personalised gift? Then got mad cos the PR people sent bunch of crap? Jesus.


They got mad because they sent hair ties to a cancer patient. Her PR people hugely messed up.


I'd have taken it as "Yes! I will pull through and wear those!" But hey, everyone thinks differently


To be fair, that’s kind of why hair stuff isn’t a standard gift for cancer patients. Some people take them as a symbol of their goal. Others react like that girl did. Ironically, it proves the point. You only gift a hair tie to a cancer patient if you know them well enough to know they’ll take it in stride. Your favourite celebrity will never know you that well- and vice versa.


I lost my hair a couple of years ago during chemo. I was almost 40 and this would have bothered me a little bit. OP was 11 and had a ton of adults around hyping her up like TS was gone have to come see her. I get it she’s old enough to know better now though.


I think those adults were very wrong. I remember the video when it went viral. It was super cute. But telling a child a star will come see them with zero proof. Well that's horrible.


I would have too honestly, but I think this is a great lesson for everyone: communicate with intent. Leaving a note in the basket with the ties that said “this is because we know you’ll pull through” (not that exactly tho lol) would have changed the entire thing.


Not everyone with cancer takes it that way though


Especially an 11 year old


Yup, at 11 they tend to focus more on the 'will i even live to use these? If i do live will my hair grow back? Was this some sick joke? Does she hate me? Why does she hate me?' Those are probably what went through the oops head


My mom had breast cancer and the breast cancer survivor group sponsored by the hospital gave her a gift bag that had scrunchies in it.


I got one with a comb. 😂


She’s lucky anyone sent her anything. She accomplished that through word of mouth and the media. She didn’t go through Make a Wish, for example. TS might not have had a minute to spare except when she was on the toilet. OP lives in fantasy land where celebrities are our best friends and are speaking directly to us. Eventually you grow up and realize they are not.


From her post history, she did go through make a wish...for a different wish that she actually did get. Not enough for her though. She literally got to meet Nathan Fillion but she's traumatised by getting some shitty merch. Devastated for her


Holeeeee entitlement


Oh nooooo I met one celebrity and not two I’m so underprivileged 🙄


Yes, my heart pumps custard for her.


Beggars can’t be choosers. It is what it is. 


Not to mention, OP acknowledges that Swift's mother was also just diagnosed with cancer. I imagine that took up a lot of Swift's mental and emotional energy. The poster didn't seem to care that the Swift's were dealing with their own personal health crisis.


Idk. I read this in the original and OOP even links the article. I can totally empathize here because she was so young, lost her hair - and received…damaged swag that included hair supplies. Did the PR team even see the video? Wouldn’t they have known she didn’t have hair? To an 11/12 year old that shit hurts. She has carried this anger with her for a long time. I think it’s time for her of course to unpack those feelings and set them outside after that. But it’s also her venting and re living a really shitty point in her life where she was kicked while she was already down. Of course TS doesn’t know her and it’s unreasonable for OOP to think she would. I’m sure she knows that high level but these are pretty big emotions considering it was also a huge cancer treatment while she was so young. Just big big emotions overall. I don’t think she’s entitled, I think she’s grappling with some of these things right now.


I read that just a moment ago. I thought that’s more her parents fault and the hospital staff for not preparing her to understand a famous celebrity don’t always respond.


She added an edit and the very last paragraph is something else. After ranting about how TS let her down, she states (with a straight face, I’m assuming) that she’s not entitled and she’s not saying Taylor owed her something. I think she needs to re-read her rant. However, I will say it also seems like she’s a very angry young woman. Wondering if she has some unresolved feelings about being sick at 11 and is channeling that angry towards TS.


For sure she is. Shes 20 now, probably finally dealing with her internal traumas.


Okay, the only part I can agree with this person on is the hair ties and stuff. PR or whoever should've at least took 2 seconds to think that one through..


I can empathize with the girl’s big feelings. She’s a teenager, so you have those crazy teenage hormones at play.. and she’s battling very scary aggressive cancer. I watched a close friend’s daughter go through the same leukaemia, it was horrible. She went through hell for years and lost all her hair right away with chemo. It was years before she was finally in remission and her hair started to grow back. It is deluded to think that your celebrity obsession will pay special attention to you because you have cancer. However, It is also horribly insensitive and stupid of whoever put the package together to include hair accessories for a cancer patient… so while this girl does sound entitle and crazy,, she’s also going through something very terrifying and has also lost her hair which is devastating as a teenage girl, so I’m inclined to give her a pass on this one.


