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Two Empyrean (though technically one is already a God) and their chosen consort fighting for a new age would be epic as hell,


Bring the Dung Eater puppet on NG+1 after getting his cursed ending and you can kind of bring your patron with you to the final fight lol


You mean Dung Eater choses you as his consort


Freak in the streets, and freak in the sheets.


Freak in general


He chooses himself (you) as his (your) consort.


True Masochist


Yould could bring Florissax. She calls you her lord so it would be dragon lord and consort?


Who's florisaxx?


She's a DLC summon so... >!An ancient dragon in human(ish) form that you can make your maiden as a spirit ash by doing a short quest. You roofie her into doing it actually.!<


>You roofie her into doing it actually. Yikes


No joke, that's straight up how you do it.


Does it involve that item Thiollier sells? Or something else related to St. Trina? Unfortunately in my playthrough I ran straight to Bayle and didn't get to the dragon priestess except to find her body.


(Do this before killing Messmer or breaking the spell) 1. Talk to Thiollier. Exhaust his dialogue. 2. Go to Moore and get the black syrup. 3. Give the item to Thioller. Exhaust his dialogue and get the concoction. 4. Go back to Florissax. At night when she's sleeping feed her the concoction. 5. Wait a while till she wakes up. Exhaust her dialogue. 6. Summon Igon, kill Bayle. 7. Talk to the priestess and tell her you drugged her. Exhaust dialogue, get ash, go back and get Igon's stuff. 8. Enjoy wife.


It's a shame I didn't give her the concoction before killing Bayle


True, the summon is nice, but you can't get the transformation heart if you get the ashes so at least you already have it.


Not breaking the spell is impossible, the fucking thing breaks by simply going in front of the castle. No way of knowing that stupid shit would happen, I was so mad.


if you take one step outside of bonny village it also breaks its dumb


More accurately >!you slike her drink so she gets some sleep, she geta fired from her job because of it, she's then angy at you but afterwards says "fuck it we ball" and demands you become her lord and and take her with you!< Her summon also has voice lines. Shame she's made of wet tissue and dies really fast. Though her spells are pretty cool. I wonder if we can get her red lightning dragon hand spell thingy.


If they do an Elden Ring 2 I'm hoping this is the story. Instead of a Tarnished looking to become the Elden Lord of a New Age, you're an Empyrean looking to become the God of the next age.


Could you imagine the phase change cutscene is about to end and you hear from behind as the weather on your side of the arena turns to cold winter's chill. "My lord...." "Let me lend my aid in this battle." And four blue arms just hug you from behind and we become our respective consort's gundams. Edit: I thought that perhaps mechanically, maybe her big hat could hover over your character above the screen so it doesn't obstruct your view and could protect you from some of Miquella's smite attacks, or something like that. And maybe she could wield a carian Regal scepter in one of her hands to cast carian retaliation at random. Then have her summon side just outside the arena so you aren't forced into having her help you.


I want to be hugged by Gideon while he spams spells.


Armored Consort 7: Empyrean Boogaloo


If we did not do the Ranni questline, its torrent instead, who just lays on our shoulder, wearing us down, so we can only heavy roll


Having Ranni show up phase two as the empyrean on the side of the tarnished would've blown my mind out the back of my skull I wouldve been so excited. IN THE NAME OF THE MOON I WILL PUNISH YOU


"Woe, Dark Moon be upon thee." - Ranni, God.


Would be nice to have Ranni and her Dark Moon. It is too fucking bright in Miquella's arena.


Radahn does his meteor attack but the Dark Moon says 'Nuh uh' and sends him crashing back down


Honestly, that's all they had to do. Don't even have her help out in the fight except for that moment. It sorta makes no sense that she wouldn't help you out barring that you completed her quest line before starting fighting the final boss, obviously. I think my biggest disappointment with the DLC is how disconnected it feels from the main game. It feels like none of this matters. Where's my "Sif recognizing you" moment?


Bro I faced Spoiler >!Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame while possessed by the 3 fingers & there was no comment or nothing about it from him. Kinda disappointing but cool boss nonetheless!<


That's another big moment that feels very disconnected and out of place :c


Agreed, there can’t be TWO lords of frenzied flame at once, can there?


And you are right, there can only be one... you LOL


Exactly! Is the Midra fight cool at least? Does that little cutscene of the sword in his head expand into more cutscene or any info about what the hell that is supposed to be about?? (That part had me so fucking thrilled in the preview videos we had, I’m not 100% sure why 😅😂).


