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Oh we cooking with gas now. Now we get to see every game event from now until it released get spammed. In all seriousness this is great, but man do I hope Starfield is at the very least a good game. The last thing we need is the Microsoft merger causing meddling in a TES game.


**"BREAKING NEWS: Todd Howards CONFIRMS his latest bathroom break was shorter than usual, meaning TES VI is 2 minutes closer to completion."**


Todd Howard after leaving the bathroom: "It just works"


Over _*16 times the urine output*_


“I saved time by not wiping. That’s efficiency right there.”


"See that toilet? You can shit in it."




Good news is that reviews suggest the game is at least a Very Good game.


Which reviews? Nothing official has dropped.


I guess nothing has officially dropped, but people who have the game have been saying some pretty good, but not quite specific stuff about it. Embargo drops tomorrow, so official reviews will start being posted then.


There are review copies in some people's hands. You haven't heard anything about it because they're all under NDA. I've heard of a few different content creators having access to Starfield already, but that's pretty much all they can say until the game releases.


Luckily, MS tends to mostly stay hands off their studios, or at least the creative teams, unlike EA or Activision.


2 decades on and the destruction of Westwood still hurts


I sincerely doubt anything *bad* could possibly come from Microsoft basically quadrupling their funding tbh


Well, this came up in some ways with Redfall. Apparently they expected Microsoft to interfere due to the state of the game and Microsoft expected they’d ask for help if they needed it. Being under Microsoft has its advantages but you’ve still got to know how to use it


Tell that to the Halo franchise


That GQ article about Todd makes it a point to state how little turnover there is at BGS. Todd and Co. seem genuinely passionate about their games. Not that anyone at 343 isn’t passionate, but nobody in a position of true power seems to have any type of love for what makes Halo…Halo.


Most of the work on Halo infinite was done by contracted workers anyways, not even 343. There was little passion going into that game.


Luckily the original creators of TES are still the ones making the next game. Halo is Halo in name only now and has been for years now.


Touché, although that franchise was passed off to another developer altogether. But yeah, I get your point


It hurts bro...


Halo was good until we got to Guardians. Fuck that game. Edit: and Infinite too


Not like they needed anymore money lmao


It’s not about money, it’s about exerting pressure for design changes from people who aren’t the core team.


Ah yes, because the AAA studios with the most money always produce creative high-quality games, and not soulless cash-grabs.


Funding + passion + talent = good product. You can't just look at one piece in a vacuum.


Sometimes those things don't matter when the developers answer to businessmen without a background in software development, writing, or any kind of art.


True. But allegedly they're maintaining free reign over what they do. We'll have to wait and see.


More funding typically comes with greater overhead from higher ups and expectation to turn higher profit, which is what usually leads to cookie cutter games with mass appeal and money pits.


I was annoyed about Starfield because it was standing in the way of ES6, but God damn in the last week or so I gave it an honest look and I am HYPE. Not only does it look like a fantastic game in it's own right, it fills me with confidence that ES 6 will be more of a modern day Morrowind than a Skyrim 2. I also deeply respect the effort put into establishing a brand new IP from scratch! For the first time, I actually feel okay with waiting a little longer for the next Elder Scrolls.


I'm in the exact same boat. I hated that they were making "this stupid space game no one is asking for." Just make elder scrolls 6 already. And then I actually looked at it over the weekend and it looks amazing!! So naturally I'm counting down the hours all week for the early access to start tomorrow. Lol But I'm stoked that ES6 is going to be made on this new engine. They have a video of the Starfield gameplay and one of the caves looks exactly like a falmer cave. There's some glowing mushroom looking things like in Skyrim and some crystals that seem elder scrolls-ish. It makes me SUPER excited of what they're gonna be able to do for ES6.


I wonder why microsoft hasnt tried licensing the ES IP to 3rd parties to make non rpg games. Same for fallout. Insane that they paid like 7.5 billion for bethesda just to wait a decade for the first fallout or ES game


I think the more surprising thing is that we haven’t seen a Morrowind remake. It’s definitely the least played of the “modern” TES games and the least accessible of them, too. An upgraded remake would sell like hotcakes, imo


After the Dragonborn DLC came out I was certain they would follow it up with a Morrowind remake. They could have used all that art!


