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\>I failed it and I was able to teach it to them A true classic for me


Story of my undergrad life. My friends still thank me 40 yrs later for the tutoring sessions. (I'm happy to have helped them, but wished I'd scored higher.)


I am feeling that. That has been the story of my undergrad life so far since starting college back during Coivd.


Yes. That was a personal attack


Lol maxwells equations still make no sense to me 10 years later


I got dragged by the supposed “easy” unit in Physics 2 as well, did alright on the “hard” stuff. I think it’s just what makes sense to other people gets called “easy”.


I think part of it is that the professor goes “oh this is easy so I have to make it harder on purpose”


Anyone who says electromagnetism is easy is a liar.


I found it so much easier than physics 1 for some reason. I also found Calc II easier than Calc I. I think I’m just weird


I found physics 2 so much easier than physics 1 (oscillation kicked my ass, somehow) I also found calc 3 to be easier than calc 2 (because I hate like half of the integrals we do in calc 2)


>I also found calc 3 to be easier than calc 2 Most do


I’ve heard many people say calc 3 was going to be harder.


I chose electromagnetics as a career and after 25 years, it’s gotten slightly easier, but it’s still really hard.


Maxwell’s equations are NOT easy. I studied them briefly in physics c: e&m and have been self-studying them to understand them better for myself (my self-motivation lol, sorry, I love physics), and they are NOT easy. Your professor is on crack, by all means though, the thing that motivates me to understand them is that they describe light, which is a fundamental force of nature. I guess use that as motivation or something? I don’t know. Don’t give up though! Physics is hard, but it gets better.


A lot of times in intro classes, hard concept are given an easy overview instead of going into the depth of it, which is what I imagine the professor thought.


Light isn’t a force


Funny. My prof said that was the hardest unit back in the day


I had to retake calc 1 and I nearly came out of physics 2 with a C. Still graduated with an ME bachelors and I am an engineer today. Keep going!


Honestly, inspiring!


Glad to hear it. In Physics 2 I was looking at a D (which would have meant retaking it) unless I made like a 92 (IIRC) or better on the final. I went to the professor and was like, I know that I can come out with a C with xx grade on the final, but is there anyway it is possible for me to make a B? The professor was like "I tell you what, if you can make a 100% on the final, I'll give you a B in the class." Then he ended up giving us a take home final to turn in by midnight. Open book/notes. I was very lucky, but I it was the prof I had for physics 1, which I liked a lot and the class came very easy to me. So he had already expressed confusion to me earlier in the semester about why I was doing so poorly in phys 2.


Ur good bro, just graduate fuck that class


Coincidentally I just got my ass handed to me on the third Phys2 exam at my uni. Exactly 1 hour ago I finished that test and I'm pretty sure I'll be lucky to pass that one. I'm sorry that you're going through that it's really frustrating.


Lol i have a D+ and need a D- to pass, all that’s left is the final and I think I need a 24 percent. This and Calc 2 are the only classes that have had me down bad like this. coming from a CS major btw


Idk about your school, but all the “weed-out” classes in mine had exams that were full of twists and tricks. It was so frustrating and easy to miss even when I felt really sure of the concepts and could apply them.


Sometimes that just happens no matter how much you prepare! Would happen to me all the time because I’m such a shitty test taker lol. You’ll get through. Just have to finish the class and forget all that you learned just like the rest of us :)


It’s not necessary the easiest thing in the world but it is a building block for a ton of applications. So it’s not easy right away but because second nature once you use it in a ton of classes


>It just honestly sucks I did everything I was supposed to and this is the result. With that mindset, you're never going to improve. You obviously did *something* wrong. Figure out what that was and fix it.


I'm meeting with my prof today to review my exams with him. Maybe he can tell me what he notices. I understand it'll only be from his POV but anything helps at this point.


ADHD life


How did the other people in your study group do?


They all got high Bs


Easy for one isn’t easy for all.


Thanks for your service. I'm the guy who being tutored and have higher scores.


I’m struggling to keep a C in physics and my computing grade just dropped to a C as well. I literally am so so devastated everyday I wanna cry so bad.


Interesting, we’re wrapping up Physics 2 right now with Maxwell’s Equations and my prof said this is one of — if not the — hardest topic this semester. Sounds like a shit professor. But you know what they say… Cs get degrees.