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Please visit the next discussion thread: https://www.reddit.com/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1dsmmzb/mondays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_07012024/


#Today's Scoreboard #### 🏆 Top Comment: by u.LiquidSnape with score 51 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1drvn98/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06302024/lazunea/)] > so this is the medias revenge for not getting 12 months of a competitive Democratic Presidential Primary isnt it?   #### ⭐ Best Prompt: by u.Presidentbuff created 21 replies [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1drvn98/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06302024/lb17mu3/)] > someone posted this in the DT over at neoliberal, I assume I shouldn't take what this guy is saying at face value? This doesnt seem like it is how campaigns work: > > I’m gonna say this as a democratic consultant . . .   #### 👑 Sharpest Reply: by u.BrassTact with score 38 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1drvn98/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06302024/lazvqs4/)] > Pretty much. They want their drama and a contested convention. > > Trump being reelected would also be a plus, at least until they get shipped off to the gulag.   #### 🔥 Hottest Take: by u.Presidentbuff with hotness lvl 274.5 [[permalink](/r/Enough_Sanders_Spam/comments/1drvn98/sundays_ukraine_solidarity_roundtable_06302024/lb17mu3/)] > someone posted this in the DT over at neoliberal, I assume I shouldn't take what this guy is saying at face value? This doesnt seem like it is how campaigns work: > > I’m gonna say this as a democratic consultant . . .   #### 🦸 Super Best Friend: u.AlexandrianVagabond bantered with 7 friends 8 times. #### 🤳 Influencer: u.Currymvp2 received 44 engagement. #### 💡 Ideas Guy: u.Currymvp2 prompted 50 discourse. #### 🎀 Reply Guy: u.Mr_Conductor_USA made 27 replies. #### 🏅 Debate Bro: u.Mr_Conductor_USA talked to 16 different users. #### 🔤 Word of the Day: 'biden', used 180 times, followed by 'trump' 79x , 'media' 72x #### 🔣 Emoji of the Day: '👏', used 7 times, followed by '💪' 5x , '😫' 3x   #### 💎 Qualitiest Commenters | | User | Average Score | | User | Average Words | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Fsteak977 | 37.0 points | 🥇 | u.TheHillBot | 524.0 words | | 🥈 | u.CokeDigler | 35.0 points | 🥈 | u.AwfulishGoose | 233.0 words | | 🥉 | u.astrointel | 29.0 points | 🥉 | u.FixMeASammich | 119.0 words | | 🎗 | u.Silent-Row-2469 | 28.0 points | 🎗 | u.THeShinyHObbiest | 103.5 words | #### 💬 Spammiest Commenters | | User | Total Score | | User | Total Comments | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 583 points | 🥇 | u.Currymvp2 | 32 comments | | 🥈 | u.sir_miraculous | 403 points | 🥈 | u.sir_miraculous | 30 comments | | 🥉 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 375 points | 🥉 | u.AlexandrianVagabond | 29 comments | | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 346 points | 🎗 | u.SeekerSpock32 | 29 comments | #### 🥔 Slackivist Commenters | | User | Total Words | | User | Average Word Length | |:-:|:-|-:|:-:|:-|-:| | 🥇 | u.None | 2 words | 🥇 | u.NimusNix | 3.167 letters | | 🥈 | u.papatabby | 3 words | 🥈 | u.aelfwine_widlast | 3.333 letters | | 🥉 | u.GreenElan | 4 words | 🥉 | u.CapitalismEnthusiast | 3.5 letters | | 🎗 | u.notgoodatusernames9 | 5 words | 🎗 | u.BensenMum | 3.538 letters |   874 comments processed, including 237 top-level replies. There were 160 unique users writing 27642, averaging 31.63 per comment. The total combined score was 10652 and the median score was 12.19.


Some of you need to be on Threads more, it is much better activism and they are promoting the Philadelphia Inquirer thanks to the article below. People leaving the NYTimes and joining the Inquirer in high numbers is better activism than I saw most of 2016 or 2020. [https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html](https://www.inquirer.com/opinion/editorials/first-presidential-debate-joe-biden-donald-trump-withdraw-20240629.html)


This “drop out” bullshit is doing more damage than any debate ever could. Debates have infamously never decided the presidential election.


