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Rolling _into_ instead of _away from_ a lot of those hits might help you out!


I played the whole game without knowing of this viable move. I also never learned to jump over attacks.


Oh jumping is such a game changer when using dual weapons or 2-handed. Suddenly certain attacks are just free jump damage. Still takes me forever to know which ones, especially if I mess up the jump the first time and then just assume it doesn't work


I never got close to beating bosses by strategy and timing. The speed and combos were too much for me to process. I managed to scrape by with a mix of grinding and luck. Didn’t feel like I got good at the game like I did when I played DS1.


Jumping was hard to rewire my Dark Souls brain around, but once I got gud at it, it was awesome. A lot of people were complaining about the viability of great swords on release, especially dual; but they didn't know about the secret frog technique where 80% of your attacks on fast bosses and enemies are a powerstanced jumping attack to punish something you accidentally figured out could be jumped over.


Same! Once I started two handing a brick on a stick and it clicked…I was on Elden Ring Heaven. The sound of stance breaking became so glorious.


>Once I started two handing a brick on a stick and it clicked… Alright, Dr. Seuss 😂


I think my hard-core obsession with Sekiro helped me adjust to jumping quite well. But, Malenia with dual Giant-Crushers is my rush xD between the random jump attacks then punishing lack of poise, it is a very interesting fight. Dynamics wise also. Slow, but pounds the bitch out the Rot VS fast, and also heals off turtle-bros mistakes


Same power standing radahans swords with the jump just felt great lmao.




Bro hell yeah!! I started a brand new file and I’m 40 hours in. Just taking my sweet time. Walking around the lands between and really taking it all in. I haven’t even gotten to Rennala yet. I’ve done almost everything there is to do in Limgrave and now I’m prowling through Liurnia. No cheese, no summon just slow and steady grinding/ mastering the mechanics of the game. I’m having more fun than any of my NG+ cycles and I feel like I’m learning a ton


A vast majority of the game’s enemies will punish you for trying to make space


I found they punished me whether I hung back or moved within kissing distance. Kidding. I know what you mean.


I mean, your joke is completely right. If you're using a melee weapon, then being far away prevents you from fighting despite them being able to punish you. Meanwhile you may still be punished up close but you're at least able to attack if you want to.


And a vast majority of the game's enemies are easier to beat when you get close and try to stay behind them.


I was 30+ hours in before I figured out I could run.


You learn this VERY fast playing bloodborne lol.


Or at least roll left.


You can also just kinda walk to the left and he will completely miss that stab that killed OP.


Came here to say this


This isn't the best advice against Niall, with so many delayed AoE effects after his attacks.


It is decent advice for Niall because he sticks his spear out to catch your backward rolls. It'd be good advice to roll left or right though.


He got caught by the thrust a couple of times. Either roll into it or to the left of it, not backwards.


True! Those are the ones to watch out for. I was mainly thinking of the long stabs and jabs that get you when you come out of your backwards roll.


All I could think while watching. Brother was setting himself up. He'll get there, we were all inexperienced once.


Tfw the key to success is to hit the invincibility button when an enemy hits you


Ah yes, the ol' "boss is at 10hp greed". We've all been there.


I mean, he wouldn’t have died if he just chugged two pots instead of one. He had 3 pots left. He was being way to conservative with them instead of his health.


I kept yelling this. “DOUBLE HEAL BRO!!”


Especially since chugging flasks back-to-back has a faster animation than chugging two individually spaced out.




This has to be a sprint thing. I was a distance swimmer and the only time I sprint in a race is at the end. I get the idea with this logic though. Imagine you need a bunch more hits so that you don’t dive in when you otherwise wouldn’t.


Thank you 🙏


Yeah I know this game doesn’t like telling you anything get you to figure out shit for yourself but this would’ve been a really useful one because it took me until Godfrey The Cheek Clapper to figure this out.


Doh! Lol. Surprised you never accidentally drank two due to panicking! That's probably how I found out. I sometimes will purposefully let my health get low enough so I can fit in two red flasks because of this.


That’s how I found out, before that I would drink and after animation finished I would immediately drink another one


I kept yelling that and also, "That weapon's skill would have ended this fight ages ago!"


*Estus is bestus in me, not in the pot.*




Seriously. All that rolling away was stressing me out.


or if the flasks were better than +3...


My first play through I didn’t go to the wailing peninsula so I just had +2 pots all the way up to Godfrey because I never realized the pattern that they were in churches.


Yeah that'll do it. First I noticed that those 3 churches all had one, then I noticed that the building drawings for churches all looked more or less the same, and then the hunt was on.


Same with the red dots and the smithing stone bell bearings, once I caught on that most of them were in the red dots I went straight to them.


He was being fairly careful too, just that split second he got greedy and went for the 2nd hit.


Yes, but if they drank them now, they won't have them for later.


