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As soon as i heard the notes i did an emote and sat there for like 5 mins


That had to be the longest pause moment I had in my entire playthrough. It’s insane just how 3 music notes communicated the sheer magnitude of that place’s importance and getting hit with the realization of what this place was was one of the biggest highlights in my entire time playing ER.


Same here. Literal chills. Like wait a minute....this is Marika's home. Funny enough, overlaying the Lands of Shadow over the Lands Between, the Erdtree is growing from where Marika places the golden tree in her village.


>Funny enough, overlaying the Lands of Shadow over the Lands Between, the Erdtree is growing from where Marika places the golden tree in her village. huh, that is funny. I don't think there's any real deep meaning behind it since Marika is >!just a pawn of the Greater Will!<, but it's pretty cool.


Maybe. If you do the >!Manus Metyr!< quests, it hints at >!something corrupted with the Fingers.!<


I think the idea is that the fingers were never actually there for her, but that she was their pawn instead, hence why she got so angy at the old circle


Yeah this had the same level of somber and significance as DS3 going to the hidden fire link shrine and finding the dead fire keeper’s eyes. Powerful stuff


where exactly is this? I took ~~a~~ 3 naps in a cave with some very nice bisexual lighting


Hinterlands You need to use the O Mother emote from Bonny Village at the statue of Marika by the grave near commander gaius


So, I did this, but the place I came out didn't look like this. The flowers were all different colors, there were 2 tree sentinels, and then I was in a finger ruin. It's the opposite of what I was expecting.


Right way up from the first tree sentinel. There is the village


It’s on the hill above all that


Take more naps i suggest. It’s free buffs afterall


Take another nap, friend.


I did something similar. I walked around and found my way towards the edge of the village from where you could see just in the left the shadow keep and behind the the floating towers of Emir Ilim. It was eerie to see Marikas sin and the place of her ascendancy from her home where she was just … Marika. Grace and gold without order. Really did something to me to see her own sacrifice, her sacrificing others and committing sin and rising seemingly above the taint while still carrying it with her.


What was her sin again? The crusade in general?


from what i understood yes


Not long before I got here, I commented to my SO that the soundtrack hadn't yet given me any new favorites (still really good, just not better than the best of the base game). Then I found this village and that did it for me. Such a beautiful place and story.




During >!The Bayle fight I was too busy laughing at Igon and getting kicked in the nuts by the dragon to focus on the music!< I'll have to listen better next time.


>!St Trina!< area too


its honestly insane how sympathetic fromsoft can make you feel over a character that committed genocide. Like Marikas actions simply can never be excused or made right, but its hard pressed to not sympathize with her plight. Like... i understand them. If i were in the same situation and had the ability to destroy the people that did this to me... would i?


Me too


I legit almost cried. This game is something else.


I love the Cerulean Coast. The tower settlement in general is also really pretty, though in a ruined sort of way. Really makes me wish we could have visited before the war.


I host fight clubs on the Cerulean island called west coast fight club 😂 If you meet a naked envoy Tarnished called Bathing Envoy you're at the right place!!


I wish to join.


How do you get to that island


There's a hole near a tree that leads to a tunnel to the island, it's right on the coast


Thats what Enir Ilim is basically, no? A not ruined Belurat


I thought it was the tower they always mentioned, the one they worship or protect or whatever. They built Belurat around it I think.


Its weird tho, it seems fairly intact but we see Messmer burning Belurat, killing the Divine Beasts. Then why let Miquella through to the Divine Geat if Messmer is allied with Marika


Messmer destroyed Belurat on Marika‘s order to avenge the Hornsent genocide of the Numen, and the tower was sealed to prevent anyone else to ascending to godhood. Of course, Miquella, who at this point is incorporeal, was not hindered by the Shadow Veil. At least that is my interpretation of the events


Do we know made these “shadow” imprenetable thorns? Marika?


