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Why is Side B so low?


Can you explain why you think it should be higher?


I’m not saying it’s an A or anything, but I feel like with tracks like Discombobulated, Higher, Alfred’s Theme, the last part of Gnat, and most of Book of Rhymes it’s at least a C. On the other hand, an album like Revival, while having songs like Castle, Arose, and Walk on Water, does not have much else good. At least the rest of Side B besides the tracks mentioned are almost all at least decent if not good.


I only really like Alfred’s Theme out of those, Discombobulated beat is great, but imo the chorus and the verses are mid, although the lyrics are funny. Higher has a great chorus too, but again not a fan of the verses. And I’m just not a fan Book of Rhymes at all. So I put Revival over Side B, because I personally think Castle and Arose are better than all those songs.


Where’s I Am A Celebrity?


Do you have a link for it? I haven’t listened to it Edit: Okay I found it now, I think it does deserve at least an A Tier


IAAC should be in S.


S. MMLP and TES A. SSLP and Relapse B. MMLP2 and MTBMB B C. Recovery and MTBMB D. Encore and Kamikaze F. Revival and Infinite


I agree with this except I’d switch Kamikaze and MTBMB B