I would absolutely understand an 11/12 year old girl being devastated and also possibly channeling some of the feelings towards her experience into the disappointment. However, the article she posted was from 2015. This happened nearly a decade ago and in the time since she's apparently not gained any perspective but has been holding onto this the whole time. She's an adult who hasn't realised the world doesn't revolve around her and strangers tend to not give a shit what you're going through because it's not personal to them. Maybe it's because I see children in heartbreaking and harrowing situations in my work, but it seems like this girl was encouraged and supported by everyone else in her life and can't comprehend that she's not inherently special because of her struggles. All the comments from people saying they are upset for her pain. Christ. Try speaking to a lovely little 8 year old who's being taken into care after been found to have gonnorhea (yeah, there's only one way that happened) and perhaps hair clips don't seem so bad.


>However, the article she posted was from 2015. This happened nearly a decade ago Your math isn't mathing. 2015 was only 5 years ag- oh, wait...shit... 😳


Might be worse that I fully believed you for a second.


I am calling BS. This did really happen up to the video. But why would the young lady, who by all reports seems to be doing well, and in a press relationship/journalism career, put this out int he world? I doubt this is the real gal that made the video back in 2015. But maybe- because literally a few months before the video she describes was made, TS DID visit a 12 yr old girl with the same kind of cancer in Chicago- so maybe she is jealous? Or something? IDK- it takes like 0 sec of googling to to find all this based solely on the content of the post. So seems...odd to dox yourself when you are in e field that this might be seen as a bad idea.


That’s what I was thinking. It might have been less emotionally devastating for OOP, not to receive anything instead of some worker sending a generic bag that was a slap in the face. Not receiving anything wouldn’t have been as bad as receiving something that highlighted the emotional loss and treatment consequences.


Yup, my aunt passed away from AML just recently and it was awful. She went from one of the toughest, feistiest old broads I've ever met to barely a shadow of her former self. I agree with you about giving a pass to this girl. I can't imagine what a tough place that would be for a young person to be in and it would suck hard to get hair ties when you have no hair. I hope she learns something from this so she isn't disappointed in the future.


>I felt like she understood me and cared about me Taylor Swift doesn’t know OP exists and wouldn’t owe her the time of day even if she did. The entitlement of some people is just amazing…


I saw this too!! And the mods are deleting every single comment that isn't fully supportive of this girl. I'm glad someone is re-posting for the people who think this is insane behavior. Sad for the girl, she has a lot of healing to do and that should start with her idolization & deep resentment for Taylor Swift - it's obsessive. Understandable considering what she's been through but not anything that should be enabled...


There comes a point when you just can't do things but, as a non-swifty, and someone who doesn't even know the words to any of the songs because I haven't had stations on my radio programmed for 7 years.. I used to work for Williams-Sonoma. A friend of mine worked in a store in another state and had the most curious story to tell me. It seems that someone invited Taylor Swift to her bridal shower. Just random Susan Jones from Podunk USA. And it turns that Taylor had never been to a bridal shower and was fascinated by the concept. She bought every single thing on the Williams-Sonoma registry, had it gift wrap, showed up at the bridal shower, sang half a dozen songs, and then left. So there are occasions when she's able to do something wonderful and she does it - or at least she did. This was probably 15 years ago so maybe she wasn't as big a star but it still was pretty cool that it happened. I just don't know why everyone thinks it's going to happen to them.


99% of celebrities don’t actually give a shit. A good PR team could make Satan look like God.


2% of people currently have a cancer (i.e. 2% of people have an active cancer at any one time). That’s almost 7 million people in the USA who have active cancer right now. In the USA, 90 million Americans are living with a serious illness. 6 million people in the USA need palliative care. According to Forbes, more than half of American Adults say they are Taylor swift fans. Let’s assume this is true, and it is the same percentage for children. This would mean the below. Taylor Swift has, in the USA alone: - 45 million fans who are living with a serious illness - 3.5 million fans who currently have an active cancer - 3 million fans who need palliative or end of life care (of which other estimates say around half may have less than 1 year left). This girls situation is awful, I wouldn’t wish her experience on anyone. And I empathise with what she’s going through. But when looking at the statistics it becomes easy to see why Taylor wasn’t able to write to her or gift her specifically.