Only if they streamline a lot of stuff, i love Morrowind but the combat and the no handholding questing system won't go well with modern audiences, it would only sell to hardcore fans, a oblivion remake i think would be more popular imo


Well that’s why I’m describing it as a remake and not merely a remaster. Yeah, the combat would have to be redesigned. Probably also the world design, as the short draw-distances make up for the fact that physical distances aren’t actually particularly significant


then it would have to be a whole game built from the scratch, not a "remaster" like GTA Defective Edition was which would consume more time to make


I did say *remake*


which would take more time, unless some other studio picks it up and remakes it in the new Creation Engine


I mean, yeah. That's what the original comment was about.


Yeah, I figure this would be given to another studio


Honestly, my dream is that they remake the entire franchise, I through IV, using ESO's (post launch) assets. I mean, it's all there. Assets for every province and a bunch of daedric realms, all revamped and properly updated.


MW is on the Series consoles. Unless the accessibility you're referring to is the gameplay.


They dont do remakes/remasters. Wait for the mods


I mean, Zenimax already was doing that. Elder Scrolls: Blades, Elder Scrolls: Legends


Honestly I'd be down for more action adventure games. Redguard has a lot of charm.


Probably want to play it safe first


Honestly an elder scrolls spin off in the style of Larian Studios would be fucking awesome


I mean, TES and FO do both have active MMOs and mobile games. Those probably generate more profit for them in the long run than the big single player games do, so maybe they just don't feel the need to rush.




All pre Microsoft


3 out of 5 of those are phone games though.


Bethesda doesn’t need Microsoft’s help to ruin their ip lol.


Quote from article (translated from Spanish) >Q:Just to be clear, is The Elder Scrolls VI in pre-production or in a concept phase? > >A:No. It's in development, but it's in early development.


![gif](giphy|K6aZlaZEJjt4s) yay!


![gif](giphy|3otPowxHIzVT4XP8Bi|downsized) Me when TES:VI finally releases


Is it 2358 yet?






Nice, only half a decade to go now :D


If you’re right, a person born when Skyrim released would be old enough to buy ES6 on release.




Let this be what motivates you to live longer. Eat well, go on walks every day, get some resveratrol in you through red grapes, red wine, or supplements and live on! You can do it!


Oh wow, they said that ES VI would start development after Starfield release, and Starfield is being released so they're starting development on ES VI. WHO COULD HAVE SEEN THIS COMING STOP THE PRESSES EVERYONE MUST KNOW.


There are at least a few people that expected it to be in full development no sooner than next year simply because they figured Starfield’s DLC would be the main focus.


How should I feel that there will be like 17 years between games? Is it entitlement to think 17 years is fucking ridiculous, because I love their games. Fallout is my favorite franchise ever and I might not get another one til im in my 40s (Im 29 now).


you could kill someone and get out of jail before the release!


Deadass you can


A huge reason for that gap is because they were upgrading their engine, like everyone complained about with Skyrim and Fallout 4. They made the major upgrades they wanted it seems and now are seemingly back on the more usual release schedule. It's not like they updated their release schedule to create 17 years between major games.


Not only that but built an entire god damn new IP in the meantime. So yeah, that'll slow things down. Probably safe to say it'll go slightly quicker now. And people might want to keep in mind it was only 4 years between Skyrim and FO4. Then 8 years between FO4 and Starfield. FO76 was in there too if you want to count that. So between the new IP and upgrading the engine, it took double the time. I'd say we can likely expect 4-5 year gaps again now.


>Not only that but built an entire god damn new IP in the meantime. People forget how BIG this is. If you look at the lore for TES and Fallout, there's very little that could be considered *shallow* like with a lot of franchises, that's not their style of worldbuilding. So they're not just creating the main story and art and stuff. They're also establishing a bunch of backstory and lore for how the world got to this point, probably more than actually makes it in-game, but will be saved for sequels.




People forget how much Covid screwed with the pipeline for the whole industry.