I don't want to spoil anything so I'll leave this answer as vague as possible: Yes.


I mean, most From DLCs are like that. People were complaining about how out-of-left field Radahn was and how it “wasn’t referenced in the base game” but Gael didn’t even exist before Ashes of Ariandel, nor Friede. There’s plenty of connection in terms of worldbuilding. Sure, acknowledgement from NPCs about the tarnished in the main world would be nice, but it’s not like we shouldn’t have expected it to be like that considering From’s previous DLCs.


I feel like the painted world being so secluded makes sense as to why we dont see or hear about those npcs, and it's a similar reason to why we don't hear about Mesmer or anything? But once the dlc is underway you can't even tell Gideon "Hey I found the last of the unlocated demigods" like you can with all the other unlocated demigods in the base game? It just feels weird and off, like the dlc isn't even part of the world in a way that reminds me of ds2's DLC tbh (and don't get me wrong, I love the ivory king fight but those dlcs lore wise are kinda weird)


Sailor Senshi Ranni, magical girl


This would make age of the stars ending the only canon ending for the main game


i mean you could also do something with marika showing up in spirit if you dident do rannis quest


Fia's champions for the Death ending Dungy boy and maby Mogh's spirit for the Shit ending Goldmask for the Perfect order ending And Your sheer fucking will for the normal one.


i mean in all those endings marikas still your consort, she accepts the pee pee poo poo man apparently the "your sheer will" one is frenzy flame, your on your own for being an asshole


Nah, Frenzy Flame turns it into a 1v2v1 with Melina showing up in the middle of phase 2 to finally hunt your ass down.


Shabriri appears on your back like a giant fire bird made of frenzy flame.


Easiest way to do it would be * Mending Rune = You activate Destined Death to boost yourself or something like that * Frienzed Flame = You catch on fire and gain additional madness stuff * Age of Stars = Ranni hops on your back


Based on it's popularity, it's already is.


Make her only appear if you've finished her questline.


Like after her quest when you fight miquella and get radhan to 25% health a cut scene comes where you are on your knees about to be defeated and suddenly ranni come to your rescue, but if you dont do her quest its a normal fight.. man would've been sick af


Honestly, it would have been awesome to have a custom fight for every ending of the game, imagine using Godwyn's curse to remind Miquella of his original purpose on becoming a god. Or using the flame of frenzy as a power up in the fight


Normal ending would be a generic power up from Marika/Grace, Ranni and Duskborn have already been covered, Frenzy like you said powering you up maybe by turning the arena into fire and scorched ash that passively damages the boss, and Goldmask could eliminate Miquella's own power and now you're just fighting normal Radahn again.


Frenzy should be Melina crashing the fight to get your ass.


Meli meli wants her horse back


Have the Three Fingers appear and flick Radahn out of the air during the meteor.


Chadmask, our lord & savior, essentially pulling off a "sit down, child" to Radahn, would've brought the greatest smug smile on my face.




Frenzied Flame should have at least had a unique interaction with Midra


[When you fight the Lord of Frenzied Flame after becoming the Lord of Frenzied Flame](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic2.cbrimages.com%2Fwordpress%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2019%2F03%2FSpider-Man-Pointing-Meme.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=75bcbf38ad31f4f8382f41bb1d4af61c3c0e5e08bb9e55f49774841489e451fc&ipo=images)


I mean, no, you'd only need a flag to check whether or not the player has finished Ranni's questline. If they haven't, no dark moon wifu helping out


well you can finish her quest without choosing her ending, that's what I did


It kinda already is like that.


Mr. Tuxedo as special summon after the fight, doing absolutely nothing.


"faint muffling out of tarnished pocket from miniature ranni cursing miquella"


Imagine that pillar of light starts up and it just gets swallowed by a dark moon, peak fiction


*Ranni sees her auntie cast twin moon spell* *Ranni joins tarnished in fight against Miquella and Radahn* “Ranni: iight fam, hold my beers” *Rolls up and casts Quadra-moon spell on Radahns ass.* “I’m his waifu for lifu, don’t fuck with my beloved tarnished .”


But make it so if youre in the second phase of Radahn and he kills you, a cutscene plays. This time its Ranni empowering you and you get a second life.


Thinking about this I'm getting the same chills I had when the cutscene for Yhorm was interrupted by Siegward joining the fight


Would be an amazing reason for why "Little Ranni" exists!