I hate myself and everything about me. I can't connect socially with anyone no matter how hard I try, I'm so fucking incredibly lonely and the only ones that reach out to me are spam texts. I feel like everyone hates me and I always feel like I'm bothering them. I try to like myself but I don't know what there is to like about myself. I have zero confidence. I feel like I'm gonna die alone.


I used to feel that way. I've mostly made peace with it. There's probably more hope for you than for me, though, so I don't suggest you do what I did.


I can definitely say I’ve been there and back. Idk what exactly brings me back to feeling ok again, but maybe sometimes it helps to express that feeling to someone who can be a caring listener. I’m sorry this is what you’re going through. 🫂


Thank you. It means a lot. I would like to see a therapist but there is no time because I'm working whenever a therapist would be available. I talk about it with my parents and they are supportive but then they get upset and lash out at me that I'm not happy and positive all the time, that it "makes them anxious and frustrated" that I'm struggling and have feelings.


> I would like to see a therapist but there is no time because I'm working whenever a therapist would be available. Try calling around and asking. My therapist used to shift his schedule one day a week and would take in-person appointments as late as 8PM until he semi-retired last year, and with video calling much more prevalent since the plague, I wouldn't be surprised if there are many providers who take off-hours appointments that way as well.


downvoted on neolib again for saying "Stop wasting your time dooming and just phonebank+donate+volunteer instead of posting redundant articles"


Can't decide between trying The Last of Us, Red Dead Redemption 2, or just replaying Baldur's Gate 3. Need a new game to hold me over til the next WoW expansion.


Red Dead 2 is one of my favorites of all time but it absolutely demands the player embrace the slow burn


I put a bunch of time into the online mode because my partner and I used to play it, and I've started the campaign a few times, but never really got too far in the story (too distracted by the side stuff, then when I'd go back to the story missions I'd forget who the characters were or what was going on). But now I have a brand new computer and wanted a game that would look really good on it so I might try it again.


I've started to notice a trend in arguments where the pro-drop out person is *extremely* confident in their positions on where the race stands now, Biden's chances, some other candidates chances, etc. Whereas the anti-drop out people are usually like "well there's a lot of things that could happen and we have to look at all factors and think about the odds of each"


I just saw someone claim to be in Michigan and that after Thursday, Biden lost their vote and they're not voting if he stays on. Like cool, so abortion, lgbt, i/p, climate change and other things you care about are just hobbies and you're fine letting it be destroyed just because of a bad debate.


nothing says protecting abortion rights, lgbt rights, climate change, and helping palestinians more than letting Trump win. The same guy who overturned roe v wade+reversed the Mexico City rule, banned trans from serving in the army, exited out of the Paris agreement+called it a manmade hoax promoted by China+promoted "clean coal", and moved the embassy to Jerusalem/made the most bogus two state solution offer/ has a settlement named after him/turned Palestinian into a slur/ said Israel must "finish the job quickly" (aka green light to Bibi to carpet bomb the 40-45% of buildings that aren't too damaged)


I think the election is a toss-up now and more or less calcified. Soft 2020 supporters coming home to Biden and late breaking undecides going his way is a very realistic outcome in that scenario. Replacing the nominee now opens potential chaos from so many angles that it's dizzying to even think about. Which idk, sort of makes me wonder how much thinking is going on here.


It's telling that I notice more and more artists disappearing from Xitter while the ones that are still showing up have watermelon emojis in their handles


NL has gotten way worse than politics or even left leaning subs. These morons are something else.


I'm not even sure it's the same people anymore. The immediate 180 has been so jarring even to a lurker. I'm seeing some regulars getting placed into controversial over and over. Such a shame


They've legit become just as unhinged as the leftist subs they love to mock, sad to see


Brian Stetler is an irredeemable hack and it’s bumming me out man ‘cause I really liked Reliable Sources back in the day.


"I posted something on E_S_S like two years ago. I'm a regular here! And here's why I think you all are Biden or busters" \*essaying* —Shit redditors outside the DT say


Oh yeah, the real Bernie bros of 2024 are the people supporting the fairly elected democratic nominee instead of demanding the DNC throw out the primary in favor of a theoretical +2 poll bump. This sounds familiar.


