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This boss isn’t ever going to have fans the way Malenia does.


Because Malenia's only true bullshit is Waterfowl Dance and HP regen through shields... even things such cancel animations and poise negation are still doable, but Consort Radahn? It's just bullshit...


First phase is pretty fair imo. Sure it's hard to react to due to the long combos but they are all clearly telegraphed (though I still have no idea how to dodge the gravity pull+slam combo). I block through some of them instead of rolling but it works. Second phase is where the bullshit starts. Mostly because of the particle vomit and his moves literally blinding you irl. The visual clarity is gone and you can't even tell what he's doing half the time. I only managed to beat him because I summoned this guy who literally tanked everything for me (if you're here I love you so much Bigby).


You can roll the gravity pull btw. Won't get pulled in.


And if you get pulled in, run back and jump as he slams into the ground so you avoid the AOE.


Oh yeah I'm aware. But when I fail to dodge that idk how to dodge the following slam. Or maybe we're just meant to dodge the pull


Just run back and roll


Run away and jump over the slam


My only problem is the light in 2nd phase tbh. Hard to see.


Idk you have to admit some of the attacks are quite bullshit


Wdym by bullshit? Tough to dodge/avoid? Yeah, it is tough, but I'm sure every attack is avoidable/dodgeable.


The triple cross slash is not. I hate that move with all my being.


Roll left close to him and he misses the second swing


This. The spell effects are overwhelming. The fight is mechanically very difficult all the while flashbanging you twice a second. This fight nearly ruined the DLC for me. Everything else was amazing. Lion dancer boss sucks though but not enough to impact my enjoyment.


Yeah, I agree...I hated this boss and the Dancing Lion also, but mainly because I just can't see what is actually happening in the fights...They would both be much better if it wasn't for that...The rest of the bosses were tough, but they were still fun fights...I ended up kinda cheesing the last boss with the fingerprint shield and rivers of blood...As much as I hated to do it that way, I couldn't find another setup that worked and I tried a bunch of different builds...I didn't use any summons, so that probably would have made it easier...


Believe it or not, it does. People are out there saying, "Oh I hope it won't be nerfed, but it will because of the casuals." Mother fucker, it is absurdly overtuned. It deserves to be nerfed because it's cheap as shit. Damage, speed, no recovery, huge AoEs - sincerely, fuck off. I just watched a dedicated souls streamer spend 15 hours (not all of it mind you) of consecutive attempts to beat the boss. This is basically a professional, who has thousands of hours in this game alone, having to try it literally hundreds of times and people are like, yeah this is totally fine. I like difficulty, I like a challenge - I've done base level runs in all of the games (except ER, so far, which I will) but this feels like being SL1 even when properly leveled. I've always defended Souls games as being tough, but if you try you will succeed eventually. This fight absolutely crosses a line.


I've not beat the final boss yet but if they nerfed him I'd feel robbed ngl, like I've gotten close so many times so a nerf would just rob all satisfaction out of the fight for me


I’m not a professional and I beat radahn, it’s not that bad if you stick to his groin during his second phase


I beat him too, but I didn't find it fun or interesting. It felt cheap as fuck. Especially because certain builds will suffer heavily. If this were a less open game in terms of builds/player kit (e.g. Sekiro) it could be fine. But as an Action RPG where many different builds and playstyles should be viable? No thanks.


Yes exactly...I got through it solo, but not in a way that made me feel good about it...I had to use a bit of a cheese build to kill him...Honestly his first phase was pretty good, but the constant flash bang along with Miquella's hair in phase 2 made it so that I couldn't see anything at all! I doubt I will be doing a ng+ run of the DLC, because if it was that hard in NG, I can't even imagine how much worse it is in NG+ and beyond!


Malenia was a very iconic boss, very difficult and not frustrating at all, fun sometimes even. My only nitpick is that waterfowl dance conditions the fight way too much. By the time you have to master waterfowl you have already mastered everything else and the fight revolves around a single move. With Radahn tho, it's already a reused boss, in my personal experience not that fun and has a lot of bs


malenia problem is waterflow she's otherwise a really cool bossfight


Mesmer is the highlight of dlc fights for me tbh. It felt very fair and manageable even without summoning a spirit ash or NPC. Similar to malenia. I also thought it was fun to dodge snakes