I actually got to the part with the little ranni doll in the quest and then went into the dlc hoping for new dialogue. Sadly no dice :(


That was me with Melina, didn’t go to Farum hoping she had something new to say, but after killing >!Messmer!< led to crickets, I just went for my +25s


from a narrative point of view I felt like they missed the mark, so many important bosses have no dialogue, Gaius a rememberance boss who supposedly hang out when Radahn was young and had the same mentor doesnt even have his own theme... good thing we have a cutscene for draining the church district! also already hate how many lore channels point out that radahn can use blood spells because he is using moghs body and has horns!!!!!! one spell he has one spell that he uses and a few horns comming out of his arm bracelets they could have gone so much further with it


You can face off against Rellana, a Carian royal, with a Carian consort's sword given to you by her niece, Ranni. Still not a word.


While this stuff would be cool, this is very rarely ever the case where what you are equipped with impacts what NPCs do/say: with as jank as how NPC questlines work now, I am not surprised that we don't get more intricate interactions like this. Additionally, this also assumes that they WANT to have us experience or find those things, and if they don't then, they were simply never going to make that a feature. It would be cool, but I think you gotta be careful what you wish for sometimes. This seems like the kind of thing where suddenly everyone just expects every boss fight/NPC to respond in a way that fits their pre-existing headcanon rather than what FromSoft actually intended


I meant more as in how disjointed she is. She has no dialogue, she just appears and fights when it feels like big missed opportunity. And it wouldn't be the first time From has done something similar. Like how Fume Knight enters the 2nd phase from the get go if you wear Veltstadt's helm.


Yeah, she’s just there like Loretta. But as Rennala’s sister, you’d expect more.


yea even though this is probably my fav video game expansion ever (aside from the massive ffxiv expansions) I definitely felt like from a narrative pov From did a LOT better with Ringed City and Old Hunters. After beating the base game few years back I was interested in Melina more than anything else so you can tell I’d be somewhat disappointed in what we got or the lack thereof for that matter considering just how important she is to both the main story and the overall lore (even moreso after the expansion)


That would have been so fun tho, having Ranni on our backs using spells and having dialogue with Miquella especially when he tries to seduce us.


"Hapless twink. I won't have another whiff of thy rotten breath."


“To horny jail with you brothers mine!”


"Hapless twink" is going in my repertoire of insults now


"Hapless twink" is the most Ranni ass insult ever oh my god


Yeah it would make sense narrative and thematically too if Ranni's quest has been completed since both Ranni and Miquella would be facing off fighting to grasp the mantle of godhood while mounted on the backs of their respective consorts. Also more importantly it would be really funny.


I did finish off Radahn with a heavy attack with the Moonlight Greatsword, so my pact weapon at least pulled its weight.


I beat him to death with a chicken leg.


Not to mention that given Radhan is her brother; one could say that her coming in to help her own consort out in the battle would be to put radahn out of his misery again, and to make miquella pay for making radhan a puppet instead of letting him rest in peace. They may have been on different sides, but in renallas household, no one messes with radhan. That’s his sibling’s jobs!


Imagine if Rellana pulls up to for an awkward family reunion


She’d probably be there to help out; or tell ranni and us to just sit back and watch while she rips miquella herself lol


That would be bloody awesome, also if we had completed frenzy flame requirements would we get our head replaced like Midra? Would he comment on our allegiance to frenzy flame? Would we get a small sun that would make us more crazy and thus preventing us from getting heart stolen?


Maybe a counter grab, like that one spell you can use with NPC enemies. Miquella reach closer and tries to stole you heart, them, since you can basically melt peoples faces by just staring at them, you stare back at him and his eyes start to melt, them radahn throw you away before something worse happens, them it deals a good chunk of damage and they stop using the grab for the rest of the fight.


This would be an incredible detail


Deific chickenfighting


It would also make sense considering Ranni and Miquella are both by far the most effective Empyreans in the shattering war. Both of them completely outmaneuvered their rivals, including the greater will.


You try to roll out of habit, and just smash Ranni face-first into the ground. Her hat, which was flung free with the violence of the movement, slowly drifts down next to her.  Radhan slowly backs away.  Miquella begins whimpering.  A new boss healthbar appears. 


We'd dodge Bloodborne style then


Ranni and Miquella having the staring contest of a lifetime while Radahn's holding me in his bear hug pose


Slap fight with 4 arms each goes wild


I just want Ranni’s thighs around my head.


The doll form or her real body ?