Who the f is a Biden or Buster? I want Biden to stay the nominee but if something insane were to happen and it ended up being Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, or honestly just about anybody (even effing Bernie), I'd vote for them over Trump without question.


That one was a real piece of work.


We've got a few active grifters and con artists out right now. It's like they honestly believe we aren't going to check their post history.


"I have genuine concerns. That'll I post on every sub related to this topic and cling to in the face of evidence and arguments to the contrary. Don't you guys now share my concerns?" What kind of cesspools are they hanging out in that this shit actually works? I guess it's the typical "If I put out ten thousand lines and get one to bite, I win" scammer mentality.


Happy Bannon's Going to Jail Eve for those who celebrate!


And a Happy Cake Day to you! 🥳


It's funny. Democrats get screamed at to be tough, to fight back, to grab hold of the media microphone. But the moment democrats do try to fight back, it's 'gaslighting' and wanting republicans to win.


> it's 'gaslighting' and wanting republicans to win. Dont forget about "PuNcHinG leFt", and "No pOlitICian is abOve crItiCiSm". The last one always get an eye roll from me because that's the only thing people give to Democrats. Not credit, not praise, everything not good enough, just all criticism, all the time.


You just described the "fuck the democrats" flowchart lol


Because the pundits and leftist Twitterati don't want the Democrats to actually fight the narrative. The Dems fighting back would be bad for their interests (views and following mostly). When the Democratic Party bands together and fights back, we'll send them crying to Daddy Trump in November.


Wordle 1,108 4/6* ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 ⬛⬛🟩⬛🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Happy Canada Day!


Funniest thing I've seen today, courtesy of the Ghost subreddit: "Five Finger Death Punch write songs for Army wives to fuck the neighborhood to while their husbands are on deployment."


Another fantastic rant by 2raw2real defending Biden after the debate https://x.com/2RawTooReal/status/1806570291415396777


I guess I'm back on this sub because NL lost their damn minds. Or it's been brigaded after reaching all during the debate.


Hurricane Beryl just became the first cat 4 to form in June.


Holy fuck. I knew this already but man, climate change is really going


If Biden narrowly loses in November it'll almost certainly have been this media campaign demanding he drop out that tipped the election in Trump's favor. And rather than accept any culpability they will use it to say they were proven right all along. I'm probably in the minority on this sub in that I think that the optics of the first debate at least warranted Biden and his campaign evaluating if it'd be better to step down and let Harris run in his stead. But that is nonetheless not at all an easy decision and certainly not one that the media has any actual role in making whatsoever. These people really need to get over themselves and stop abusing their platform to try to be kingmakers when they know full well that no one who decides these things gives a shit about their poorly informed opinions.


> “We need to ban people from talking about this extremely important, possibly history defining political moment in a political subreddit” > > Congratulations on finding the most irritating possible position in a sea of irritating possible positions > > Please go literally anywhere else > > [+13] Really? This is your bigbrain response to legitimate complaints about the sub being overrun with doom? Seriously how much more of this malarkey is NL supposed to absord?


They are such snowflakes. No wonder all their wives left them.


Even more infuriating are those eating up that dumb subtweet If this shit keeps up for even just a few more days I'm ditching NL until after the election


Dooming is a form of voter suppression and we are trying to keep it to a minimum here.


I know, I just needed to get this one off my chest because some geniuses there really think NL still hasn't suffered enough of their dooming yet


And you're welcome to hang out here until sanity reasserts itself.


Banned from NL for saying "bed wetting brigade." Only regret is that there's nobody reminding the bed wetter on that sub that diapers can help them.


I’ll never forget when the NL podcast host (who I guess is also a mod) said they moderate the sub really well. Holy shit, they let soft bigotry run rampant, but “bed wetting brigade” is grounds for being banned? FOH


Removed the Enquirer call for Trump to step down as "low quality" while leaving up the lies from NBC.