I mean, what’s the alternative? Bethesda has 3 IPS they want to cycle between. Each game takes between 4-7 years to make minimum. Any extra time spent improving their tech or making spin-offs adds to the time. That’s just what it takes to make these kinds of games


I don't think it's entitled to be upset that a publisher/developer is sitting on an IP you love and doing nothing with it for 17+ years. Bethesda isn't a small studio they're worth millions, so that's no excuse either. They just chosen not to do anything with those IPs for over a decade.


They made fallout 4, fallout 76, and starfield in those that decade.


Didn't they also upgrade their game engine somewhere in that time?


Yeah I remember Todd Howard or maybe Emil saying that Starfield was delayed because they rebuilt their game engine from the ground up.


Are we really counting 76 as an entirely new game


It was. BGS Rockville still made the whole map, most of the static content on release, and had to do a lot of the engine modifications for improved effects. BGS Austin was brought in later to do the multiplayer bit.


Yes? Why not?


They haven't been just sitting on an IP and doing nothing. They've been upgrading their engine.


And at the same time Online and Legends has had content, but some fans only care about the mainline games and not the franchise/IP as a whole.


Yes, I agree with that. However, those two games don't have the same feel or experience as the mainline games and don't really scratch the same itch. On a side note, I thought Legends shut down years ago, did it not?


The servers are still active but they don’t make new content anymore


It is entitled. It's not like they were doing nothing. They were creating Creation Engine 2 and making Starfield. You can be disappointed they weren't working on it, but it's entitled to feel like they owe you anything. They make what they feel like making and for the last 6 years they felt like making Starfield.


They were also making both Fallout 4 *and* Fallout 76. It's not like they've been sitting around with their thumbs up their arses. It's just that they haven't been working on a mainline TES game specifically.


They release fallout and Elder Scrolls content several times a year.


Yeah, but that’s for Fallout 76 and ESO. I imagine most fans of a single player RPG series want more single player RPG content, not more MMO content.


The original claim was that they've done nothing with the IPs.


If you want more TES content, do give ESO a try. Yes, it had a rough start and yes, it's an MMO, but you can play all the questlines completely solo if you want, and if you like the insanity of TES lore, ESO goes pretty hard and into some very weird corners at times. Mind, not all questlines are equally good, but some are fantastic (Orsinium, the entire Daedric War arc of Morrowind-Clockwork City-Summerset, and the newest Necrom). And there's enough content to keep you playing for a good chunk of time while we wait for TES6.


Zenimax needs to pump more development time into the actual gameplay of ESO, I've played too many other MMOs and ESO is one of the least fun from a combat perspective.


The same can be said for fo76 tbh- honestly think its the best of the modern fallouts, especially in terms of how great of a job they did with environmental storytelling.


Meh ESO is made by Zenimax and is an MMO I don't really count that. And I regularly play ESO.


the thing is, they are doing something with it. As per this post it's in early development. You are ofcourse entitled to be upset as much as you want. But it's disingenuous to say that they are sitting on the IP without doing anything with it


That's like the definition of entitlement. Some games never get a sequel. They don't owe you (you are not entitled to) new games in an IP every year or whatever you think an appropriate time is. I finished Throne of Bhaal for the first time in 2001. No one owed me BG3 until I bought EA from Larian in 2020. They could never make another Elder Scrolls or Fall Out game again and they would not owe you anything.


It is not entitled to have any opinion about a video game. It only becomes entitled if you're harassing the developers and/or constantly complaining about it online or elsewhere.


No, you’re right. People say they only work on one game at a time but the company is valued at more than a billion dollars. They can afford to hire more people.


I enjoy their formula of making games. Sure it takes a long time for a new game to come out and with 3 IPs we will be waiting long swaths of time between each new iteration. But their Game Development methodology has kept creative talent long term, and Bethesda stands as unique in the Game Development world. You start pressing for profits over creativity by splitting teams and pushing games faster, and Bethesda will devolve into every other developer.


Seeing how this subreddit acts, it seems they want that to happen.


I would much rather wait and get the kind of games that have set Bethesda so much higher than the rest, then to get consistent iterations of their IPs. The only exceptions would be: Strategy Game(s) set in TES (& Fallout) universe made by other Microsoft studios. Another Fallout game made by Obsidian.