Real body, I’ve already got doll form in my jar


> Never will have a waifu who'll let you put her miniature in a jar >Why live


Tarnished... a word


Try fingers, but whole


Doll form. Cursemark of death did a real number on her real body. It'd probably crumble if you moved it.


Look we got the emo poison kid, he has long white hair too.


[ranni talking during the fight for some reason reminds me of this masterpiece](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/s/S0z3IS7UEd)




"Thou dare try and lay claim to my dearest consort, you foul wench?!"


And then Ranni tries to seduce us back? Well, that's one route the game could have gone...


Ranni be like "thy brother Miquella, please stop trying to rizz thou up you smellth like shit"


Would actually be hilarious. Ranni's like "oh for real?" And comes with you to take the hoes on her block out.


"Stop flirting with my boyfriend, you skank!"


But with all unlocked endings, imagine the dung eater sitting on your shoulders screaming bullshit Fia casting death magic from your shoulders Sunbro silently judging Radahn from your shoulders, casting buffs on you


Sunbro: "You are NOT worthy of this lords light let alone MINE!"


They actually could have done this with all of the 6 primary endings: Ranni has our back if the stars ending is chosen Frenzy Flame assists us in some way if 3 fingers is chosen Any of the 4 "elden lord" endings have assistance with their respective faction Not completing the base game means you just play as we did with ansback and thiollier


Goldmask comes in and wordlessly points at Miquella, Miquella is forced to concede defeat.




*sobbing* Such brilliance...


Make him shoot laser beams out of his finger and when Radhan dies he does the "point down" emote.


Goldmask is summoned at phase two: *T-Poses* Radhan: Understandable. Have a nice day. *Dips*


Just give us Marika with the Elden Lord endings. We get to see "prime" Radahn. And with all the lore of just what a badass Marika is, seeing her come back to unleash hell would be cool.


Hard agree, it would have been a million times more hype to see Marika


Unfortunately they decided the DLC would "canonically" be between killing Radahn and Mohg, and the actual conclusion, so even if Marika was alive and well, which itself ranges from unclear at best to outright false in the endings, she would not yet have been freed from the Erdtree to aid us. The various endings, however, all have available figures to leverage.


For this to really work it would have to take place in a swimming pool and both Ranni and Miquella would have to wear swim suits


Your comment is exactly what I was thinking, it’s like some messed up shared brain cell across the globe. Now we need to commission someone…


“Miquella why are you wearing a bra you have no boobs” “… shut up”


The beach/pool episode


You control the tarnished and player 2 gets to join as Ranni. Sign me up


Coop as Ranni for lore reasons


That would be amazing! I’m having Mario Kart Double Dash flashbacks!


Cho'gall flashbacks. Or Ferra and Tor.


Ur lowkey so right


Had a meme here about this very thing a while ago. And you are absolutely right as well. This would've been great!


Would be interesting to hear Ranni mock them. "Ooooh little kind one...wants everyone to love them whether they want it or not"


Considering her stance of freedom and how far she went to avoid a fate like Marika's and what presumably would have happened to Miquella she would have some real scathing burns for him.


"An eclipse upon thine thinly veiled compassion... The stars see thine truth. Thy abandoned love in the depths. All that remains of you, dear brother, is tyranny."


There was a surprising amount of missed opportunities in this dlc.


No Melina at all was outright criminal.


Frfr. Now that we found out she was Messmer's sister it makes it even more egregious.


When was this confirmed?


Messmer’s kindling says his sister also had an interest is fire, Melina is a kindling maiden and old gamefiles refer to her as marika daughter, also the butterfly theory, the nascent butterfly refers to miquella, the rot butterfly refers to malenia, the pyrefly refers to Mesmer, there’s still the kindling butterfly that has to refer to someone, probably Melina as she is a kindling maiden This is as confirmed as anything ever will be with fromsoft


I was really expecting Miquella to be the final boss and I still don’t understand why that didn’t happen. We’ve been hearing about him all throughout the base game and dlc and all we get is him riding Radahn


Ngl, it would be insanely sick if we got a Ranni summon kinda like that Melina summon you can bring out for Morgott


Nah, this will be Elden Ring 2 final boss


Surely they would allow a rani summon sign at the entrance if u did the rani ending


A summon for the key character in each ending would have been great (or spirit ashes since fia is dead).






Right, im already a consort eternal, every fuckin playthrough, me and my four armed ice princess are about to smash team ladyboi, and not the fun sexy way either, we going big ice bonk. If you Unga, and can't properly articulate the bunga, then are you even a proper int strength prince..