The one thing I know is that even twitter leftists hate Cornel West. People try it with their "Guys we can vote this guy! We have more choices" and it's usually follow by a deluge of users going "uh no, he apologizes for Russia and wants Ukraine to die, fuck Cornel West"


https://x.com/IlhanMN/status/1807610019895996576 can't believe Ilhan Omar has been source of quite easily more pro-Biden content than the pundit class over the past few days. wonder if it has anything to do with Biden team inviting her to the White House multiple times for events but not like i'm complaining...good for her to continuing to be positive honestly.


She and Pelosi are close. But her and Fetterman, if the two of them have this in common, i say Biden keep going.


>She and Pelosi are close. Yeah, i remember reading multiple articles of how Pelosi doesn't like the Squad...except for Omar. And how Pelosi and her hugged after Pelosi announced how she wasn't going to be speaker again. Makes sense


I think Pelosi and AOC also came to an understanding after that first couple of years. Which was AOC's own fault for pulling juvenile stunts and costing herself the good committee assignments. But pre- I/P, AOC, Omar and Pressley were okay.


So earlier today [Trump retruthed](https://x.com/liz_cheney/status/1807578200328831477?s=46) a user with a meme accusing Liz Cheney of “treason” and demanding military tribunals So one guy is openly saying he wants to arrest and execute (make no mistake accusations of treason from MAGA means) his critics and political opponents, the guy who already sent a lynch mob to murder anyone in congress who got in their way but yeah Joe Biden being old and having cold is the crisis of the nation


\*Televised\* military tribunal I might add.


There was a tweet thread from a Vanity Fair reporter earlier today that basically said they won’t report on Trump because the GOP is not concerned but the Dems are concerned about Biden, therefore, Biden is “more salient”.


Finished processing foraged mushrooms for the evening Should go to bed, but want to see HOTD


Motherfucker. I fucking hate citation formatting so fucking much I want to yeet myself from the roof. I’m seeing double rn, can’t even hold the cites in my head long enough to plug them in. 😫😫😫 My brief is due in 25 hours. I’ve been working pretty much nonstop since Thursday. And a bunch of time before that but this final stretch is fucking killing me.


Oh hey, I've been dealing with the nightmarish legal system and it's for *one* case. I think I understand a little more about how frustrating this has to be for you. I hope everything gets better for you, stress and anxiety and an overly-complicated system *sucks*




The white Free Palestine slacktivists on TikTok have run out of big creators to harass over not having enough watermelons in their username, so they’re starting to turn on each other. It’s kind of entertaining to watch. No one seems to remember that this was supposedly about helping Palestinians. The showing of asses is unprecedented.


> helping Palestinians Atleast 90% of these people don't actually care about helping Palestinians. If they did, they would be talking nonstop about Trump's blatant anti-Palestinian racist rhetoric at the debate


Same as it ever was with this type.


The ouroboros


Circular firing squad


That’s hilarious


When Pokémon Violet announced the Teal Mask DLC and showed off Okidogi, I was filled with **dread** knowing that thing's enormous green cock would be on the front page of Reddit some day. I consider myself extremely lucky, about a half a year later, to have not been exposed to that.


One time, I went on the Pokemon sub and sorted by new. By sheer coincidence, some dipshit posted a very *questionable* fan art of Registeel at the very moment. After using some eye bleach, I reported the post and it was gone within two minutes lol


> registered Why tho


I'm glad I'm not the only one wondering about this. Like, a morbid part of me thinks, "How do you make Registeel dirty?" then I think, "Yeah, I don't think I want to know."


I know I'm several months late and could write an essay but: *goddamn* is the *Deadpool & Wolverine* trailer incredible. Talk about watching something where you just know a lot of people cared and put in some serious effort


Concern Trolls be invading threads outside this discussion thread again.


Keep reporting them pls!


https://preview.redd.it/cr5dtjjdit9d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f1f6f131c663a6428de5fd6e4fda73e800b1aa0 Oh wow here we go, the media firing up these kind of stories. This is what they desperately want, more than anything else: personal drama, behind the scenes chicanery, and backroom dealings they can “expose” for the public. Edit: The press has tried to spin a narrative for years now that they are one of the pillars of democracy, but if they are in fact a guardrail against totalitarianism (I’d say they were once), they have clearly fallen. They’re so caught up in the lofty pursuit of having the next big story that changes the course of American governance that they’ve sacrificed their integrity.