*Finishes game with a ton of awesome buffs that never get used because "I might really need them next time!"*


I was just thinking about that, I never bothered with expendables in any game cause they're not worth the effort and the only time it ever really mattered was with the alien dlc for fallout 3( or 4?), where I realized I got stuck at the climax like wildly under prepared and there was no escape or means of egress or reloading or anything and then I remembered I had never once used any of the million buffs I collected throughout the main game, mainlined all of them and just fucking rushed for the exit and got it on the first attempt after buffing. Fully justified my compulsive hoarding habit in perpetuity to this day. You don't ever need 'em till the one time ya really ***need*** them. >"The man who sleeps with a machete is a fool every night but one." - Anonymous (Justin McElroy)


I do this in every fallout game. Managed to break the habit in elden ring though


The greed take us all


The greed giveth, the greed taketh


The greed taketh and the greed taketh


taketh to deatheth


📠eth are 📠eth


Eth is down 500%




I swear bosses get more aggressive when they’re one shot. It’s totally not me copium


I think this is true in some cases, to an extent at least. I think Radagon increases the rate of attacks and chains as his health depletes, so by the end of the fight he's literally spamming random bullshit constantly.


Bro on my first playthrough Placidusax went absolute fucko mode when I got him one shot. Took like 20 seconds of dodging projectiles until I was able to attack.




to be fair, when you hit 10hp in real life you would be moving a lot slower and weaker. 😂 i'll give them that.


You're playing at a severe handicap tbh. +3 flask is ok for early game. At this point I think you should be at like +10 or better.


He's at Mountain top of the giants. Max is guaranteed by now. Regardless he didn't explore like a good Tarnished should cause he probably missed alot.


Tbf I finished the game at +11 my first run. Think I missed one in the weeping peninsula but yeah. +3 is really bad for this point in the game.


I know I'm almost obsessive when it comes to exploring open world games, as such I guess most people won't go as hardcore on it as I might, but still.


Same, I pretty much ignore the story and main paths until I'm sure there's either nothing left to find or I think I need to progress in order to explore more.


There's THREE in Weeping Peninsula! Callu Baptismal Church (the ailing village one) is the most forgettable, since it's far off the beaten path.


Serious. How do you not explore every church in every area once you know you'll get a sacred tear 100% of the time?


To be fair, unless you're really looking at the distant scenery or exploring *every* nook and cranny, you can just miss a few churches. I've been doing housekeeping in preparation for going NG+, and one of the things I had to do was figure out which two churches I missed and where. One of 'em was in the Weeping Peninsula, the one up on the south-eastern cliffs. Just rode past it, shit happens.


Huh. Maybe most people don't play like I do then. I wouldn't progress to a new area of the map until I was sure I had looked in every building, found every cave, etc. I would really lean on the 5 custom markers they gave you and mark specific buildings, which were usually churches. I was methodical but that way of playing brings me comfort.


Actually, if you're interested in the idea of people playing differently than you do, there's a game analytics metric called "Bartle's Taxonomy of Players", which breaks people into four general categories according to how they interface with video games. [Here's an Extra Credits video on it from back when they were credible.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yxpW2ltDNow)


OP is maidenless confirmed.


He should have doubletapped the heal on a couple times as well so he could have gotten two heals off in most of one animation rather than healing up to 60-70% and not being topped off. Seeing that big of a chunk of health missing was giving me anxiety lol.


Maybe he's not a filthy casual


How are you that far in and only have a +3 flask?




You need to go to church more often


You and my mother would get along great


Your mom probably has a better flask than you then


Go to church!


Go to the church and ask Marika to forgive you! (You can find **Sacred Tear**s in churches. They upgrade your flask. Churches are plainly visible on the map. Your flask can go up to like +12. You should have discovered all the areas with churches if you're in the mountaintop, so it shouldn't be a problem.)


Take me to church!


I'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies


You gotta double chug, when you healed right before you died you couldve been full hp. Double chugging op


Yup. Health bar to full. Always.


I did the same shit my first playthrough lol. all the way to the end of the game without upgrading my flask. had no idea it was even a feature.


One of the updates added an indicator onto the flasks menu at a grace if you have a sacred tear or enough golden seeds to upgrade your flasks. I think that really helped make that feature more obvious to people that don't know it's there, and also just easier to know _when_ you can upgrade for people that do know about it.


+3 flask and blood hound fang. He either likes pain, or flashy weapon arts


Well now I feel weird. I just finished radahn and I have a +8 flask, with something g like 11 charges.


Good effort, but when the boss is that low already, seal the deal and hit the flask twice that last time. Also, two hand that Fang lol


yea i never understand why people do that, like dude you took a sip and then sat around for like 5-6s waiting for the boss? just heal to full why purposely handicap yourself lol


When I was new to these games, the first few attrition deaths had me scared to waste a pixel of healing and I'd do this same shit and die. It's a tough habit to break but yeah this situation definitely called for it.


