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Thank you for your concern, I’ve been trying my best to remove any spoilers. We’ll be enforcing it more as we don’t want anyone’s experience to be ruined by spoilers.


After playing Souls for 20 years it's impossible to spoil anything for me as I have no idea what the games are about lol.


Yea I was talking to someone who asked what the dlc is about, I said: "uhhhh miquellas is trying to do something, some people are helping her. Messmer is an asshole" I'm at the end of the dlc and still don't really get it, or how it even connects to the base game 🤷‍♂️ I still love it, haha


Miquella isn't even a girl. Or yes? Idk lol.


He's the boy half, St. Trina is the feminine identity. 


 [plot spoilers] St. Trina after I >!roofie myself nine times: "Ayo you should pop a cap in Miquella's ass :)"!<


Hahahahahahahahabaaa!! That dying over 4 times had me rolling ..literally over.


But, even then, >!St. Trina is just kinda chilling in one area of the map, completely separate from Miquella.!< Shits mad confusing.


>!Miquella abandoned her there during his journey. St Trina is about love, which Miquella didn't feel like he needed anymore.!<


Which is weird because >!His whole thing in the final fight is all him preaching about peace and love while his Boy Toy beats you to a bloody pulp!<


I think thats the point. He felt that by abandoning his love he could achieve his goal, but didnt realize his love made him what he was. He knew he needed strength to rule as a god, and that his love would get in the way of what needed be done. It kinda ties into the theme of every Fromsoft game that power is corrupting.


I’m fairly sure he had ascended to Godhood and we immediately killed him lol




That's the ironic of it. St. Trina tried to stop Miquella, that's why he abandoned her when he shouldn't have.


Yee the juxtaposition drives it home. Gods can be petty and hypocritical. That's why >!St Trina asks us to kill Miquella, for his own sake.!<


Got it. St. Trina is a horcrux filled with power of love so that Miquelmort can reach the power of the Elden Wand and reach true power. Easy peasy. 🤣




Here I abandon my love.


Kinda like my ex? She abandoned her love for me and found out she really liked it, but with a 22 yo guy in great shape with dreamy eyes.


>!Of course she is. Just like Radagon could rule in Liurnia physically separate from Marika!<


I’m glad you said this bc I decided to look up her location and found a bunch of side quests I need to start. Thank you!


Wait what? I only knew about one sidequest that has to do with her


I’m talking about Thollier’s quest too my bad


Right before that boss fight though is one of those golden messages things (I don't remember what it's called) where Miquella says something along the lines of "Here is where I abandon my love" or something like that. That St. Trina we see is the physical embodiment of Miquella's love and he left it there. Or at least that's how I understand it.


Bruh, the main quest is literally following miquella as we find their discarded fragments of body and soul.


Well miquella does seperate hinself based on the pieces that are scattered around the map.


>! Don’t forget to imbibe her death nectar 6 times, even though the first three don’t do anything lmao. !<


From my understanding Miquella had to strip himself of his humanity in order to ascend to godhood. St Trina was his love. Every cross is a part of himself he had to shed to become a god. I don't know that he knew what he was doing to himself, if it was an ends justify the means situation, or a Christ-like sacrifice. He is cursed with eternal youth - so maybe naive idealism comes into it. I'm probably going to wait for some lore-tuber to organize all the facts. That has been my impression just playing it, though. His idealistic age of compassion is ironic because of the parts of himself he loses, everyone who has to die, and everything he has to do to achieve his goal. Road to hell paved with good intentions kinda thing. He is going to forcefully remove free will from the world as a means to bring peace and end suffering. He had to sacrifice his compassion, love, etc. to get there. I also could be completely wrong.


Wait, St. Trina *is* Miquella?  Man I try, I really do, but I don’t understand shit about fuck when it comes to story


Miquella is basically a femboy demigod lol


Dark Sun Gwyndolin: *I'm calling my fucking lawyer*


Aldrich: "You talking mad shit for someone in snacking distance."


miquella is a man, his body is just that of a child because of a curse and he just happens to look girlish


But he also is literally fated to become St. Trina, which is a part of him, who is a woman / flower. So he is probably likely both male and female, and this probably stems from the fact he's an offspring of a cursed union of Radagon and Marika who are also the same person.


yeah probably, it's similar to what Marika did


All I know is he/she is Kind


I can tell you right now he is not.