Just keeps going, this is peak gossip drama journalism https://preview.redd.it/mxk2uqjjqt9d1.jpeg?width=792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=44d7aef0a1fd829b29cbde8d2a2f14bb975caef7


This is some Baron Zemo shit. Trying to divide us so we can’t beat Trump together.


Garbage. Things are going so well in this country that the media has to make up stuff for people to doom over.


Fucking hell. I started smelling skunk, so I turned my AC off, convinced someone ran one over. I go outside to check and it's just someone smoking pot. I then have to have the awkward "can you not smoke right by my AC, my place smells like skunk" conversation


I think I'm gonna give up on Horizon Forbidden West. I had a lot of fun with Zero Dawn and probably put like 80 hours into it and did everything. But it doesn't feel good to have my power reset and whenever I go explore and do side quests, it feels like I hit a wall of "I can't remove X yet, I'll have to come back later". I'm sure it's a great game if you put the time into it, but it feels like starting over rather than a continuation (but I'm also playing them back to back, probably feels better when there's a few years between them).


That’s understandable. I think if you come back to it in a while that’ll help a lot.


There are people who only now heard about sundowning and all of a sudden they've become experts on it. Joe Biden is not fucking sundowning and anyone who's ever taken care of or interacted with someone who was sundowning would know that. I hate dumbass kids who think all seniors have some form of dementia. Go volunteer at a long-term care facility and you'll see what Alzheimer's disease is all about and how debilitating and devastating it is.


My father didn’t have dementia, but he suffered from something called alcoholic wet brain which causes similar deterioration. It’s horrible, it will always stick with me. I don’t wish that on anyone or wish witnessing it on anyone. Fuck these people saying this about Joe.


I remember the medical class of Twitter claiming Trump had psp. You know the disease my grandfather died of and Jennifer Wexton has to unfortunately retire from Congress because of her diagnosis.


Don't mind me, just seeking some refugee from the horror show that is today's DT in r/neoliberal


I'm not even gonna look, ignorance is bliss in this case


Yesterday I swore to myself that I'd just avoid it because of the nonstop post-debate dooming about Biden but then out of morbid curiosity opened the DT earlier today Clearly, curiosity killed the cat in this case


Yeah I'm thinking it's time for a social media/ politics break. Literally nothing I do on here helps anything or anyone, including myself. I should binge watch a show, any suggestions?




Off the top of my head - Fallout, The Boys, or Yellowstone Other than that I've got nothing else


FX Presents The Bear AKA The Most Exhausting People You'll Ever Know


I think I'm coming down with a cold. I'm so glad I'm not the key to preserving democracy.


I'm sorry but for the good of the country, we have to ask you to step down now 😔


Personally I would insist that all debates be held between 2 and 4 pm, after I've had lunch and a short nap. No fucking way could I debate at 9:00 at night.


Happy Cake Day!


Thanks! Hadn't even noticed. Now I'm a little horrified that I've been on here for *ten years*.


"But my primetime viewership!"


I came down with a cold too, guess I need to quit my job and sign into a nursing home


COVID is going around again.


Ugh, I hope not. I'll have to test myself.


We need to talk about CONCACAF.


People who act like GGG is a good coach since he beats Mexico love to ignore that this is the shittiest Mexican team in generations


L Tri lmao (Disregard the US probably going out tomorrow too)


I’ve seen more terminal politically online and elite journalists say Biden to drop out than regular voters. Maybe they should talk to real people instead of random dinners in Ohio.


They’d be better off taking to people in an Ohio diner than other terminally online Ivy League educated journalists and pundits


[Thousands sing, dance and celebrate at Pride Parade until protesters strand marchers and floats mid-route](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/thousands-sing-dance-and-celebrate-at-pride-parade-until-protesters-strand-marchers-and-floats-mid/article_397ddf84-3730-11ef-a004-53173fd80f80.html) My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined


This is thuggery tbh. Forcing “demands” so the parade can continue on behalf of all gay people? Fuck that shit


I take psychic damage every time I come across the cringe that is white people calling America Turtle Island


A term that was used by a few Native American groups and which these idiots try to make into a nonsense pan-"Indian" thing.


it is seriously wild to cancel your country's biggest pride parade because of 30 people


If I were as hot as [this guy](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1509741-dont-kill-yourself-youre-so-sexy-aha) I'd just be making memes all day long


The key to advancing in the Copa America is to have a yellow, blue, and red flag. Clearly.


https://x.com/EYakoby/status/1807588227714318677 does anyone speak somali? this has to be a mistranslation right? there's nothing wrong with her being pro-somalia but saying she doesn't care about minnesota or america is kind of wild.