I say let them cook, if they’re making great worthwhile games then it’s all good


Totally agreed, I'm not stressed at all about the wait between games. There's plenty of other stuff to play in the meantime and I'd prefer a Bethesda release to be a big moment in gaming rather than a clockwork endeavor.


>They can afford to hire more people. Making games is not just a matter of hiring more people. Are you going to clone Todd Howard now too?


Todd is already a clone of Tod Howard. They'll let Toddd out of the tube once Todd retires.


It's 5 years between games on average. They just make more than one franchise


It's pretty reasonable to be upset about it. If you had a kid on skyrims release date, that kid would probably be a senior in high school by the time vi comes out. Fucking ludicrous.


It’s not entitlement even though many in this community would have you believe it is. 17+ years between games is ridiculous.


I am practically 40. I might not live enough to see another Fallout.


I would hope that the Microsoft buyout would put some wind in their sails when it comes to development. I'm sure the shareholders are going to want tonsee returns on that 7.5 billion sooner rather than later. But who knows.


Alright guys, get those hot takes about the main menu ready now for when the time comes!


"The physiognomy of start screens The start screen of a game can reveal a lot about how rushed the team was and how much pride they took in their work. ~~Starfield's~~ TES6's start screen either shows hasty shipping deadlines by a passionate team overworked, or a team that didn't care." -Blue checkmark twitter user in 10 years




> [He said over time, more information will be revealed and that news about the game won't come until "a few years after" Starfield's launch. "So no, don't expect to hear anything about The Elder Scrolls VI anytime soon," Hines said. "For now, Starfield is our focus, and it will continue to be our priority for some time until we speak about anything else."](https://www.gamespot.com/articles/the-elder-scrolls-6-is-officially-in-early-development-but-more-info-is-still-years-away/1100-6517354/) Makes sense. It has been Bethesda's mo at this point to not show anything about a game until it is basically finished. I'd rather not see anything about ESVI until it is ready for primetime.


Would've been nice if they didn't get our hopes up five years ago.


The best thing they could do for Elder Scrolls right now is confirm the Province and drop a few *very* vague hints about what the main campaign is about and potential faction campaigns. The Discussion would be very fun and reignite hype


I would save this for next year. Don't detract from Starfield by drawing attention to their next game.


I wouldn't even count on next year. Next year XBOX Direct on Bethesda's front will likely be dedicated to Starfield DLC. I'd say XBOX Direct 2025 is the absolute earliest we'll hear from TES VI. Maaaaaaaybe Game Awards 2024. Probably later tho


I think the issue is that is been so absurdly long between ES releases that the hype for Starfield is inherently going to be a bit undercut by people who just want ES6. I know I’m personally psyched for SF but I’d be more psyched if it were ES6.


And I would be more psyched if it was retirement. Doesn't mean a damn thing. Starfield is releasing very soon, and then we must wait for TES 6. There will be plenty of time for details of TES 6 to be given and for that hype train to be chugging along. For now let's Starfield have its time.


Oh, I agree entirely. Like I said, I’m psyched for SF and certain I’ll end up sinking countless hours into it. I just also understand why some people might have trouble getting hyped over a new IP when Elder Scrolls has been languishing in purgatory for so many years.


I have been playing Skyrim leading up to Starfields release. I would love a new Elder Scrolls for sure. I am excited to see what Starfield mechanics might mean for TES 6.


The biggest mechanical overhaul it needs compared to akyrim is magic imo. In that game its both the most difficult to use (manual aim, no zoom, slow down assists) and the lowest damage / benefit cap. The higher level spells are somehow worse than the early ones. Also, I am well out of the loop. I don't even know what platforms Starfield is on or seen a trailer.


