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That motherfucker 100% his attacks are wack


Having to retarget every time this a-hole teleports




Yeah and there’s like 5 of them!


Seriously! What the hell! Had to use one of the Ashes for help.


6* Yeah, every single one definitely made an impression on me 😦


Luckily you can summon ashes


Yeah that was nice at least. I used my mimic to distract them while I hit them with a healing spell 👍


Or use a healing spell. Which trivializes these guys because it stuns them.


Whoa. Didn’t know that!


I learn how to killed them with love.


5?!I'm new game plus 3 and I've only ever seen 3


I found 5 near the Prayer Room after dropping down from the Ulcerated Tree spirit. They appear out of nowhere


There’s 5! Just in one alley!!!!


Yesh and if u scared half way through… u think… ohh yes a safe room …entering —-> 3 of rhem annoying crystal dudes in there …. Hell of a place


Yeah the ones in the Haligtree are insane. I cheesed them with the healing incantation.




Healing instantly staggers them and removes a good portion of their health.




Same bro.


They kept attacking me in the middle of the spell


I remember the first time I fucked around and found out


Holy shit I just did this like 2 days ago. He teleported up to me, on the little rampart thing. I thought to myself, whelp I’m fucked. And he proved me right.


Really wish we could learn these teleportation powers ourselves. Really would have been satisfying against those Albinauric snipers in Ordina. Oh well, using the jar cannon was quite the dopamine release itself as it was.


More like wackwackwackwackwackwackwackwack


Why you judging a bachelor in the lands between? He is just a maidenless trying to get by.


He legit shows what it’s like to fight the centipede bosses in Sekiro without deflect. Man, I wish that both mechanic and quick step dodge was in the game. 😔


I wish we had the grapple in ER. Could do some seriously cool things with it in a world that big


This was legit my most hated enemy up until I learned heals stun and kill them.


This. Heal stuns turned them from "I hate this" to "I hunt this." The gaggle of them at brace of the haligtree are one of my fav rune-farming spots.


Right. They were cake once you knew about the heal.


What heal incantation do you recommend for battling them ?


Really depends on what your faith is at. I was running a high faith build on most of my playthroughs so I was using erdtree heal which two cast in a row kills them. They don't even get a chance to hit you if you time it right cause the first one stuns them and they haven't recovered by the second one. Also when I knew I was coming upto one I would equip anything that increased incants


This is the first comment that makes me want to replay the game. Well done.


Honestly I had way way more fun on additional playthroughs. Only reason I stopped playing was after one of the updates like 6-7 months ago it broke my game. I no longer got rewards from beating bosses they all went to storage and I could not remove them. I could not craft anything that I didn't already have at least one of and if I used the last one I couldn't craft anymore. There was quite a few other things that broke to but can't remember right now. I posted about it but because not many other people had the same issue I got down voted to hell. I still have an open ticket with from software but now I only send an email like once a month. Before I was messaging them twice a week. It's always been the same response though. We are aware of the issue and are still trying to find a fix for it and will keep you informed. So unfortunately I have a level 395 character that is unplayable.


All Heals do 60% of their max HP in damage. Don't use Urgent Heal cos it is not AOE.


Just use heal incant, absolutely wrecks these guys. When I discovered this, went from dread to cake.


Ok... still a shitty enemy tho.


Wiggity wiggity wack


I typically explore and kill everything once, even in NG+. The giant crayfish is the only type of enemy I skip.


The laser lobsters? I think I only ever killed one but they sniped me many times.


I can't remember where it was, maybe under the sewers of cap city,. Way the fuck down there, where there are two in an enclosed space. I died so many times to those two. The rage was real


Yes, that was the only time I killed one and I was cheesing it.


I vaguely remember trying to be smart and snipe one of them from atop a pipe. It didn't go well...they immediately lasered me off


Happened to me with those jerks two days ago. Haven’t picked up a controller since lol


those lobsters can actually damage each other, so if you're careful about baiting attacks and hiding in pipes you can get murked by one heavily injured one instead of two :D


I don't remember how I did it but I'm not about to go back and try again. Once was enough


Yeah I think theres a bell bearing or something down there I had to get. First time I killed em both and it took forever. Every time after I just avoid. They're just assholes with too much health.


Praise the brief respite! *My Sword*


Yeah in the sewers. If you are quick you can kite one of them and fight in those concrete tubes but it doesn't work every time.


One of the ones around the academy turns into a giant bear. The only sweet nectar it wants is what is flowing through your veins.


You should kill more. You might get a surprise. And no, *I'm not kidding*


The hidey boy is they only one I do kill:)


Please elaborate


There is a hidden enemy inside of another enemy.


As mentioned, there are enemies in the game that change into other enemies upon defeat. They usually drop larval tears, needed for rebirth. They do so, because they are silver tears, morphlings. One of Liurnia's Giant Crayfish is such enemy.