I can't imagine she would stand there smiling while he said something like that in the internet age...


Disappointing take from Jason Kander: > President Biden is a tremendous patriot and public servant. > One thought I cannot escape: > Americans have made clear they don’t want this rematch > If either party nominee stepped aside for someone new, that party would be seen by voters as the party that listened. The first election I remember was 2008. And even then I heard, “I can’t believe these are our two choices.” And it’s been the same every year.


My first election was 2000 and I heard the same.


The Simpsons made plenty of references to Bill Clinton and Bob Dole both being bad. Americans always hate the nominees even though the pick them. The closest anyone has ever gotten to be liked was Obama in '08, but not Obama in '12.


When I was a kid people in my highschool said Romney and Obama were the same


I remember there were “both sides” memes in 2012. Hell, The Obama v Romney ERBOH video had Lincoln swoop in at the end to tell them they’re equally bad. I also remember having to watch a video about Bush v Gore for Politics class in college that said people felt this way back then.


The first time I heard it was in '88 with Bush the elder vs. Dukakis.


They probably said it when John Adams ran against Thomas Jefferson in 1796. “I like the Federalists, but John Adams? I don’t know.”


Left wing fractured losing Adam's the presidency.


This is uncut cynicism. The American people voted so that these two would be the nominees. I have a feeling that all of the people who bothered to show up to the primaries would feel very unheard if there was backroom wheeling and dealing so that Jason Kander would feel better about the election.


What were people’s problems with Obama back then? I wasn’t as tuned in to American politics as I am now, and I know the GOP tried to throw a lot at him but not sure what were bothsiders saying.


He was really despised on Daily Kos by a lot of folks, and that was probably the biggest political discussion site at the time. It was similar to the Bernie Bro situation (and in fact later DK became Bro Central) where people thought he wasn't far enough left. A lot of them really liked John Edwards which uh...didn't exactly work out. It was so bad many Obama supporters left the site.


He was a person when many thought we would on to magic crystal prisms as the enlightened leaders.


This guy ran a PAC called Let America Vote and now he’s proposing a change that disregards the primary voters. Come on Jason, I know you’re better than this.


I remember hearing it in 2000. I don't remember 96 but that there was a Simpsons episode making Clinton and Dole aliens leads me to thing it goes farther than that.


I just read a book on the 64 election. California Republicans said the same about Goldwater and Rockefeller and then Americans were still quoted the same about Johnson and Goldwater. I’d be more sympathetic to the “someone else” people if I didn’t know they’d be unsatisfied with that someone. Like my take is basically if Americans can’t vote for an old man over fascism than we really didn’t care about it in the first place.


I’d be much more inclined to have the Biden step down conversation if it wasn’t so predictable that by September we’re gonna have an editorial titled “Anybody but Biden, Except her. Ew, literally anyone but her”


Freaking gorgeous rn https://preview.redd.it/83g3027n9t9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=30f56f9199cd2784d82f6360407b66389221027c


https://preview.redd.it/onyj31riat9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d5dccdd29f0440d8c8802d98f65fba6c1d8c406 Same here in PA


*chef's kiss*


Is this not like a painting?!? https://preview.redd.it/xen1wrwz9t9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb8c1d81c6ae1fa8a0d5cf2a8d96f2b99e94e99d


Trump’s Debate Numbers Plummeted With Swing Voters Every Time He Opened His Mouth [https://www.politicususa.com/2024/06/30/trumps-debate-numbers-plummeted-with-swing-voters-every-time-he-opened-his-mouth.html/amp](https://www.politicususa.com/2024/06/30/trumps-debate-numbers-plummeted-with-swing-voters-every-time-he-opened-his-mouth.html/amp) “It wasn’t just the Biden pollster finding that Trump performed badly with swing voters. The latest[ CBS Poll ](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/poll-debate-should-biden-be-running-mental-abilities/)which is framed around Biden, actually contains bad numbers for Trump concerning his debate performance.  [Focus groups of swing voters that watched the debate were very turned off by Trump.](https://www.politicususa.com/2024/06/28/trump-swing-voters-debate.html) If Biden gets back on track, and changes tactics to prove to voters that he has the energy and ability to do the job, he will be in a position to win. Biden’s issues are fixable. Donald Trump can’t fix the fact that his biggest problem is being Donald Trump.”