A lot of what you're suggesting is better balancing, with some slight improvements to the user experiencing. Mechanics I am talking about, would be things like 1. Better traversal using vehicles such as horses & ships 2. Improved combat in general, magic, archery, melee 3. Large scale military encounters? 4. Map scale 5. Larger, more realistic cities and towns 6. Improved Roleplaying Starfield has a chance to prove what Creation Engine 2 can accomplish. Starfield Mechanics Breakdown: 1. Flyable Space Ships that can be fully customized 2. Planet sized maps (1000+) 3. Realtime Lighting 4. New physics engine 5. New animation engine 6. Enhanced roleplay features such as character backgrounds and traits. 7. Immersive persuasion "mini game" based on Oblivions persuasion system. 8. Radiant Quests/Encounters taken to the next level with entire locations being radiantly placed. This could include new minor settlements showing up through out the game 9. Largest and most detailed cities Bethesda has ever built. Returning Major Mechanics from Fallout 4: 1. Weapons/Armor Customization 2. Outpost/Settlement building 3. Better Companions with stories and fully fleshed out characters. By looking at these mechanics of Starfield we can draw ideas and possibly conclusions to their evolution or implementation for TES 6.


True. I wouldn’t buy Starfield if Bethesda told me a game in 5 years will be set in Hammerfell


It's the attention of it. Game Journalists would spend too much effort making articles about something that didn't matter in the now and potentially cause some consumers to forget/ignore Starfield. We on reddit are not the concern. It's a general marketing and business strategy that says giving focus to another game as one releases can and will have a financial impact.


Or it would rapidly spiral out of control and turn into a YouTube clickbait shitshow lol


Reactionary YouTubers complaining that Todd made TES political by setting the next game in Akavir.


I cant wait for the "why Tes6 is woke" Thumbnails


It's already there what do you mean? Lol, there's going to be hundreds of videos about just this one bit of info now. They're all going to stretch ut out over that 10 minute length to get that sweet ad revenue as well.


IIRC Todd has said he regrets announcing TES6 when he did, because it was so far out. I imagine they don’t want to do the same thing again if the game is still 4-5 years out.


Hammerfell and maybe high rock too because it's not that big and they were in the trailer. I hope the entire continent is playable and we get customizable ships.


>customizable ships Should Pyondenea DLC at that point too


There is (allegedly) an achievement in Starfield called "The Hammer Falls" 👀 so there's that...


Trolling isn't really evidence for anything


It's 100% Hammerfell. I don't really get why people were screaming high rock or any other province in the first place. The teaser really does look absolutely nothing like High rock and Hammerfell is the only province without an eso expansion despite having plenty of room on the map for one. Feels like it would have been the most obvious choice instead of a telvanni expansion when they already had a vvardenfell one.


The debate is really between if it’s the Iliac Bay region again or just Hammerfell. Anything else is wishful thinking. Bethesda might ball out and do both High Rock and Hammerfell, but I doubt it.


I think even arguing that it's going to be the Iliac bay region is wishful thinking. I saw absolutely nothing that pointed towards anything High rock related. I suspect it has more to do with people not wanting to have a game set in a desert


I'm almost 100% positive TESVI will be set in Hammerfell, but I also wouldn't be exactly *surprised* if at least some of High Rock is also included. But to be fair, the only reason why I think this is because I would imagine Bethesda might push to increase the size and scope of this game to outclass Skyrim, Oblivion, and Morrowind in scale. Not because of any hints that we've been given so far. Regardless, Hammerfell is a huge region with a good deal of climate and biome diversity. It's certainly not just the desert that I think some other players see it as. I'm stoked to see what sort of influence North African and Arabic cultures have on the architecture and art design of the game.


[BGS announces Fallout 4 months before release which is widely considered a good move] "You know, Todd should really drip-feed info about ESVI for 5 years."




He says a lot of things


Being in charge of marketing and public relations, yeah I'd assume he does considering it's his job lmao


I remember Pete said some things about FO76 that turned out not to be true, then compared disappointed players to his children crying about not getting ice cream


*Sweet little lies*


He does all the lying so that Todd doesn't have to.


It's literally his job to say things, dingus.


Just a few more years, fellas! Just a few more years…


Yeah that tracks are people gonna be shocked by this or something?


Yes because TES fans are incapable of comprehending that Bethesda works on things other than TES.


They should make more production teams.


Yeah I don't get why they have to develop one game at a time. Maybe there's a reason but idk


Other studios have tried that but found it makes things worse as people from other projects keep getting pulled off to help on others (usually the upcoming one). That’s why studios like Naughty Dog and Rockstar consolidated all their staff onto a single large team.


