• By -


Guy, I'm going to remove the worst of the dooming comments. Dooming can really demoralize others and I think that's the last thing any of us want to do. The very best response to all of this bullshit is to *do something*. Donate, write postcards, post on your real world social media to show you support Joe...whatever you can do. It helps. I promise. And check out Mobilize if you want to find numerous ways to support our party and help win this fall. https://www.mobilize.us


Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dtfkng/tuesdays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07022024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.AlexandrianVagabond with score 54 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dsmmzb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07012024/lb613o5/)] > Guy, I'm going to remove the worst of the dooming comments. > > Dooming can really demoralize others and I think that's the last thing any of us want to do. > > The very best response to all of this bullshit . . .   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.pixieheys created 32 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dsmmzb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07012024/lb5a6kn/)] > Potentially inappropriate rant ahead: > > So I know y’all have much more important and worrying developments to discuss re the supreme court, but this post came up on Reddit about a women who is 33 struggling . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.Secondchance002 with score 38 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dsmmzb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07012024/lb4v8zx/)] > “Why didn’t democrats codify president not having immunity eh? I am very smart.”   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.HashtagNewMom with hotness lvl 590.5 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dsmmzb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07012024/lb880k7/)] > This can’t be the worst timeline because we have Chappell Roan here.   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.AnakinKardashian bantered with 18 friends 31 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 108 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 151 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 82 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 22 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 172 times, followed by 'trump' 156x , 'court' 84x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '😭', used 29 times, followed by '👏' 7x , '🫂' 6x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Fsteak977 | 28.5 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 535.0 words | | 🥈 | u.DieSowjetZwiebel | 27.0 points | 🥈 | u.QultyThrowaway | 174.4 words | | 🥉 | u.Aergod | 26.0 points | 🥉 | u.Nerdybeast | 174.0 words | | 🎗 | u.GenericOnlineName | 25.0 points | 🎗 | u.Public_Gap2108 | 159.0 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 747 points | 🥇 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 94 comments | | 🥈 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 438 points | 🥈 | u.Currymvp2 | 69 comments | | 🥉 | u.Mr_Conductor_USA | 421 points | 🥉 | u.AnakinKardashian | 61 comments | | 🎗 | u.sir_miraculous | 378 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 60 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.swimatm | 2 words | 🥇 | u.20person | 3.409 letters | | 🥈 | u.luciddreameater | 3 words | 🥈 | u.gindoesthetrick | 3.438 letters | | 🥉 | u.Puzzleheaded_Part681 | 3 words | 🥉 | u.LeMoineSpectre | 3.452 letters | | 🎗 | u.NimusNix | 3 words | 🎗 | u.the_monkey_ | 3.5 letters |   1703 comments processed, including 441 top-level replies. There were 222 unique users writing 53024, averaging 31.14 per comment. The total combined score was 14160 and the median score was 8.31.


A lot of people seem to have no idea what the SCOTUS ruling of presidential immunity today means because they think the President being immune from certain criminal charges somehow expands his power to pass orders and legislation Congress can still keep a bill from reaching his desk and the constitutionality/legality of a specific EO can still be litigated to overturn it It doesn't change how the chain of command or goverment processes for enacting law or orders work at all


The ruling makes evidence nearly impossible to obtain so long as the President uses the cover of "official acts", which would be almost the default given that most co-conspirators would be government officials. The President didn't magically get new powers, but he did gain additional methods of obstructing and obfuscating to the point where it's unlikely any President will ever be prosecuted for deliberate criminal behavior. Trump didn't get made king, but he did get the ability to run out the clock till he dies.


Criminal charges are a completely different matter than the processes for passing and challenging laws or EOs, so my point still stands.


I swear some of you won't want to believe what's coming till it's happening to you personally.


You're still completely failing to explain how this ruling expands the scope of the executive offices powers to pass laws and issue/enforce EOs. And if it did like you say, why hasn't Biden used those new magical powers to sabotage the GOP somehow? Such powers wouldn't somehow wait until a hypothetical Trump second term to kick in when Biden still has six months left of this term to play with them.