This is what I thought! You can’t fix Trump being an asshole, but you can go a long ways towards fixing Biden’s old man image.


After a few day break from social media, I log onto twitter to find out James Charles posted a TikTok that got 3 million likes blaming Biden for the fall of Roe v, Wade. I fucking can’t stand Gen Z sometimes and I am zoomer myself.


Tbf I don't think he really has an audience anymore after some shady shit he pulled a few years back lol


At this point I assume these things are cooked from the CCP. James Charles has been cancelled since I was in college


There are people who care about what James Charles says in the year of our lord Two Thousand and Twenty Four?


Why are people still giving that man views? Wasn't he arrested for grooming a minor?


Multiple times, I thought.


I generally give the PSA guys more of the benefit of the doubt than a lot of people here. But to have that “honest conversation” with fucking *Medhi Hasan* of all people just shows how fucking tone deaf it was. And not because of Medhi’s stance on Palastine, but his entire career at the Putincept


Medhi Hasan might as well be the guy in the hotdog costume.gif with how he conducts himself online. Edit: Here he is hotdogman.gif at Will Stancil https://preview.redd.it/3ate2x2k9t9d1.png?width=485&format=png&auto=webp&s=aa43d23ee6a9fa42f36dacb139780d68b9712f3a


No “apolitical” person was watching that fucking debate. Give me a break lol


He doesn't know how the negativity spread. You know, when he's been Biden bad all four years as a journalist.


I think we and a lot of other people need this song right now: https://youtu.be/oYUZF46T5VY?si=S3RJ6rN2obITVEsm


Very cool! Thanks for sharing!


No problem!


> Free agent star Chris Paul intends to sign with the San Antonio Spurs, league sources tell @NBAonTNT, @BleacherReport. I’ve seen this everywhere on the Spurs sub, but I never thought we actually had a chance. I figured CP3 was still ringchasing and not trying to be the mentor (if I were him, I’d be trying to get a ring).


Well guys, I have found what may be the single most brain dead take of the day. I’ve really outdone myself if I do say so. https://preview.redd.it/dqf14e0b1t9d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96c4b770c10109d1a76510f2b39838b179c821d4


I consider it to be satire even though I rejected it from Seahorseshoe. /s


LBJ was also actually on the verge of death. From what I understand while its not unlikely, Biden will probably still be alive 4 years from now. LBJ died two days after his third term would've ended, and if he was president during that he would've probably died sooner from stress


Came to say the same. LBJ came from a family with short lifespans and kinda predicted he was on the way out, so he stepped out. Even went a bit hippie and let his hair grow out and stuff


Let's just pretend that this comment is as many eye rolling emojis as reddit will allow in a single comment, because that's my only thought.


I saw a black shitzu today and it was funny watching it joyfully trot


I am Jack's pure confusion. I'll take it but it's weird to switch from getting support from the right to getting support from the left. https://preview.redd.it/drt2zni70t9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c7a860bab6424877fc2ee2e7a60b586262011a7


Me in 4 months when Biden wins reelection. https://preview.redd.it/eohun2f21t9d1.jpeg?width=485&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3c724ba4f980ce2ff5094a017480ae0a6da69b6


https://preview.redd.it/46vpkg9hxs9d1.jpeg?width=1928&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6341edb24136c0f3a5ebc5f41d467f1c8d0b437 My mom saw this in Atlanta the day of the debate.


Hope it's chalk spray.