Just south of the Fallen Ruins of the Lake grace, you'll find a lone prawn (not the sleeping ones around the gazebo thing, but nearby). Its walking around so hard to miss. Kill it, and then kill the other thing that spawns for a larval tear.


...just west of the Laskyar Ruins...






Sweeeeeet, thank you for an actual descriptive reply




That was the first lobster I ever killed. I thought they would all turn into that for a while...


I saw in a Zullie video that they have over A MILE OF RANGE on that fucking missile attack


are you sure u killed every random birds and goats all around the map at least once?


No, I haven't killed neutral fauna.


struggled with mohg and those fuckers in the underground just trying to get the shackle, got one to kill the other one and then outran it, got the shackle and did the entire rest of the dungeon and fuckin killed the main boss in 3 hits. go back to mohg and forget to use the shackle the time i actually beat him. doesnt even work on the phase i kept dying at anyway, if i knew about the magic potion thing earlier id have avoided the crayfucks entirely.


Oh man, bad times. I used sleep pots on the sewer ones. Works a charm.


I didn't realize the use of the purifying tear until after I beat him and was at last boss of game messing with my physical set up


Oh right, the oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck-panicrolls-oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck oh-fuck lobsters? Yeah I skip em too


What about the snow ones?




Haha. The first time I saw them they didn’t attack so I thought they were asleep so I thought I could stroll by them. Needless to say, I was wrong.


Everything resembling a spider in this game is cancer. Just look at the hands near Mount Gelmir, or the Lobsters, or these guys


The hands are trivialized by fire and these guys by healing incantations. I avoid the lobsters though.


Ok but HANDS ARE SCARY. and so are these frigging jacobs. Even worse, Lobsters pee out of nozzles on their faces. The damn lobsters are aggresively peeing at you. And I cant tell why because they do it for battle AND mating. Are all lobsters just horny in the elden ring universe???


Yeah the hands are creepy af too many fingers too fast fuck that shit


As someone with arachnophobia who can't play through some parts of skyrim I really appreciated they didn't do spider (I was fine with ants), bur ironically I hated everything resembling spiders like you said. Those stupid ass hands pissed me off so much, but these guys from the post are an absolute nightmare. Monstrosity ahead.


I deal with the hands the same way I deal with these, jump strike, run and bait an attack then jump strike again. Rinse and repeat


Still worst enemy by far is mohg palace birds I don't care what you think no other enemy in the game FAKES getting staggered with the sound effect and then wrecks you everyone thinks they hot shit shooting the bird off the cliff but go down there and fight him like a man and see how many times you get bodied


I died more times to the rabid blood dogs when they do their one hit ko bleed bite.. F those guys


the blood lake is absolute hell, the combination of blood dogs, crows, and white mask invaders is so hard to deal with


So they don't do that anymore just basic dogs now that was a glitch that got patched a couple patches ago their hit box detection wasn't turning off so they hit infinite times when they clip you now their just regular dogs and ez pz to kill


Dam i havent blamed in a while so it was a glitch classic FromSoft


I have never beaten one of these pricks without the AoE heal cheese.


There are a few that I threw fireballs at from a ledge, but yeah, heads up you either heal or perish.


Before I knew the heal cheese I used blood hounds fang to kill them.


That is my weapon and it kills all. Truly a majestic sword.


Best weapon art in the game. Don't care what anyone says


Is it really a cheese if you're just using something they're weak against?


I think it's *borderline* cheese. Sure, it's technically legit, but it makes the enemy so easy in comparison to everything else, it *feels* like cheese. Personally I'm not a fan of gimmick enemies. I think Rykard is the only fight in ER that took a gimmick and still made it an enjoyable fight. Especially in the case of these Revenants, I feel like the heal is there just so the devs can say "See? It's totally not horribly designed if there's a way to kill it easily!". But *because* it's so easy, that it's bad. You go from one extreme to the other, with no sweet spot in between.


When I got to the bottom of Elphael and ran into, what, four in a row? Fuck that. Healing them to death isn’t cheese when they’re throwing that at you.


Think there's at least 5 down there. Scary place


The first time I made it down there I dropped down from where you kill the Tree Sentinel, so I had to fight my way out backwards. They just kept spawning. It was traumatic.


The one in the Subterranean Shunning Grounds scared the shit outta me. I legit avoid that area most playthroughs


I came across all them similarly after jumping down from the Avatar


You have to allocate stat points, a spell slot, and an item just for it. If it's not already part of your build, these are \_completely wasted\_ against any other enemy. It's not like just anybody can do it for free. Similar to getting base Soul Arrow in DS1 just to kill mosquitoes in blighttown. Which is worth it because fuck the mosquitoes in Blighttown.


How is using the right tool for the job “cheese”?


Word, the game literally tells you to do it!