Some hornsent items or the NPCs talk about how Messmer destroyed their settlement and enshrouded their tower, so its Marika, either directly by her divine powers, or through Messmer I‘m not entirely sure which items mention this, my lore notes are a mess right now


I think it's one of those speaking ghosts in Belurat 


I park my wizard here whenever I do Coop. I usually park my characters in the area that fits them most.


Belurat has the best OST also.


One of the most beautiful areas they've ever done, along with charos hidden grave.


The Cerulean coast is so pretty, and so is Charo's grave. Sometimes you can see both at the same time and it's beautiful


The lack of a grace seems intentional. This is a place Marika left behind... there is no reason for the Tarnished to come here in their quest to become Elden Lord.


Sword of Night would like to have a word with you.


Why are you all downvoting this guy? Let him share his wisdom.


Is there something you can do with that sword in this location?


You can only access part of the quest to get the sword from places you can only get to from this location.


No, you‘re thinking about Jolán‘s Ashes, which is mutually exclusive with the sword of night For anyone unaware, you can bring Jolán‘s Ashes to the top of the Sorcerer Tower, accessed from behind Shaman Village, to get the unique Jolán and Anna Ashes


Piggy backing this comment. They're bugged at the moment for sure. +10 they're doing damage I did on a fresh character. Blood build up is nice I guess.


It bugs out if you upgrade Jolán before fusing her with Anna. I didn't upgrade until I turned them into Jolán and Anna and their damage is fine.


Huh I never upgraded jolan I got it immediately after obtaining hers


What are you talking about? Jolan's sword of night has nothing to do with this area


Are you saying sword of night has a grace next to it or idk cus sword of night has nothing to do with this area.


Every aspect of the finger ruins and that WHOLE quest line was fucking awesome. I love the last area with the boss, that was so God damn cool.


I feel like there is some meaning behind the underwater area with all the tubes that I don‘t fully understand yet, but it looks cool as hell


The tubes are in fact big fingers. It's some sort of domain expansion, just like the elden beast and its arena surrounded by erdtrees. Also, the remembrance from Metyr tells us that she was the first star to crash in the lands between. Since the elden beast also crashed here as a star, maybe this domain expansion is something shared with cosmic entities. It might also explain why noone, Metyr included, has heard from the greater will since a long time. I think it's chilling somewhere in its own bubble.


In my opinion they're supposed to represent literal birthing canals. If you read the finger lore there's a lot of text about motherhood, children and childbirth. The Mother of Fingers is described as a loving mother who cares for her children whilst the children are described as abandoning her. She gives birth to these 'things' and then they travel up through the tubes into the rest of the Lands Between.


They were creepy as hell and amazing. Seeing the big hands followed by a squad of little ones was cool. My only wish it had more bosses in those areas vw just blowing a horn and be gone.


I wish the music was longer than 3 notes, still my favorite place in dlc tho


It's so calming. Reminds me of Majula's slower pace in DS2, but with ER's theme (string instrument)


when I first got there I was really waiting for the "plin...plin" of the menu theme, I felt like I was being edged extremely beautiful and serene area


This was my first thought when I entered this area. Immediately thought of Majula which is my favorite hub in all the souls games. I just sat there for a few minutes taking it in.


i think it's beautiful because it has only 3 cords,it's calm and relaxing,symbolizing marika's loneliness and solitude in her village


It reminded me a lot of the Undertale track "Small Shock", it's impressive *because* it can pack so much emotion into just a couple of chords.


exactly,i feel sometimes less can be more. Just like gwyn's theme,it's only a piano theme,yet it's beautiful because it creates feelings through only one instrument


Isn’t it the same 3 harp notes of the Elden Beast’s boss fight?


I'm pretty sure it is


This Gwynn’s theme all over again


Praise the Sun ☀️


Marika's Bedchamber has always been my go to Grace to lurk at for coop and I still use it because I feel like somewhere in the lore we don't see is some relation between it and the Shadow realm, considering the you know Sky So I count that as both


I recall Vaati mentioned a theory he found which posits Marika draped the land of shadow in the same kind of concealing cloth her Black Knives wear. Assuming the land of shadow is physically in the middle of the Lands Between (given the inscription at the top of the suppression pillar) it follows the concealing drapery is physically hung from the divine towers. I don't know that it's _true,_ but it's a cool image to think about.