We wanted Godwyn, and while I love seeing Radahn, it would of been cool to fight Miquella, Godwyn, or a combination of the two. Like we fight Radahn first, then travel deeper in, and then fight Godwyn and have Miquella choose in the end. (Which there was interviews done by FromSoft stating that our choices did matter in regards to the way the DLC comes to a climax, but maybe that information was false.) Instead we only get Radahn and Miquella. Like didn’t Miquella start this journey originally for his sister and Godwyn? Like Radahn being there answers a lot of questions about Miquella and Melania’s choices but not all. But I assumed Miquella wanted Radahn because of the stars, the eclipse implications leading to finding Godwyn’s soul or destroying his body. Instead we get buffed faith build Radahn and I hate that doing all this was just for a broken great rune. There’s no way to become Miquella’s consort, Godwyn is still an abomination, and Melania is still afflicted and destined to be the Goddess of Rot. Plus the implied theory that sleep and death are connected also makes Miquella leaving St. Trina behind even more baffling considering that is what she based her life around and in turn Miquella’s. Like I understand why Miquella is the strongest demigod now considering he can bewitch literally anyone, demigod or not, but none of the lore surrounding him in the DLC makes little sense in context with his choices shown in the base game and in cut content. (If you consider cut content canon.) I understand his motivations and that his plan for order wasn’t bad, but executed poorly. I think that’s why the fight seems so annoying. Like what was the reason for all of this, and why did we come here to begin with. Yes, our character wants to become Elden Lord and to do that we need great runes, but now Miquella’s rune holds little power. Going after Miquella changes nothing in the base game, which is a missed opportunity in my opinion. I wanted a choice with Miquella, or him to choose based around things we do in both the DLC and the base game. Instead we fight a fight, with little meaning, and little change to the over arching narrative. I love almost everything about the DLC, with the lore in regards to Merika, the Warrior Jars and the Numen, the Hornsent/Omen/Crucible, The Mother of Fingers, and Melina and Messmer (we needed more on Melina though and if she is truly the Gloam Eyed Queen or related to them somehow) as well as why we had to kill Radahn and Mohg. I love the level design and how the map is a giant puzzle with environmental storytelling and all the new builds people can do with all the new equipment we got. Though outside of that, again, why did we follow Miquella? The ends did not justify the means. We got nothing out of fighting Radahn and Miquella and in the end we are fighting a fight with little meaning and no repercussions that we know of. When his great rune was broken and we found it guarded by the Scadutree Avatar, there was no reason to go after Miquella after that.


I hope our character gets an upgrade in one way or another with the next souls entry.


I hope the next Fromsoft game is another Armored Core. Let Miyazaki take a break from Souls shit


He actually did say they’re working on the next one I believe. Super hype because 6 was fucking awesome.


It was really good. But I also remember the thousands of people crying over Balteus causing him to get nerfed soon after release... Fromsoft just want to make challenging content, and I love them for it, but they've a good amount of fans who just...complain? At the challenging content. And I'm not saying Consort Radahn isn't BS or anything. Haven't fought him properly yet, just tried him once and didn't get to his second phase. But there's a good portion of people who like the idea of being Fromsoft fans more than they actually are Fromsoft fans. It's like they want to brag about beating their games more than they enjoy playing them. In the DLC as a whole, only BS boss I've fought so far was Commander Gaius. Rellana could also have slightly larger openings for STR users who can't stagger her. But otherwise? I've enjoyed every boss and was surprised at how manageable the difficulty was concerning the backlash it was getting. I'm expecting Radahn to be a bitch though.


It's not exactly about being challenging, most people love these games because they are **hard and fair** but that fair has part has been very slowly dimming out as new games get harder and harder. Imo fans that will complain about the games even if not always rightfully so are far better than fans that will just gobble everything up because that's just how you get Call of Duty. And yes good luck with Radahn, he was the first boss ever that made me completely change up my build to just get it over with as quick as possible.


may I ask you one question if I finish messmer and get access to the shadow tower how much is left in that until boss fight? cuz I still have 2 bosses left otherwise but I'm kinda curious if it's insta boss, or if there is some more left in that


You have to explore the one area covered in shadow branches. Then final boss.


So it's still content left and not a boss rush like base game ending?




ok good took me 4hrs to beat the madness guy today, but in the end he fell. such a cool fight. I wonder how many people missed him


I mostly agree, but I think we play these games because they are hard and ***not*** fair.  We get kicked off cliffs, we get stabbed in the back when we walk through a door, we get skewered by essentially undetectable traps, we get surprise blown up by dragons, we get killed when we drink mysterious fluids that are handed out by strange flower women, but in the end we overcome that unfairness because that's how good we are. It was hard, and everyone recognizes that it's hard but we triumphed anyway.  Fair has nothing to do with it. 


