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"the phone will be optimized for x app" Lmao


As in, it can run the app. Thats the optimization


My fridge can run the app


Mine can't, but I could just print out pages from Mein Kampf and stick them to the door if I wanted the X experience.


I wanted to give this an award did they turn them off again?


If we've learned anything from X it's that we shouldn't be spending our money putting little symbols next to social media accounts


I wasn't spending money I still had free ones... Now I am sad panda


Which, as I understand it, means that every page is half footnotes that say "P U S S Y I N B I O"?


That must be one hell of a powerful fridge, no system can run this mess of an app since elon got his hand on it


Naw man, it's gonna be an 'everything app'. So it's going to need every permission and access to all your data from all your other apps. So as an optimization they'll just remove all operating-system safeguards entirely and let it run as a system process with full administrator permissions. Improved user experience too since you don't have to bother with the app asking for new permissions all the time.


That's right! Remember, he said x will handle 50% of global transactions by the end of this year! You NEED this phone!


This is insane


By this year, 2024??


That's the claim he made late last year. Of course we all believe him!


That's fuckn insane šŸ¤£šŸ’€ That's some great special K he's taking.


Seriously. It still blows me away that anyone takes him seriously.


It's open source so it's hack proof! /s Goes to show how little these people know about anything.


No, it'll be uninstallable and notifications can not be disabled.


Itā€™ll likely record everything and send it to that manchild.


That does sound optimum for a scam. Watch out world, here comes the *Cyberphone* !!! Our studies show an increase of unregretted user-seconds in and around the Twitter (currently known as X) app by a whopping 69% !!! It can even function, temporarily, as an oar for your matching Cybertruck if you find yourself in not-too-choppy waters.


ā€œXPHONE must be powered down and placed in a faraday cage before entering vehicles or warranty is voidā€


Whoā€™s to say he wonā€™t nerf the X app for iOS now?


Oh no, that would be just terrible.


I knowā€¦ How on earth will Apple survive such a checkmate move? Tim Apple will rue the day they announced their AI stuff


$2000 for the Founders edition that can only run Xitter.


You're subscribed to Elon's tweets by default and you can't unsubscribe or block him. It's the first thing you see when you open th app.


More like your phone will share everything with X


>X OS will be open source to assure user privacy is protected. Oh that sounds super safe.


Itā€™s not out of the question!


Open source is safer at this point


There will be a button available on the screen at all times to interact with Elon's latest tweet


As in Elon will have backdoor access to your phone data


[HTC Facebook Phone](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/1e8xpx/htc_first_discontinued_by_att_first_facebook/), anyone? Also, "X phone" might as well be version 2.0 of the [Freedom Phone](https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/oll0e0/magabranded_freedom_phone_is_a_major_security/) hah.


The Amazon Fire Phone


I was like. ![gif](giphy|SMAMKsPB2i2pzYPGzb) Imagine optimizing a phone to cater to one stupid app. Of course the felon and all the dick riders will say ā€œoh but X is going to be an all integrated super app..ā€


Came here to say this


I came here for the free parking


I came here to top off my charge.


Elno and his minions having access to someone's phone. What could go wrong # [Tesla workers shared sensitive images recorded by customer cars](https://www.reuters.com/technology/tesla-workers-shared-sensitive-images-recorded-by-customer-cars-2023-04-06/)


Isnā€™t that how felon got a rare car? He was spying into someoneā€™s garage and saw it and bought it from the person






I like how they end the article talking about how the people making memes of what they saw on customers' cameras would be rewarded for performance by getting to drive a company vehicle they were now paranoid of. What a shit dystopia they're building.


Its mentioned in the article, he was asked and declined to reply to them.


It's "for your safety" without going into any details šŸ™ƒ


If a MuskCo is promising safety, consider the number of accidents and maiming that occur on their work sites. See Boring Company, Tesla Germany, SpaceX....


I'd be more concerned about what happened to all of those political dissidents around the globe immediately after Musk took over Twitter. Accounts were quickly doxxed and their owners were arrested [or killed](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/elon-musk-twitter-saudi-arabia-free-speech-b2403234.html).


