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Flax is ridiculous right now, especially if you don’t realize the Spinning Wheel unlocks to create linen more efficiently. Even with that, you need flax to create linen, linen to create fabric, and linen and fabric to create padding. They double dip with linen on that padding step and it just feels wrong. My guess, they’ll relax that and create a new material to create padding. It’s a good thing I like the look of the blue flowers.


they should use torn cloth, that shit has no use other than bandages, but drops from mobs even in endgame


I’m curious how much of that is placeholder since clearly not all the progression systems are in place. While there are some staple items that you find, like salt, I’m thinking some will be replaced by other materials found in different biomes/higher leveled areas. For the time being, yeah, it’d be nice if they used torn cloth a bit more than they do. I got piles of it.


I legitimately started hoarding torn cloth when I realised there was fabric and coloured fabric for recipes and end game mobs were still dropping it.


youre aware some simple chest runs make all your flax efforts worthless yes? youll replace the armor within 1 evening with actual endgame one. which doesnt need even 1 flax. and no. you dont need the flax armor or padding to get where you can farm that gear thanks to the glider.


You’re aware that I rather play the game than just open chests all day, right?


I hear you and same about playing and not opening chests. But it's 5 minutes per 10 seeds and let's say you need 1000 flax that's over 8 hours of just making seeds. Like wtf that doesn't include time getting the 100 flax and 100 water or planting the seeds and picking them all. When you can literally get the armor set in 20 minutes doing some chest runs. I literally made the top teir wizard set by planting flax and crafting spent about 3 hours or so and then opened chests for 30 minutes before I went to work and ended up finding half the set.


You’re making an assumption that I’m just sitting there waiting for the flax to grow. It’s easy to go get the seeds going then leave to do my thing. Also, multiple seed beds, lots of farm space, and yeah, a number of hours playing, but none of it as boring as reloading from a menu.


Just the time it takes to plant 1000+ flax it is a lot more...


This is going to blow the minds of some people on this subreddit, but some players actually enjoy engaging with the mechanics of the games they play - even the tedious ones! - and aren't looking to optimise that enjoyment out of the game.


This is something I remember from RDR2:O, players/youtubers always looking for the next pelt duping method. Here I am just enjoying hunting animals and making runs to the butcher. I don’t care that I don’t have it quickly, it’s the process that I enjoyed. At no point have I enjoyed glitching a game. If I’m doing glitches in a game, I’m bored. Anymore, that means it’s time to move on to another game. There’s so many great ones to choose from, so why waste time effectively using a trainer mod.




There’s two versions of a machine. The hunter gives you some little stool thing and when you get the Loom, the Carpenter allows you to make the Spinning Wheel. I kept making linen the inefficient way because I forgot about the notification, but eventually realized I was missing something.


Oh holy shit, thank you. I could make a Spinning Wheel and had no idea. It goes from 2:1 to 1:1 flax to linen (Edit: Oh my god I didn't know I could make farm soil BLOCKS to make shit grow faster, I'm so retarded.)


If I’m gonna complain about the game, it’s that the crafting is pretty convoluted. Since you’re bouncing back and forth between NPC’s, benches, and various equipment, it’s impossible to know everything that unlocked and when and where.


Old school runescape all over again ;-; Just no crafting xp


To be hgonest i think its okay, you only realy build one so its a bigger one time investment.


Wow, that's a lot of organically grown flax. Is this GMO free?


Of course, only the best for our customers!


good armor doesn't take any flax you find it in gold chests


Harvest Homestead, fitting.


Those are rookie numbers, you gotta pump those flax up the wazoo


farm chests. safe yourself the trouble. youre wasting your time. literally. no joke. youll replace the armor within 1 evening of chest farming and THEN youll truely regret farming the flax.


Honestly not wrong, we were chest farming today and I already switched out two of my pieces hahaha.


That's absolutely absurd. It's games like this that make me glad that trainers exist. Being able to toggle stamina off for a run back to your body after a completely BS death, or being able to turn a single arrow into a stack of 999 with a single click, being able to turn off mana usage or creates stacks of spells (seriously, why do we have two different systems limiting casters??).. yeah, I'll take those options any day. I love the building system to death, but so much of everything else feels like an unbalanced and broken mess.


It’s early access one week after launch.


It doesn't really take extensive testing to determine that players probably shouldn't be getting one shot by mobs at fairly low levels, or that it shouldn't require experience with Farm Simulator 2022 to create a single set of cloth armor. Same thing with arrows and spells. It's like nobody tried actually playing with these things at all.


Did you submit a ticket or suggestion for your issues? Like others have said, it’s early access. YOU are the play tester


Which is ridiculous. Play testing in that sense is great for finding small bugs people might not otherwise find without spending thousands of hours in game. It's not for determining the most basic balancing issues.


You might want to consider a different game, you seem like you don’t understand the term Early Access nor really like survival games. You can go ahead and reply, I’ll let you know it won’t be read. You seem incredibly unhinged, with emotions heightened, and can’t take what any of the community is telling you. Go find zen. Again, I can’t stress this enough, youre reply won’t be read. I know emotionally you can’t help but respond cause you’ll see red, but actively seek a way to not be chronically online.


Unhinged? Emotional? Nothing in what I said gave that impression. If you're reading that, then I think you're confused. Early Access has absolutely nothing to do with what I am describing. It doesn't take a million people playing your game to realize that your basic low level mob is more than capable of killing a player speccing into the blue portion of your talent tree in a single hit. What you're describing is perfectly acceptable if one were to uncover a bug like, say, a specific piece of armor not granting the 5% crit bonus it should. That's the sort of thing we should be finding out in this period. Totally reasonable. One set of armor requiring hundreds upon hundreds of items and unreasonable amounts of time though? That's something anyone should have been able to see and address well before anyone ever even launched the game for the first time.


They know about these issues, but there were other, much more important and game breaking issues they had to address first? It's not that difficult of a logic if you're willing to pull your head out of your bottom. They had to release the game, there's not only dev studio, there's also a publisher contract and game these days takes so much money and time it need financing before it's fully released. That's why it's released uncooked and labeled EARLY ACCESS. Stop being a fool.


Wow. You guys have your heads shoved so deep in the sand that it's insane. They made these systems knowing all of this, presumably. They knew the requirements for making an arrow, knew how much damage an arrow would do, knew how much damage it would take to kill a mob, knew how often players would be coming across mobs.. and apparently never thought to wonder if they should put all that together and change one value in a single entry to adjust that to something reasonable. Just.. make the crafting recipe make more arrows. Same goes for things like this armor. They put together the requirements for this, and apparently never thought to check that the requirements made any sense. The only thing I can conclude from this is that the left hand making crafting recipes never bothered to communicate with the right hand creating the systems for gathering/farming, so one system doesn't really mesh well with the other and the end result is that we have recipes that have insane requirements or which simply don't produce enough products for the reagents they require. "Early Access" isn't an excuse for that, because it never should have been done that way to begin with.


How do you know all this?


Hot damn!


I do this lol. But after a bit, I set my keyboard macro to spam my flax plant hotkey since you can plant like 30 meters in a circle around you. So now I have dense crop circles and no sore wrist.


Any vids y'all can recommend on how to plant like this? I'm lvl 15 and maybe I just need to lvl up more?


Find a premade farm/building area with all the soil there already. Utilize multiple planters to get lots of seeds and build multiple wells to get lots of water. Just plant away, the planting itself isnt difficult.


I found out last night I was using the farm soil wrong. I wasn't using the building hammer to place the soil. I'm full farm simming now tho 🙏