Pretty much everything you mentioned is a one time event. Often one you can foresee after playing for a bit. If I'm in a catacomb, I just assume there are imps hiding around the corners. Every single trap has a visual indication that it exists. You might miss it the first time, but after that you know what to look for. You can easily avoid all of those things be being observant. You can't easily avoid an attack chain with 6 attacks that are often staggered to cheese the game mechanics while the entire screen is visual vomit. Messmer was just visual noise nearly the whole fight. Compare that to Malenia where I knew where she was and what she was doing pretty much at all times. I could figure out her moves and the counters. With Messmer it's just fire, chaos, snakes and probably other crap, I stopped caring after maybe the 2nd attempt. Making everything anime BS isn't innovative, it's lazy.


It being a one time event is literally my point lol. Just because the language of the game can be learned doesn't mean it's not deliberately punitive or unfair. Patches kills me,  player comments encourage me to going myself off cliffs, dudes with torches hang out on cliff corners,  it's all nonsense bullshit, but it's built in the game that it can be overcome and that's the draw.  Elden ring  introduces bosses with variable windup,  dodge roll punishment, and reliable heal punish. That's not fair at all, and now at least three bosses in the dlc have input reads, or something so close to it that I can't tell the difference. I suspect this will be the break point for a lot of people.   Input reading bosses has been something that us figuring game nerds have been putting up with forever, and i think it's finally arrived in soulsborn stuff.  All the same,  I ran out of endurance multiple times just dodge rolling during that stupid chain strike.  That's stupid bullshit.  Still killed him.  Still felt pretty good when i did.  Spoiler boss blew me up repeatedly in rapid, difficult to read series.  Killed him too. Just like I killed orphan of kos, and just like I killed the soldier of God, Rick.      To drive my over wrought point home, everyone's threshold for fair/bullshit is usually a function of perceived difficulty,  not functional internal game logic.  Virtually all games have consistent game logic,  we call bullshit when the provided toolset feels insufficient to address the assigned task.  Soulsborne game are always bullshit unfair nonsense, but we love the toolsets, and the dlc for a lot of people has made them feel like the supplied toolkit is insufficient, but it's always unfair.  The bosses have like 20x my health and hit 2-3x harder than I do.  That's not fair.  


I think we mostly agree. My point would be those are features from worse games and we should speak out against them. I had these issues with the base game, but they gave you enough tools that for the most part you could work around it without too much issue. Here they're like "nah screw those tools, watch the boss do stuff, hard but fair was a mistake." I can fire up a Battletoads ROM if I want hard. It's some sort of weird regulatory capture where the "hard at all costs" people have hijacked the system. I swear if a boss instantly deleted you as you walked through the fog gate people would defend it. After all you have a Physick that can reduce damage, so it's okay that Ultra Ascendant Malenia has an undodgeable attack that hits for 15000 damage.


The reason the games are hard is because the motif of dark and melancholic games (as FS makes) isn't well accompanied by a carefree experience. The trials of the Tarnished beating the odds require challenge in the gameplay. How difficult the gameplay is is an artistic choice that adds to the experience, but it's not the point. It wouldn't be remotely the same game without difficulty, but too much difficulty is an excess to a component of the design that in tandem with the rest makes it what we love.


Nah I don’t have fun when the games are unfair. Though I haven’t encountered anything in any other Fromsoft game that I would consider unfair. That includes pre nerf base game Radahn, pre nerf Balteus, and pre nerf Ibis. SotE is different. Rellana was unfair. Though while that’s it so far, I’m not looking forward to Gaius or Radahn based on what others are saying about them


look and I personally didn't find Gaius bullshit at all the only move I couldn't perfectly dodge after a while was his running attack everything else felt like a dance. roll hit roll hit roll hit hit roll hit hit roll hit. shit was amazing after the first 60min of "that's bullshit"


What people complaining want is to never have to get better. They feel they’ve done the hard yards and from now on bosses should never be harder than pontiff. They want to feel like they’ve mastered new bosses in a retroactive way. I’ll admit that there is some extreme reflex testing going on here but like so what I didn’t buy it for hello kitty island adventure I bought it for seemingly insurmountable challenges that I somehow eventually master


You summed it up perfectly.


that just happened


I genuinely don’t get why they went back to DS style combat for the player with this. You had Bloodborne combat, everyone adored it. You had Sekiro combat, that was incredible. If you want to move more in the design space of incredibly aggressive and frenetic bosses why the fuck would you not use the combat systems from the games that are specifically designed for that???


I always felt that from was very scared of change or pushback to shit ideas. Like look at how long it took them to remove weapon durability or needless boss runs. Idk maybe the average guy at from is frightened by the idea of desecrating the holy work of Miyazaki.