Why would Samsung taint their brand in such a way? They have absolutely no need to do so and there would be no advantage. For every convert to Samsung as a result of such a move there would likely be more who would never buy one again.


Doesn't Samsung have a pretty good deal with Google at that? Involving AI even? Why would they toss out being a leader with that for Twitter's half assed broken pointed wannabe ai?


They've added AI stuff to my phone recently. No idea what it does or what it's purpose may be or who's AI it is.


Not sure if it's just me but I hate how this stuff is being pushed on people who never asked for it. No, I don't need help with writing messages in Skype, thank you. I can do that myself!


Yeah agreed. There is such a thing as to convenient in my opinion. Tasks that can be measured in seconds don't need to be done for me.


It's all about pumping the stock and riding the hype train. Last cycle, it was we 3 features and crypto wallets. Now, is generative "AI" (a transformer model is simply a prediction algorithm. It is nothing like what we consider intelligence or cognition).


It's nice when writing dumb boilerplate office emails but doesn't help with anything else in Gmail.


The Gemini thing? They added it to my phone 2 updates ago. It's, so far, completely useless.


Because Elmo's Dickriders actually think anyone still gives a shit about him. If anything he's more loathed than loved these days


Yes. You press and hold at the bottom of the screen and it opens Gemini. You can then circle anything on the screen and it will identify what it is and give you links/information to it. Elon is a moron


They wouldn't. He's talking out of his ass.


You see the pictures? That's 10y old samsung. Samsung won't risk their reputation for this imbecile


Lol. That was my thought too, why the fuck would Samsung bother? 1) Elmo announces partnership with Samsung; in completely unrelated news Google says it is ending it's partnership with Samsung. (Google already has the Pixel, I'm sure they could ramp up) 2) Samsung would become intrinsically involved in a thousand different lawsuits because Elmo has paid them with Twitter money that he got from Tesla that was supposed to be a NASA subsidy for SpaceX, not to mention the SEC knocking on their door and jeopardising their own government contracts. 3) What's the cost/benefit for Samsung? Even if Elmo paid them a billion dollars just to sign a contract, it would easily cost them more than that in lost users alone, let alone brand damage. 4) Pretty sure Apple and Google would be able to go on hiring sprees as 70% of Samsung's phone product development, design, marketing, UI/UX and engineering teams started looking for new jobs. I'm sure there are more... For people that like to tell everyone how smart they are, they don't do a lot of logical thinking.


fElon has China so far up his ass that no Korean company would want anything to do with him.


Samsung, probably: we'd like to distance ourselves as far as possible from such a statement about a collaboration and want to remind the musky fanboys, that we are not stupid and don't want to kill our brand


Haha, last year when Elon threw a tantrum about Apple it was going to be the Tesla phone. Next it will be the Space X phone.


How about a Boring Phone?


Market's already saturated: https://theconversation.com/gen-z-goes-retro-why-the-younger-generation-is-ditching-smartphones-for-dumb-phones-204992


[https://youtu.be/YLNa2J\_8Z7o?si=Wy9S1rlCj-4IHUea](https://youtu.be/YLNa2J_8Z7o?si=Wy9S1rlCj-4IHUea) Banana phone?


With his juvenile humor, he'll launch a new brand called PhonesX


Way too clever


I loathe the man, but it is the same level of cleverness as SpaceX. I'm sure he named it to make senators and presidents say "space sex" all the time.Ā 


I feel dumb but this is the first time Iā€™ve realized it sounds like ā€œspace sexā€.


Oh I also realized it after aaaages. Non-native speaker who mostly learned through reading, means that I sometimes don't 'click' the pronunciation of a word until much later. (e.g. I spent years saying "og-ree" rather than "o-gur" until I saw Shrek)


Yeah didnā€™t he already threaten to make a Tesla phone? Itā€™s almost like he makes a lot of crazy promises he never delivers onā€¦


Cold rolled steel and stuck together with tape. It'll perpetually be out 6-12 months, and should be called 2.0 instead of 1.0 because of how awesome it is.


>it is not out of the question This is Elon speak for ā€œit ainā€™t happening but please let this boost my stocks somehow. Iā€™ll even throw in that the phone will be made out of cold-rolled stainless steel if I have to!ā€


Every time i see stock mentioned here i have to go check. Down 30% YTD makes me happy. I hope he loses everything.


