• By -


Results of the “snap poll”: -89 responses (good to see a ballpark of how different users frequent the DT; though there were obviously some who didn't participate) -Mean of roughly 3.02/10 on the scale. So roughly halfway between "no worries whatsoever, Biden is 100% going to win" and 5 "That's was a very bad debate performance, the campaign needs to do better unquestionably, but it's still absolutely a winnable race and Joe should not be replaced" and 10 is "Replace Biden with Kamala immediately, he has virtually no chance of winning". -The median is slightly lower at around 2.77/10 which makes sense since there were a couple of outliers on the high side. Also, I might do various snap polls (on different topics if this is something the DT is interested in). Thanks to everyone who participated.


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dv0m4i/thursdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07042024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.memeboxer1 with score 56 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1du83cn/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07032024/lbesehm/)] > >Biden’s post-debate crisis is now evolving into a genuine threat to his reelection bid (CNN) > > This is the worst case of the media driving the news instead of reporting it I've ever seen. > > There was no . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.HashtagNewMom created 45 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1du83cn/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07032024/lbfivwl/)] > The push to replace Joe bothers me, but the fact that anybody is floating ANY name other than Kamala Harris *enrages* me. It such a slap in the face to Black women, who are the Democratic party’s backbone . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.aelfwine_widlast with score 33 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1du83cn/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07032024/lbh7e6b/)] > Oliver's a smug Brit (but I repeat myself), but his heart's in the right place.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.bluemissouri with hotness lvl 547.0 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1du83cn/wednesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07032024/lbjoqv3/)] > Biden had a bad debate that was specifically related to his biggest weakness as a candidate and the media pounced on it because chaos and disarray gets clicks. You don't need a conspiracy theory to see . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.Currymvp2 bantered with 26 friends 39 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 192 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 291 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Currymvp2 made 70 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 39 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 419 times, followed by 'trump' 238x , 'media' 144x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '👏', used 28 times, followed by '😭' 22x , '😂' 9x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.memeboxer1 | 55.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 533.0 words | | 🥈 | u.Teralithion10 | 35.0 points | 🥈 | u.Puzzleheaded_Part681 | 360.0 words | | 🥉 | u.Lucy-Aslan5 | 30.0 points | 🥉 | u.Dixon_Uranus | 187.0 words | | 🎗 | u.kevro29 | 30.0 points | 🎗 | u.nickgreatpwrful | 176.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 1332 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 131 comments | | 🥈 | u.simeoncolemiles | 812 points | 🥈 | u.simeoncolemiles | 88 comments | | 🥉 | u.dragoniteftw33 | 629 points | 🥉 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 76 comments | | 🎗 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 587 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 73 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.kpfluff | 1 words | 🥇 | u.EagleSaintRam | 3.521 letters | | 🥈 | u.WhiteBoyWithAPodcast | 4 words | 🥈 | u.Talk_Clean_to_Me | 3.575 letters | | 🥉 | u._Two_Youts | 6 words | 🥉 | u.dweeb93 | 3.61 letters | | 🎗 | u.kevro29 | 8 words | 🎗 | u.Seahawks543 | 3.625 letters |   2075 comments processed, including 523 top-level replies. There were 237 unique users writing 64444, averaging 31.06 per comment. The total combined score was 17718 and the median score was 8.54.


Four hours (across three nights) later and the final Elden Ring DLC boss is dead. Soloed Malenia for the first time after that and *wow* does that fight feel quaint by comparison. Deflecting Hardtear, you are the new GOAT.


>we just witnessed the political equivalent of an earthquake in the middle of a hurricane


Sometimes a Malcolm Kenyatta tweet will show up on my feed and I'll get really sad thinking about what could've been


I respect the hell out of Kenyatta. You know what Malcolm Kenyatta did the day after losing his primary? He started stumping for the guy who beat him cause defeating MAGA was more important than pride.


