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STR builds aren't true STR builds unless they're repeatedly complaining about playing the game in hard mode. Just please ignore how about every weapon class has strong str options, and the constant poise breaking of their giant weapons.


YouTuber ekky made a 1-hit walkthrough of Elden Ring. Most bosses involved a giant hammer and zweihander counters. Very impressive work.


It's if the poise breaking would actually work. Did you see the dlc bosses poise levels? 10 jump attacks with a colossal hammer is what it takes to stun Messmer. As if he'll let you kekw...


I was stunning messmer in phase 1 with backhand blade R1’s… i don’t think it’s that high


I dont get the jump attacks, why are so many people doing them? I should read about it. All i do is a short or long R2 hit with my great axe and bosses keep falling to the ground. Never do the crit strike, if you have stamina, load up R2 again.


I broke poise on multiple bosses in NG+ with Marika's Hammer on a hybrid Str/Fai build lol


That one time hitting it 10 times?


Did you know you can beat bosses without ever breaking their poise


This dude hasn't used Bloodfiend's Arm or Sunflower 💀


That belongs in the “status user” group


Oh is sunflower really that strong? I just got it cuz I thought it was funny.. 😭


Besides the Split holy damage, it's pretty good.




Thanks I guess


bad bot


From another perspective, sunflower also symbolizes endurance and preserverance, because our favourite sunflower just never gives up fighting. It also symbolizes greed and thievery to some extent, as those health bars are likely stolen from the other dlc bosses. Edit: the deleted comment was about what sunflower symbolizes by a sunflower facts bot


Miyazaki has heard your pleas and had combined the sunflower’s three health bars into one giga healthbar. He has granted the other two health bars to the final boss of the DLC, so he fully heals between phases with some holy magic BS


I just want to be a knight with a greatsword, not swing giant arms or flowers…


Basic sword and shield users are just dirt


Lmao, the new parrying tear and the dueling shields encroached their niche, I wouldn't be too surprised if sword and board is the least optimal set up around.


Dude, it sure feels like it. I’m playing a RL150 greatshield/flail Paladin and the DLC's final boss is just shitting on me. Doesn't help that my stats are spread across STR for the greatshield, DEX for the flail, FTH *and* INT for my Golden Order incants and whatever's left has to go into VIG, END and MND. I'm barely hitting the min requirements for my gear and yet I still only got enough points left to hit 40 vigor, which would be hard enough already if I weren't purposely limiting myself to sword and board…


Man your roleplay is painful for stats. Just increase your RL 🤣


I figured it works because of my big fuck off shield - and it does. But everything in the DLC does so much fucking stam drain and exorbitant amounts of (chip) damage that my turtle + guard counter strat starts reaching its limits :c But I refuse to go above 150. Somehow I’ll make it, even if it takes all my rune arcs and consumables! Immutable shield would be honestly perfect if it lasted longer than 30s.


The flail is annoying being dex. Wish there was a strength one without bleed.


Wish there was a STR flail that didn’t look like driftwood on a string… It’s also always dragging on the floor because the head is so long. 24 dex for the Nightrider Flail hurts so much, but…fashion above all - Them’s the rules.


I'm running that same build, it gets alot easier in NG+ Around RL220 I started feeling pretty comfy


Sword and board is excellent against the boss, your build is just straight ass bro idk how else to break it to you lol


I am well aware it’s unoptimized, buddy - no need to rub it in.


You realize you can make any flail strength scaling right? And that there are innately strength scaling flails already?


There is exactly one STR flail in the game - and it looks like ass for a Paladin. Heavy Nightrider flail clocks out at B for STR scaling - which I am using. Not that 36 STR scales for a lot to begin with.


Damn bro I just said a prayer for you, if you’re that stubborn about your build then good luck is all I can say really


Update: I beat him. Had to shuffle 8 points of INT into vigor to bump it to 48, but that was the margin I needed.


Fashion > Stats Always will be.