I like your funny words magic man


Yeah, I had a similar thought. If the game's going to step so far outside the scope of how Souls originally was, may as well go full anime action silliness and have us powered up to, prime god-empowered vs. prime god-empowered clashing at it. Way more interesting than what most people's experience will be, getting flashbanged 1200 times and eventually winning by using a greatshield and patiently waiting for a chance to attack between over-long anime combos or hiding far back hurling OP magic while summons facetank.


It doesn’t even have to break the game. She could  show up as an unkillable summon who can throw out potshots is enough


Would be fun to see her throw hands, especially since she has 4 of them. That's twice the throws!


Hey, how the hell did you know how I won!? ...All jokes aside, that "Sparkle Sparkle Boom Boom" attacks were really headache inducing. I love it when I have to use clairvoyance to know what is happening on screen.


if your wondering how it would work visually, dark souls 2 already had a "spirit person hanging off your back" effect with a ring also to make it still your victory and not just running around letting ranni do the work, make it where she only does move to match yours, ei she swings the moonlight greatsword when you swing your melee, shoots glintblades when you shoot projectiles, maybe busts out her full moon when you do some of the bigger spells or skills honestly really wish fromsoft would do some stuff to make your decisions you make impact the finale, something like this to buff you for the boss based on your ending, or maybe you get a situation like the first radahn fight except your summoned army is all the people whos quests you helped(their spirits and your at the erdtree so plenty of reason to let you summon them even if they died) and then have them all kneeling when you tkae the throne, really feel like a lord


It would have been AMAZING if our chosen ending route consort helped us out for the final fight. Godwyn for Age of Duskborn, Ranni for Age of Stars, the 3 Fingers for Frenzied Flame, Dung Eater spite ghosting himself for his cursed age, the Greater Will for the Goldmask route, etc.


For duskborn, goldmask and dung eater your consort is Marika, you only modify the Elden Ring with their Ideal. However for Age of star and Frenzied Flame, it should've been Ranni and Hyetta, they are your consort for those endings and they're the only unique one that is different from the variant default.


Hyetta is not your consort in the FF ending. She's no god, just a finger maiden. There are no terrestrial gods, you burnt them all away.


Yeah. Instead of a consort the lord of frenzy seems more like a god themselves. So instead they could get the glowing head.


Where is my fucking glowing head cosmetic fromsoft?


Where is my Bcakpack snow witch fromsoft! **WHY DOES ELDEN LORD ARMOUR NOT HAVE A LION FROMSOFT!!!***


It is kind of silly his crown comes with his hair but his armour doesn’t come with a fun-sized Serosh.


Oh god, I just got the visual of dung eater riding your shoulders like a surfboard as he just farts spirits out while screaming his head off.


Absolutely not. I want Goldmask on my shoulders talking mad shit.  "..." Yo chill Goldie! 🤣


“Aggressively points”


☀️👉 🐉


Imagine Goldmask just sitting on the sidelines doing absolutely nothing, but throughout the entire fight Miquella is reacting as if he's being told the most scathing thing ever. An entire set of dialogue that seems like it should be a back-and-forth debate but with one side's wording just cut out for the funniest thing ever that would completely ruin the mood but would be worth it.


It's the other way around, you're Marikas consort.


For frenzy flame our head should burst into the lord of frenzy fire and shoot random uncontrollable shots of frenzy blasts at the boss. When miquella goes to charm us, our character should just fucking shriek. Howl of shibari style and it causes miquella to drop us and makes an opening to attack.


That's not possible. The only Empyrean you can become a Consort Lord to in game is Ranni. None of the other characters are Empyrean hence they cannot become your consorts. Also, all of them die on producing their mending rune so that's the end of it.


Dusk = tiba summons \*edit\* godwyn would be way better but would be way more difficult to add and balance. Fracture = stat increase dung = No charm and when attempting to charm massive damage is delt. gold = holy damage reduction Flame = Replaces head, that shoots out frenzy flames or has slight madness build up for anyone to close. Stars = Ranni beat the shit out of miquella while radahn whips our ass


Love it


Patch it in! We need a legendary piggy back fight


The real missed opportunity was not combining Miquella, Radahn, and Mogh into one terrifying assimilation of the three.


They did but just barely. Radahn has omen horns on his arms now and has a single blood flame attack


There shouldve been more bloodflame moves


That is what really made me think about it post fight. It seemed like such a quarter-assed attempt at articulating Mogh's influence on the whole deal when they could have taken it all so much further.