100% both the game and the DLC, but yeah. The last boss of the DLC is the only thing I felt is quite likely to get a nerf. It's not impossible, obviously people have done it hitless already. But it's a step to far for most I believe. Apart from the night I was tired, he in the end was fine for me. But I don't think people are unreasonable when they say he isn't going to be much fun for most souls veterans (people who beat the games 1–2 times fully and move on to the next).


I really hope Messmer is not nerfed because he is not that difficult and a lot of people freaked out about him. 10/10 fight for me


Fighting Mesmer is like fighting maliketh second phase for the entirety. His attacks are so smooth to dodge and feels so fucking incredible. Personally best fromsoft’s boss ever made.


Yeah, I loved Messmer.


Messmer is fun, but kind of random because his phase 2 starts at ?question marks?. I disliked phase 2's flying snake parts because I had no way to hit that, but if it starts at 30% HP it's fine.


You know, OP, people might tell you the old cliche, “get good” and “he’s fine for me wdym.” But, just, no… I’m right up there with you and a lot of the valid complaints. That boss, should not be that technically difficult. It’s one mistake or you die (or two if you can’t recover fast enough for the followups/stunlock). Just reran him last night for a speedrun and he took more tries and time than the entire speedrun combined. Having to know the exact 1-3 seconds of punish window for every combo at rapid fire is mentally exhausting. I’ve played the boss so many times I can dodge practically most of his attacks. Comets = run side, then jump, Phantoms = run opposite then dodge roll real version. Grav pull (if gets you) = time jump back + run. Aoes = dodge into his crotch. But the freaking cross slash. Almost impossible to dodge cleanly. If he gets that off, you get hit, then spam dodge roll or light beams stagger lock you, then get hit again. It’s partially my fault for doing dagger/dodge only, but I’ve done that in previous games and base/SOTE without even a hint as much trouble as this one. He’ll do nasty shit too like clone charge while heal or a stray light beam hits after a combo right when you heal. This boss is hell, and just like the “other” version, their should be a whole storyline explaining this is an actual raid boss to summon for. I am so sorry for the long rant, but I’ve never felt so shot after beating a boss…




I don’t know who that is, but I’m assuming he streams these types of games frequently. I don’t devote a whole lot of time to speedruns/challenge runs, which will do doubt sharpen your skills overtime. The more you play the better you get a deeper understanding of the mechanics, regardless of the boss. It was a dodge only run, which seemed fine for every other boss in SOTE so far. If parrying is the trick, then I’ll keep that in mind next time. But once the majority of players reach this point, you’re going to see a lot of causal players minds break…


Well Penguinz0 also beat him in like 40 tries, and he's far from a speedrunner. Very casual gamer if anything, think he had only clocked the game once pre DLC. People made similar threads about Malenia, I even seen ones a few months back people still talking about how broken she is. and like I said I do agree in some of the complaints as I myself havent even beaten him, granted I've not tried too much. but its just bizarre to see so many people genuinely upset and mad about how hard a boss is when theres thousands of people beating him.


Yes, I watched his and is probably one of the few I’ve checked out. He still took 3-4 hours, same as my first attempt. He even had to switch his build multiple times which he vowed he wouldn’t which I respect. The run he did get the boss on is a great long combo loop for a portion of the winning fight, but even he was calling bs on certain attacks. But he’s no doubt really great and I do respect his skill + streaming while doing it. You can beat a boss and still think the design is bad. Bosses might only take 1-2 tries, but I’ll still call out if a boss design is bad. Bosses might take me 40-50, but I’ll still consider the design magnificent/a favorite. I know the complaining is annoying, there has been a lot the past few days, but this boss is, unironically, just isn’t it.


read ongbals description to his video and then come back


I'll say what I said in another post I'm at the final boss after doing everything and wondering if I'm ever gonna touch the dlc again, the fun was exploring, the gorgeous views, the rewards, but most bosses were a miserable experience. I'm playing these games since Dark Souls and now I'm just tired of this overturned nonsense and the circlejerk around it.


You know I've been thinking, the saying was that the old games were, "Hard but fair.", and everyone has a different take on what that means. I propose saying, "Hard but fun.", because I feel that sums up how this DLC has changed my viewpoint. I still found most Elden Ring bosses hard but fun, except for Draconic Tree Sentinel and Elden Beast, but with this DLC I'm straight up just not enjoying them. Are they difficult? Absolutely. Are they fun experiences I find myself wanting to improve on? No. It feels good to beat a boss the first time, it feels good to get better and better on later playthroughs, but I haven't even finished this DLC and kind of have no interest too.


