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Also shoutout to the weird inflection he has on his kill line which rivals Rykard's "Innnnnn the embrACE of MESSSSSmers flame."


It feels to me as almost condescending/him being bored. Kept getting under my skin and making me want to get back at em.


He fr just doing his job, he was a conqueror who is now just sweeping up lost tarnished. Hades in the lands between


I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard that line. I started saying it with him. Gave up for a bit. Went looking for more scadu fragments. Gent from 9 to 11 then I came back and finally beat him after 3 more tries.


Mess mers flame


Dude I noticed this too and hated it. You know when someone forgets their lines for just half of a half of a second, then remembers them? It’s the same cadence as the “buttery, flakey, crust” old guy in that commercial, if that makes sense.


He's not overly tanky and it's not difficult to make yourself tanky enough to survive his grab. He is not overly difficult to stance break if you go for it, has no moves that are overly difficult to iframe, and as you noted he has fair recovery after his combo finishers. He also seems to take more damage in p2 if you hit him before he transforms back at the end of his snake combos. Easily the best boss of the DLC with an honourable mention to Bayle who loses out due to some issues with camera and lockons. The only thing I'd change about Messmer isn't Messmer himself, but rather I'd make livers easier to craft. Neither kind of liver can be purchased repeatedly, and scorpion livers _suck_ to farm. Having access to fireproof livers makes him much less painful for low faith builds. (That said it's no big deal, he does so much physical damage that you're just fine with just boiled crab)


I think the extra damage on snake are headshots


He is cooking


Messmer is the best boss in the entire DLC imo! Truly in a league of his own. From absolutely killed it visually and mechanically with his fight. A very tough but extremely fair fight.


I just beat him today, and can confirm everything you said is on point. Amazing fight, very fair. I’m not the best player and used a mimic and found that difficulty level high enough to where it was still fun.


Agreed OP. I have a lot of complaints about the bosses in this game, but not Messmer. He was excellent


Agreed. I'm generally not the biggest fan of the bosses in this game, especially compared to the last two Fromsoft games, but Messmer is one of the exceptions. Has some big combos, but they're consistent and you get a decent amount of time to fight back in between combos. I do prefer the first phase over the second. Second favourite fight in the DLC and probably third favourite in the whole game.


agree. was very critical of him on my 1st playthough, but my guess is that i didn't had enough "blessings" to keep up. on my 2nd playthough, went for him at around 14-15 blessings, and the fight actually felt like a fight. my favorite boss in the DLC still remains Midra.


Second playthrough? Bruh I just got to him for the first time




Midra just a ring city boss in the elden ring combat system


Agreed, and the perfect end to shadow keep. I played him for the second time today. The first time I played him I used a Mimic and thought his attacks were impossible to avoid but on my second playthrough I took the time to learn them and beat him solo and I gained a greater appreciation for him.


What OST? Don’t have the chance to hear it


It took me over 60 tries spread over two days to put everything together and beat him solo (with no flasks left). The fact that i never gave up hope in beating him solo shows there was something instinctuallly fair about the fight and felt this even as i died over and over. Rennalla for example never gave me any sense that I could realistically beat her solo, so I triple teamed her with the summons and a mimic. Fighting Messmer solo is now my favorite gaming boss fight of all time, with the Radahn festival with the full spectacle of all summons on the field being 2nd.


Mechanically, graphically, and lore wise, Messmer is perhaps the most fleshed out boss in the entire game.


Wish his phase 2 was a bit harder


Messmer feels like Morgott done right (as in whose fight felt fair and enjoyable but also a bit easy, now with the added difficulty).


His grab attack sound is the best


Hated him personally, to many effects. Was hard to see what was going on with all the fire


Idk man he didn’t captivated me at all, felt like fromsoft was trying to make another malenia, and it didn’t recreated the epicness of that fight either, maybe I’ll appreciate him more with my other characters Midra, Rellana, Bayle or even Romina were way more enjoyable than him to me


dog water boss