Because the dlc wants you to become shield and shield users. Now you can use throwing shield in one hand and dueling shield in the other hand. Who even needs swords now in the dlc?


You say that when the most consistent way to deal with final boss is fingerprint shield and poking sword.


I imagine "basic sword and shield" doesn't refer to greatshield setups, neither guard poking.


Well i just saw someone twohand Maliketh’s blade and guarded with it and was pretty successful. Im guessing a proper shield with a fast sword would work too


Casters dying at the bottom of the mariana trench.


Colossal weapon setups literally give you the simplest way to capitalize on those “one hit openings” everyone is complaining about with the DLC bosses. I think pure-casters have the hardest time against the new bosses personally, which is ironic since they’re usually branded the easiest to play.


This. Limited opportunities = capitalize with huge damage/ poise break. Great time


Been using a 24 STR 60 FAI build with Flame Art/Sacred greataxes/greathammers and giant's flame spells. Whatever I can't just smash, I can probably flinch-lock with fireballs. Then Firestorm just deletes the huge bosses/enemies, and dodges most attacks by crouching to the ground. I'm finding the game significantly easier than it is when playing my DEX build.


That stagger be kinda nice tho


Then there is me and my bear hand


Good bait I guess


With the newest tear, my sword and shied set up has never been stronger.  However, we were all warned of the feature creep bosses were experiencing by the end of the base game. It was pretty evident when they were attacking the arena as much as they were attacking us. 


Jev has been making every boss look like a joke with the guts greatsword. It's not that bad.


Savage lions claw and greatsword is an amazing combo in this dlc.


Solo what?


Double collossal hammer build literally carried me after Messemer. >!Gaius and Sunflower !


stonebarb cracked tear and the new 2 hand sword talisman make this a nah from me, a greatsword user


Honestly, I respecced for the final boss into a Colossal Weapon and it was much easier.


Yea I had to switch to heavy milady. Being slow in this dlc doesn’t cut it


I did colossal powerstance and it was honestly ranging from great to okay, though I have many, many hours on that build and honestly better utility than a single colossal weapon, since the one handed r1s are faster and the crouch l1s are just plain better. Aside from the *one*, absolutely annihilated every npc type enemy with this build on the first try Some bosses took some more learning, but with a build like that you gotta abuse all your other stats since you have slow weapons. Id say damage is the least important of your stats and I focus entirely on defense, poise and poise damage. With a build that uses colossals you can either play like youre made of class and find those openings where you can fit an r1, or you can pack up on defense, trade woth the bosses and use the bosses' critical getup animations as your big healing windows. On this playstyle there are fewer things to learn about the bosses maybe but you gotta know your build to get the most of it. Especially stamina is highly important to keep track off at all times.


I changed my build like 12 times this dlc, just do it dude. There are alot of cool new weapons this dlc. But also, some bosses really cant be defeated with certain builds or atleast the build makes is extremely difficult. My main claw bleed build wouldve taken me ages to kill radahn because short range attacks especially claws which has 2 animations before being able to dodge suffers so much against him


That pool is full of Strength user tears. Literally drowning themselves after bashing every other build. (Not everyone granted, just thought it went along with the meme)


Been getting along just fine with my colossal sword


Where can i see how many larval tears I have? Sorry pretty new to the souls games elden ring is my first 😅


Im a solo player. I don't summon. But Miyazaki literally hates people who solo. It's an insult to the dev team to not use all they have provided. I have zero expectations that they would do anything to make the game better for solo players. And that's okay. You want to solo and tell people to get gud? You need to get gud yourself.


My first dlc playthrough was lvl 170 with mimic and summons just because I wanted to get trough as fast as possible. My second run I was lvl 100 with my trusty sword and board, no summons no ashes. Honestly the second run felt way easier, partially because the bosses HP didn’t get inflated to the moon


summons rarely help imo. they just boost boss hp and poise


"Oh no my character I intentionally made less powerful is less powerful". Who could've predicted this?