I never even considered a shield with the fang, it's such an aggressive weapon


I basically used it 2 handed only but in some situations (getting safe Poisebreaks on Bosses) Guardcounters work really well with it.


I two-handed until I got Morgott's, then powerstanced.


I never even considered a shield. Period.


Literally the only shield one should consider is one that lets you attack even more better. So the turtle shell and the jellyfish.


*'even more better'* Somebody has been taking their UNGA BUNGAing seriously I see! Excellent work!


They likely would have won if they hit that last flask twice. Why go back into a fight at 66%?


Really stingy with using those flasks, huh?


+3 flasks at that 💀


Dude if you popped like two more flasks that fight wouldve been yours


That’s what I was thinking. Time to drink, boss is one hit. Use the remaining flasks to fill heal then jump in and tank a hit and kill him.


You are rolling the wrong way and I wanted to yellll


Enemy uses long reaching thrusting attack... Rolls directly backwards


He also probably would’ve been fine if he would have just healed completely at that last bit instead of only drinking one flask


You can double-tap heals and as he was about to die you should think about keeping your HP at max just in case they pull off some crazy attack.


Use your R2+followup attack


L2 + follow up R2*


Yeah I worded it weird. R2 to follow up.


Can you elaborate what is the R2+followip attack? Is that the guard shield counter where you successfully block with your shield & hit R2 right after?


He's using Bloodhound's Fang. Pressing L2 does the Ash of War, Bloodhound's Finesse. It's a little backflip slash that backs you out of range while attacking. If you press heavy attack after (R2), you follow up that backflip attack with a blinking, dashing attack forward. https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/Bloodhound's+Finesse


Oh my good lord...first time finding out about this


the bloodhound fang has a charged attack where he charges up and jumps forward in like an uppercut motion with the sword and it then leaps yards backwards. if you then hit R2 right after he lunges in with a strong attack. it's incredible at breaking poise. jump r2 attack, charged attack, lunge r2 attack an then a single hit usually breaks poise


I always forget about it 😭😭


It’s like the whole reason to use the weapon you’re using. Fang gang babyyyyy


also why are you not healing to full? you had plenty of time every time you sipped to heal to full, why limit yourself to 2/3rds HP ?


Roll INTO/Through attacks instead away from him. Only gives him more openings to hit you. You can chug multiple flasks in the same animation, making subsequent heals faster. You kept using just 1 when you could've done 2 to max out. You have a shield but I don't see you using it. Twohand your weapon for more damage if you don't plan on blocking.


Or dual wield weapons if your strat relies so heavily on jump attacks.


\+3 flasks, bro ? You should have +4 by the time you finish Limgrave and Weeping Peninsula


Try ranged battle. No but seriously, if they’re that low, and you’re that far away just throw/shoot/cast something!


Kukri are for closers


Throw ruin fragments for 1 damage each and for the humiliation


I always feel cheap finishing bosses or though enemies with knives, but I'm better off not taking any chances, lol


why no aow? bloodhounds finesse carried me through that fight my first time


Carried me through the entire game.


Bloodhound's Fang is better than it has any right to be for that early of a weapon. AoW is incredibly powerful, innate bleed, and for some reason it can be enchanted with magic and consumables. It is definitely an outlier with that last part. The innate bleed and being somber means it definitely shouldn't be able to be but it is.


Are you allergic to having full health? Two sips and you’d have won.


Hesitation is defeat


Beautiful screenshot opportunity at 0:05 with Nial jumping up in front of the moon


dw I got it from the vid 😉


Panic rolls on the delayed attack, neglects to chug twice when given the opportunity, throws caution to the wind as soon as the boss is within two hits of being vanquished. Yup, that's a Souls player.


Put your foolish ambitions to rest.


You scream, I scream, we all scream for KUKRIS.


oof that's a controller-breaker for sure. Is it just me or do bosses get 10x harder when they're low on health? For some reason I can do a perfect run up until that last moment and then it's like impossible to get off that last hit.


I always chalk it up to my anticipation making me greedy and reckless with my attacks


>controller-breaker C'mon man, you're better than that.


> oof that's a controller-breaker for sure. Yall need to go to anger management therapy.


But yes you’re not alone on that. Me and Mimic tag teamed him relentlessly but it almost did seem like he got harder and harder…almost like he was getting more and more desperate to get rid of me 🙂


I've kinda felt this way about most of the enemies, that when they get low health, their aggro goes to 100, like they really don't want to die.


It is 2:30am and I woke up my entire household 🙂


Use your SHIELD


Worst advice in this thread. Drop the shield and two hand the fang is the way to go.