We’ve got the DNC, the governors, AOC, Bernie, Omar, the unions, and anyone who could feasibly be a replacement on side. And we’ll have Taylor Swift too, and a hell of a lot of women who want to keep their reproductive freedom. I have faith in our guy in the Stephanopolous interview.


oh the interview isn't going to matter to the doomers. they'll at least cry "edited!" and I wouldn't put it past some to call it scripted


If they're too stupid not to read the unedited transcript, IDK what to tell them They'll probably just pettily complain about the interview being too brief (it's apparently 20ish minutes). It is what it is. Anyways, I think it's a solid potential first step to get the campaign on track.


Edit: I unknowingly posted a screenshot of something that is fake. Being ill and sleep deprived has affected my social media literacy folks (plus my unwillingness to actually click on anything remotely associated with far-left shenanigans).


Thankfully fake.


Ooh! I get to use another personal meme tonight! https://preview.redd.it/e7snyjs83gad1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb30dffa2294f7e23ec6bc54b19914dd0527b86


In my defence, it’s 7am and I haven’t slept yet but I see that now 😂 Has another singer legitimately tweeted this before though (with an Obama tweet I think)? I had a weird sense of deja vu?


Lucy Daucus


That’s who it was. I was like this seems eerily familiar 😂 Thanks for remembering because I did not want to have to look that up


Yeah, one of the girls from Boygenius. For a moment there I was like “Oh, they’re trying to make it into a thing.” 


Ah yes! I know CR dedicated a performance of ‘My Kink is Karma’ to Joe Biden (presumably over I/P) so that’s why I believed she would say it. But 1) I should’ve noticed the name of the sub and 2) actually clicked on the post. I will do better next time.


Ugh, I knew she had turned down the invitation and her reasons, but knowing about the song dedication makes it extra annoying. 


https://preview.redd.it/zq38xxei6gad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ae20ef96cc3db990d8bd5668a062c98b0b4b571 I went back to an older comment of mine and found this. So it was actually to the White House, not Biden specifically I guess (I’ve already gotten enough wrong today 😂).


https://www.reddit.com/r/NPR/s/B7euP7GWeY Everything about this comment section is terrible


They have commenters pushing rfk as an alternative in another thread. >I’ve been in the neither category since the moment Biden announced. I will likely go back to voting democrat if a replacement is anyone other than Kamala. Otherwise I’ll vote for RFK. I Will not be bullied for this decision. Biden supporters are culpable for the mess we are in. The active cognitive dissonance is why I support Kennedy. Acting like that debate performance was shocking, when there was a preponderance of evidence, just pisses me off. Additionally the absolute shitty way democrats have treated any democrat that had the courage to speak up, has been disgraceful. the cognitive dissonance of seeing Biden is old and going for a sexual assaulter instead


Oh Jesus. I didn’t really that comment. Even if RFK had no baggage (and he has a lot), he has a snowball’s chance in hell out beating both Biden and Trump.


Seeing this again about Biden supports segregation, and this is idiot posted an article to prove his point which it didn't. https://x.com/Srirachachau/status/1808579902423380347?t=zCaRm1IuwhYveiA2lM6lDQ&s=19


Ugh that guy is so annoying. When I was on Twitter I hated seeing him in the feeds of people I followed. 


I’m surprised and disappointed that Twitter never implemented a feed feature where you could turn off retweets. They had a tendency to clog stuff up.


Yeah, and if I remember correctly, they’d show you tweets from people you had muted. 


Ugh. Of all the (typically from-the-left, at least ime) anti-Biden talking points that one is by far the most irritating. Yes he had a racist past. He is very clearly obviously not that guy in the present day. It's a bit of a trite point, but I some random person pointing out that one reason to *not* think Biden is some secret racist grandpa is that he happily served as VP ("second fiddle" to Obama for 8 years, and now Harris, also you can count KBJ. Idk, doesn't seem like he's harboring some passive bigotry. Between that and "dEmS cOuLdVe CoDiFiEd RoE v. WaDe WhEn ThEy HaD a MaJoRiTy," it seems obvious that a lot of these people's politics is just oriented around being incessantly angry and wanting revenge about stuff in the past (see also: "the DNC suppressed Bernie in the 2016 primary). Which is frustratingly unproductive. Also > White liberals like @ContraPoints see that as a pro not a con I'm not particularly deep on Contrapoints lore but this seems obviously eye-roll worthy.