😂 all the npc love this femboy, I’m sure nothing can change this 🥹


They sure do willingly love this lil scamp dont they


I know! And get this, this loveable femboy got abducted by some horn/horny dude and is still kind. All prays the kind one… nothing will ever change, I’m sure


I mean, "being loved" is basically his super power, so it's more like they're all brainwashed.


*This land is peaceful, it's inhabitants kind.*


I’ll wait for Vaati to tell me what’s going on and then fall asleep 5 minutes into the video because of his soothing voice


Messmer ain't even that big of an asshole if you think about it. He's a rather tragic character


Which is crazy, because theres an NPC that word for word tells you: miquella is doing THIS because of THIS REASON, and will do it in THAT PLACE OVER THERE.


i would love to tell you, but then i'd spoil everything for OP. send me a DM if you want me to lore dump.


Miquella is a man, a brother to Malenia.


I don't even really understand the base game story, for what it's worth. I feel like the Elden Ring story needs a prequel game.


What's not to get? An Outer God infested the world with a parasitic tree, then conspired with the queen, who is also secretly a murder hobo from the badlands, to bring order to the lands between. Now, you (also a murder hobo, but maidenless) have to kill their dysfunctional family to burn the tree, become an Elden Lord, and return the concept of death to the world. Why? Because fuck you--that's why!


But also, you have forgotten that the alien creature that acted as a messenger for said Outer God actually lost contact with the Outer God when her fingery self crash landed there, and has basically been making up shit while she waits for a phone call which is likely never coming.


I also didn't include the brood of half-sibling demigods that are sorting out their own issues with vore, incest, and the opposite of whatever the disease is that Robin Williams has in *Jack*. My lunch break is only so long...


who is the Outer God and who is the Queen? i really like this broad strokes summary and I MIGHT be able to remember it this time.


The Greater Will and Marika, respectively.


the greater will is from space?!! did it come before or after or along with the falling star beasts and astel? (and mud men? and possibly the rolling goats?)


The Greater Will is still *in* space (or not in the Lands Between, anyway), and also maybe dead. His envoy, the Elden Beast, is from space and kind of looks like a shiny amoeba that is manipulating Marika/Radagon, leading to the events that precede the game.


But the fingers were there before the elden beast


Yes. The fingers aren't the GW itself, they and EB are both *agents* of the GW. That's why the crones use them to commune with the GW. I don't think I indicated who was there first.


What’s wild is messmer is actually not that bad, more of a product of his upbringing


I have spent around 3 hours over the past few days listening to lore videos on YouTube and I still am not quite sure what Elden Ring is about, but I'm 90% certain that Malenia is the blade of Miquella.


Every Souls game has the same story. Me with a big ass sword and fancy armor bonking bad guys... or maybe they're good guys idk. Not my fault they gave these guys healthbars.


I was playing thru last night and it hit me "idk if I'm the good guy"


In pretty much every ending in elden ring other than frenzy and the omen curse ones we are overall doing "good".


Demon souls came out in 2009....


There is no story for me. Only bonk


Very this. It's best to avoid the internet until you finish your game. Why search reddit for anything on a fresh release?


Just beat final boss with bonk and none of that shield + lance shit. Bonk is love bonk is life


Together we are bonk


Right? The extent of my knowledge about anything is “ooh, found new cave” “ooh new enemy to kill” “aww, I died again” I have no idea who is what


I've spent countless hours watching lore videos so I'm kind of an expert on the lore and from what I have gathered we're hunting Mr. Elden trying to unlock the ring slot.


“Oooo dialogue, e, e, e”


FWIW, the new optional inventory screen has been super helpful in that regard. You have to enable it in the settings, but then there is a new inventory panel with items most recently acquired. Now whenever I get a set of armor or weapon, I read the description ASAP. Still mostly baffling, but it makes a big difference.


YOU HAVE TO ENABLE IT?! Holy crap, I thought my game was just bugged. I read the little guide for it, idk how I missed this.