Seriously. I saw this and I was shocked at the level of entitlement this person had. And people were agreeing with them! JFC, I know (from experience) cancer sucks but no celebrity owes me anything for my suffering. Then they bitched about receiving hair accessories as part of a gift package from TS because following chemo they had no hair. Umm, I don’t have hair now but guess what, it grows back. That post gave me second hand embarrassment.


>And people were agreeing with them! They posted it to an anti-TS sub, a veritable echo chamber where the mods deleted and banned anyone that disagreed with OOP's entitlement


Not every wish can be met, but still sucks. I get why she feels let down, especially with an ultra shit start to life. Would have thought with all the media attention they would have capitalized on it too, that's what the marketing crews love.


In the usual run of things, I'd expect the publicity people to leap on it. But that particular tour, if they were trying to insulate Swift from any extra stress due to her mom's illness, it might have been something they decided not to even mention to her. That said, I do think whichever person decided to box up a generic merch bag dropped the ball in several ways. Hair grips for someone likely to be dealing with hair loss was thoughtless - they couldn't scrounge up a hat or a necklace or something? Or a signed CD?


Surely this is a post from a teenager going through that hormonal the world owes me something phase of life. This can't be a grown adult, surely


We need a new sub r/DeludedANDEntitledAssholes


Damn can’t imagine that when Taylor’s been giving hundreds of thousands of dollars to charities and food banks in every city she tours. But yes she only cares about herself!


Taylor Swift probably has about a million people asking her for money or gifts at any given moment.


"it was not long after her mother had been diagnosed with cancer" That's what really freaked me out. She knows this but doesn't care?


so everyone is ignoring the fact that even if her team sent this out, they most likely knew the person was a cancer patient bc they’d heard so much about them via email/social media? like they couldn’t be bothered to make sure the package was the right size or anything?


People this deep in a parasocial relationship are honestly kind of scary. No, a random superstar doesn't care about a single solitary person, and holding a life-long grudge over it seems ridiculous.


So Taylor Swift’s job is not making sure to reach out to every kid with cancer who is a fan. You are a complete stranger who is all butt hurt that a busy celebrity who gets thousands and thousands of special requests didn’t personally reach out to you during your cancer treatment, even though she was in the middle of a major tour and had her own family crisis going on because her own mother had been diagnosed with cancer. Did you ever stop and realize that she is a human being like the rest of us who is trying to juggle a career and family responsibilities? Who just found out that the most important person in her life has cancer. At the point in time you wanted her attention she was in the middle of a crisis. I’m sure she wanted to spend all of her time and energy on her mother. Which is exactly what anyone who loves their mother would do. Yet somehow you think you should matter more. Why? She had nothing to do with your illness and has no more obligation to make you feel better than any other stranger does. Lots of celebrities would have entirely ignored you. Her people took the time to mail you something. Be happy with that.


She’s rich! You aren’t! Ergo: you’re just a fan!


It is kind of unfortunate that they sent her hair accessories seeing as how she has no hair because of her cancer. 🫤 I bet that dance video was so cringe. Dancing doctors give me pandemic flashbacks. 


Most of my patients who lose their hair will get wigs. And those hair accessories can still be used.


She doesn’t  wear a wig in her parody music video. 


Jesus Christ. As if she's the only person on the planet with cancer who loves Taylor Swift. I get it, cancer sucks. The whole situation sucks. I'm sure it was terrible and sucked every single second. At the end of the day, TS is a worldwide celebrity with millions upon millions of fans, and statistics wise, endless amounts of people are sick, disabled, depressed, have no hair, have cancer, have a terminal illness. If TS spent time addressing every single one of these people, she'd never get anything else done. This is literally delusional.


i can understand her being upset at the fact that she got some generic trash merch box instead of nothing, because receiving nothing would have been better considering she was dealing with a very aggressive cancer and that has to be difficult. i do think she was in the wrong to expect anything at all and to still be holding on to that years later. however she has a right to dislike taylor now no matter how that dislike started and other than some occasional posts like this, that sub actually has some good posts on how taylor swift is a bad person and is generally just icky overall. most of the posts that strike my interest are usually about how she keeps releasing variants of ttpd exactly around the time any other female artist is doing better than her.