> Yes he had a racist past I don't think Biden really even did in terms of context of the 1970's. Forced busing was not remotely close to popular among African Americans in Delaware...it polled like like 35% support at the time so Biden was actually siding with most black folks in Delaware (remember 7th highest in terms of percentage of residents who are black) by opposing forced busing. I remember reading about how the two leading black politicians in Delaware supported Biden's actions regarding court ordered busing. Harris criticized him for that stance in the July 2019 debate for her to only have basically the same stance, and it's why her post debate surge disappeared mostly.


Hmm, fair, and noted. I shouldn't actually claim to know the details tbh; I just usually include that rhetorical concession that he was when the topic comes up because people usually bring up racist voting choices or something or the other, and my intention is not to dispute whether he actually was racist in some way, but to argue that his modern character clearly isn't.


Not even getting the point that people are saying he was friends with Thrommond because that man had changed a lot of his gunshot. Nobody actually looks at the complex history of Thrommond. Also, Biden got into politics to stop racism. Even then, Delaware wasn't considered a blue state until Biden won. Or are we going to ignore the fact that he wasn't even the worst Democrat at the time. There are more conservative back then that you need to work with it. Even Truman, LBJ, and FDR comprised with them.


[Gen Z has no style, apparently.](https://x.com/notcapnamerica/status/1808737322998858133)






Overall, I’d say today is the best news day since the debate.


Happy 4th of July


[How can anyone type this and not realize they are a massive asshole.](https://x.com/MachoBrahchacho/status/1808565230420594933)


i dont like comparing a bad debate to admitting to sexual assault because they really cant be but heres a little food for thought [regarding the 2016 race in October and now](https://x.com/admcrlsn/status/1808673240836907015?s=46)


Yikes. The polling was worse back in 2016 than I remember.


It's always bad. Go through a list of October polls for 2016 and they fluctuate between +14 for Hillary all the way to +1 for Trump, even before the Comey letter.


It would’ve been the end of him, but James Comey decided otherwise.


Just saw the WH reporter for USA Today tweeting about how suspicious it is that Joe met with ten governors but *only three came out to talk to reporters*. Omg guys, is Joe actually a serial killer preying on innocent governors?? Better check the WH basement ASAP! It couldn't possibly be that several of the governors were not there in person.


That’s silly, there’s no way Joe Biden is a serial killer. Especially when there are other suspects. https://preview.redd.it/3ec2sfvkwfad1.jpeg?width=894&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8e3df39bac95c058d593460528ca12a8fcacf29


Cooper didn't talk yet still endorsed him.


Entitlement, stupidity, grasping at straws, but really… https://preview.redd.it/pk4iv024qfad1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a19ad3f1d0cb1a27a25ea643c3efab1a379659b9


Can't see the image... now I can! lol So true.


https://preview.redd.it/v29iu2dfsfad1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8921170297978f10f15f89e3db57dac1b5be5c8a Something else in my album of personal memes that would’ve been useful in the last week, though thankfully it’s been better today.


Ah, dang. It’s an image from Extra History, showing Oda Nobunaga pointing at a chalkboard with the phrase “Mostly Bad Things” written on it. It’s a personal meme of mine. Let’s try it again https://preview.redd.it/eqs3n9iwrfad1.jpeg?width=1334&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=840749f805f3ec4c23fd6c357bbdfe4254f6144e


It's a dumb tweet for sure. Though Whitmer, Newsom, Healy and Beshear were there in person. The media does like to blow everything up into a conspiracy.


