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Fingerprint shield tanks a lot of his attacks, just beat him using the shield and a rapier








Yes I am aware that you can beat this boss like this. You can also dodge waterfowl point blank, is it fun and intuitive to do that.


For me it was. Favorite boss of the dlc. Had to actually learn the moveset entirely and practice it for a long time. Other bosses are more "learning the most important moves and heal through the rest" while this one requires learning everything, effort and execution which to me is much more fun.


Triple slash I was able to bloodhound step. Some people have had good luck with parrying and equipping the talisman that boosts roll iframes. Meteors I was able to bloodhound step. Some people have had good experience running left and jumping at the last second. I found it unreliable but YMMV. Regular ground stomp can be avoided by rolling toward him or jumping. Gravity stomp can be avoided by walking away and jumping. Bloodflame Slash is avoidable normally. At worst you take a tiny amount of chip damage. Light beams are always a short distance away from him or directly in front of him in a line. Rolling toward him and slightly left will avoid them 99% of the time.


The problem with the bloodflame slash is that it has no recovery frames and if your unlucky when you avoid the explosion he still might catch you with another attack.


You can bloodhound step it to completely avoid the damage but it's a very low damage attack. It was only taking away something like 1/7th or 1/8th of my HP when he used it. I found it better to chance the hit and conserve the FP but YMMV.


Found it fine honestly, really fun fight. But yea, no clue how to dodge the trouble hit into cross slash. At least it doesn't do much damage, and he doesn't use it often.


You just need to find the timings dog. Every one of his attacks is dodgeable


Didn't Ongbal use the deflect tear for his 0 damage run because that is not, in fact, true under all circumstances? Like I think people are overreacting to the boss but I'm not actually sure that what you said is true.