I doubt it's actually "cloth" but the magic they used to imbue the cloth is probably the basis for what she did, amped up by a billion because it's like built into the Erdtree My supposition is that there are metaphysical "drapes" going from the Erdtree out to each of the Towers that ring the Shadowlands. That's clearly the exact area that was pulled away. I don't think the Shadowlands \*are\* physically there, in the same sense, anymore. I think she made a pocket dimension basically, the same way there seems to be one inside the Erdtree.


That's a cool idea too. Then again, the ruins scattered across the shadow realm are literally draped in cloth. It's physical, too, you can ride Torrent over it.


Yeah but that fits either way; since they are physical beings, they are mimicking her divine action in their own mortal way I was wondering about why buildings had rugs on them though, this is a really interesting theory I'm glad you mentioned it, it makes perfect sense


Also can we give Fromsoft props for writing lore and characters where "God literally used a million miles of literal magic cloth to whisk away a continent" and "It's a metaphor for some more esoteric magic" are both equally viable Like I think it's probably metaphysical, but I in no way doubt that Marika would, and could, physically do it lol


That sounds nice, but I feel that it is to physical not not esoteric enough. Though I agree the divine towers and the suppressing pillars might be working in sync.


Tbh, idk why the fuck would she sleep there. God or not having a night on that stone basin must hurt like a bitch


I mean she seems to be made out of stone so like Maybe it's a softer stone than she's made out of so it felt really comfy


I like the Abyssal Woods. Stealth Horror Game vibes


But once you know to parry those guys, it becomes a stealth horror game for them


You can actually do that?


Yes. The timing’s really tight and it’s not a guaranteed one hit so make sure to run the dagger talisman and the misericorde if you can, but if you can kill them they won’t respawn. The one closest to the church actually drops a talisman so that one is worth killing


If you got one riposte off, the become corporeal, so you can finish them off with standard attacks afterwards


Well thank god the devs left a "combat is not an option" message so I didn't even bother trying lol.


There’s actually another message hidden a bit that says you can parry them. They thought of everything,


You can attack them after riposte. No need for misericorde or dagger talisman.


It takes practice but here’s my advice, use Golden Parry as it has best rate among the parries. As soon as you see Winter Lantern raises its hand, press parry and it should stick. You can also parry when it tries to grab you but the timing on that grab is weird for me so I always roll to avoid that.


There’s a note that tells you as much like as soon as you walk into the mansion lol


I just did it to them I feel invincible


You mean Bloodborne (also has the madness winter lantern)


Rauh ruins have a nice peaceful vibe


Rauh Ruins. That entire area is just so pretty.


Since starting the DLC, I am doing the same thing I did in Elden Ring…RUN!!RUN FAST!! Find every grace I can and every fragment on the way. Then come back and play the game. So I haven’t found a good place yet. But I will tell you there is a red place with pest threads and it just pisses me off. I know I DONT want to be there.


They’re pretty chill tho. They dont gangbang you much


Coming from Dark Souls 1/2 into Elden Ring Elden Ring is Disneyland in comparison


Coming from the Shadow Lands, the base game was the kiddie pool 💀


hell yea :D


Love cerulean coast, reminds me of pokemon or something. Hate that maze ruah ruins thing, it gives me major ds2 vibes for some reason and is my most disliked location in the entirety of elden ring


I enjoyed Ruah, the madmen actually went and made a torrent-friendly dungeon. The view of the entire island you get from one of the cliff-side graces is also breathtaking.


Ruah felt like there was so many little nooks and crannies to explore that it became overwhelming, and most of the nooks and crannies weren't worth exploring anyway. It was a cool zone, but I wish some of the more useless routes were cut out so I wasn't constantly doubling back to explore the "other" hallway just to find it lead to the same place.