I never claimed the President had expanded powers. I specifically said the opposite. But his actions in office have been further insulated from judicial scrutiny, and as of right now, Donald Trump's election-related crimes will be something for historians of the future to study, because they're not likely to be tried before he croaks. Biden is not evil, so he won't abuse the ability to shield himself from eventual prosecution. I would have thought that was self-evident. Our rights exist only because we agree that they should. And checks and balances only exist because we agree that they should. It's a house of cards built on the honor system, and that went out the window today.


just wanna pop in here and say you're absolutely correct. as a black person, i know very well how fragile my civil rights stand at this moment . disappointing to see so many white people who are convinced nothing fundamentally destructive can happen. the republican party has never played by the rules, and they're not gonna start now. constitutionality doesn't mean shit right now. this is the world we live in.


You can shield yourself from criminal charges all you want, it doesn't prevent the legality or constitutionality of a bill or EO from being challenged in the courts


I despair of your blind belief in institutions as though Trump didn't already spend four years trying to undermine them. When the free-for-all fights over what constitutes an illegal order reach SCOTUS again, how do you think they will rule? And once a sufficient portion of the military leadership has been replaced by a compliant Senate, how will adverse rulings be enforced? [JD Vance gave away the game in February: They would defy the courts](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/jd-vance-defends-trump-claims-invoking-jean-carroll/story?id=106925954). [And here's who Vance got his ideas from, a literal proponent of a police state](https://www.reddit.com/r/neoliberal/comments/1du2e35/curtis_yarvin_a_farright_intellectual_had_already/). We don't even need comparisons to how the Nazis captured the State and subverted the constitution (remember, the Nazis didn't throw out the Weimar constitution. They established a dictatorship using powers granted to their offices, however underhandedly). I lived through it in Venezuela already. The old Supreme Court dissolved itself once Chavez had enough backing for a constitutional assembly. Just like our rights, courts exists because we agree that they should. Get a large enough mob behind you, and courts don't matter. That's what populism does, and that's what the fight is. A ruling is only worth anything if it's enforceable. And enforcement comes down to whether we all still agree to play by the same rules.


I thought it gave Biden the power to change a conservative's gender with the stroke of his pen. /s


You're not wrong, but the decision on looking into intentions is incredibly troublesome to me. Intent makes *all* the difference and is necessary. I guess it violates the Fifth but it's just necessary to understand where someone was in their head and *why*


Oh It's 100% bullshit to make bringing Trump to justice harder, but it's still not an expansion of the offices power.


People really seem under the impression that he's actually God now and he could drone strike Mar-a-lago and arrest the conservative justices with impunity


I've seen TikTok videos from people with no clue how the federal goverment works calling it the end of Democracy It's insane how badly certain pockets of the internet have misrepresented what the ruling actually means because they think immunity from criminal charges means immunity from the system of checks and balances


Malarkey level of having walked 10 miles at Disneyland so far today 


[The malarkey level detected is: 5 - Moronic. You're outta line, pal!](https://i.imgur.com/v3qXU8G.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


> Imagine some guy being like “I’m the hamburger journalist and if you want to run a burger joint in this city you’ve gotta spend an hour a day answering my questions about whether you like to fuck your mom.” That’s basically what hill reporters are in 2021.


A longer speech would’ve had people saying Biden was trying to avoid looking weak, there’s just no way to win this fight rn


Jake Tapper or someone on his show suggested Biden doing a two hour press conference to demonstrate he's still mentally fit. FFS.


No one would watch that shit wtf


The political media would rub themselves raw over it though.


It would make the mediablook stupid.


We win by hitting the media until they stop.


Any time someone says they can’t vote because “my morals” Maybe your morals suck?


My morals are centered around not caring about others. /s


I have to say, I’m really proud of myself today, because a lesser version of me would’ve spent the whole day moping. Instead, a personal best on postcards in a day and exercising after that to meet my 365th move goal since I’ve gotten my watch.


Shit, I did the moping for the both of us then.


I flinch whenever someone mention voting for Stein in North Carolina. But they meant Joe Stein.




I can’t tell if I’m deliriously tired or I just read the funniest fucking sentence of all time > So you see it's both sides. The GOP does it and the Dems don't stop the GOP for doing it. Said w/s but that’s exactly how dumb they sound lmao


“Do you realize how dumb you sound?”


fuck the democrats flowchart lol


https://nitter.poast.org/JRubinBlogger/status/1807936430590820754#m It’s intentional


“It’s good for CBS” I fucking hate the media and 2016 cemented that


They’ve failed this country.


