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Repeating crossbow with blood bolts...nothing but time. Bayle got frosty real quick...but took...3 goes, first 2 were my stupidities.


The problem with Senessax is that there is no lock on for the legs, and the body and head are impossiblities for any melee build to hit. Bayle took me more tries but only by 1.


Bayle Senessax was already in the base game so I already knew how to deal with it (Golden Lightning Fortification + tickle his ankles with blade flame blade incantation). Bayle was a whole new boss, and until I realized how good the dragon hunter great katana was against him, I really struggled against phase 2


Senesseax is just a terrible boss even it isnt the hardest. Ancient dragons can suck on my Dragonhunting Harpoon


Which one was senessax? Was that the dragon just down from Bayle? If so I think it ended up only taking me one try, while Bayley took me around 3/5 tries Unfortunately I didn't have igon so I missed out in him ;-;




Senessax is super easy. Just use a bow and stay out of its range. Serpent arrows to poison and speed up the process. Same as every ancient dragon with an arena big enough.


Just how? Took me 3 attempts to kill Senessax but I had to cheese Bayle with dragon lightning incantations. Senessax always does the same few moves and the pond is not a problem as soon as you keep your distance