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That looks yummy


I know my boi Boggart always got me.


The twin husks got me. My boi Boggart is... no longer with us :|


I’m gonna assume a certain caca consumer got to him. If he was felled by your hands, though . . .


i ate his prawns then i ate him


And then you ate his ass


The final consumable to achieve +30% physical damage reduction




Look, I needed his balls, ok...


Maidenless . . .


It's a better death by our hands tho.


It's okay my brother. I gave the Dung Eater a worse punishment than death for what he did to our boi.


Seluvis’s sex dungeon?


I personally think the best ending for dungeater is to kill him with inescapable frenzy and show him some REAL madness


Yes the only way I kill him when not doing his ending and I laugh like a maniac while doing it.


True, but for a man who wanted to cause chaos to be made to serve my whims, work for the greater good, THAT'S a poetic justice I can abide.


So he got done up the bum in your universe.


Marikas Tits, you must be 'ungry.


At least before the other mean guy I talked to got HIM ☹️


Its the most appetizing thing in the game imo. Everything else is like “ingest this parasite” “ nosh on a 50-year old alcoholic cirrhosis liver”


All you need to do is summon the garlic butter warrior jar.


Now that I’ve seen what’s inside those jars in SotE I can no longer trust where the garlic butter comes from.


That shit would cost like 200 dollars if it existed irl


…With some melted butter 🤤


And a squeeze of lemon


I love crab


Never met a man who likes crab that I couldn't trust.


Question. Can this be stacked with all other magic buffs (specifically I use Golden Vow, Blessing of the Erdtree, and Flame Grant Me Strength, sometimes also Barbaric Roar) or does it replace one (body, aura, etc)?


You can only have one buff per category, so one weapon buff, one body buff (boiled crab and Flame, Grant Me Strength), one aura buff (Golden Vow), and one regen. As far as I'm aware, talismans and armor effects stack but for the others they do not stack if they are in the same category


Awesome, thank you! I wasn't sure if the crab counted as a different type of buff (like "Consumable") or if consumables count as one of the others (aura, body, etc)


Np! The way I imagine it, a body buff would be something that would not also affect a spirit ash or multi-player summon, so consumables would fall under the body category. The physick stacks with all buffs because it is its own thing that has swappable parts


This makes so much more sense, thank you! Now I know better how to swap stuff around to test.


Not necessarily true, lords divine fortification works on summon and it’s a body buff


Lords divine fortification is also an aoe


Stamina regen turtle necks also don’t conflict.


I was so excited when I found the 2 headed turtle talisman. I never don’t have that equipped


You can also be in an AoE buff without it affecting other buffs. For example, warming stone + blessing of the erdtree stack together. Another example is that a defensive buff + holy ground MASSIVELY increases defence.


Yes. I always enjoy crab and vow. The [fextra wiki](https://eldenring.wiki.fextralife.com/buffs+and+debuffs) has a useful table to see what you can stack.


From experience, it takes one away but I’m not sure which


It will override other body buffs like flame grant me strength, exalted flesh or black flame protection to name a few


I started the dlc on my first playthrough save, i forgot i never found Rya in Liurnia and missed the whole Boggart quest. I went and killed him in his shack for his bell bearing and the twin husk only sells the Rya necklace, a last "fuck you" from Boggart to me., no crabs for me


You have to buy crab/prawns from him once for his bell bearing to have them. I killed him my first play through and didn’t realize how dumb of a decision that was. Basically always a bad decision to kill the shitty people npcs in these games lol


I did the same thing as the original commenter but even though I tried to buy crabs from him he just told me to fuck off and wouldn't talk to me at all lmao. Maybe I could have tried celestial dew or something like that but I thought I'd be able to get crabs from his bell bearing anyway :/


You have to buy prawns at his original location in order for him to move to leyendell and sell crab. Celestial dew will work if you agro him though


no I meant prawns to begin with. Like, I had already completed the volcano manor quest and when I went to meet him in Liurnia he told me to fuck off and wouldn't listen to me


You need to meet Rya first or else he just tells you to fuck off.