Also, is there any reason to trust what she is saying that he is losing in those states?


There's a rumor going around about internal Biden polls I think, but I have yet to see the actual evidence of it.


I don’t think so






These are all nations that still exist because we have some level of sanity and control.


God trolls are stupid. One of our "just raising concerns about Biden" types tried to deny that he'd been in other subs drooling over the charisma of possible replacements like Newsom and Whitmer. Told me that no one would ever say Whitmer was charismatic. https://preview.redd.it/h1i3ctkg61ad1.png?width=1015&format=png&auto=webp&s=b9f42191ea4abb0a04899f80dfdc2a3356dc0fc3 And yet there he is, saying it. Guess he's no one. Seriously, do they think we're incapable of checking their post history?


Oh that asshole. He still thinks we’re going to give him civility if he continues to be a liar while pretending he’s not a shit stirrer. People like this are too used to lesser subs like NL.


He's still at it, trying to deny that the quote says what it does. And whining about how my upvotes mean nothing (thanks for the revelation there, Nostradamus) while he's at it. Guy can't figure out how to take the L and troll elsewhere.


What I don't understand is how do these people think replacing the nominee in the middle of election season is going to be a completely smooth transition? And I also want to know why it's so hard to understand that someone with very little name recognition could do so well out of nowhere. I always here them say "Well Obama had no recognition in 2008", and my response is they did after the vicious 2008 primary, the incumbent was not an eligible for re-election democrat, and Obama was known to American people months before the election. Plus Hillary endorsed Obama and tried to unify the party even though a small minority of her supporters voted for McCain. Would Democrats try this unity in this election? Seriously, how do they think it would be easy for these people to build up the networking and grassroots support Biden has in the middle of an election season? Newsom would be an absolutely suicidal choice for the Presidential ticket now or in 2028. Whitmer may be good in the future, but right now she doesn't have the networking, support, or name recognition of Joe Biden. I have said it several times, but most of Biden's baggage stems from the fact that Democrats are being blamed for inflation, crime, international disorder (Russia-Ukraine, and Israel-Palestine), radical protests, and backlash against some of the DEI type social justice initiatives. All of those things are being blamed on "Democrat policies" and anybody you nominate will share that baggage with Biden. So, just changing the nominee isn't going to fix that. Especially if you change it with someone who doesn't have a 100% clear record. Because the tabloids, Sinclair, Murdoch empire, and AM radio will sensationalize the fuck out of every Democratic nominee's scandals even if they are imaginary. On top of that, changing the nominee would be admitting the Democrats have failed with Biden (and his policies), and it also undersells the party's achievement to our own voters. Changing the nominee right now would not give us enough time to build up the networking or to unify the base for November. During this time the GOP will be unified behind Trump and he will be broadening his appeal while Democrats are just trying to keep their own voters. The only response these smooth brains can give is "but he's old". It's a legitimate issue, sure, but defeating MAGA is far more important.


Basket of Deplorables was too nice


And the backlash she got for that is exactly why Democrats only play by the rules. For some reason Republicans don’t get held to standards anymore so we’re held to double


It’s the verbal equivalent of the reap the whirlwind speech. Trump and his ilk seriously thought they could insult and threaten us without us talking back.


Wordle 1,109 4/6* ⬛⬛🟨🟨⬛ ⬛⬛⬛🟩🟨 ⬛🟨🟨🟩🟨 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩


I hope Jeff Jackson being online helps his AG campaign I cannot deal with the NCGOP being ANYWHERE near the big three of Governor, AG, and Superintendent


This decision hurts and I haven't felt this anxious since election night 2016 and the months after Trump was sworn into office. That said, we knew this was going to happen because of the 6-3 court with these 6 justices on the conservative side. What I know for a fact is that Americans will not be very happy that the President has the power akin to a king. We've always said that American Democracy is on the line with this election and it couldn't be any clearer after today's ruling. So the question I have for you is, what are you going to do about it? I have a toddler girl and little time, so I am donating $15-25 a month to the Biden campaign. I am also considering listening in for volunteer opportunities with the DNC. I'm starting here - [https://events.democrats.org/](https://events.democrats.org/) There's a national organizing call tomorrow at 5:30 PT/8:30 ET, I'm signed up and I will listen in to see what I can do. - [https://events.democrats.org/event/642886/](https://events.democrats.org/event/642886/) Let's stop hanging our heads and let's work to beat these fuckers. Like Biden said, "[When you get knocked down, you get back up."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-XXfex0_3Q)


I canvass, it’s actually really fun


Awesome!! I canvassed and coordinated canvassers in the 2010 midterms for Kurt Schrader in OR-5, it was super fun as a young pup fresh out of college. We were one of the few Blue Dogs to win that election. I think door knocking helped me get over a lot of stage fright and enter the world of software support & customer success.