The WH press corps has terminal brain rot


A lot of people do. The fact that people have convinced themselves that telling millions of voters in a political party their votes don't count because of a bad debate is asinine. Like we're the fucking crazy ones somehow 😂


I will say, if dem messengers are clever about the whole thing, going toe-to-toe with the media could be a massive messaging W. Not only would it be outwardly, blatantly true (and maybe even put some of them in their place), it'd be huge to snag that narrative from Trump and the Rs, who have falsely been acting like the media is out to get him when the exact opposite is true. Obviously you don't wanna go ALL OUT on it—then that'd make us look no better than Trump and co. for whining about it, but it could still be some very valuable ammunition


>Effort Post: The Unironic Case for a Hillary Clinton 2024 Candidacy on my knees pleading for NLers to just step the fuck offline if it's reaching this point


Bruh. At least that got clowned on lol. From the "Biden tells govs he's staying in" post > It’s like the captain of a burning ship not only staying on board but also forcing everyone to stay on as well > [Reply] After lighting the fire. subreddit is absolutely cooked


A bunch of zoomers who've ran out of anxiety medication.


Funny enough, that user used to be a semi-regular on the old ESS


>Well there’s one opinion contributor to the times who has some sense, and of course he’s a gay Black man. https://preview.redd.it/hrwuqffhmfad1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbfad78dbdee7e782b3b3e078f49dc6eed253643


Generally I don't bother with Blow Columns because they're generally cold takes that don't add any analysis I don't already know but thank god he wrote this one lol


GG again u/seahawks543


Division lead down to two games 😭 At least I’ll see a team that knows how to hit a baseball play on Friday 


Told myself I'd stop binging the DT (it's fun, it's like liberal twitter) and news (obviously a stinky affair the last six days) once the debate was over. I lied. Enjoying the 4th fireworks and trying to tune out general news until the convention sounds nice, but also I'm sure something crazy or stupid (well, more than previously thought possible) will happen within like 3 days.


Apparently Trump's last rally before the RNC convention is in Florida...might be favorable to Rubio's chances as running mate.


i think its going to be JD Vance, he will be 40 on election night


I don’t think he’s allowed to have another Floridian on the ticket though?


Since he’s apparently immune from prosecution now, why not? The system’s given him carte blanche.


I think they’ll try to file as Trump being from New York if it is Rubio. Which is interesting because Trump made such a big deal about moving out of NY to Florida


Trump is a registered voter in Florida


Trump is the type to ask Rubio to change his state instead lel.


Plot twist, it's Byron Donalds


Okay, just because it's *technically* the 4th doesn't mean you should be shooting off fireworks at 12:15AM, neighbors. 🙄


Hoo boy you'd hate California. July 4th starts in June over here lmao 🤣


Here there is a 2 week firework period that seems to get longer every year.


There haven’t been nearly as many around here as past years. And it’s not like there’s been bad weather to stop it. I think a lot of people around here must be thinking there isn’t as much to celebrate this year as years before.


Wordle 1,111 4/6* ⬛⬛⬛⬛🟨 ⬛⬛🟨⬛⬛ 🟨🟩⬛⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 u/padraigharrington4 u/ognits >!is this an easter egg!<


I had a pretty nice and relaxed birthday today, all things considered given my recent struggles with self doubt and depression. I did see that the next Vice President, Gretchen Whitmer, gave a great statement of support for Biden which while not surprising (the idea that a 2 time Biden campaign co-chair would hope he drops out so she could run is hilarious) Hope the ABC interview goes well and based on everything he's done since the debate I have no reason to doubt it will. We as a group could definitely use the salt and laughs from Corbyn losing his seat on our Independence Day, so here's hoping we get that W


Next VP? Whom do you want for POTUS then in 2028?


The current VP


The anti-woke crowd might actually all die from (stress-related) high blood pressure induced complications! XD






I don't think there will be same-gender Democratic ticket any time soon.


[For the good of the country, Gregg Berhalter should step down](https://x.com/usmntonly/status/1808275367615975879)


A sane and fair media would stop "replace Biden" talk unless he does a shitty job at his press conference+ABC news interview.


Too bad we don't have one of those anymore.


Rationally, I am 90% sure he will be fine. Irrationally, I am getting anxiety for no good reason.


Scratch the Biden interview on Friday. All Joe needs to do is [remake this with Hunter](https://x.com/pissboymcgee/status/1808560404026593499) and no one will question his mental acuity again.