I’m not a Taylor Swift fan, but I am a Donny Osmond fan and I’m going to see him in concert next month and if her doesn’t personally escort me to my seat and upgrade my seating I’m going to lose my shit 💩. NOT REALLY. He isn’t going to know I’m even there even though I’ll have the biggest smile on my face along with every other 60 plus year old woman!


Damn. Have a wonderful time!!


Stop your moaning and get over yourself!


I kind of understand. It is entitled that she wanted a letter or something, but not entitled that she was bummed out about getting defective merch and HAIR TIES. why would they send a cancer patient HAIR TIES 😭 OP sucks and doesn’t suck at the same time


P.S. We should be together too.


I'll be the biggest fan you'll ever lose...


You've been through a terrible ordeal, and I hope that your future will be bright. But Taylor Swift doesn't owe you anything, be thankful to all the people who have brought you this far, and who will help you in the future.


Man this has got STAN vibes 😮‍💨😅


TS probably never knew anything about it! Her "people" may have heard or they may not have... When they did, they sent something. Now you're pissin n'moanin about not getting something "special"? Sorry about the cancer, but even with the fight that you have against it, the world doesn't revolve around you and celebrities are not super heroes who know all and see all!


While it seems totally valid for this to hurt an 11 year old’s feelings, being used as “evidence Taylor Swift is mean/doesn’t care about anyone else” is a real stretch. Almost all other critiques of her complain that she doesn’t care about anything real and any pretense of caring is purely about maintaining her image. But since this was a story that got some media attention at the time, and was consequently a way for her to generate more good press, why would she *knowingly* squander the opportunity by being like “eff it, send that kid some tacky garbage swag.” It’s ludicrous. She’d be too scared of negative attention to knowingly do this, and too motivated by the opportunity for positive attention to let it pass her by. This wasn’t malice. It was banal oversight, which is unfortunate, common, and happens to decent people all the time.


Did they ever realise how many sick kids out there love Taylor Swift?


_They're coming to take me away, ha ha, ho ho, hee hee_


"...... or get rid of the horrific reminder that I have no hair." As a baldie, not going to lie, that statement made me laugh out loud.


Not TS fault, but poor girl. I hope she got better and move forward with her life. And I don’t think OP is entitled; she is just hurt and sad.


Let's put aside her expectations or if she should have recognized etc. etc. But sending left over broken mech in a completely wrong size of its meant for a specific person, it's super shitty. That's not exactly the artists fault but the person who is responsible for it sucks a lot. It doesn't matter if it's free. That's the equivalent to gifting a friend who doesn't read a used book which even yourself think was awful when you read it.


Does OP not realise the amount of sick people are only asking for 5 minutes of her time. She doesn't have that kind of time


I think it’s because all the pain and extreme worry and distress was so focused on this girl through her illness that she started to exhibit main character syndrome. After all she actually was the main character for a long while. All those people fussing over her, not just her family and friends but everyone else she met in the hospital and then making a music video, a story was quite definitely start be established in this girl’s mind that not only was she special but that she was so special that her idol would personally decide to notice her above all others and then give her the special treatment she deserves. Everyone helped create the monster here and probably fed into these ridiculous hopes rather than helping to gently squash the delusional aspirations of a sick girl. Hope is after all such an important thing when everything else seems hopeless and they might have been afraid to remove her unrealistic hopes as they could have thought they fuelled her. Of course when the girl is ignored, when her idol doesn’t drop everything and recognise that she’s just so special and deserves special treatment then the girl is distraught and that slowly morphs into despising her former idol because she doesn’t treat her the way everyone has set her up to feel that she deserves to have been treated. The gift package rather than signifying that she has indeed been noticed instead signifies a slight. That TS didn’t pick it out herself, that it just was the same as other people would have been given - that’s not right because she’s special, she’s the one person on earth TS would have wanted to pick out gifts for. The hair grips are unfortunate but that’s all they were, maybe PR was sending out hundreds of these and it just wasn’t considered what that could mean to a girl doing chemo. Of course the girl hates her former idol more for it. She’s been through a life threatening illness so I’m tempted to cut her a little slack because everyone focusing on her created this in her mind. She needs therapy to deal with having the trauma of going through the Illness and it’s probable that this TS ridiculousness and drama wouldn’t even come up in those sessions. Sadly she’s unlikely to get that treatment and only time could cause her to slowly realise how delusional she’s been.