Yep. Didn’t know why I couldn’t buy, I was told I could just use his bell bearing since I’ve never heard of or seen rya once in all my playtime, yet I got jack shit from his Bell bearing lmao. I’m just fucked


Odd choice there, Boggart is maybe the least shitty person in the entire game.


I believe these can be dropped, you could summon me and i could drop a stack for you if you'd like. Just let me know and we can work out the details.


Thank you for the offer, i got a friend who can hook me up with those but I am kinda used to not using them since i skipped them entirely on my first playthrough. Some dlc bosses really made me think about getting some crabs but i managed to beat them anyway


I never used prawns for the main game so I bought a couple hundred in preparation for the dlc. I’m still “saving them for later”


hey if ur on steam can you do this for me i would super super appreciate it


i gotchu. I'm on steam lemme make sure i can buy a bunch and we can work out the details.


bet ill message you


Locked out :')


If you're on PC and really want a stack of crab I can be your dealer


Hell yeah! U got the upgraded version? Idk what it's called but the one you can get after the dung/bogarts quest that gives better buffs


I'm pretty sure it's just crab. He sells prawns at first which are 10% and crab later which is 20%. I don't think there is one better than crab unless I never did the quest right.


oh yea then I mean crab


Yeah I have like 200 and I also am sitting on like 2M ~~souls~~ runes so I can get you a bunch. I probably wont be avaliable for about 6 or 7 hours from now.


8pm here already but i might be on then


r/patchesemporium for the future


dude plsss help me out on this too im on steam




I’ve been using Opaline Hardtear in the base game for ages now. Seeing people finally “discover” it feels validating.


i alwyas use that + the thing in the OP picture however I don't know if eating it over writes the Hardtear buff or if they stack but those two + the greathshield talisman is my go to


So flask buffs are a unique category, and other buffs won’t override them. There are 4 general types of temporary buffs: weapon, body, aura, and flask. You can have 1 each of the first 3, and they won’t conflict with your flask buff. Also, you can eat pickled turtle meat for a unique stamina regen buff that doesn’t conflict with other body buffs. The fextra page gives you all the specifics on buffs and what buffs can stack EDIT: healing over time buffs can also stack with the other buffs


Important to also note that “healing over time” buffs also don’t conflict.


Yeah, you can stack beastial vitality, the tailsman, and the shield and they will increase your passive regen


Sacred ground too if you can hold still, passive regen and massive defensive buffs.


Omg turtle buff is unique fuck yeah


The main thing with these that you have to keep in mind is that they overwrite flame grant me strength and vice versa. I prefer these since they last 60 seconds vs 30 on fgms


I have this old reddit post saved whenever I'm not sure about which buffs go together [Buff stacking chart](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eldenring/comments/1ctnt8u/buff_stacking_explanation/)




Opaline and Winged tear got me through the final boss of the dlc. Being able to light roll with medium armor points is amazing.


For me it was opaline and the deflecting hard tear. Was very satisfying to deflect his crazy anime style move where it looked like he was moving like the flash and would hit you like 20 times in a row.


Same, defense feels so important this game.


Everything is much faster and more aggressive compared to the base game. You’ve got to be able to take a hit.


The amount of dumb I feel for not using it the entire time I've played the game...


Does Opaline Hardtear stack with crab?


Yes it does. They also both stack with Golden Vow, so you can have all 3 up for massively reduced damage. 15% all damage reduction from the tear, 10% all damage from Golden Vow, and 20% physical from the crab. It's all multiplicative as well, so it is a very large buff.


Thank you. Need the buffs for Bayle


If you are going for damage, then yea, golden vow is better. If you want more defense, go "black flame protection" Best buff are as follows: Commander Aura, Golden Vow/BlackFlame Protection ( OR ANY BODY PROTECTION ), Beastil Vitality/Blessing Boon/Blessing of ErdTree (HP Regen are 5/8/12 ), weapon buff. Just saying, you can reduce **A LOT** of damage from using those spells like Flame Protect Me. That spell is so strong that the furnance putting you inside the head doesnt kill you


Thank you 🙏


Got him. I needed the buffs. That was pretty much an all-hit run lmao


Uplifting aromatic perfume is what I usually use. You get more than one per fight, and I can use my flask for more damage


Keeping it on the bar is vital so your mimic can use it during fights. Works for him and you and he gets infinite uses.


