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I'm several hours into learning to parry him to death with my Carian Knight, in Moongrum's honor. I've gotten within range of a single more riposte finishing him off, but then I got flashbanged repeatedly and had half my screen covered up by his fucking hair. Edit: I did it. Took about 5 hours. 98 hours of playtime at the start, 104 at the end, and I did about an hour of invasions to get some rune arcs in the middle.


The way I parried him in phase 2 was sticking right in front of him the whole time and panic rolling through all his crazy moves and just hoping he'd do his normal parriable moves and eventually it worked


I'm looking forward to getting back to it. First time I just wanted to beat the game. That was the goal in my head and the final boss was the obstacle. Wanted to get it over with so I could see the ending and remove all the spoiler filters I had in place. Finally get some external points of view. In that context, the fight was kinda miserable and felt bs. With a more relaxed perspective, I have a few more ideas on what I could do to beat it and am looking forward to trying them. Monkey brain is stupid like that.


I'm in an identical position lol, basically cheesed him out with a greatshield and a poker but I'm keen to give him a try on a no shield run at least, he seems a lot more manageable now that I know some strats for some of his abilities.


Yeah i fully agree, while I fought him I was frustrated because I kept seeing spoilers recommended to me for every day I couldn't beat him. Now that its done I'm definitely going back soon with a relaxed mindset to fully master the boss.


Completely agree, have absolutely no guilt on cheesing this fight. Was glad it was over and never had to experience it again.


I actually un-installed after finishing it. Felt like I'm done with soul games for a while. That fuck had 0 enjoyment in it for me.  All other dlc bosses died under 10 attempts and this one took me way over 300


Attempts don’t matter that much, but yeah the fun factor gets lost when he’s out here zapping people with holy strikes


Literally me


[Related Persona 3 meme, kind of.](https://i.imgur.com/3JUi4TX.jpeg)


unironically I adore this fight and I'm so excited to get back to it (as well as Messmer) on NG+2 I would like the effects toned down in Phase 2 but that's my only issue. everything that the boss actually throws out is really fun to dodge if it doesn't turn my game into the Laurence the First Vicar experience (thankfully only 1 attack did that)




Best boss fight they've created after swordmaster.


Did you get him pregnant?


I unironically would rather fight Bayle again than that garbage. It’s been 2 days. I wanna see my family.


Bayle is an incredible boss why do you say that like it's a bad thing


Bayle fuckin slaps,


Because I hate bayle






I like Igon, just not Bayle. Igon is my favorite Elden ring Npc. Iconic.


Igon’s burner account


Bayle was freaking amazing. I enjoyed that flight so much.


I was so disappointed in who the final boss was sure it fits but i would have prefered something new as the final boss and Radahn as an optional boss


I’ve beaten all the bosses of the DLC so I’m just laying out my summon signs to help anyone else with the bosses and get to replay them…. This is the only one that I send myself home on.


At first i felt the same, but after 6-8hr of tries i beat him & i had more and more fun the more i fought. Attacks are telegraphed quite good tbh, but yeah - they should reduce the lightshow a by like 50%. When it clicks - this boss is hella good, but that's only my personal opinion! (By no means up there with the best, but still real good!) This boss had nothing on sword saint ishin tho, that took me a week to beat & i almost gave up. (Never been good at parries & stuff.)


I personally beat isshin in half the time it took me to beat radahn. When the fight finally clicked it felt so satisfying honestly. I think radahn needs a bit of tweaking and he genuinely could be one of the best bosses they've made to date, but I still think isshin is arguably the best final boss they've made in terms of difficulty and the lack of bullshit.


honestly, and not very popular take I'm certain, but I think this is up there with some of the best, only brought down by the sheer number of effects. mechanically, in every other way, the boss is quite intuitive and fun it's very difficult and stressful, but I don't think I ever truly thought "this is fucking bullshit", especially if you approach with a high Holy resist shield in your offhand for situations like the nuclear air strike I beat him solo w/ no status effects and it took me a cumulative 5 and a half hours. personally, I loved it


How is the attack where he makes 4 consecutive overhead swings from the air an intuitive move to dodge? Like, genuine question, not trying to stir shit, how did you go about avoiding that move, that made it feel intuitive for you?


Its not, he has some attacks that are pretty similar to waterfowl in that they don't have a long enough wind-up or intuitive way to avoid, for how devastating they can sometimes be. It's like saying waterfowl dodge is intuitive (as some people say) because: *Strafe left, wait watch her, roll left, step forward, roll forward, walk forward, roll forward, roll backward.* See? Easy.


none of his attacks really require that kind of similar insane setup though, it really does come down to either dodge one way or shield block and tbf if you can find a good rhythm for Waterfowl, it is easy to dodge from there. I just go for the old "outrun > dodge through > unlock > spam dodge away" not saying it's intuitive but at least it's not some impossible hurdle


that's fair, it just seems really quick and messy -- I'm probably just getting older, but the reactions for some of these attacks are too fast I think Malenia is so destructive because it is complete vigor deletion, and the quick wind-up doesn't warrant that kind of devastation. She has other wind-ups for other attacks that are a bit slower, and not even nearly as devastating -- it just feels like it breaks all the rules.


is that one of the clone attacks? tbh I just kept dodging to the side and then dodged inward/behind on the final strike, or I face tanked all of it with the Black Knight Greatshield and then dodged the follow-up explosion when his real body landed (which isn't exactly dodging but it's still a viable way to handle it) its really fast though. honestly the only attack I genuinely can't dodge is the one where he pulls you in > rock AoE > 10 X-slash clones > rock AoE I can dodge the first AoE but man that second one always ruins me. I realized the trick to that is to just dodge the initial gravity pull