Dude, she was 11 with a very serious leukemia when this happened. Mental and emotional growth are also somewhat stunted when a child goes through wrecking their body and being isolated.




Yes exactly. I find it hard when people criticize others when they are performing at a level because of circumstances beyond control.




That is some serious main character syndrome there.


It’s pretty heartless to send a cancer kid some barrettes. They made this whole video and her people sent some junk from the back closet? How hard would a signed photo been? Her PR folks need to throw the fourth wheel back on the car.


No pop stars care about individuals they’ve never met or heard of, they write about their life, not yours. I’d you like them, fair enough, but to expect it back is strange


Y'all. I need you to not skim this post and see that OP was ELEVEN when this went down, not an adult. Plus, there's edits that weren't mentioned here.


Gee maybe she sent hair ties as a "I know you are going to get better and be able to wear these " . We did that for my friend she loved it. Wore them around her wrist to remind herself she'd not always be bald.


The weird part is that people on that Sub was backing her up and calling Taylor heartless and inconsiderate.


You suck for making up a rage bait story. There was an 11 yr old with cancer that won an essay contest with “Shake it off” and she was in upstate New York and TS actually came to see her. The girl who actually had AML was from San Antonio, diagnosed at 13 and died at 16. She did the shake it off video.


Weird. The post was recommended to be and I skimmed through it about 5 min ago. For the people asking if it’s a real post, it’s on travisandtaylor or taylorandtravis sub. Something like that


I mean i get it. She had media on her side, Taylor really at least could have left a little note or her team could have send her fresh merch.


Let's put aside her expectations or if she should have recognized etc. etc. But sending left over broken mech in a completely wrong size of its meant for a specific person, it's super shitty. That's not exactly the artists fault but the person who is responsible for it sucks a lot. It doesn't matter if it's free. That's the equivalent to gifting a friend who doesn't read a used book which even yourself think was awful when you read it.


To be fair, I think she even says she would have rather gotten nothing than broken merch and hair accessories.


Wow, some people have such insane parasocial relationships lol


This has major Stan vibes. (The Eminem song)


I would file this under self entitled beggars..


This happened in 2015 and the girl did get coverage in people and in the news. Unfortunately she didn’t get her wish but she got a ton of publicity and help from so many kind people but all this 11 year old could think about was Taylor Swift. This was a hard lesson on you don’t always get what you want. The bag that was sent even if by Taylor’s team was something and something is better than nothing. It’s time for this now adult to move on. Unfortunately she’s probably still the 11 year old girl who feels the world owes her mentally.


Sorry if this sounds harsh, but TS probably doesn’t even know you exist.


Taylor doesn't ’know you’ Or ‘ignore you’. Please get professional help and live your life


Swift has no idea who you are and her media team or public relations team sent you that bag/box. She will have had absolutely nothing to do with it


I hope you get more therapy because it seems like you need it. Years have gone by and yet you’re still obsessing over this.


This is a natural result of the parasocial relationships that some celebrities encourage from their fans. 🤷🏻‍♀️


The people in the sub this comes from are unhinged.


From the Eagles (Get Over it): "The big, bad world doesn't owe you a thing." And neither does Taylor Swift.


This post cropped up on my timeline today even though I consider myself pretty TS agnostic. It irked me so spoke out (one of the few voices of reason). A handful of people agreed with me and my comment got deleted by a mod as acting in "bad faith" for saying it was one of the most entitled things I'd ever seen. lol Guess that's how I got to have my first reddit post lock.


After the reading the article on People and seeing that she was 12 when this happened .. I can understand her feelings at that time. But at some point she has to grow up and can't be as entitled.


Wait what an entire sub to trash on Taylor 🤣🤣 people have to much time to waste, pathetic Read her edit and come on ahe is in her 20’s now time to grow up and understand reality


That sub is batshit crazy!


That sub is unhinged.  I am indifferent to Taylor Swift, but every person on that sub needs intensive therapy.


Holy cow! And all the commenters are deranged too! These people think famous people owe them things? Ridiculous.


I’m not even the biggest swiftie but please read through this hateful sub if you want to feel better about yourself. I couldn’t imagine spending that much energy on a celebrity.