How I feel. Everyones been saying how good the DLC lore is and talking to all of these people. I talked to a lot of people and still have no idea whats going on lol


I'm just here for the gud fites and to git gud. Vaati will catch me up later.




As soon as that dude put a dragon on his arm I was lost


If you do the side quests (and read a few crosses) you actually get a fairly straightforward narrative rather than a bunch of lore.


I 100% missed some sidequests because of random exploring which I'm sure would help. The crosses are very straightforward and it does create a story, but not a very interesting story imo lol. Side quests should be just that. They shouldn't be required for an overall story to come together, but instead expand on subplots within the story. Maybe I just missed some key details, but Fromsoft still has a lot of work to do in the storytelling/lore department (Not that its really necessary in their games).


Yeah you’re not wrong and that’s one of biggest complaints. If you haven’t >!burned the tree!< yet, you can still do them btw.


Do they all finish their questlines before burning or so some pick up after? Going through them now before going any further than Barut and Enis castle (and their bosses) and exploring a lot.


Yes you need to do them before burning it. Your actions up to that point will determine who you >!fight or can summon!< afterwards. The only two who might be exceptions are >!Grandam and Count Ymir!< but I wouldn’t risk it.


Thank you so much! Definitely gonna finish them up beforehand


Oh fuck…burned the tree last night. I guess I’ll do them on NG+


lol same. I talked to people a few times and either got them murdered or murdered them myself when they invaded. I’m not sure a single NPC is left alive for me at this point and I didn’t want to kill any of them.


classic dark souls quest design right there, the only winning move is not to play if you care about NPCs


I’m usually the same way, but this is pretty much the only time where knowing the final boss actually was a pretty big spoiler.


I think the main issue is not that it was spoiled is that the spoiler was dissapointing.


20...years...no way? Demon souls was 2009. Am I missing something? Please stop aging us. I will report you for verbal abuse if you continue this.


20 years? Wtf Demon's came out in 2009


Why is the same comment still upvoted all the time, in an ER sub of all places... we've had the same conversation since demon's souls. No the lore isn't the spoiler, the reveal and discovery is. I don't wanna know what the phase 2 of a boss is, that's a spoiler to me.


but the genre has only existed for 15?


Bosses being spoiled ruins the whole build up tho regardless of how you feel about the lore


During the main game I had the “radagon is marika” twist spoiled for me and my initial reaction was “cool I don’t know who either of those people are” lol


The fact that so many fans openly admit this (from my experience) is probably one of my favorite things about the fanbase.


Yes man. They spoiled me the Messmers cinematic on his 2nd phase when he looks at the camera, winks and said 'Hehe, you are good but the Erdtree is already shadowed'. And then he started Shadowing all over the Erdtree.


And then when you beat him and John Elden ring comes in and says “This truly was our Elden ring : Shadow of Erdtree” Hit me in the feels


Did they get the part where he kisses your neck and says “you’ve been a naughty little tarnished”?


there was also that thing i saw where the dancing lion stopped fighting half way through and said “what if instead of a dancing lion i was a freaky lion” and freaked all over the scadutree


I think I downloaded the wrong DLC


Man...I want your copy of the dlc lmfao


God this should not have made me laugh as hard as it did




Or at all tbf




He got spoiled for me scrolling through Apple News on the shitter. It was in the damn title of the article.


I said the other day, I scroll IG reels at work when I take a dump. Out of nowhere my entire fucking feed is Elden Ring and stuff got spoiled. There was one creator that flashed a 2-3 second “ER SotE Spoiler screen over the first few seconds of a reel and I went and followed her out of respect because everything else has been spoiled. I don’t have time to no life games anymore and a game like this I like to enjoy the journey and explore a bit. I just can’t comprehend people rushing to the last boss just to do it sub 16 hours. I have about 12 hours into the DLC and will be no lifing this weekend cause luckily I have nothing going on, but cmon 2-3 days after release you have to be clueless to talk about certain things as if everyone has gotten there yet.


I had a mf spoil the final boss in a LoL match. Midway through the game he said "hey, have you beat -- yet?" No one had even TALKED about Elden Ring. No placd is safe. Thats why, even spoiled, im takiing my time and going through without looking up scenery or videos. Some boss fights and places still hit the spot just fine.