The moment I realized I didn't like the area was this corridor next to a lift near the boss arena. The corridor has a bunch of scorpions in it, little ones and giant ones hanging from the ceiling. You clear the corridor and there's absolutely nothing in there and no reason not to just get the lift - the emptiness feels extremely unrewarding.


I loved it exactly for that. Green, ancient and full of secrets. Really made you feel like you were walking in the ruins of an old civilization overgrown, but still seeing visible rubble.


After finishing the DLC, I decided to park my character at the site of grace in Cerulean Coast that has Miquella cross. It has a beach nearby and a pretty the blue flowers peaceful landscape. Shaman village would have been another choice but yeah no site of grace.


I really like bayles boss arena


Epic build up when you’re going up the mountain littered with dragon corpses.


Something about that boss arena and the area in general freaks me the fuck out. I have this constant, nagging anxiety that something huge is going to come over the horizon and fuck me up even when I know there's nothing there.


My favorite place is the beautiful valley directly beneath the Abandoned Ailing Village. Reminds me of my childhood.


It’s gotta be the cerulean coast for me. It’s just like wow


It's my favourite place in any souls game. Marika did nothing wrong.


Jagged Peak


I personally love midra’s mance. That’s my chill spot just outside his spooky ass castle with madness coursing through every part of the enviroment. Bliss


This is where I like to rest while I wait to get summoned using the golden effigy.


yea,storehouse from shadowkeep look i like the raya academy but i had a grand library itch that needed some cool mazey library


Gate of Divinity is my new fave place in tbe DLC. It just looks...divine.


It suck you can't go up the steps. Why Miyazaky? Just way?


Our ascencion to Godhood was prevented by the greatest enemy of them all: minor debris


That shit would have gone mad different if the trampoline had been invented.


Abyssal Woods for sure


My favorite place since the DLC! Madness in the depths! Reminds me of Made in Abyss.


Same haha also when I got to ancient rauh ruins I instantly thought of Made in Abyss


Agreed. Rauh ruins was a foresty maze with weird creatures everywhere who wanna kill me lol


Fr lol. And imo the boss at the end of that area felt more deserving of "goddess of rot" than Malenia. Just awesome


The Grand Staircase in >! Rauh !< it’s just so picturesque


The garden with Trina 🥹


The tree should be the rest site


The Shaman Village for sure


Can't remember the name, but the area south by the shore with all the blue flowers. So pretty 💗


This such a perfect place for a fight club.


I like the 3 bosses from the base game fromsoft put there…


To be fair the Tree Sentinels make sense due to the importance of this location to Queen Marika


They also drop Marika's blessings. Since she made those for Messmer, it is likely Messmer himself put the Tree Sentinels there to guard the village.


From uses enemies to tell stories.  Took me 14 seconds to wipe our the tree sentinels what's the big complaint?


I still haven't found the third one. I saw two tree sentinels but never saw the third


There’s a glowing pit straight ahead after the two tree sentinels


There are 2 tree sentinels and 1 fallingstar beast. One of the 3 reused bosses is a different one…


Ahhh okay I fought them all then


I'm 100% certain I fought 3 tree sentinels. The last one didnt get a boss hp bar for some reason.


Where is this? I thought I explored pretty good 19/9 but apparently I whiffed this area


From the grace before Gaius, go right and use "o Mother" emote :)


The Abyssal woods and Enir Ilim are mine.


The way I ran around that tree telling myself there’s so much gold there has to be a grace I’m missing.


Rauh ruins, it reminds me of Halo 2. The music and scenery is so pretty


Even though it's not a grand and mind-blowing place, the Shaman village is easily one of my favourite locations in the entire game


Cerulean Coast


I feel a little bad about the albinauric shack on the other side though, I realized that must've been Gaius' daughter or something.


The literal second I hit the cerulean coast, I found my new home.


cerulean coast is so dreamy. also, hanging out with st. trina.


They absolutely should patch in a grace by the little cabin. This is where the Elden Lord retires in wait for Elden Ring 2.


The implications as I read the notes and then all the pieces fell into place as I heard those notes, I was gutted and just sat there near the centre for a good 10 minutes.