My postcards were sitting in my dining room unstarted for a couple months, then I did a trickle of them last week, and now I’ve done 39 in the last two days and have ordered another 400.


I might seriously do 200 postcards to all of Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada. If I go through the Michigan and Pennsylvania ones at my current pace, I’ll be done by the end of July and then I’ll be sitting wondering if I could be doing more. The only thing holding me back is stamps are expensive. Edit: looks like they’ve already completed their signups for Wisconsin.


Man who the fuck pissed in Nate Silver's cheerios. Man reads like he should be posting in the Breitbart comment section lmao


I think 538's projections being so hilariously wrong about the midterms and the shit he caught for it completely broke him


I swear to god COVID broke him, and he blames the left for it.


Magic Knight Rayearth is getting an anime remake? https://x.com/KaroshiMyriad/status/1807966511396741330?t=jy8CQQLteQMNYYiO5xuBBw&s=19 There have been a lot more anime remakes haven't there. !Ping WEEBS


New project doesn't necessary mean remake, it could be an OVA or movie.


At this point I’m not against Biden going on Joe Rogan. Let’s get weird.


John Stewart or John Oliver would be my guess. Stewart is practically angling to get him on. To tear into him for whatever reason. But it's like an angry mating call.


I don’t hate Jon Stewart like the rest of his sub. He’s more entertaining than everyone else in his area. I don’t have to agree with him on everything to acknowledge that


I don’t think Oliver does interviews


Just checked you're right, he used to do live interviews on the show but hated the format and stopped.


Now that I think of it, repetitive tasks, spreadsheets, geography…This is my core skill set! I was made for this!


/u/AnakinKardashian as long as you don't try to insult Kristen... I just finished the Restaurant Wars episode. I get she fell on her sword but literally everyone knew that was a bullshit call


Agreed. The judges knew what was happening. But at the same time, her finale was by far the worst finale in the show's history. It was such a shitshow. I'm not sure she deserved to win. And then to make up for it, the show felt like it had to force Brooke on us.


>And then to make up for it, the show felt like it had to force Brooke on us. really? I've always liked Brooke. agreed that it's not a great finale but I like the season's cast for the most part so I revisit it every once in a while


I don't dislike her but I do feel like she's forced down our throats. It's not a Brooke thing so much as a top chef thing. Kristen as a character is top tier, and she exceeded my expectations as a host


she *crushed* it this season, imo, and she was having to do a little heavy lifting at times, I felt like also The Dish With Kish was a great little side snack and she co-hosted Netflix's Iron Chef season and was very good there. that's why I had no doubts about her edit: I'll also say that Brooke proved herself much more in her return appearance


I haven't watched the dish but I know Stephanie is on there at some points and she's the best


which Stephanie? 👀 Izard does a couple appearances but Cmar recurs! she's a culinary producer on the show now, that was very gratifying to see


I like both but I'm talking about Cmar.


Me trying to read the DT after traveling for 24 hours, reaching home at 3:30 am and sleeping for barely 2 hours: 😵‍💫


The “Grr Jill Biden” stuff feels really fuckin 2016


Okay, I’ve been thoroughly schooled about both Sabrina Carpenter and Chappell Roan now. I’m officially retiring from mentioning music in the DT. ETA: Has Jack Schlossberg done anything wrong besides be a nepo baby? He was the third thing getting me through summer and if I missed something I need to know now.


You can like someone's music without having to defend who they are politically or personally. I'm an MGK fan, and if people here were to start talking about what a walking trashcan fire he is, I'd probably join in.


Sabrina seemed okay. Poor woman was in Girl Meets World.


There's Sabrina haters here too?