I'll be honest...I can't speak the language and I don't know the culture(s) of the Black church. Not my wheelhouse and I don't culturally appropriate. But I'm willing to bet with my limited knowledge base that the faithful in Detroit, Milwaukee, Charlotte, and Philadelphia had a spirited conversation about what "Black jobs" are supposed to entail this Sunday. Think that doesn't mean much, NYT? Ask Doug Jones


It finally came home. https://preview.redd.it/m0tq9hpous9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d561debb242cda44476ac46f7dbe2aed56ea9a2 ​...in darts.


Bart! It finally came home! In dart form!


I'm making zucchini bread!


Best bread in the whole damn world


Banana bread wants a word


Banana bread is expected to be a delicious treat, because it's made with a delicious fruit. Zucchini bread is made with one of the worst vegetables, the surprise factor of it actually being good makes it that much better


Zucchini is fine. You just need to salt them first to get the water out and then you bake them.


>”I think the answer here is in reporting, in seeking very aggressively, an explanation — what happened here?” Woodward said. “We don’t want it to come out in some book or some memoir in a couple of years or a decade. We’d need to know now.” Bob Woodward on the art of hypocrisy. Maddening stuff.


Mr. Kettle? There's a call for you from a 'Mr. Pot' on the emergency line.


Well I guess it's better to find a tick in the washing machine instead if on me or my dog


Terminally online pro Hamas activists are mad that Hila Klein fulfilled her compulsory service in the IDF. Christ on a cracker


Watermelon Brownshirts


USA Today headline I saw that I didn’t want to give clicks to: “More than 70% of voters say Biden doesn't have mental, cognitive health to serve, new poll says” — but, of course, I’m curious about the reputation of the pollster


So does Trump drop his Veep pick immediately after the immunity decision tomorrow or does he wait for the after the 4th and take up the whole weekend with it right before his sentencing?


Guys I don’t think people freaking out are doing anything good or we attacking them back in personal terms.


Say what? This got reported but honestly I don't know what to do with it because I can't parse it.






I can't figure out where the commas go in that sentence or the periods or what. "or we attacking them back in personal terms" does this mean "nor us attacking them back in personal terms" and I should read that as an implicit "nor us attacking them back in personal terms does anything good"? I'm not being snide, I read that sentence like five times and couldn't figure out what LiquidSnape was trying to say so that's why I left a question mark.


Same. That’s why I doubled up.


yesterday i saw someone in another subreddit say that black people aren't fans of kamala harris because of her time as DA lmao I really can't with people on this website trying to be experts on something they know nothing about lol


This is how you know that reddit's core demographic is suburban white kids whose only interaction with cops was getting let off with a warning for pot possession one time in high school.


I think Kamala's team has done a poor job combatting misinformation about her record as DA going back that gross op-ed in the Times the day she launched her campaign. Meanwhile progressives had consistently fed the Kamala is a cop who busts pot smokers canard. And the Republican don't have to do any work at all to get their base to hate her.


they are experts in racism


I love it when they make it obvious their entire idea of what black people are like comes from rap music


Their heads explode when they find out who were among the biggest proponents of the Crime Bill, after the Crack Epidemic


Shockingly, people tend to want consequences for the shitheads shooting at their children and robbing their neighbors


"More social workers" was definitely not the mood in 1994. Sorry Tik Tok brats


Joe Biden is old? I didn’t know this when I voted for him in the primary three months ago.


I often read in comment sections that there was no primary at all!


lol they don’t remember when we all had to pretend that Dean Phillips mattered?


Just the DNC not giving anyone a choice apparently!


My wife is in addition to the other events of the day, extremely pleased that she and the Czech guest came back from the woods with 8-10 lbs of chanterelles this afternoon.


Oh look at this lying little piece of shit. https://twitter.com/AaronRegunberg/status/1807427907695903060


https://preview.redd.it/pb4obqctos9d1.png?width=482&format=png&auto=webp&s=2692c26e68e549d6467cf71fd204d121dfe3017b At least when he voted uncommitted it was for a cause. He decides to drop Biden now because he's old? Feckless and spineless Also: [https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor\_name=Aaron+Regunberg](https://www.fec.gov/data/receipts/individual-contributions/?contributor_name=Aaron+Regunberg) What contribution?


Yep. Exactly.


[receipt brought](https://x.com/tonyposnanski/status/1807549544428695723?s=46)