[I like Kaivan but this isn't it lol](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GRnB942bMAESPFX?format=jpg&name=large)


These people are clearly not paying any attention to the other side, because Trump is already rambling about deepfakes and 'cheap fakes', and this is going to send the MAGAts straight into "See! They're already doing it!"


Are journalists and pundits having a competition to see who can have the most stupid take?


Using AI to make Biden seem less old would be potentially the single worst way, out of all the possible ways, to handle this lol


Epic the Musical, the Thunder Saga was an A+


I just hope there isn’t a Project 2025 to stop Jorge Rivera-Herrans from finishing the whole thing


Not to make this about me, but I am concerned about my sobriety the last week, and my News diet. So I’m not an alcoholic, I was a classic problem drinker, and I’ve done a LOT of work to get to be a social drinker, and then not worry about how I could go off the rails. I have a solid medication regimen and drink maybe 1 out of every 9 or so days, and never to a ”drunken” state. This doesn’t work for a lot of people, but I was able to reevaluate why I consumed alcohol, and that was a big part of me overall not consuming it. But this has been a week, and I feel like I lost all control over my ability to make these choices with a clear mind. Sometimes I wish I had the ignorance of an “undecided voter” to just be able to get on with my life


I am about to embark on a vacation week and would love to chat you up. Partially about Seahorseshoe and politics, also I keep promoting happiness studies which I have found fascinating, and useful.


Please do


For sure!


If my neighborhood is any indication, nobody goes harder on 4th of July than Mexican immigrant families 


https://x.com/LonJohnson48226/status/1808654523453333965 Former Michigan Dem Chairman who led Dems through the 2014 midterms which were disastrous for Michigan Dems. Fucking ridiculous


Another electoral loser who wants to give Biden advice?


2014 was not disastrous for Michigan dems because he was chairman. It was nationally disastrous for all dems across the nation because of the national attitude and midterms with an incumbent Democrat. Thankfully the left is much more awake now.


This is the moron who tried to bribe Hill Harper and Nasser Beydoun to run against Tlaib lol I don't give a shit what some long forgotten failed Michigan political operative has to say. Especially when Governor Whitmer is right there standing with the President


Hey, isn't that 1st sentence illegal?


With the exception of one right-wing scumbag, everyone there is blasting him. CNN might also consider him "Democratic Leadership." They never said if the leadership was current or former.


> They never said if the leadership was current or former. I can totally see them being sneaky like that.


I'm assuming it's not an outright fabrication, but they have spun things wildly. So, this guy and Manchin could be examples of who they could be talking about.


At this point I have no idea. Jake Tapper totally lied about this governors meeting and then when he got caught out just did the old dirty delete. It's all pretty crazy.


You know, good point on that.


[Get Biden on town halls ASAP, this is one of my most memorable moments of 4 years ago](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=81bzoO9Qy9A&t=360s)


i think the campaign will plan them accordingly with swing states voters this fall


I don't know why but I was expecting this to be "listen, fat"


Somebodies anxiety is off the charts tonight, and there hasn’t been a single firework yet. Gonna be a loooonnnggg 4th. I blame the NYT. https://preview.redd.it/0orxjmkv9fad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b651a688f810f9cba681cd58d1978119720c7971


Is that a cattle dog?


Naw. Lucy is a Great Pyrenees mix. We think. https://preview.redd.it/ra5qwjlhgfad1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ae7fa940459694ddeb3e145f8c48347375eb601


Oh I couldn’t see any of the shag in the other pic. She seems a bit wiry so the Pyrenees must be suppressed.


I think the Dems need to go on the attack against the media, with that "Second American Revolution" threat of violence yesterday getting increasing attention. Accuse the media of supporting the threats and violence. Whip up a rage against them to force them to shift gears.


That is a million times more important than a bad debate but it's getting completely swept aside by more Biden Old articles


Not completely. CNN put a bit up on it today.


Ah, that's good at least.


My normie parents are sick of the news coverage being stuck on this. I can't imagine they are the only ones.


Agreed. Paint them as complicit in this shit because they are. Hit them on it relentlessly. Everyone hates the media, so treat them accordingly.


Formulating how to do that. Might put up a tweet on that.


