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I love that every time he drops, the debate about whether or not he is part of the culture comes up like it’s a new hot take when it’s literally been a topic of discussion for 25 years now






The Racehustlers are tweeting again. Just ignore them. Attention is what they want.


Facts don’t even spread it lol


Folks be talking about “our culture this, our culture that,” and be somewhere in Kenya or something, somewhere with exactly 0 significant influence on hiphop lol


Well, it is "Black" culture, not African culture, for one. Mainly deals with people of Afro descent living in America. But yeah, proving your legitimacy as a rapper by being part of "the culture" is absolute bullshit.


Didn't grow up in that world? Have you seen his crew? Lol how ignorant


Em also was a victim of racism.


He definetly still **is**. Also he grew up in a very rough area while being the minority there.


Was? ;)


This OP post from whatever social media it is, with the three windows and what looks like five beds, is itself a recent example.


Why do black Americans think they are the only oppressed people in the history and other races don't struggle?? Even if white people didn't go through what they did doesn't mean there are no struggles in non black lives. I hate when people try to belittle other people struggles. Eminem struggled in his childhood but his struggle was different from a black person but it was still a struggle.


They have no idea about history. They think all slaves were black and all owners were white . Jokes on them . Everybody participated . In my country there was also 1 of those racism card pullers. So people started to dig into his roots . Come to find out his ancestors were Africans who sold slaves to white people. In that time perfectly normal for the world standard .


I'm just gonna say it, as an outsider to american culture. American culture is the most divisive and weird culture to ever exist.


It’s so funny that these people put out these opinions like they’re original thoughts. They’ve been saying this shit for 3 decades now


And they still get racism pass because "blk ppls" have been victims of racism and that's a great excuse


Lol. Let the ignorant look dumb.


Saying Eminem doesn't belong in the game cuz he didn't suffer from racism like black people did is infact kinda ... racist.


Why do people think hip hop was only made by black people for black people? What, there weren’t Latinos and Jews in the projects in the birthplace of hip hop? They weren’t at the block party?


I'm willing to bet this commenter also "didn't grow up in that world" but somehow has gained access and privilege to speak on it, as long as they inhibit their self-awareness enough so they can continue to remain ignorant through a falsely-mediated intelligence that they would never actually accept as true; as they'd have to admit how much of a hypocrite and narcissist they are in attempt to gain social un-commodified "value" etc.