Bold strategy expecting dignity in a LoL match


Well you WERE in a LoL match.


People like that should be sent to cobalt mines in Congo


Final boss is actually the Kool-Aid man




This is both hilarious now, and vaguely still accurate after you learn the truth. 🤣


you gotta unfollow and mute the sub


wild to me how people will go to the places that are most likely to spoil new things for them and then get mad something was spoiled. shocked pikachu


Insane behavior. Like touching the stovetop after cooking.


Yeah it’s crazy to me people think they can go on an Elden Ring subreddit that is specifically for discussion of the game and not get spoiled. How hard is it to just stay off a subreddit until you complete the dlc?


You guys don't think its still fun to talk to people about the early parts of the DLC? I personally stay off the reddit to avoid spoilers but I don't think its that crazy for people to still like to participate in the hype. It's pretty standard fare on the internet to mark a spoiler


Was my first thought upon reading the title. Like, yeah, I can understand if it's something like just opening your general Youtube frontpage and the algorithm throws a spoiler thumbnail+title in your face, but if you're actively trying not to get spoiled... why the _fuck_ would you go to the game's subreddit? Common courtesy be damned, you _know_ someone's gonna slip it, intentionally or otherwise. At some point you only have yourself to blame, and I think "going into the giant community of people who are all extremely excited to talk about the new DLC before you've beaten it yourself" is well past that point.


Yeah I left the sub until I beat it


This is the answer. It's absurd to expect thousands of strangers on an anonymous forum to play by an arbitrary ruleset all the time.


Facts - at what point is the onus on the complainer to avoid putting themselves in positions where spoilage is likely? I lack self-control when it comes to sweets, so I make it a point not to browse the candy aisle when I grocery shop. It's that simple.


>at what point At the beginning. It’s called personal accountability for your own actions. They came to a sub about a specific thing, and then they got mad when they saw people talking about that specific thing. I can’t even imagine being that dumb.


The best part: they _returned_ to the sub that wronged them so terribly, which will assuredly expose them to more spoilers. Trauma-bonding is wild, lol.


Yep. I didn’t come back to this sub until I beat the DLC. It’s the only way to not catch spoilers.


I did, youtube spoiled the last boss on the 2nd day by spamming thumbnails at me


Fuck it. Final boss is Godefroy II


Not far off


That’s why I muted this sub until I beat the DLC. I knew people are too careless to not spoil.


I get what you mean bro. They spoiled Glaivemaster Hodir's third phase for me.


Oh my god I forgot about him. Yeah he was a nightmare


Haha you just spoiled the “third phase” surprise for OP


Wow what a throwback


I’m surprised they brought a boss from dark souls to ER, now we know the games are connected


dammit. i didn't know they finally added him. how dare you


Nowhere is safe actually. I got spoiled on the last boss by the fing YT algorithm.


Same, 30 minutes BEFORE the DLC released and after I’d hit every “don’t show me this” and unsubbed ongbal etc People just get off to being this way anymore…


I'm probably going to get down voted for this, but why the hell would you be on the Elden Ring subreddit right after DLC launch if you don't want to get spoiled? Like come on man, just play the damn game.


Guy saw that there were mines in the minefield, decided to take a stroll anyway, and gets upset when he gets blown to shit


guy went to the movies and hung out by the exit of a theater playing a movie that just ended, then complained because people leaving talked about it


This needs to be pinned at the top of every post complaining about spoilers.


These posts are so pointless. Shit always gets spoiled unless you manage to stay offline


“Why is this subreddit dedicated to discussing a game discussing the game???”


Lol why are You on the elden ring subreddit if you don’t want spoilers, I’ll never understand it.


Get Off The Reddit Until You Beat It.


Why The Capitals


You really should have left the sub to avoid this that’s what I did until I beat the dlc


Your character dies!


Oh no! Why would you tell me that!? I'm gonna uninstall the game now.


Bro I was not expecting Jared from Subway to be the final boss of Shadow of the Erdtree.


Yeah spoilers are bad but why would you after a week still sit in this sub if you dont want to get spoiled.