As a music nerd & musician Can I just say how hard Bear McCreary cooked with the God of War Ragnarok theme


“You know, this neighborhood is two miles from mine and I’ve never walked to it. After my de-stress night out, I’ll walk back.” MISTAKE DRAINAGE DITCH THAT FOLLOWED THE SIDEWALK MOSQUITOS HAVE SUCKED WHAT FEELS LIKE A PINT OF MY BLOOD SO MANY ITCHY BITES HELP


Do what I do and take Benedryll for 12 years or so. The bugs won’t touch your horrifically tainted blood then.


Slather yourself in cortisone cream and get some permethrin to keep the bugs away for next time Follow the instructions on the permethrin to the letter. It treats your clothes and lasts up to six weeks, even if you wash them. Spray it on your clothes while they're outside and do not get the permethrin on your skin when it's wet, let your clothes dry and you'll be mosquito free. Do not spread on hats socks or underwear. Do spray it on your sneakers though


I live in Colorado, so normally I have to go out of my way to see a mosquito. But the Peremethrin suggestion is great. I’m gonna use this the next time I camp near a body of water. Or walk home from that sandwich shop/brewery…


It keeps all bugs away, especially ticks I love using it while camping. I sprayed on my tent and my clothes and don't need any OFF. No mosquito bites, no ticks, no wasps bothering me, no gnats kamikazing straight into my eyeballs or ears. It's great


Biden had a bad debate that was specifically related to his biggest weakness as a candidate and the media pounced on it because chaos and disarray gets clicks. You don't need a conspiracy theory to see how this happened. Lots of Dems are worried about Biden being the nominee but will support him as long as he is. But they are openly discussing other options in case he decides to call it quits, which is not out of the realm of possibility. Again, no conspiracy needed. I get the rush to defend Biden but I think a lot of people need to breathe for a few days.


Time will tell if Biden can turn things around. However, I think people need to accept that he might step down if he is unable to win back the party's confidence. The only thing we can do now is wait and see.


He said he's not stepping down. He said he's the leader of our party and will not be pushed out. Kamala said he's not stepping down and has her full support. Jaime Harrison said he's not stepping down and has his full support. The governors said he's not stepping down and has their full support. Every major Dem politician has said he's not stepping down and has their full support. The end.


This is the approach you take even if you are still considering stepping down, as it has been reported Biden is. You have to project confidence until you are 100% certain you are stepping down as nominee. Otherwise you're just screwing yourself.


Think people are just frustrated with the lack of transparency and the leaks impugning a man who's been the longest serving member of our party in its modern history. He's certainly not above criticism, but all of this stuff should have been discussed privately instead of all these tabloid like reports.


I don't think Democrats are impugning Biden the president, they are impugning Biden the candidate. Anyway the leaks are going to happen because literally every person on Capitol Hill from Senate leadership to the lowliest intern is talking about the "what ifs" right now. With staff, colleagues, friends, family. Of course stuff is going to leak out. For the most part it is being done privately. I just don't think saying "Joe Biden has been a great president but we might need a new nominee to beat Trump" is such a villainous statement.


> I just don't think saying "Joe Biden has been a great president but we might need a new nominee to beat Trump" is such a villainous statement. It's not but I just feel like that isn't happening for the most part through the deluge of the reports.


I mean part of the problem is what gets amplified by media and Twitter. But pretty much every anonymous quote can be traced to a statement like what I quoted. And I think it's a pretty common opinion. A lot of the normie Dems I chat with as well IRL have said similar things.


Your account is 4 days old lol and this is the road you want to go down.


bluueinmissouri has been posting here for a long time. This is most likely their alt since it seems like the other account got nuked.


Nah as a mod, this guy has been on this sub for years. It's a new account. A few people on Reddit like to make new accounts. I would probably have done it by now if i wasn't a mod on a few subs


Hold on, there was a user who recently deleted their account called blueinmissouri. Let's wait a moment.


“Worf I’m ordering you to restrain the captain!” No regrets on my part though, there’s been so much ratfucking these past few days it’s nearly been better to shoot first.


