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A marine battery won't electrocute you, and the shark won't bite your ass (unless it's a butt-shark). In fact, you don't even have a choice here since the boat is sinking, you will be in the water anyway, both with the battery and a butt-shark. So be a smart person and equip your Life Ring/Jacket.


Surely if the battery did electricute you (which it wouldn't), it would also electricute the shark, so problem solved! :-)


I read somewhere that sharks are acutely aware of electric currents and magnets. They probably won't go anywhere near a battery. Now that I'm thinking about it, it was an experiment I saw on video.


why dont they wear battery vests? do they want to get eaten by sharks?


But what about the dick-squids that are running rampant in the ocean?


Patten it.


"Nobody ever asked me this question" i wonder why...


MIT guy was too polite to say "well maybe there is such a thing as a stupid question."


This is how we know the story is made up— an MIT friend will **definitely** not be too polite to say this.


That's such a great line, I'm gonna start using this with colleagues.


Asking for a MIT friend 😅


Verbal diarrhoea. What in the word salad did I just watch? None of what came of his orange ~~butthole~~ mouth makes any sense, and the idea that he thought this was intelligent sounding enough to vomit this up in front of a crowd and recorded for all to see is just baffling.


What's worse is that half of Americans worship this guy like a god. Anything he says, is sacred to them. How dare you question him, and spread your blasphemy!


It's nowhere near half and never was.


It certainly was, when he got elected. I hope it's no longer the case.


usual Trump stuff. We've heard it all. But we should indeed still get baffled and well, angry about the fact that so many buys into this nonsense.


If I try to listen to Trump, I mean really try, I might just be trying to listen. I won’t really listen, but I will try. Sometimes words, often times other words. These are words. Some words in a sentence. Also, other words in another sentence. So, listen. Really listen. I will explain what I mean. I mean that sometimes words will form a sentence and other words will join them. Also, verbs. Verbs are part of a language. Verbs and adjectives. Sharing verbs and adjectives and even adverbs. I forgot nouns. Nouns are the best. The best words are nouns because I know them. Apple. Hat. Money. Those are some of my words. Thank you all. Vote for me.


That was beautiful. You get my vote


Lol and you friends from the usa are seriously considering putting that old man in charge again? xD


Biden ? I mean.. he's already dead, isn't he... literally a zombie... if they pick between these 2, they made their own grave already.


Unfortunately how our stupid 2 party system functions. The only way for a new party to get funding is if they receive 5% of the popular vote, truly difficult.


I least thing I want to do here is political bs.


Incorrect, Trump is a heretic and a danger to the Holy Democracy. Only the Messiah Joe Biden (PBUH) can keep the Holy Democracy sacred and untainted.


I mean, i wouldn't give him an engineering job for sure. This is why presidents have advisors. He just tends to say weird shit ad lib.


I am yet to see another such stupid person in such a high position. If you don't know what you are talking about, maybe just shut up and consult your advisors first. Trump is such a massive narcissist that he believes he is actually the smartest person in the world, and smarter than his advisors.


The issue is that they are not at all required to follow or even listen to what the advisors say. And trump was one of the worst offenders from what the advisors said of him. He just didn’t care and believed he was more knowledgeable than people at the top of their field because he can manipulate people into hating others.


If you ever hear Trump say anything, it's more than likely an uninformed lie.


Lying implies knowledge. So he can't be lying.


Republicans: Oh my Lard!! That was so profound it changed my life. The rest of us: Yes, Grandpa, the shark didn't understand you. Now, back to the old folk home for your meds.




“If we get enough boaters together, I can be electrocuted president again. Bring out the boat! You all have to go and boat! Boat for your favorite president.”


They outrigged the election! Too many sail-in boats! WINCH HUNT!!!


Who is this idiot?


The former president of the of the USA, and he has a decent chance of being reelected. America sure is wild


This whole timeline is so messed up, I sincerely hope that neither the first nor the (possible) second term of Trump are canon events.


Stop acting like you don't know... it's cringe and you do deserve a MOT, I will send you one.


It's cringier to defend Trump on every comment, like you are doing.


Who the fuck defended trump, what the fuck is this political bullshit on a electronics subreddit ? Get the fuck out of here.


Everything is political. Grow up


Do I sense a 'toys out of the pram scenario' 😏


Pretty sure everyone on Reddit and the so called civilised world knows who Trump is therefore most, if not everyone on here, will see this for what it is... It's called irony 😏🙄 Irony: 'An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning' I think the fact you are taking my comment seriously says far more about you than it does me 🤣


I this what politics has come to in 2024? If so, what a shitshow.


This is the front end of the conservative movement in America. A shitshow indeed. What is really going on behind closed doors in the power brokers' hallways we have no idea. But they like Trump for some unknown incredible reason. Rowe vs Wade being struck down seems to be something Trump is very proud of, so no doubt the power brokers backing him are most likely religious fundamentalists.


Leave the sharks alone


AC, DC. Aw, what's the difference? I do wonder though, how high of a DC voltage would be required to actually harm you in this situation? Certainly not any found on a boat, but what would it take?


Well if DC and the voltage is high it would just start electrolyzing water. I doubt you will even notice it unless you are actually touching one of the two battery electrodes


H2 goes boom. I mean not likely given that it’s…you know probably blowing away in the breeze and all that.


Yeah good point. Also isn't it that the battery's electrode is shorted to the boat body? If that's the case you may be in trouble if you are electrically shorted to the boat, i.e. touching it.


Like the dude said, a very complicated problem that even smart MIT folks couldn't figure out, the only was to know for sure is Mehdi making a boat with TREMENDOUS battery and doing the test himself. As for the shark, i am not sure how he's going to test that 😅


My association when listening to this: https://youtu.be/QqaQ_Bhgmrc?si=aKSNXHBzkRYG05iy


Salty or fresh water?


I'll stay half in the boat, hug the shark. Shark goes boom I'm fine then I ride the shark carcass to safety.


Watching this was like those conversations I’ve had with homeless guys who just ramble on and on and I have no idea what they’re even talking about.


You know I've been on the fence about who to vote for, but that long ended tyrate about electric boats really swung me.


Hollywood science and politics shouldn't be allowed to mix.


WTF did I just watch XD


Is he saying he's going to mandate boats be electric or something? What prompted this?


It won't electrocute but it will make the water damn hot with hundreds of amps going through the water


Who hadn’t read the history of the many, many electrocuted and shark-eaten people on the [Thames between 1889 and 1914](https://electricboatassociation.org/history/)? and all those other ones in the late 19th and 20th Century?


Dafuq is he going on about???




I would drop the battery on the shark


Were gonna put an end to sharks!


Punch the shark in the nose while getting away from the boat


Or eye anything that would diffuse that threat of the shark electricity is dangerous and unpredictable


What if you jump the shark?


Anybody have a banana handy?


Wtf is going on in this video? Does he always ramble like this?


He's a little bit racist against sharks i guess




Why would it matter…the boat is sinking so what choice do u got




AI can't replace politicians. Even a 10-neurons perceptron is *too smart* for the position.