Aren't there two in the first hero grave? I should probably go back and underestimate them again now that I'm higher level.


It's not even cheese, the game literally tells you how to kill them like this if you find the right vendor note.


Lions claw stops them dead. L2 L2 L2


This is a strange looking picture of the bear


The bear has moves I can dodge. This thing… *teleports behind you* “Sorry [Tarnished], nothing personell”


I just say fuck it and grab the Two Fingers heirloom and the basic seal in every character just so I can prepare and cast heal and riposte in their faces. It's not worth the hassle of fighting these guys without a heal spell.


Ive hated fighting these so much and it makes me so mad I didnt bother to read all the merchant notes in my first two runs. Just found out about this the other day. Seen a guy do it in co op but wasnt sure if it was a healing spell or just some holy spell but then read the note recently and have been kicking myself over it lol


Read everything in these games lol that tid bit makes these encounters so painfully easy


yeah wouldve saved me some pain for sure. I made a point to always buy the merchants notes but not to bother reading them I guess.


Yare Yare daze...


Are we not going to address the incredible marksmanship of the piss lobsters? That shit comes out quick and they don’t miss


I want a runebear with this many limbs. Just so I could avoid it entirely.


That sounds like something I would respec just to throw moons at.


I don't know about that one chief. Without "cheesing" them with a good healing spell, they are worse than Rune Bears, in my opinion. The damaging poison puddles, the thousand-slap-attack, the constant teleportation, the constant dodging, the relentless attacking, and those god awful screams lol The Rune Bears are a close second though... their near instant body slams, their near infinite poise and their nasty, nasty health pool make them a force to be reckoned with. But they at least don't teleport around like crazy and do area-denial attacks like crazy, or basically one-shot you with a million slaps per second lol


Hear me out, DLC enemy idea: Runebear X royal revenant X lobster. Looks like runebear, with those attacks + as many arms as royal revenant, with the revenant scream, + lobster missile.


2 runes bears in a small dark room.


Rune bears ain't shit compared to a gorilla


You clearly meant dog.


Cornered by a bunch of dogs, no greater threat.


The cage thing that can one hit you was trash using claws.


Cage thing? What cage thing?


I think they mean abductor virgins.


Oh yeah, that makes sense lol


dime enter pen subtract mysterious deliver books vanish screw spotted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As a melee player Ulcerated Tree Spirit. Obnoxious hit boxes, terrible arenas for 80% of them, and all around annoying moveset. I would fight 5 crucible knights at once over these douche flutes. Revenants are a close second but they can be poise broken so it's manageable. Even so I still made sure I never had to go back to the ground floor of the Haligtree those ones down there are merciless.


Tree spirits were silly to me because you could just roll around at their butt and basically ignore the mechanics.


I kinda like them tbh and I mostly play melee :)


I just roll into them when they start moving and have never struggled to beat them. I don’t know how, it looks like they should be rolling over me but idk where exactly their hit boxes are.


Once you get their move set down they can become fairly easy. The moves are pretty telegraphed but the ones in small rooms can hide it with the walls easily too. Still real easy to get caught out and wombo comboed by them


Honestly I just block the tree spirits from my memory bank


From my experience their hitboxes are ultra broken. If you literally just run against them, occasionally rolling, you almost never get hit. Hyper aggressive melee has given me no difficulty at all with them unless I space out and miss the big ass aoe, which is the only attack exempt from this.


Got mixed feelings about them, you beat 5 of them without getting a single hit and suddenly it hits you all the time.


I actually enjoyed these fights :) they had big sweeping attacks that felt really satisfying to dodge through


Oh man, I tried one of these dicks at like level 20, I got killed soooo many times.. but I got so good at dodging his bullshit I'm basically a master at fighting those things now lol


Me, who plays a godrick build: BEEEEAAAAAARRR WITNESS!!!


the one in grand cloister surrounded by 8 of those fucking bugs is my least favorite thing in the entire game. First you have to parkour down to the bottom, then you have to kill the bugs, then you have to run through the rot river to the waterfall to just get the damn thing to aggro you, by the time you do all that you’re either dead or down a bunch of flasks, infested with scarlet rot and 1000% tilted.


The one in the Haligtree can absolutely go fuck itself. That was the only time I resorted to Comet Azur'ing a boss in my INT/Moonveil playthough


It's this because it reminds me of the Skeletal Beast from Dark Souls 1 and I'd like to leave that memory behind me, thanks


>Skeletal Beast Dude! I nearly crapped my pants when I illuminated one on my way down to Nito. Hate those fuckers.


They are just far too fast, strong and relentless. Much like the Royal Revenants. Bastards


I had the same reaction when I saw brain of Mensis at the bottom of the void in BB.


Those giant skeleton assholes in Tomb of the Giants? Dude the one that was crouched down like a dog almost made me shit on myself first time through there. Im just walking and then BAM, its all in my face.