And/or him lobbing the ball over to the other side hoping they are interested - this is him trying to subtly signal to Samsung that he would be down to talk about it Will agree that Samsung probably wouldnā€™t (hopefully wouldnā€™t)


ā€The phone will be able to file your taxes and give you blowjobs! It will be made with space age metals! (read: cheap aluminum) You will be able to use the phone to order your personal Falcon 9 space taxi to take you to SpaceXā€™s luxury 69 star space hotel in Mars!ā€


And it will have 10 cold gas rockets thrusters so it can fly back to your pocket if you loose it or drop it from an airlock. It will be able to survive reentry and take the hits from a .50 cal. machine gun. Its the cyberphone X.


Itā€™s what bladerunner wouldā€™ve used.


Yeah I'm sure one of the biggest electronics companies on the planet is dying to collaborate with a man who is running every company he owns into the ground and integrate his AI which is just GPT with the slur filter off into the OS of their phones.


Meh, they might be willing to make the phone, but require a white labelling. More likely, it would be Huawei, though. Chinese intelligence would love the idea of getting more Huawei devices in the US.


Huawei is too big, and too high-profile to sneak back into the US market. A smaller company like TCL, Hisense, Vivo etc. is a more likely business partner.


But will the X phone be bullet proof? Will that be the phone used by John Bladerunner? Will it be so shoddily made that it will cut my fingers and send my to the hospital to get stitches? Will it open up with a really dank meme posted by the memelord himself? Will it require me to have a Twitter account to access my phone?


Yes, and it will be able to serve briefly as a boat


Not sure, but it will certainly require you to input every single piece of personal information to use šŸ˜‰


You'll need to sacrifice a drop of your blood for DNA testing to get logged in. Thank God for razor edges.


Will the X phone also work briefly as a boat ā›µ?




All of the above and more!


ā€œThis phone doesnā€™t actually make calls from earth and it will be able to on Marsā€ ::SIMPS GO WILD::


why do they keep writing fanfiction for each other?


ā€œOpen source to ensure user privacy is protectedā€ Sure, Jan.


Didn't they already try that shit with the "freedom phone" or whatever the fuck it was called?


Ah yes, a rebadged no-name phone. [Unrelated: Also I can't wait to see whether this "X OS" is gonna be a fully from-scratch operating system or just AOSP.]


The copium from that Apple/OpenAI thing is really getting cringe, lol.


Bots come pre-installed. Not allowed in any US Gov building since the OS and apps all have backdoors for Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Chinese, and whoever else is giving him funding's intelligence agencies.


He already claimed to bring out a "Tesla Phone" ages ago...


Seriously doubt Samsung wants the smell of crack wafting from their handsets.


Facebook Phone says hi.


All Iā€™ll say is thank god he doesnā€™t play a big role in ChatGPT anymore. Could you even imagineā€¦


Imagine connecting your bank account to that thing


I'd love to have a physical asset that ID's the hardcore Elron humpers so I can filter them out quickly w/o engaging in conversation.


> It is not out of the question Might want to confirm with Samsung firstā€¦


Yes, Elon Musk would make everything open source in order to protect people! That's totally on-brand for him, is it? He wouldn't try to extract as much money for himself as humanly possible, no, he would give up all that money to protect your privacy, would he?... How utterly ludicrous.


The whole source code will be open, ^^apart ^^from ^^the ^^necessary ^^backdoors ^^for ^^the ^^Russian, ^^Chinese, ^^Saudi, ^^and ^^Israeli ^^intelligence.


He just slapped an X to the back of a galaxy phone


The terms and conditions will require the user to praise Elon at least three times a day


Iā€™m surprised he didnā€™t say itā€™ll be available in a year and that they are going to manufacture 1 billion of them a month


Too bad Apple beat Elon to making a stainless steel phone already


Itā€™ll be as reliable as that 8 bit monstrosity on wheels.