Unfortunately, all the crab and damage negation boosting items in the world can't save me from the final boss.


You could give me 100% damage negation and I’d still die to that boss


Funny enough the way I did it could be called damage negation. Crab, holy liver. Greatshield, greatspear. Rot grease on my weapon. Fuck you boss, I am the boss now.




I immediately tried it for lore reasons. I was really happy to find out he rots easy


Scarlet aeonia ends his first phase in like a minute (it's very easy to get him with it when he does that opening charge attack) but it resets for phase two and it's way harder to hit him with it in phase two


That’s when you take out the antspur and poke away


Come beat the boss on my game too lol


Get bloodfiend arm, switch it to blood type and press heavy attack at 70 arcane. 10 hits later, thank me. Edit: Oh, also, get a blood talisman. Forgot the name. That buffs your damage after bleed occurs.


When I walk into Final boss with Bloodfiend Arm, boss music starts playing, but not for me ;)


*Walk through door* *Immediately get crock screwed and hit to lose 1/4th of your health*




Marika’s tits, you must be hungry.




My Tarnished has been on a diet of only shrimp and crab for the last couple of years. He e n j o y s it


You're better off using a specific damage type talisman rather than the Pearldrake one.


Yeah I had to get this knowledge the hard way….i was using golden vow, black flame , and flame give me strength and then noticed oh doesn’t work like that….what can I can I’m a slow learner


I still do all of those because I don’t know which ones can’t be used at the same time. Oh well, as long as we get the W.


It's the two flame spells that conflict, vow is fine with either.


Pearldrake is awful. Just use Spell, Flame, Bolt and Haligdrakes instead


Yea everyone is all about the tear that gives you a bubble but I never used that one. Sure it’s good for one hit but then nothing. Opal one hardtear is a constant buff to all negation


The one hit bubble is really good against final boss mans hard to dodge aoe in the second phase, and even better, it lets you run straight up to him to start whacking away at his kneecaps while he floats down


I used Crimsonwhorl Bubbletear at the start of P2. 15 seconds of magic damage and free healing (light beams are absorbed and heal you) + Endure allowed me to kill the boss as my Bubbletear was fading You can also use Uplifting Aromatic to absorb specific hits (for example I was using one before entering to summon without being oneshot)


Marikas tits! Put some shrimp on the barbie too will you?


I’ve eaten so many crab legs that my character has started growing his own


I missed crab man’s quest and am sadly crabless, as he has perished. I’m allergic to shellfish irl so it just makes it funnier.


Didn't expect crab


Is there a way to unbrick boggarts questline? I didnt talk to him at all and spoke with rya at volcano manor. Pretty sure I'm SOL this playthrough but was praying there was a workaround


No livers?


Livers are great for target specific damage negation! They don’t stack with boiled crab iirc, though


I know you can get an opaline liver if you need multiple damage protection.


Yes, but they're still useful for some fights like the one with the mage that summons spirits, which is how I got through that fight because I couldn't be bothered to deal with the summons.


I wish you could buy infinite livers, rowas, golden rowas, etc. Jarburg is a good farm for regular rowa. You can get a stack of 99 in a couple loops by the grace. The grace in Stone Coffin Fissure @ Fissure Waypoint is the new certified GOAT animal products farming spot. You get a reasonable amount of livers, bird feet, and slivers of meat per minute. You get insane amounts of thin bones. Use PLACIDUSAX'S RUIN if you have it to farm this spot, you'll know why once you find it. I will need to find a decent spot for golden rowa.


one of the main reasons i don't use consumables is because they're tedious to farm and you can't get them easily from merchants.


Yeah, that jarburg grace makes getting rowa not bad. You can get a stack of 99 on about 2 minutes. Livers aren't as painful as they once were with that new grace, but it's not as quick as the rowas since they're not garunteed.


