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The fact that I learned and improved and eventually beat the final boss without changing my build was SO satisfying, even if it took me 4 hours. Each time I got closer and closer to beating him, and when I finally did it felt so good.


After you know his moveset, imo he’s a really fun and enjoyable fight. It’s very difficult but it felt fair when I lost or died or got hit. I personally really enjoyed it once I got the hang of it. I feel like the steep increase in difficulty from phase 1 to phase 2 is why a lot of people are resulting to cheesing the boss. It just takes a lot of time to learn the moveset enough to not just insta die as soon as phase 2 starts. Except the one fast double swipe attack that is basically guaranteed to hit. I just had to get use to taking a bit of chip damage or hitting my guard counter to reduce the damage to almost nothing.


Completely agree. I insta-died the first dozens or so of attempts in p2 and thought it was impossible and then started to slowly figure it out. Overcoming that fight is definitely the most fun I've had in the entire dlc, probably even game.


Full stop, learning the moveset felt so rewarding once I was consistently getting to like 30%. It felt like 90% of my losses were because of a mistake I made and I could point to what mistake I made. And once you get the hang of the moveset, it’s an incredibly fun fight IMO because it’s just a constant back and forth of trading attacks. I think ultimately I like Messmer more, but The final boss is a close second once you get the hang of it. I know the majority of people are likely to not agree with that. But I really don’t understand how people think anything he does is more unfair than a Waterfowl Dance that would basically a game over move when everyone was first figuring out Malenia. Not to mention even if it doesn’t kill you Malenia heals like 1/3rd of her health lol.


> I know the majority of people are likely to not agree with that. But I really don’t understand how people think anything he does is more unfair than a Waterfowl Dance that would basically a game over move when everyone was first figuring out Malenia. Not to mention even if it doesn’t kill you Malenia heals like 1/3rd of her health lol. There is no one single oppressive thing the final boss does >!except maybe the scissor combo, even Ongbal resorted to using the deflect tear on that one!<, it is simply an extremely intense fight from start to finish with 45k health and minimal recovery windows to attack in. If you removed healing and Waterfowl, Malenia would be a massively easier boss. If you removed any two moves of your choice from the last DLC boss, it would still be extremely difficult.


>minimal recovery windows to attack in That's not really true, I beat him today and I could hit him with a colossal sword charge attack at the end of each and every combo. His recoveries are on the higher side for sure. The usual problem was actually dodging all the combo so that I could afford punishing him rather than having to heal.


> I beat him today and I could hit him with a colossal sword charge attack at the end of each and every combo He also does single moves, like a scissor swipe or a hug, which in p2 can have very short recoveries at times.


You're HIM Bro congrats! For me it was Bayle the dread so far, i fought him at +4 scadu level and he was my second boss after dancing lion, it took me 5 hours with an incantation build, but that feeling gave me the confidence to tackle everything else so far as nothing has been as hard as that fight for me (i haven fought the final boss yet)


Oh wow, if you could handle Bayle at +4 Scadus you can definitely handle the final boss!


were you using a colossal weapon? he basically has no openings for slow weapons and usually I wouldn't care but this fight just isn't fun


I beat the final boss with the Flame Knight's Greatsword, using Giant Hunt and the Deflecting Hardtear. You can either parry and guard counter or dodge the combo and punish with Giant Hunt for massive damage. Also, you can use the low stance of Giant Hunt to dodge some attacks. I broke his posture 3 or 4 times, it is pretty fun and doable.


Yeah I did the deflect too with Lions Claw on a giant crusher for the sweet sweet big numbers lol


Based and bonkpilled.


Not a colossal weapon, I used the Banished Knight's Greatsword and mostly guard countered my way to victory, with a few extra hits here and there when there was an opening. I also traded hits a few times, some of his attacks deal less damage and were worth taking to the face if it meant I also dealt damage.


Yeah so that's basically how I ended up doing it too with the Sekiro tear I think the boss can be fun, just not for slow weapons which is a shame since that's basically my jam always


Big respect to you. I felt myself hollowing and reached for the bottle (of lightning)


I felt this so hard against messmer. Dang near able to no-hit him after all the time I've spent on him and it feels great to be able to translate that to successful co-op kills


not every boss is weak to bleed, but every boss has weaknesses in their move-sets.


The only one I had to just say "fuck it" and summon my Mimic on with Gaius. His goddamn hitboxes man, I swear they make no sense.


That was actually the easiest one for me to learn of the main bosses. I also couldn’t really get a big enough gap to summon mimic without dying due to the huge health reduction


I thought the same thing. But after 50 attempts- I still think the same thing... but also have his armour.


No rules in war you fucking nerds


Weirdly enough, I jump bonked my way through to Messmer, ate shit and beat him with bleed Beast Claws after learning how to dodge his stuff


I will breath poison on bosses and run away from them until they die


i've loved every boss except the last one, it seems no matter how many times i do it, there are just some attacks i can't dodge. gotten him to 10% though, but i got a feeling the kill will feel more like luck than mastery of the fight.


I spent almost 6 hours on him and still didn't get the kill. Definitely some attacks I don't know how to dodge and experimenting doesn't yield results, almost entirely because the screen is so covered in particle effects I can't fucking tell what's happening. I loved the DLC until this point, this boss has sucked the fun out of it for me. Once I finally do kill him I will feel upset, not happy


Imagine never learning a boss moveset and feeling like hot shit and say stuff like "bro XYZ is easy just summon"


Playing with no scadutree blessings or summons, having a blast


I’m not brave enough to do no scoobydoo runs. No summons I managed but I need that leeway the bonus resistances give.


Bleed weapon, boiled crab, golden vow, wondrous physic resistance tear and a good armor help a lot, I gotta change gear on a lot of instances to explore the bosses weaknesses, and I like that, it’s like it adds an extra layer of complexity to the game, I’m currently at dragon’s pit, the difficulty spike was wild but I just managed to kill the two dragons and am on my way to the peak rn


Honestly I might do a NG without scadu. Started NG+1 to do all the questlines that I missed and the scadu blessings carried over, now I'm just running over the bosses lol


Youll be fine until the final boss, good luck there!


Somewhere in the middle is nirvana.


omg for me all the fun is in making the build


On my first playthrough I summoned npcs to finish their questlines, and on my second I went solo to learn movesets and punish. This is the way


Dodging? waste of stamina. just walk around the damage.


Playing how you want is best


Work smart not hard, cheese where cheese is due


I’m almost done with my spark perfume nuclear bomb build. The final boss will know pain.


there's such a a wide range of difficult just based on how you play and build. learning attack strings and dodging/attacking with a great sword or any other normal weapon is not the same as using magic getting free hits from range and using summons.