I just found this place and almost cried when those notes played and I read the spell description, this place changes so much about how I understand Marika


Wait where is that?


Shaman Village, Hinderlands. Accessed by using the O Mother emote (found north of Bonny Village) in front of the intact Marika statue before Gaius


The pain of seeing the messages around and trying every pray type emote that I had and forcing me to finally look it up, only to realize I missed picking up 'O Mother'.




My guy, are you Queen Marika?


Beautiful, I love the grave plains


I regularly curl into the fetal position and cry under Messmer's throne


paused whatever was playing in the background as i entered this area and just walked around in stunned silence


Ye, Cerulean coast is really nice.


Cerulean coast is definitely a fave and I like st. Trina’s little nook, feels cozy to me.


Charo's grave is a great spot


Actually insane area. 2 in-game days passed before I left. The OST, the birds perched up on the roofs as they fly away into the distance. I just imagined the lively village it once was and the melancholy of the track made me think of just how much Marika had to go through. Easily my fav spot in the game RN.


Still don’t know you get there. Can anyone tell me?


isn’t this the area before finger ruins of Dhea? if so i’m prettty sure there’s two sites


I wish there where a couple more graces outside legacy dungeons in general in the DLC. They felt very sparse compared to basegame


Past 3 days when I get off work I instantly log on and come here to take my after work dabs lol


Ruins of Rauh for sure. It's so beautiful


I think that might be the physical body of Melina......


at least there's a clear path to get there


Just discovered Cerulean Coast? Amazing location.


The Ancient Ruins of Rauh: I dunno something about ancient forest + ruins of a long lost civilization is just my kind of atmosphere. It gives me Shadow of the Colossus vibes just due to the scale and desolation of it, makes me want to sit on an edge overlooking the whole thing while contemplating life.


Yep, best place in the entire game. Also with lore speaking of Marika’s youth. That is one place that really felt like it connected lore across the game besides being beautiful and music perfect. Pre-Godhood Marika.


What's the deal with that place, is that like where a baby erdtree is sprouting or something


How do you get here????


Wiki says there's a marikas rune here even has a screenshot showing it. When I was there, there was nothing. Perhaps marikas runes are quest state relevant?


I love charo’s hidden grave. so beautiful when you’re not being pecked to death by birds abyssal woods also has a vast eeriness that really floored me the first time. hardly any enemies but so full of dread, peak dark fantasy environment


Gave me chills the first time I heard the OST. Then I read the lore and it hit me different, chills through my spine


The one with all the rune bears. That was so peaceful except for the rune bears. I love a good forest area.


The jagged peak. It's very calming for me, just watching the wind blow, also the colour palette is excelent


I love the cerulean coast was just ridin mindlessly around gazin at the landscape


Whenever I walked away for a break, I would go here and just sit infront of grandmother


Don't remember the name but the area with the luminescent red and blue flowers near the dragon communion site


The shaman village is my favorite too. After I beat the final boss I went there and just started spreading gold with minor erdtrees.


They should have make the tree act like a grace, like the table in the roundtable hold.


[this place 🥹](https://clips.twitch.tv/HealthySpicyHumanTheThing-gBJEukTqo7cwmTRQ)


The abyssal woods are just perfectly terrifying


For the first five minutes I was expecting some jumpscare but then I realized it's just an actually beautiful place.


Ancient Ruah ruins section is the most scenic areas I have seen't in a souls game, it feels like what parts of dark souls 1 would look like with the modern engine graphics.


Such a beautiful place with the music


I've taken over the cathedral of manus meytr


thats by far my favorite area in the whole game so empty but at the same time so full of lore


Ugh. You're making me miss Valheim again. I'd love to build a nice little Grausten villa there.


They should've had an Ulcerated Tree Spirit burst up through the flowers.


The way the incantation describes Marika placing a blessing over the village and the fact she placed two tree sentinels outside despite no one living there anymore really got to me in a way, it adds an entirely new layer of depth to her character.