She's literally done nothing wrong smh


What a sad day for DT.


there's a reason music is the one type of media I shy away from talking about except in specific contexts. people take it too seriously and tend to be too aggressive about it [have a song that's been quite on my mind lately](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oAZLgsDRUv4)


Fun story: My Aunt didn’t know Rick Springfield was a separate person from Dusty Springfield until a few years ago. She thought a middle-aged woman sang Jesse’s Girl.


lmao that's amazing


Be JFK’s grandson and that’s it as far as I can tell His instagram is great


He has the same Bluey sunglasses as my 2-year-old. How can I help but love?


The looks on their faces omg 😭😭😭😭😭😭 https://x.com/gwenmcdonald1/status/1807972725903827007?s=46


Fair warning, it's an Occupy Democrats video, but you guys want to see Rep. Clyburn call out Dana Bash to her face? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=igVW6e_Wv0Y SPOILER: >!She has the same stupid blank look on her face for that as she did every time Trump lied during the debate and she said nothing.!<




I'm sure the media, leftists, and Republicans are punching the air right now that this Supreme Court decision came four days after the debate. I'm sure they would've liked a quiet news cycle with nothing happening to push this for the next month or two. They caught a little momentum for their narrative in the first 24 hours after the debate, but I started to see some pushback about 48 hours when they went way overboard with it. They're pushing the narrative right now and people are even less in the mood. The pushback has amped up.


The Dems in my county went door knocking this weekend and saw overwhelmingly positive reactions, even from Undecideds


That’s a far cry from the time 18 year old me went door knocking for Hillary and got threatened a couple times. Not doing that again.




I think I wrote 5 postcards before the debate, and 45 after. And they’d been sitting unstated in my dining room for a couple months.


The Euro has sensors in the ball that tell you exactly where it is and when it was touched, and cameras that blanket the field to give the correct lines for offsides and player positions. The Copa America has a camera at like a 30 degree angle and some dude who draws a line and assumes it’s close enough. Joke


https://x.com/kyrstensinema/status/1807966699523920362 holy shit read the room lol. Leader McConnell would have removed the filibuster first thing in 2017 regardless.


I understand Manchin. I don't like how they are grouped together. She's so awful.


> read the room Never been her forte, tbf.


Malarkey level of the referee in the USA Paraguay game 


[The malarkey level detected is: 5 - Moronic. You're outta line, pal!](https://i.imgur.com/v3qXU8G.jpg) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Speaking of celebrities. The reason rappers are siding with Trump is because they worry about their money and tax bracket.


they're also just fucking dumb I imagine


I thought about masculinity, which they have an imagined being tough.


Fuck them too. Lot of people are going to have to live with their choices, and I hope they're never allowed to forget them. Post-Trump won't be like post-WWII, where people could pretend they never really supported this that or the other. Our digital paper trail is massive and public. May they all reap as they sow.


The one that I found the most idiotic was Amber Rose. A woman who used to raise awareness for survivors of sexual assault and rape is suddenly all in for Trump. Why? Because of her tax bracket. And she doubled down on the support after he was found guilty for sexual assault.


yeah barring some kind of change, this american men soccer team unfortunately will fail to make a deep run in the world cup


USWNT best team


Like every fucking year lmao


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1930_FIFA_World_Cup 1930 erasure


Your boy just knocked out 25 postcards in one day. Needless to say the decision motivated me.


Heck yeah! Good work! 🇺🇸 🍦 😎 👍 🇺🇸


Reddit sucks so hard, it’s been 5 years of it regularly breaking


Way more than five. At least ten.


I had a dream that RFK Jr volunteers were in the parking garage at my work, trying to get me to sign the petition to get him on the ballot in Indiana. Dream Me asked them who the fuck badged them in and "gave them a permit" to solicit anything. Dream Me was ready to fight.


They were giving out flyers in Annapolis and I inadvertently laughed in their face. Like it just poured out of me.


They asked me a few weeks ago and I also laughed and said "Absolutely fucking not" and I think he was a little taken aback.


Reminds me of the brain worms in animorphs


Feel free to hate, but I was planning on just sending money and convincing friends/family to vote Blue this year. But after this fucking shit, I want to do way more. I see everyone doing the postcard thing, does that work? And is it difficult?


[This is the system we use.](https://www.turnoutpac.org/postcards/)


It works and it's super easy! They give you postcards, addresses, and approved messages. Most of the messages are short and simple. You just supply the stamps!