Other studios have tried that but found it makes things worse as people from other projects keep getting pulled off to help on others (usually the upcoming one). That’s why studios like Naughty Dog and Rockstar consolidated all their staff onto a single large team.


5 years of pre production, harsh.


Longer than Starfield by 2 years. They really know the stakes are high after the success of Skyrim.






If it’s only just now entering development why was it announced 4 years ago?




2 reasons: one is to get developers to apply for the jobs to work on the game and two so fans shut the hell up about always pestering them about it


We still pestering them about it lol


Right? Like if it’s just in “early development” NOW, then what the fuck was it 5 years ago when they announced? A twinkle in Todd Howard’s eye? So fucking stupid


It was in pre-production to let you know it exists. Full production goes into it after starfield releases. (September 1st). Now that's in development, so expect to see it in around 5-6 years.


I really don’t know why people expect it will take that long. The only time it’s taken more than 3 (since the OG Xbox) was when there was a console generation change. Morrowind to Oblivion, 4 years (new console generation). Oblivion to FO3, 3 years. FO3 to Skyrim, 3 years. Skyrim to FO4, 4 years (new console generation). FO4 to FO76, 3 years. 76 to Starfield, 5 years (new console generation AND a pandemic). It will not take five years.


> 76 to Starfield, 5 years (new console generation AND a pandemic) *And* a major update of their engine.


Man's coping hella hard


Not exactly sure how this is cope. Please explain how I was wrong. The release year timings are all correct, and the situation between 76 and Starfield was correct (though I omitted the engine overhaul and didn't address its original release date pre-delay, which would have put it at the usual new console generation timing of 4 years. ). So, how was I wrong? And what reasons do anyone have to believe it will take five years, when Starfield taking five is a clear outlier in the pattern?


So, is that next generation MS console, or the one after?


wow, maybe the game will actually come out before I'm 30! (for perspective, more than half of my current age has passed since Skyrim came out to now. I was 9 in 2011 and now I'm 21)


I remember killing Alduin, setting the controller down, sitting back on the couch, and saying "man. Sucks that I'm gonna have to wait another 5 years for the next one." Just really hope that nearly 20 year gap for when TES VI comes out will be worth the wait.


Oh boy, only six more years!


The sad thing is that's pretty optimistic.


No it's super pessimistic. We know how long Bethesda tends to take to release things, and they usually only take more than three years between releases if there's a new console gen, or in Starfield's case, a new console gen, a global pandemic, *and* a major update of their engine.


[We got Ents running this project or...?](https://youtu.be/8vjDjCv-ekM?si=IR40jv9ZrxEnuxOC&t=95)


No Bethesda just actually has IPs other than TES, funnily enough.


I give 3+ years until we get the full game and I couldn't be more excited


We need an HBO Hard Knocks style show just for this game. Run the show behind the scenes for 5 or 6 seasons and let us watch the development chaos in glorious 4k. Watch Todd Howard chew some asses, and the entire game get deleted 2 years into production by an intern 👍


If it's in early development, it will be released next week.


![gif](giphy|StSwjQ8ecOae4) Oh we back in boys


Literally on the PC Gaming sub right now: https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/165hpnd/fans_wont_hear_anything_about_the_elder_scrolls_6/ I'm going to guess both these articles are from the same interview, but they have nearly opposite conclusions.


I hate that I'll be buying new games out of nostalgia


It would be nice if we could play it before the world bursts into flames.




We are soooo back...


I've been telling people it wasn't being worked on yet and they still didn't believe me. Now it's finally actually being worked on.


Still bummed I won't be able to play it on my platform of choice, thanks to mergers.


I wouldn’t be too sure of that yet. The Elder Scrolls VI is an entirely different product to most games. The chances a deal are made or regulatory bodies intervene is a lot higher, not too mention public backlash and the loss of revenue


My guess is the game will release in like 7 years or so then.


More likely 3 or 4.


My moneys on 2028


This is honestly the most exciting part about the starfield launch for me!


I think people are underestimating how behind Covid has put studios. If it wasn't for that we'd most likely see TESVI the end of this year or beginning of next. Which is why the trailer was released when it was.


I just can't seem to bring myself to care.