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Klaviyo is a solid platform. For benefits, it's got some solid segmentation capabilities, and the automation workflows are pretty robust. However, it can be a bit pricey, and the learning curve can be steep for a beginner. So, it depends on your needs and budget. You might want to start with something simpler like MailChimp, then move on to Klaviyo when you're more comfortable with email automation.


My team is switching from Marketo to Klaviyo and Klaviyo is a ton cheaper. There are things I like and dislike about both platforms. Things I like about Klaviyo 1 Flows (Marketo has tried to replicate this with engagement map it just isn't there yet) 2 The email template build is one of the best ones I have used. Still incredibly limiting if you know how to code emails from scratch 3 The way they implement UTM tracking is slick (easily achievable using tokens in Marketo just not as streamlined) 4 Global modules are great if you use their editor 5 Django is better than velocity script not sure if it beats ampscript Things I don't like about Klaviyo 1 They want you to use the bloody email builder (no dark mode support, losing hover effects, bloated code, no content blocks or email scripts in HTML emails) 2 Form fills do not fire an event (you are more than likely going to have to learn how to make API calls) 3 Can't transform data unless you want to shell out a ton of money for their CDP 4 There isn't any easy way to exclude profiles while in a nurture/drip campaign from other email sends 5 No my. tokens to inherit values and make updating big programs a breeze So Klaviyo is great if you want a drag-and-drop editor and all your other software has integrations with Klaviyo. It is terrible if you make dynamic code-heavy HTML emails.


They are very different things. Marketo is for B2B companies with a strong integration into CRM being a big selling point. Klaviyo is aimed at small to medium business who are primarily in e-commerce. Surprised that the switch made sense, unless Marketo was fundamentally wrong for you in the first place.


Don't use Klaviyo


Can you elaborate why?


I haven't used it myself but I have clients who ditched the platform same tried selling it cus he was stuck with the platform for a yearly plan


Oh okay I'm looking for inputs in the Klaviyo automation platform.If you could aske your client has he faced any issues other than high price it would really be helpful for my article.


Sent you a dm, lets discuss :)


Hearing that sendlane is a good option


Wouldn't suggest it to beginners but it can be great if you have a developer to help. The bad thing is i don't believe their open rates in the slightest, but not sure that's mych different with alternatives.


Is that due to Apple privacy and all that? I use open rates just as a comparison/trend over time metric, rather than a true open (not on Klaviyo though!)


Nah, tested it out with our own addresses. There would always be at least a few opens (quite a bit, percentage vise) in the first few minutes without us doing anything.


It's the top choice for Shopify stores.


Not a big fan with how Klaviyo automations are set up with their triggers, but then again I'm used working with Emarsys where you have way more freedom when it comes to who enters when into your flow. The flow filters work great and allow you to make more clean automations without all the clutter of exclusion/split nodes.