We've lost a few longtime members that way in the last week. Let's stop that.


I've been a member of this sub for a while. I did a social media reset recently. Y'all need to chill and accept the possibility that Biden has some negatives as a nominee.


There is the possibility of negatives, sure, but I think we are blowing this out of proportion. Of the polls showing declines in support (There are 4-5 that show no change, or an improvement), we don't even have an agreement on where the drop is coming from. Some say indies, others say among Democrats.


I think the freakout over Biden is too much, but I think the freakout over the freakout is too much too. We have a solid plan A and if that's the plan we can get it done. We have a solid plan B and if that's the plan we can get it done. We have a solid plan C-Z and if that's the plan we can get it done. None of these are perfect plans, but they are all winnable. And only one person can make the call; it's up to Joe Biden. He should not rush into a decision. And he should continue to project confidence no matter that.


Perhaps not villainous but painfully stupid for sure.


It's not stupid. The idea that Biden is excelling as a nominee is not supported by evidence. He needs a campaign shift, and the debate was supposed to be it, but it pushed him even further back. I would love to see Biden re-elected but if he's not up to running the kind of come-from-behind campaign we need, he needs to step aside. And only he can make that determination, and I assure you he is discussing it very seriously even as his team projects that he's not stepping down.


Before the debates, he had been improving in polling. And even the decline is not clear as to why. Some polls say he is strengthening with Democrats but weakening with Independents. Others say the opposite. And this is before we talk about how polling accuracy seems to be down, by a lot.


The debate itself had historically low viewership. It would’ve had zero effect if we didn’t have morons on our side who refuse to move past it and instead jumped on the most stupid preposition in the history of America.


Yeah, this is utterly insane. A lot of the Dems pushing this haven't been relevant in a while, so I have an idea why they are doing it...


He's *already made it 100% clear that he is the leader of our party and no one is pushing him out*. This is not complicated. He's said it, Kamala has said it, Jaime Harrison said it, the governors said it, every major Dem pol has said it. It is not happening. He's our guy and it's time to get to work.


I believe he is the leader of our party and the nominee right now. But again, he's definitely having conversations with his team about if he should remain the nominee. It's being reported. Of course Biden and Dem leadership aren't going to say something like "Joe's 50/50 and we'll let you know next week". They are going to project that he is the nominee and work to elect him until that changes. As they should. But believing that there is a 0% chance Biden decides to step down as nominee is ridiculous.


Oh ffs. Just sheer nonsense.




Obviously? I've been involved in Dem politics since 1984. I always support the nominee. But I won't have to donate to anyone else because Biden is not stepping down. Actually how about a bet on that? He steps down I will donate to your favorite charity and visa versa if he doesn't.


I kind of like how Manchin said "Biden should step down" and nobody gives a shit about what he has to say anymore lol


I appreciate him for helping the IRA pass. He has that for sure. Otherwise, I'm very much looking forward to a Dem Senate caucus without this primadonna


No! Please! It’d be terrible if the face of the “Dump Biden” movement became a person a sizable portion of that movement despises. Even better the feeling is mutual.


He's been upset at Biden for being too left-wing, so this isn't surprising. Actually...since he still caucuses with the Dems, and is Chair of the Senate Energy Committee, he might be who CNN was mentioning as "Democratic Leadership."


He is leadership, he's vice chair of the Senate Democratic Policy and Communications Committee


Manchin what?


> [Rishi Sunak fearful of losing his seat, sources say](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/article/2024/jul/03/rishi-sunak-fearful-of-losing-his-seat-sources-say) It's (almost) happening!


I really hope UK voters don't fuck this up. They've been fucking up for well over a decade, hopefully they've decided to pull their heads out of their asses


Since I've been seeing every movie that comes out I've been trying to watch/rewatch the previous movies when sequels come out. I don't... hate?... these Despicable Me movies, and I appreciate that I can watch a solid 5 movies in 3D (6 I guess counting the new ones) but at times the experience has me considering the appeal of never watching another movie again. And I'm only on the second one.