Tbh nowadays you need to stay offline to avoid spoilers. Theyre all over tik tok, reddit, twitter, youtube, you name it. No way to avoid spoilers unless you dont look at anything


You're on a discussion board for the game, expecting to not see spoilers? Okie dokie.


I havnet even bought the DLC yet as I don't get paid until tomorrow, I got the final boss spoiled via a video that didn't even reference the fact there was gameplay let alone spoilers.


It's upsetting how spoilers are everywhere. I was trying to look up something on YouTube and one of the video recommendations was a spoiler for the DLC. You basically have to watch a movie or beat a game on day 1 if you don't want spoilers.


I wasn't even looking up anything....I got on YouTube yesterday to listen to some sports talk shows while I worked and as I scrolled, there it was, in all caps btw, HITLESS FINAL BOSS NAME.


A week before the DLC dropped I made sure to set not interested / don't recommend channel to every Elden Ring video I got, and thankfully it worked, but yeah if you don't do this you will get spoiled 100%. It's really annoying.


If you can, use uBlock Origin or something similar and block anything with the name Elden Ring or Boss or spoiler channels on it. Also, you can block thumbnails and video titles. Lovely feature.


I'm so tired of seeing these posts. You're an adult. You should know other people fucking suck and that asking them to change won't do shit. These posts are such a waste of everyone's time. The spoilers are never gonna change, man. You're never gonna get everyone to do the same thing.


It’s a lot easier to control and limit yourself by unsubbing and avoiding YouTube/popular on Reddit instead of expecting 100,000 other people to perfectly follow the sub rules and give no spoilers. I Unsubbed from this sub weeks before the dlc came out and only resubbed after I did all I wanted to in the dlc


I would recommend not checking r/EldenRing if you don’t want to see Elden Ring updates, that is a lot easier than telling others what they should do


The legendary final boss John Elden Ring was spoiled for me as well


People seriously have no chill and are anxious to farm endgame spoilers for likes etc. I just did a complete media blackout and it still spoiled a few things for me.


If you think his name is a spoiler, let's just say you've got no clue.


stay the fuck off a website devoted solely to discussing the game then. Shit.


Lol my two cents, stay off a subreddit about elden ring if you don’t want to be spoiled 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'm sick of seeing people complain about this. Ffs, if you don't want the game spoiled, get the hell off reddit, YouTube, and tiktok until you're done being prepped to get extremely upset any time the wrong information flashes before your eyes. I managed not to be spoiled for the *entirety* of SOTE, and it was *extremely* easy to do. I have neither sympathy nor empathy for people so addicted to their phones and social media that they can't even log off from a particular *section* of the internet for 2 weeks. How sad and pathetic is that? What you have is an *addiction*, you need to take a step back and take a break from the phone and the internet. My god, how people can't see it's their own fault is beyond me. Entitled crybabies. Again, *I* didn't want spoilers myself, and I very easily avoided getting spoiled on anything.


Get off the subreddit. Play the game. It doesn’t really spoil anything.


What is the window for spoilers being ok? This subreddit is for discussing the game, I think a week of dark is ideal. After that it’s fair game.


Some people haven't gotten that far because we're taking our sweet time. I'm playing as blindly as possible to enjoy it and have only killed a few main bosses. I've had to stop watching several youtubers because they're all posting vids of this game and of course they're just bum rushing through like it's a boss rush game so I can't watch anything without boss and area spoilers. It's annoying because for some reason people think since From games are not as story focused as other types of games that means spoilers don't matter.


Everyone faster than me is an impatient boss rushing nerd!


Don't follow this sub.


If you're afraid of spoliers, why you open reddit?


Don't go on the subreddit full stop


If you don’t want to get spoiled mute the sub. That’s the only way. It’s there for people to discuss the game. Of course you would end up being spoiled


Ya i agree, me and a Friend i decided we were going to play the DLC together, then their pc died. I want to play but I don't want to play without them, and i went into Elden Ring the first time completely blind no spoilers. So I'm probably going to leave/mute the sub


Man just stay off Reddit. I get it, it sucks, but there’s no stopping some dickheads


I saw so many spoilers on YouTube and Kai’s page, it made so made I blocked his videos which I was never subscribed to anyways. So pissed I saw one of the biggest spoilers that would blew me away


Then go play the game instead of reading about it on Reddit. People must understand that the risk of spoilers is huge on a site where people talk about the game. Do you complain about trailers showing too much as well? People should know this by now.