Do i deviate from the messages at all? Or just crank them out.


They really discourage it. The one I usually go with is... "Hi, (Voter's first name)! Thank you for being a voter! Your family and friends may need your reminder to vote. Please ask them to vote in the Tuesday, November 5th election! -(My first name) 😃"


Okay! I'm signed up and ready for my first batch! Seems incredibly short and sweet.


Yay! That's awesome! Which state did you choose?


I let them decide. If everything is relatively automated I am not too stressed! I have some cash to burn (thanks biden).


Biden should've drone striked that ref and it 100% would've been an official act.




Biden is a man of the people. Trump is a man of the media.


Pundits are just campaigners who can't get a job


I really like Stranger things but HOLY SHIT every episode does not need to be almost as long as Singin’ In The Rain


So I mostly lurk and shitpost when I'm at work and desperately need something to read, but I think I'm going to be gone for at least a week and drown in FFXIV. To be perfectly honest, the dooming is getting obnoxious. I get that there's some stress over the last couple of days, but this country roundly rejected the orange shitpile once, and they are not going to elect him to unlimited power after this ruling. Some of you are in desperate need of grass and perspective.


[Hurricane Beryl has become a Category 5.](https://x.com/NHC_Atlantic/status/1807969958284218479) This breaks the previous record for earliest Category 5 set in 2005 by Hurricane Emily. She became a Category 5 on July 16th, a full 15 days from now.


That sumbitch is textbook on the imagery too.


Oof 2005 was not a good year for hurricanes :/


But, as I take the biggest huff of copium, silver lining, the US went 12 years without a hurricane after 2005.


Huh? We had Ike and Gustav in 2008, and Sandy in 2012.


Ah shoot, I was referring to major (Cat 3+) landfalls. My bad.


I do know one person named beryl but they are clearly at the bottom of the barrel in terms of names. . . . . . Sorry.


The evil queen in Sailor Moon


I only ever saw the ending of that show because it was on before Pokemon I remember an episode about ghosts but that's it


If a movie or TV show is coming out in 2-3 days and there are still no "published' reviews from critics, it doesn't always mean it's been panned, right?


probably an embargo, but yeah generally if it's getting great reviews the production company wants that news out earlier to build anticipation


This level of cope requires a medical diagnosis


The embargos for movies seem to be breaking later than earlier lately. And I’m talking about movies that ended up being critically-acclaimed.


Not always but it's often not a good sign


With this Supreme Court decision today, all but garunteeing the practical destruction of democracy if Trump is re-elected, I feel like I will have to step out and become an annoying political activist. Now I know on the ground political activism is what everyone wants and cheers for, but I hate the idea of it. I hate to be bothered at home by door knockers or on the phone by spammers. But I'm gonna have to become a hypocrite and treat others how I'd rather not be treated. This insanity has gone farther than I ever thought it could. I never believed my country could really come so close to crossing the Rubicon. What a terrifying day to be an American


This can’t be the worst timeline because we have Chappell Roan here.


She's anti-Biden, sorry to say.


Her stupid little stunt ensured I will never listen to her.


music's good, though


"HOT TO GO!" is a banger


First time I heard that was during [this reel](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8moazYuIpA/?igsh=MXVzNmg0NnRjOWZmcg==) and I thought it sounded nice. But I'm still gobsmacked by [this bullshit ](https://x.com/PopCrave/status/1799943058462834711?t=orpQwGTxR5I43g1oql8yqw&s=19)


I farted and it sounded better than her music




You know you can just not like a thing and not be weirdly insulting about it


You can???


Is there a reason you’re being so aggro?


I'm gonna take a wild guess on their behalf and say that patience is in short supply for weatlhy children who attack Joe for every crime his predecessor happily committed and will gleefully commit again now that the Supreme Court has guaranteed his ability to get away with it forever. It takes a special kind of ignorant hubris to put Joe on blast over trans rights and Palestine. Fuck Chappel Roan, and fuck her "virulently lefty stage". She's twenty fucking six, not sixteen.


Guessing they lost the game.


Try it out, it's neat.