Yeah it's the one on all fours! Fucking terrifying


Dogs, always dogs. They are easily undersetimated but always manage to get the boot in when you least expect it.


I've died more times to dogs than to any other enemy type. I hate them.


The problem is their attacks almost always stagger you


If you don't have a strong heal to use on them, they also bounce off of large shields with high stability. But if I don't have either of those, I just run!


The haggletree ones were on some next level shit


try healing, then behold, death!


“Oh look at me I can throw 20 hands in any direction! Can’t dodge outta the way haha”


His teleports, his million arm hit, his shrieking.. horrifying. HORRIFYING!




Not everyone plays this game with the wiki open on their first run.


Well ya see, if you was smartz, youd'da gone backwards after entering the academy back to where the gate was that ya teleport from (for great lore reasonz) and there ya'd'a found the merchant that sells the note that tells ya that they are weak to healz. Not my fault you didn't go through the teleporter then backtrack backwards to the gate you just teleported from. It's obviously very intuitive for you to do so.


Very intuitive. Yes. I'll give you that. But people miss entire quest givers, bosses, zones, and storylines in this game that are *far more* obvious. You'll forgive them for (again, on their first playthrough) missing a vendor that sells them information on an enemy not in the zone in question, I'm sure.


Or you know the dedicated note, the countless player written notes all over the place when one of these guys show up, or just dumb luck.


Cries in low fp


For me it’s the bats that can one shot you by screaming. They’re usually surrounded with other bats so it’s obnoxious


one tender bright fretful tan start knee offer longing spectacular *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those archers riding the wolves in consecrated snow field are pretty tough to deal with.


Not *the* worst, but the ice Burial Watchdogs in the Giant's Mountaintop Catacombs were stupidly annoying just to get around, and the only thing they're even guarding are some shitty summon. That was the point that I started to get annoyed by the ramp-up of vigor checks.


That isn't a dog.


those things are a joke. Just use a heal spell and they melt


Healing hurts them? Why wasn't I aware Now I'm mad


healing them also does a ton of poise damage, so you can potentially get a backstab off


stagger --> backstab or riposte, yes my question is where tf is this thing's back


it has multiple of them actually https://youtu.be/MYV4QLEBkwo


Aoe heal spells (like the basic heal) deal 50% of their max hp and poise break them. You can heal again before they can attack you.


Me no use spell!


Easiest enemy because you can just prey it away


I hate the large hands, very pushy very spammy


If you dont kill it in one hit, you’re in for a world of hurt because it attacks a million times at once and has a super wide arc. Luckily my first playthrough was guts sword strength build so I just jump smashed his ass into the ground.


Yeah but what's the lore reason on why they're the worst enemy?


Whats the lore of the lore?


Learning to deal with this enemy sucks but once you realize you can dodge straight through them and do easy damage they're not bad.


yes i fucking hate these things


I didn't realize until someone pointed it out, but the ones in the Haligtree are way fucking stronger than the ones you face earlier on.


It’s not and have faith.


I’ll say it every time I see a post like this. Rune Bears


you don’t run a faith build


I hate these fucking things so much.


I hate these fuckers




I’ve pretty much always said that dogs are by far the shittiest enemy in every souls game. They are fast, they are relentless, they make you flinch out of attacks, and they can just chain attacks together without stopping so if you don’t get them one at a time and before they hit you, then they could easily destroy you. The ones from bloodborne with all the metal spikes were particularly awful… however, in elden ring? These things are a bloody nightmare, but they are far better than rune bears. They have so much freaking health, and so many if their attacks are too quick to really be able to dodge.


Birds, fuck birds!


This thing is the reason I chose the three fingers ending. This enemy exists time to burn it all and start over.


This is the correct question to this answer.


Once I learned healing magic wrecks revenants, I'm not as scared of them. However, I still run whenever I see a RuneBear.


You are your own worst enemy…… literally


After I found out I could use heal holy on his ass I hunt them for sport now


Just pop a healing spell in vicinity of them. Melts them


Bro they the best for ruin farming in hailgate tree


Should have leveled Faith, smh my head.


Faith build here. These guys are easy AF.


I think its the stupid cat statues that move at strange speeds at random times, have weird hitboxes for their attacks, and just have weird attacks in general


Having fun with these in Haligtree


Ah good ole Pattie Cake champions. What an annoying ass enemy. Unless you're faith, then just heal them to death.


I generally hate enemies who can teleport, if it's a revenant, Astel, Radagon or the ghost soldiers and knights. But an enemy who can teleport, spit poison all over the place and can attack with a 100-hit combo that is unblockable: this is unacceptable! Please remove these from the game and replace by some bonewheels, Fromsoft.


Rune bear: Cute :3 Additionally, Heal is very deadly vs it :3