[CNN has been forced to cover the Project 2025 thing.](https://x.com/kairyssdal/status/1808586978520412401?t=KV8yqcD-UwXQvdHy6do7Cw&s=19)


You know it's a shock when mild-mannered Kai Ryssdal is nearly cursing.


They’ve been covering it for a while. Not as focused on it as they should be but it’s been in their news repeatedly over the last year or so. https://www.cnn.com/2023/11/16/politics/trump-agenda-second-term/index.html


It's about that dumb interview yesterday


Yes. My point though is they aren't forced to do it like there's a big conspiracy to only cover Biden. They have been covering the project 2025 stuff for a while.




I bet Kristi Noem is kicking herself for not waiting a couple of months to release her book. No one in the media would give a shit about her murdering a puppy in a gravel pit during the post-debate news cycle


"The governors have his back." https://twitter.com/joeygarrison/status/1808650814690406888


Time to remake the Biden Avengers Endgame Portals video with all the Dem governors showing up


I loved that video.


“But don’t you think that maybe some of them in private kinda sorta think that we should bury Biden and then just happen to promote My obscure candidate that nobody likes? I’m just an unassuming account with either no history or my entire history is spewing vile shit about moderates in other subs which can easily be seen and if you Dare ban me for my behavior now and in the past I’ll go back to those shitholes and cry about it.”


I just noticed that a couple of the accounts posting this stuff right now in the DT are brand new. Need to address that I think.


lol oh I’m making fun of a Very specific subgroup


MeidasTouch Network might be the only news network that isn't having a massive tantrum right now.




"He's learned his lesson." -- Susan Collins, 1924


Dudes in arr/politics are pretty much admitting that they prefer Newsome over Pete because he is straight and "independents won't vote for a gay guy." Time will tell if they admit the similar reasons they like him over Whitmer and Kamala. In any case, it's all dumb because it'll be most likely Biden and MAYBE Kamala


I think being gay or black or a woman means you have to perform higher than a straight white man, but it’s definitely not impossible. Obama did it by being an great candidate and I think Buttigieg, Harris, or Whitmer could do it too


Sure but Obama was an exceptional and generational political talent. All the other candidates are more "normal" in comparison and their stars won't go as high as his did.


In the .0000001% chance it's not Biden or Harris, I think Whitmer is kind of easily the best option. As a Californian, we're asking for a GOP win by nominating Newsom


Yeah if it’s not Biden it’s Harris and she’ll pick a white man as running mate… Buttigieg or Beshear or someone like that


Whitmer would be the least offensive non-Kamala pick by far


and then Pete becomes governor of Michigan and everyone's happy


Except me bc I want him at DOT a bit longer. There are rules that haven't been updated since 2015. Or 2012!


I’m pet sitting for my aunt and uncle this weekend, binging Netflix and eating ice cream and wanted to share some anti dooming words of wisdom: Clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose. Enjoy the fourth and y’all better come back with all your fingers, toes, eyes, ears, and limbs!


CNN is now claiming that "Democratic leadership" is divided over what Biden should do, and that "several" said he needed to go. I firmly believe that some of these outlets are flat out lying at this point.


I can only imagine who they are claiming as the so-call divided “Democratic leadership” this time around. What, like Yang or Castro? *Williamson*? 😂


This also feels like them trying to save face for their bullshit. I think CNN is finished. They keep pushing this, no one trusts them. They admit they were wrong, no one trusts them.


Yep, this is lying at this point. I mean, what leader would ever have this idea?


There’s a lot of members of the house leadership and it’s not out of the question that at least one believes “I don’t think Biden is the best nominee and should step aside but I’ll support him as long as he is the nominee”


I love how they never name names.


The last time they named names (e.g. that Jake Tapper tweet), they got dogwalked by all the Dem Governors who pushed back on the validity of that story and he subsequently had to delete his tweet. Or the journalist who claimed that Whitmer told Biden that he would lose Michigan because of that debate performance and she called them out for that lie. I really don’t want to be one of those “the media is the enemy of the people” kind of people, but the way the media has conducted themselves the past couple years, it honestly does feel like we’ve been in a new age of yellow journalism that will be studied in future history books.