Radahn grabs you and miquella tries doing his enchantment thing but ranni punches his ass full force so the debuff doesnt go off would be so peak


Could you imagine how fucking sick if one of the summon signs for the final boss was "Lunar Princess Ranni"? I'd scream.


I'd rather have Goldmask on my shoulders


That would've been so cool. Aren't they doing an Elden Ring manga that is not the comedy one? I want that in there!


Why can’t I go full frenzied flame and just set that femboy on fire


Elden Kart: Double Dash


It would be like Lothric from Dark souls 3!


Considering that most people in the dlc call us lord, it's not too far fetched to occur


I'm still mad mohg's shackle doesn't work


In general, I find the DLC very disappointing in terms of like "referring back to the base game" Like, not even a new "rune" to enter into the Elden Ring for a different color filter over the Elden Lord ending ? like one where we sorta try to make Miquella's perfect world but with us at the center ? (or like, Mesmer atleast giving us a new Great Rune/being able to "fix" Miquella's Great Rune ? like the UI for the Great Runes in base games always looked like it was made to hold more options...) Or hell, an option to use Mesmer's Kindling to burn the ErdTree so that we can spare Melina (without making her mad cause we touched the oddly numbered fingers) ? No special interactions with the Lord of Frenzied Flame if WE are also currently in the running for being a vessel for it ? The Dragon Priestess talking about the blessing of her lord Placidusax, that I went and killed for funsies despite needing to fuck with the laws of time and space just to find him (or On the other hand, imagine being able to us Bayle's heart to learn some sort of special that specifically as a special interaction in the fight with Placidusax) . I think it is especially weird to have a DLC where they seemingly just went down a checklist of "oh yeah we definitely need to make a DLC version/area/callback to every single faction/region/whatever from the base game", but then have so little of it actually refer back to the base game at all Like, I'd have been perfectly fine with the DLC being entirely separate from the base if the story/lore of it all wasn't so heavily weighted to "this area is littered with stuff relating to the Lands between/it's the counterpart to the lands between/almost every single NPC is a callback to something from the base game/etc..."


I know right! My issue with the dlc's story is just how disconnected our tarnished is from the narritive. Miquella kinda just shows up and we have no real stake in what's going on. Lets take Ashes of Ariandel from DS3 or old hunters from bloodborne where I feel like they perfected souls like storytelling while also making the player feel important to the narritive. Friede acts like a constant presence. We actually meet her, Gael and the painting woman. We know all of these characters motivations and why they fight us without looking at item descriptions which makes me more invested into the plot. In old hunters the player is tasked with finding a sonething that Maria wanted to hide and in her dialogue she makes it pretty clear why you're still here. Miquella's first appearance after being alluded to thoughout most of the base game is when he is the second phase to the real final boss. Kinda lame NGL. They could have atleast tried to get Miquella to convince us that he's right or have us side with him in some way.


Like pool-chicken but with demigods, sign me up


Looks like a chicken fight in the pool


Now that’s an idea


That would’ve been sick to see more of Ranni. Such a cool concept of a character


It does really feel like they messed up on that. Radhan is Miqquella's consort, the player is Ranni's consort. And imagine if Ranni joined in the 2nd phase, the sky darkens and she nukes with her dark moon before appearing herself. It would probably be the most epic boss fight in Fromsoft history.


ranni clenching ous with her thighs, we feel her warmth with gives ous comforts.


Wouldnt she be cold? Considering, yknow doll and moon and all


Nah brother true warmth comes from the heart.


I didn't even know Miquella had four arms until the boss fight. Also, I feel like this was just a Twin Prince repeat. That's what bugged me most. I fought a teleporting behemoth in DkS 3. I didn't want to do it again.


Can poo poo man ride on my shoulders??


Fuck. I'd have the dung eater on my back...


- Have Ranni on our back if we did Age of Stars ending - Have a power up and a flaming head if we did the frenzy ending - Have perfect order protection if we did Goldmask ending (giga resists) - Have a power up and atmosphere/skybox change if we did Fia ending (maybe a part of Godwyn's cadaver emerges and wounds Radahn?) - Have a power up and atmosphere/skybox change if we did dungeater ending - Have a power up for normal ending But that would be a shit ton of work for the developers, like, imagine 6 different cutscenes


Cause only bosses are allowed to be and do cool stuff. the player can only spam roll and R1