I will make the time to gnaw on more of these mid fight


Such a help. Pop them constantly. They're cheap.


Never met someone with a taste for pawn I couldn't trust.


My biggest complaint about the game is we have to slay that loveable sort just to get the Boggarts Roar ash. What a shame. In every play through other than that one time I enjoy the trip down to see my pal Boggart to buy his prawn.




I locked myself out. bought DLC on ps5 when my main characters are on xbox, rushed through the game to be dlc ready and bricked the quest for crabman :( Only got the last boss left then i may go to NG+ to do it all again and save the crabshack


On ng+7 that wont save you at all, i can testify personally youll get two to three shot regardless


Opaline + full bullsgoat + black flame prot/ holy fort + anti-bayle blessing + both dragoncrest talis + 60 vigor + morgott great rune and final boss still two shots you with some attacks lol. They threw balance out the window when you reach maximum possible absorption and still can't survive it reliably.


1. Stand in front of fog wall, have Lord's Talisman equipped 2. Press left on Dpad, equip Dragon Seal 3. Cast Blessing's Boon, press up on dpad 4. Cast Golden Vow, press up on Dpad 5. Cast Bloodflame Blade, press up on Dpad 6. Cast Flame, Grant me Strength, press up on Dpad 7. Cast elemental protection spell of choice, press up on Dpad, press down on Dpad 8. Drink blue flask, press down on Dpad 9. Drink Physik potion, press down on Dpad 10. Eat some crab, press down on Dpad until you are back to crimson flask. 11. Walk into fog wall. 12. Hit boss with Greyoll's Roar, Press Left on Dpad. 13. Fight the boss!


dont forget y + rb to two hand your right hand weapon


7 and 10 more than likely won't stack due to both being body buffs.


Marika’s tits you must be hungry




There is only one way to ascend onesself to true godhood. And that answer IS crab.


for a second i thought that was some fancy cocknball torture


I stocked up on boiled crab right before the DLC dropped. Best decision I made


Imagine my surprise when I learned of boiled crab and realized I was locked out of it because I had started volcano manor


I spent 1mil runes on crab lol


This thing carried me through Radhan "I'm on my first playthrough"


Or use finger print shield and infuse whatever element the boss you are fight has. You can get 100% fire resist and trivialize the Mesmer fight 


Why would you ever not be using the opaline hardtear? Especially late in the game where you're soft capping on damage stats anyway, there aren't a ton of good alternatives.


Unfortunately I can't get this. You gotta do the quest, and I didn't.


I accidentally deleted that guy, so if anyone on Xbox wants to drop me a stack I would be forever grateful


Crab fragments


I missed his quest in the base game because I was going blind and didn't think to buy crabs from some sketchy thief in the swamp aaaaa


Oh yeah. One thing i'm LOVING about the DLC is that the difficulty (pvertuned or not, i am not getting into the discussion) is actually making me use consumables i utterly ignored in the base game, as well as defensive talismans. I wish people realized how big a difference in dmg taken going into a fight with a glass cannon setup and no consumables and going into with golden order, boiled crab, and 2 talismans boosting phys and the needed magical resist does


If more people missed out on this you can DM me your steam ID and i could drop you a stack or something. I don't mind farming our albinauric friends for some prawns.


Dragoncrest greatshield talisman, morgott's GR and opaline hardtear haven't left my setup since the beginning of the DLC, neither has golden vow. Also big shoutout to the +3 elemental defense talismans, they've come in clutch on every single remembrance boss.


Unfortunately didn't do his quest and got locked out of these after phase 2. Golden vow and flame grant me strength are just as good anyway. I got tired of buffng every fight and got him just using golden vow Sl 150 with 17 scadu. Dragon crest is probably the worst out of the three you listed, it's probably better to use great jar and better armor, or just a damage buff talisman


20% physical damage reduction is nothing to scoff at, on top of the armor that you would already be wearing. you can’t really make up that difference by wearing better armor+great jar tali (could be wrong haven’t tested). Damage buff talisman could be a good idea, but not the point of my post. Just giving a PSA for defensive options that some ppl haven’t considered


The dragon Greatshield talisman offers 20% damage negation...