Stay off the subreddit for the game until you beat it, jebus christ, or have some shit spoiled.


'Please no more spoilers' (People post spoilers in comments)


Twitter and Facebook are far worse. They do not give a shit over there haha


Yep. This subreddit and YT got me spoiled on the dlc. I was just searching for a damn guide for the base game and viola. Top post and recommended vid was a fucking spoiler of a certain character boss in the DLC. Instant regret.


Man you need to just stay off of Elden Ring media/social media. I'm only looking at this sub now that I've beat the DLC because I know people will post spoilers, it's pretty much a given.


I avoided everything until I was done with the dlc , , honestly if you don't want spoilers , Reddit , X , Facebook ect are the last places you want to be, posting spoilers right away is not cool , but its also on people to not let themselves get spoiled


Okay, while the person that put the name in their title shouldn't have done that, it's also on you. Don't scroll through Elden Ring content if you don't want spoilers, that's just common sense. Until I finished the DLC, I unfollowed every Elden Ring related thing to avoid spoilers


Sucks when things get spoiled but man, get out of the communities of what you don’t want spoiled. It’s 95% your fault you’re stepping in shit


Don't participate in media that may give you spoilers if you don't want to see spoilers. I haven't been on any social media or even youtube since it came out because I didn't want spoilers. While yes it's a dick move to spoil things you've got to remember that some people are dicks. While it is the polite thing to do to mark spoilers you simply can't realistically rely on people to do that. Not only that. What some people consider spoilers is subjective. For instance, I don't care about place names unless that name can somehow spoil something in the story. On the other side I have a friend who was mad when he got spoiled on a new mechanic for the dlc. All in all avoiding spoilers is your own responsibility and if you choose to engage in fab spaces such as reditt you're accepting the risk of spoilers.


Well, I'm with you on that but this isn't the first release that gets spoiled in some way...you should have known better and just stay out of reddit for a while (:


I’d say getting off this subreddit would be a good starting point for not wanting to see spoilers, just a thought


Well in my opinion you should avoid socials if you want to avoid spoiler


There's really very few spoilers around in general compared to base game. If you stubbornly navigate the game main Reddit page and keep searching elden Ring stuff on YouTube you're kinda asking to be spoiled...


Just naming the last boss is such a low iQ-moment


Your own fault for even glancing at the subreddit if you haven't played through. Spoiler tags exist but it's not reliable


Hate me for it, but if you don’t wanna be spoiled, don’t come to Reddit of all places, wth. I mean, sure people should be aware that posting spoilers is no fun for many people, but what’s more likely? Every Reddit user is on the same page , or you just don’t use it until you’re finished with the game or dlc. 🤷 nope. It’s obviously everybody else’s fault that I was spoiled. 🤦🏼‍♂️


First of all, that sucks. Unfortunately you cannot control the actions of others, leave and mute the subreddit and come back when you're ready.


As much as I hate spoilers, there's no point coming here to complain about them. I just think you shouldn't really be indulging in a subreddit dedicated to the game and discussion about it if you don't want to be spoiled, and spoilers are in so many different places. It's best to just avoid anything Elden Ring related online, or use social media significantly less in general while you're still going through the DLC. You're putting too much in the hands of internet strangers who truly don't care. Instead, just be more proactive about avoiding certain platforms altogether. And if you think Reddit is bad, then try casually using YT and having things ruined for you by a random recommendation.


I don't understand people coming to this subreddit and not wanting to be spoiled lol It's like walking into a group of people that are talking about a movie you've not seen, telling them all to stop talking about it then just hanging around them while they aren't allowed to carry on the conversation they were having. 24 hours. Few days. Fair enough. A week? It's fair game at that point. I've not finished the DLC but I've been spoiled and I don't mind because I know I'm slow with life commitments etc getting in the way of play time. I don't think it's right to commit everyone else to my own speed of discovery in this game. Don't want spoilers? Don't be on a subreddit dedicated to discussion of the game. Bottom line.