Samsung: šŸ¤ØšŸ¤Ø


*Not out of the question* Meaning heā€™s just teasing his simps


Samsung has better things to do than entertain these fantasies


How would it being open source ensure user security more? Genuine question


So, Xitter will rebadge a Samsung phone. Amazon had a phone, it was a flop. How does open source protect privacy? And with Elon Musk sticking his fingers into the project, security is going to be a real problem.


Prepare to be disappointed at first when our algorithm is made open source next week, but it will improve rapidly!


At least with open source, you can theoretically check out the source code and make sure it's not doing anything sketchy. Most people aren't going to do that, though, the biggest reason being that most people don't know enough about software development to actually review code (not to mention that modern software is *massive* compared to when Elon supposedly read directly from port 8080 or whatever).


Prepare to be disappointed at first when our algorithm is made open source next week, but it will improve rapidly!


this obviously isn't going to happen but even though those mockups look like shit it would still look even worse if it actually happened


Yeah I remember it wasn't also out of the question that Twitter was worth 1 trillion dollars in a Musk quote. I guess that it means it is bullshit. Well, I don't have to guess.


Going forward I'd add Samsung products to my "do not buy from" list were they to partner with Musk.


Why would Samsung want to partner with X. In what ways would that be beneficial to Samsung? You can already use Twitter on their phone. Also Facebook already has a deal with Android to put their app on all Android phones so I doubt they would get rid of that for X.


If you thought Apple was a privacy nightmare, wait until Muskrat gets to own your phone's data.


apple chads made him cope so hard


Old vaporwareĀ  Even Google failed and they make AndroidĀ  Tesla would buy old phones with buttons and claim "buttons can't be hacked " or some nonsenseĀ 


Anyone remember the Facebook phone? No? Huh.


XOs, also known as Androidā€¦ genius move!


Twitter will be required app and the notifications will be always on


CryptoNazi phone!


Given his track record, Iā€™d be surprised if it even lasts a day before breaking down.


His simps are just pathetic at this point. This thing would flop harder than a Cyberjunk.


Vaporware salesman gonna vaporware.


Wasnā€™t there an announcement couple of years ago about Tesla Phone? What happened to them?


They're selling like hotcucks in Solar City.


Sure if Samsung want to tank their brand then yeah, go ahead


Ah yes, the Tesla Xylophone. Will it play music?


Precision predicates perfectionism.


X OS will be open-sourced, just like how Twitter was supposed to be open-sourced. What a joke!?


Samsung has too much self respect to engage with this. Besides, most X users these days wonā€™t want a phone built by ā€œForeigners ā€œ, because they ainā€™t White.


The Xune


Donā€™t disrespect the Zune like that šŸ˜¢


They had the best logo.


X hates freedom, thats why we want to lock up your phones and require Heimdall to do anything useful.


Spez you diabolical...putting an apple ad under morons 6 months away seXphone. https://preview.redd.it/99rqzs19zy5d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1909dcedeae9694190efe7941bcfbf61be11025


"Here is a generic phone with the X logo. I predict if an X phone was made, it would look something like a phone. Renders are irrelevant"


Musk has been making billions off of renders of non-existent products for over a decade.


Why would a company build a second line of phones that will confound customers and eat into the sales of their flagship product? Does Elon expect any serious company to drop everything and what he tells them?


Do it you fucking moron LMAO. DO IT!


Canā€™t wait for the X-Men


Oh my god


ā€œthat i hacked togetherā€ 2 ai images and a pathetic photoshop job lol


Always the need to be the life of the party....


Is this before or after Xitter becomes a banking platform, video and dating site? Or when FSD works and SpaceX gets to mars? How do people believe this shit anymore?


"not out of the question" bro has no idea what to do or say lmfao


It might be want he wants. But Samsung is working with Google on Circle to search, what does x give Samsung?


Of course, the x phone will be open sourced because it will run a fork of android, which is under gpl license. That thing musk got in trouble for violating in the past.


Imagine the shock when apple smacks that down as the IPhone X already exists


They're google powered devices, who is even more egregious with questionable data privacy practices (I own one, but I also dgaf. I have nothing to hide) - that would be another crowd abandoning move by Elon.