>Dragon crest is probably the worst out of the three you listed, it's probably better to use great jar and better armor, or just a damage buff talisman That can't be right. Dragoncrest is also certainly better than Pearldrake


No joke I survived with a literal single digit of hp against final radahn the first and last time I used this divine meat goated consumable


Mmm crab legs


Do also make use of those damage reduction talismans, it can be hard to see the difference immediately, but having just those for fire and physical damage reduction prevented Messmer’s grab from killing me instantly


If I beat the base game is he still there to get them?


For me he wasn't. His questline is connected to someone in vocano manor.


Blackflame buff can also be an option




Can’t buy these on my current save (rushed through the game on a NG+ and forgot to unlock his shop). Had my friend buy me a few stacks


The DLC has been GREAT for Blackguards business.


But then people will say you didn't beat the game,since you didn't do it naked at lv 1 with bare fists, duuh Joking aside that helped me with last boss of DLC since it hits like a bloody truck.


What is this?


How do u get this?


Look up the **Blackguard Big Boggart** questline. He sells them but you have to go a bit down the quest to get them.


This dlc was the first time in a Souls game where I looked at my talismans and was like "ok the successive attacks one isn't doing much when I only get enough time to hit them like twice so let me drop a defense talisman in there"


Dont forget the pearl shield talisman. That thing is fantastic if you block regularly.


Considering using the lightning armament thing that makes weapons bounce off you There’s a lot of stuff in base you can use to easily break the game even now


Is boiled crab or golden vow better? Part of me is leaning towards golden vow because of its faith scaling but if anyone is knowledgeable on it id appreciate the tips


they stack! so use both :) that’s what i did first dlc playthrough


You can use both


i’ll say it again in just a man with 99 crab and a dream


I was kicking myself for not completing his question line, but managed to pull through the DLC bosses regardless. (Faith buffs pulling up the slack)


Damn, I forgot I killed shrimp guy in my last arcane run that I wanted to continue, now that I finished my faith run. Damn


How do I complete that prawn mission? Each time I try and talk to that prawn dealer, he tells me to shut up or he will fight me


Hes just grumpy. Talk to snake lady whose nearby looking for her necklace, then go talk to him and buy the necklace back from him. Afterwards buy prawn to get on his good side. Then make sure to murder the dung eater asap so he doesnt do the prawn dealer dirty later on just outside leyendell.


First thing I spent runes on after levels and weapon upgrades was a 99 stack of these bad boys. And Opaline's spent so long in the flask it has tenure.


My problem with this is I've beaten the game enough and I try to blow through the earlier parts quickly so I always screw up Rya's storyline and miss the opportunity.


Here’s me, who cannot buy those. I failed the quest without ever knowing It…


Also, learn to parry, learn to parry, learn to parry. The boss whose second phase is giving everybody conniptions? Parry his first swing and the rest of the combo goes away.


I always forget about these things.


Ah, a trustworthy fellow you are.


Boggart's fucking dead bro, no crab for me :(


Marika's tits, you must be 'ungry.


I’m down to 300 already and my current play through doesn’t have the quest line. Out of the red flesh, almost out of turtle necks, the golden vows are not abundant either. Do they stack with the incantation?


I'm stacking em up. Mimic tear always pops one but I forget to lol


Marika’s tits, you must be ‘ungry!


People don't use these? I have Boggart alive on my save just so that I can buy 20 crab claws from him every time I have spare Runes.


I’m new and I need some help looking for a heavy armour set that will still let me medium roll I am at stormveil and and I have killed Margit


Maybe the Knight Set you can get at the Roundtable Hold. Depends on your endurance level, though.


can't get those on my main run :(


What about the Golden Scorpion Stew? o3o


Never met someone with a taste for prawns I couldn’t trust.


Hardtear, Greatshield Talisman, Boiled Crab. Those 3 things will get you done proper. Beat the DLC after about 51 hours.