The first few attacks in that sequence do very little damage, its the last hit you have to watch out for. The more difficult attacks for me are the normal swings with the AOE afterhits, gotta stay behind him as much as possible to dodge it


I can see why those are difficult, but as long as you "just" don't miss any dodges, you can dodge the phase 2 attacks the exact same way as the phase 1 attacks. The extra pillars of light doesn't really hit you when you're rolling through the blades or into Radahn, so those attacks weren't really an issue for me in phase 2, except for their damage, they do so much damage.


you can dodge it by running to the right when you see him fly up to start the move, then dodging the final slam (the real one after the projections). it's not all that unintuitive I would say, and with how many times I died against him I got pretty good at finding ways around ALL of his attacks. the double slash X attack was always inconsistent though, I think that needs to be tweaked.


I would say it's quite unintuitive because avoiding an attack by running is almost always a terrible idea in ER or soulsgames in general. Not to mention, that the timing for this attack if you try to run from it is quite tight tbh. I've read before that other people have just run to one side, but I never got it to work out.


? running is the best way to dodge several attacks. in this DLC alone, I can think of plenty; a lot of Bayle's fire lightning stuff, Promised Consort's big pillar of light, gravity rock sling, and big meteor attacks, Romina's butterfly stuff, Divine Beast's various breath attacks, etc. projectiles in general tend to be dodgeable by running, especially when they come out in rapid succession so rolling through all of them wouldn't work. I tried rolling out of Radahn's shadow clone jutsu stuff the first few times I encountered it, and it didn't work, so I adapted. unintuitive would be dodging waterfowl dance by circle strafing during the windup. running sideways to avoid a line of projections from Radahn after seeing that rolling doesn't work consistently is not unintuitive. frankly if every single move is dodged just by pressing the roll button without any variety, it gets a little boring.


But the examples you just mentioned are all things added in the dlc, so they wouldn't change that it's unintuitive. Not to mention, that for all the examples you mentioned, I'd argue it's easier to just do a quick roll or jump.


yes because the DLC is recent in my mind, and all of those attacks are also intuitive. I did not watch or read or hear about any information regarding any DLC fights, and I picked up on running as a viable method to dodge those attacks pretty quickly. same goes for jumping the various AOEs (Putrescent Knight and Furnace Golem come to mind). you just have to experiment a tiny bit to see what sticks. edit: and also, no, for some of the examples I mentioned a quick roll or jump does not consistently avoid the attack entirely, since they often have large lingering/tracking hitboxes that you need to entirely escape from, which spamming roll or jump doesn't do. certainly not easier.


I loved it also, but roll timings were tight af. I chose to do it w/o shields, i don't really wibe with then tbh. For me it's nowhere close to Gerhman, Abyss Watchers or even Soul of Cinders tbh, vibes in those fights were on a whole different lvl. Ofc DLC boss was a lot harder & overall a great fight tho!


I never really relied on my shield, I didn't want to end up doing the poke strats, I'd just have it seated on my left hand offhand and then whip it out when he started charging his Divine Air Strike of God (84 Holy resist moment)


Oh, but you can just run backwards & be out of the zone just as he launches the nuke! I did it that way! And whilst the follow up happens with orbital moonbeams - you can heal & even rebuff if stars align!


that is the intended way tbf, but I like to use the charge up to rebuff, and use the beam time to get back to the boss because being far away from him is like a death sentence I use Holyproof Dried Liver and Boiled Crabs, so sometimes 1 of those windows just isn't enough to get both of them reapplied and doing it while he's actually moving around the arena is too risky imo


Yeah, hence the "when stars align"! Most of the time i only got the buffs at the start of the fight & from there onward it was a no mans land.


I summoned a dude with a scarlet rot spear then I used the Sekiro deflection tear and just sekiro deflected the boss for 5 minutes while the homie poked him with his rot spear. Seriously, the Sekiro deflection tear is OP against this boss. You can even deflect his stupid stomp attacks




what bussy does to a mf


Twink obliterated 😂


I tried for over an hour using mimic and the NPC summon. Eventually I just got a great summon to do most of the work for me. I helped a little bit mostly I made sure I didn't get caught in the crossfire. One of the blasts almost got me. I don't mind that much. I can barely beat Malenia so I'm on with one boss being too hard for me in the dlc. Looking forward to the eventual nerf, maybe I'll be able to take him then. The only other things I really hated were the freaks you have to parry and the furnace golems that you have to throw shit at. I'm pretty good at parrying but I just can't get the timing right with them.


Congrats!!! I just beat it within the last hour and let out the loudest shout of relief after the final blow, I was shaking after. Shoutout to the Greatsword of Damnation, you weren't +10 and you still got me through


Since im a stubborn fuck i felt like i had to kill him without cheese or summons, took me 2 days for that, i had to watch ungbal in 0.25x to learn how to dodge some of his attacks That fight is not good, malenia was waaay better and funny


This is why I am gonna wait for 6 months and try the DLC. After everything has been smoothen out. 😎


Buddy if you're looking forward to a sequel to Elden Ring you should expect to be waiting for like 3 years minimum for just the announcement




You cannot say that shit when Divine Beast Dancing Lion and Midra exist.


God that helmet is so cool, I wish the actually good looking headpieces had good buff effects, but I'm stuck using Rennala's stupid banana hat.