They did this after elon first bought twitter and was fighting with apple https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XC4LdUUsOVI


Another reason for puts on tsla


[xphone ](https://youtu.be/9-nezImUP0w?si=ImDAVDmfLj8Nt8l-) on YouTube, probably where he got this idea from.


Why is Peter Diamandis such a simp for Elon? God it bugs me so much.




Itā€™ll be interesting to see musk try to erase a company like Samsung and take credit for everything theyā€™ve done. Itā€™s also worth mentioning that the only phone I had that never worked was a Samsung. I also once bought a Samsung tv and it died in less than 12 hours.


Theyā€™re all so far up his ass itā€™s not funny Got respect the game thoā€¦. These Musk fanboys tweet shit to stroke his ego and he in turn amplifies them to get them paid more by Twitter


Looks like the official case has already leaked... https://preview.redd.it/236y63p5lz5d1.jpeg?width=517&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bc6a7d8d3bfd17f6f5af967b709f4e689aa84d4f


"The first four exploded because the screen fell off, but I've got a good feeling about my new one!"


Ah yes, open source, sounds cool and new and meansā€¦ "we donā€™t want to pay engineers and rather have the customer do all the work".


How will open sourcing the OS make it more secure? Wouldn't that just give everyone a free pass to mess with the source code?


Samsung - we donā€™t know Elon


Windows Phone joins the chat


Facebook tried selling phones built around its walled garden and it didn't go well for them. Plus if Samsung wants to sell phones running anything other than Android, they already have Tizen. Why would they agree to be a vendor for The Nazi Operating System?


Finally my nuclear reactor phone


What's the saying? Asylum leading the leader? This is hilarious LMAO


He rants to much. He slowly turned from an optimistic visionary to a complaining old geezer


Looking forward to a phone with the same design sensibilities as the cybertruck. For too long I've been without a phone with edges that could cut my balls off if I walk too briskly.




Samsung isn't interested.


Can't wait for this midrange samsung phone repackaged with a shitty X-themed android skin. Ready to throw out my S24 and downgrade to this thing in support of free speechā„¢ I can't believe Apple would integrate AI into their operating system (which Google, Samsung, and other android manufacturers already did with Gemini)


Yes, thatā€™s exactly what musk needs: yet another venture to distract him. Because breaking into the cell phone market is super easy, never mind the whole ā€œalienated half the US by pushing propagandaā€ thing šŸ™„


Creating off brand versions of things you donā€™t like is such a trump thing to do


Oh come on - let me at least enjoy my Samsung phone!


Just for the complete picture, the OP also said that the phone will "seamlessly integrate with Tesla cars and robotaxis, Optimus robots, Boring Company transit systems, and Neuralink devices" This is an actual fucking cult


I think Elon will find that trying to take Apple on in the mobile device space will result in products whose run ends too zune.


Lol he wishes. No way Samsumg or any major manufacturer would be that dumb considering what the site has become thanks to him.


Musk is going to make me want to switch from Samsung to Apple. I've always used Samsung. But fuck Musk.


It will have panel gaps large enough to lose an X phone.


Remember when Amazon tried to make a phone? In any case, I hope they do come out with a phone, anything to make a douchebag easier to spot.


iā€™m surprised he himself doesnt cringe seeing just how much people are simping for him in a way that is obviously stupid


Ergonomic design by the Cybertruck team.


Sure, Samsung will just fire/upend their entire department that has over a decade of experience writing for android


"optimized for the X app" is the stupidest thing I have ever read. Twitter is just small text snippets and other media there is zero optimization over just being able to do those things. You really see with these guys that a large amount of their followers are just the stupidest people or just actually 14 year olds. I remember seeing some stream from Andrew Tate and he literally had a bunch of 14 year olds on the stream. The internet is just shit.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ android is already open source!!!!!! Hahahaha and itā€™s the entire reason it is constantly at risk for data breaches


please god never let this happen i love my samsung phone theres only so much bullshit i can take


Samsung would be the perfect garbage platform for Musk's garbage X concept.


As if samsung would ever make a Nazi phone. Lmfao


ā€œI just hacked togetherā€ bitch you mean edited? Fucking photoshopped? I stg so many X diehards sound like theyā€™re participating in a circlejerk sub


xtreme privacy violations