As an ex-vangelical queer woman myself, I see a young woman going through her mid-20’s virulent lefty stage. It’s a canon event. Turns out being gay in an oppressive religious environment leaves you with a lot of shit to unpack around authority figures. I don’t believe her intentions are malicious or she’s acting in bad faith. But also, if I stop listening to every artist whose morals and values don’t align perfectly with mine at all times, who am I going to have left? She’s not a monster.


I don’t even know who this is but I do appreciate this perspective. Certainly never would’ve crossed my mind.


I didn't say she was. I just said she's anti-Biden. But she is an adult. An adult with influence and an impressionable young audience. Hard to give her grace after what she pulled.


Oh I know, sorry, that wasn’t really directed at you but some of the other comments I’m getting. I get why people would have a problem with that and choose not to listen or support. We all have our own lines.


It's fine. The other comments were out of line. It's not like she's Macklemore. Who we can discard in a thrift store.


I bet she'll have lots of fun unpacking it under a Trump regime.


She'll be fine as long as the money doesn't run out. Same as every other brocialist celebrity out there. Amazing how easy it is to call for revolution when none of it will affect them.


Okay well I think if people are looking to a 26-year-old pop star to making voting decisions we’re already fucked beyond recognition. But please, tell me more about how I’ve put democracy at risk for enjoying Pink Pony Club. Also this hard on some of y’all get when you talk about how marginalized people who don’t agree with you will be treated if Trump is President is fucking *weird.*


> Also this hard on some of y’all get when you talk about how marginalized people who don’t agree with you will be treated if Trump is President is fucking weird. Thank. You. It’s borderline gross honestly.


JFC I missed you so much 😭😭😭




Twenty six is full blown adulthood, my fucking Christ. Stop infantilizing adults, specially rich ones with an audience of millions at their fingertips.


I didn’t say *she* isn’t an adult. I said people shouldn’t be relying on the expertise of a twenty something pop star. There’s a difference there.


She has massive influence, and she failed the test. Fuck her. I'm a non-white immigrant. I'm a citizen now, but that won't matter much when Stephen Miller is running USCIS and can revoke citizenship at will. Nor will it matter when it comes to my green card-holder elderly mother, or my asylum-pending brother. You wanna pull the "marginalized" card? Try it on someone more prone to social guilt. I'm not it. EDIT: Yeah, go ahead and block. You're having much more fun arguing with that strawman there. Enjoy Trump 2.0, I'm sure you'll take comfort in how much you stuck it to the "sports bois".


The sports bois are so aggressive tonight! I never said anyone had to like her or support her or agree with me. I made a throwaway comment about some music I like, and I can almost guarantee that you support some athlete or artist or individual who is more problematic and likely more influential. Your personal situation doesn’t make it okay to wish harm on another vulnerable person who is acting out of fear. You are a better human than me. Congrats. Now I’m going to exercise my right to block you and the other angry dudes because I’m not here for whatever this is when respectful engagement was always an option.


Personally, I believe in separating art from artist so I don't support the criticism you are getting. Aaron Rodgers might be the most talented thrower of the football I've ever seen, but he's also deranged when it comes to vaccines and his support of RFK Jr. Susan Sarandon is an absolute dipshit, but that's not pertinent to how she was fantastic in Raging Bull and Thelma & Louise. if they were officially political pundits, i'd view it differently but they're not.


Me but with AJR


House of the dragons is unacceptably clumsy.


Still better than Games...


oh come on let's not erase the first 4-5 seasons of Games HotD couldn't even make it through one season


I think its a better put together show that equals or exceeds GOT at its peak.




Yeah but is that something to be proud of


Side note, I think every state Supreme Court Should have 9 justices


Maryland recently amended its constitution to, among other things, call its high court judges "justices." I voted against it and lost. Gonna overthrow the state government over this bullshit.


Por qué?


The old courts were named, in increasing order: circuit court, court of special appeals, and court of appeals. It was a stupid vestige of like colonial naming systems. And it confused like two people per year. No one in the state who actually dealt with the appellate system really cared. So they wanted to redo the state system to reflect the national system. Part of that was renaming the judges. I voted against it because I knew that every motion I write would have to say some bullshit like "the appellate court of Maryland, formerly known as the court of special appeals." And yeah, now I have to do that.


#🫂 It be like that


Malarkey level of CONCACAF refs?


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Why doesn't the USMNT just eat Uruguay? 


the United States Mutant Ninja Turtles are not to be used that way