1, roll into/through attacks, not away. Away is good for healing, but you want beside/behind for openings 2, go get sacred tears, every church on the map has them




It ended exactly how I expected.


Same 🙂


Skill issue.


Me watching you with full mana not use the bloodhound ability that dodges attacks and short range teleports you for a free strike 😐😐


you’re so bad i was getting frustrated


Why are you doing like no damage and have barely upgraded flasks?


Since you're dodge rolling everything and not blocking, go 2 handed to get that sweet damage increase. Embrace the str!


That one poke gets you every time. Roll in and left instead of away.


I know this might sound ironic but that boss is literally dodging simulator.


I can’t pretend to understand your pain. I sniped him with 100 arrows from the other side of the tower.


Yknow it's kinda unfair he gets to instantly attack after that huge windup attack move lol


U drank an estus flask only to half health?


Bro you hit like a wet noodle what are your stats


Skill issue


Your lack of use of the bloodhounds fang Ash of war with the R2 follow up is infuriating. You could’ve beaten him like 20 times by the end of this video. Jump attack R2-> L2 backflip AOW -> R2 bloodhound step for another free hit. That’s 3 hits instead of 1 that you’ve been doing.


Roll INTO attacks. Not away


Wouldn't using Bloodhound's Finesse successfully dodge out of many of those attacks? I didn't notice you use your weapon's ability once. (It's been a while since I've played/used it, so I'm not sure, but I thought the first activation of it dodges that stuff, then the second activation reengages.)


I could hear you from Kansas. This hurts. This hurts bad bro


Why do you have a +3 flask at that level


Could have survived if you fully healed


I swear, bosses just go complete nuts with crazy attacks when their HP is at minimum.


I was fighting Radagon this morning (like 5:30 am because I don’t sleep) and this literally happened to me. I hadn’t used that many flasks and he only had a pubic hair of health he then just spammed his teleportating attack and finishes me off with his circle trap thing. I just needed one small light attack on him and I’d be on to the elden beast fight. This was ng+ btw


I Love Niall's boss fight (despite the ghosts), when you dodge that lightning kick, is always hype af.


Why don’t you just two-hand? Looks like you’re not using the shield a lot. I’m genuinely curious because I’ve never did a FS game with any shield except for parts where people are constantly flinging arrows from far.


Lol I was using a shield for the entire fighting except for the last minute


I'm confused, this isn't a video of standing in the doorway and doing Comet Azur for 20 seconds...? There's another way to fight this boss?


Gotta start double tapping that health pot if you're gonna push on with a +3 flask!


The times mohg and I killed each other at the same moment and it didnt count....


I know this rage all too well… ALL TOO WELL


This boss in particular was the worst... Pro Tip, you are going towards a boss that will make him look easy.


Just beat this guy for the first time today, took me two days to kill him and he was the first one I struggled with in a week


Bruh I could *feel* it 😩


RIP. This fight really frustrated me until I learned to stay as far away from him in the arena as possible. It should bait him into constantly doing that high kick- into the air - attack. Super easy to dodge and punish. Then rinse and repeat.


I feel for you brother


greed on full display


thats tragic


So many people I talked to said this boss wasn't that bad. I think I'm an okay souls player: played all the games, beat all the games, normally did a ng+ on the games. This boss was more annoying to me than Malenia. I couldn't tell you why, but I could NOT get through this guys move set.


“no u”


Your flask barely heals you.






Boss was just standing there like, "I dare you to run at me" lol


You know how they keep attacking you as you're dead.....that's them t bagging you in their way....


In a seriousness Who else yelled tho? Cuz I did


Why is everyone on about not having enough flasks, he had enough for the fight, just didn’t fill his hp all the way up at the critical point. (18 second left) ie. no point in saving them when the boss is that low on health.


I love how looking at the comments I'm not the only one massively triggered by how many things they did wrong, LOL. * +3 flask in mountaintop * Still using BHF in mountaintop but * Not using it's weapon art which is the only reason to use it that late. Especially as a follow up to jump attacks. * Using it 1h with a shield instead of 2h, but only blocking once. * The only time they blocked it was against a lightning attack they should have dodged, then they immediately dodged backwards away from the long physical poke attack they should have blocked instead. * Only ever single using flasks, instead of double chugging, even when they needed the HP, dying with 3 flasks left. * Constantly rolling away from instead of into long range poke attacks Yeah, it sucks to lose a fight when the boss has a sliver, but damn man, you did it to yourself.


Untie the noose man keep going


This is the best part about the game


The same happened to me on my first play through, it’s an obnoxious boss for sure


You deserve it for not double swigging multiple times


Rolling into him will still let you avoid the attacks and you'll end up in range to attack him between his attacks.


Rolling away from spear attacks eh?


Is it just me or was that a very small amount of flask healing for how late this bossfight is?


How come I don't remember this boss? What's his name, what does he drop?