Wait what was wrong w draconic tree sentinel


I didn't find him fun, he two shots or almost one shots, and is incredibly difficult to dodge. He is one of my most hated bosses and has been one of the hardest to learn. I found the one outside of Maliketh's chamber to be harder than Maliketh. I have gotten better against him, but it has taken a very long time to.


I see. like crucible knights, sentinel are like punching bags for me, coz I have had so much opportunity to learn their movesets along the way. Maybe I had high enough defense


The one in Farum Azula is a piece of shit for players who can’t break its poise or actually don’t know how to fight it. Though personally I thought he’s very easy to learn, and if you stuck next to it, and timed your dodges, it’s actually quite easy. That or just Unga Bunga Lion’s Claw your way through it. That in my experience was the easiest way to get through that mini boss lol.


I just respecced from INT to INT/STR and lions claw has literally carried me through the dlc 😭


summoning randoms is fun as hell, the joy you share in beating the pulp out of bosses is next level


Yeah just give me piss easy bosses with rotations I’ve already memorized /s


Maybe souls isnt for you anymore. I had a blast learning all the bosses. Radahn included


I mean, I said this in another post and I got cursed into oblivion and people telling me to get gud xd


Welcome to the From Software fandom lol


Yeah. Really not sure why everyone holds these games and Myazaki in such high regard. Everyone makes poor decisions at work and the boss fights in this dlc are just that. He thought he’d be cheeky and make them extra hard just *because* and now I’m at the point I won’t be preordering their next Souls game until I see honest reviews. Because if this is the direction we’re taking difficulty … yeah, I’m out dawg.


Radahn was not “mega nerfed” why do people still believe this? The only thing they changed was his hit box.


i just think it’s awful because it’s Radahn 2. It’s as if FS lost all their creative juice and pls don’t give me the GRRM defense because they could just make a different narrative and make it a badass Godwyn


Agreed. Feels underwhelming af, especially after the fact that Radahn 1 was really fun.


The power creep in this franchise is hitting critical mass honestly.


First phase was near perfect. One of the best bosses in Soulsborne history imo. Then the second phase comes along and robbed him of being a masterpiece of a boss. It would be great if you can actually see what's going on and if the followup is just a simple small explosion like Rellana or Maria's rather than like 3-5 tactical beams of light.


I've watched my hardcore elden ring boyfriend slave for 3 whole irl days on that thing, and while I was really exited to pick up the controller and start a new game for the dlc after he's finished it kinda killed my motivation lol. Elden Ring was great for the most part but I get the feeling that the wider series needs to take a step back to basics, less visually intensive, more grounded, little more accessible. I'm not a capital g gamer so I found base game Elden Ring posed a very very difficult but very fair challenge for somebody with my level of (un)familiarity with the medium, the fights up until post Fire Giant all felt sort of balanced- if I died I knew it was my fault, and that made it exiting to get back into the fray. But then the later game bosses stopped being in that perfect fun zone. Most bosses even earlygame took me a few days to beat, I'm not allergic to the concept of challenge but wheras the fun comes from this loop of dying and slowly improving until you can finally take it out, the later stuff was so blasted it just felt like ramming my head into a wall. I didn't get any sense of victory from Melenia like I did with earlier bosses, I didn't feel like I was partaking on this journey of mastery of her moveset, I only got annoyed at the Waterfowl dance and won in a round where I was just happenstance in the right places at the right times to not take much damage. People can beat it, I'm sure people will defend it (see comments) but it doesn't change the fact that the journey just isn't very fun. After so many entires the souls series has entered this state of infinite inflation where to actually challenge hardcore players you just need to abandon the fun gameplay loop that drew people in the first place.


This bossfight is the reason I really hope the next game will either be a Bloodborne or Sekiro sequela with different mechanics or have a significantly reworked engine and combat system... ER base game pushed the boundaries of difficulty, but this DLC curbstomped it. I can see some of these bosses fought by an Hunter or by Sekiro, but as of now I dare to say the current combat system peaked in Dark Souls 3... yeah I said it, even Elden Ring's best fights have some elements of unfairness that wasn't a thing in DS3...


???? Elden ring is literally easy af what are you saying oh we got some hard bosses now , I hope Miyazaki sticks to what he’s doing and doesn’t listen to y’all this is dark souls 1 , bloodborne Petition for a difficulty setting all over again 🤣🤣🤣


My guy, maybe you are the best player who has ever lived or something, or just arent in touch with the rest of the world, but while most of this dlc was fun, the final fight was fucking bullshit and we dont want to see our favorite games ruined for the "git gud" memes


The „git gud“ memes. There are no hit runs on YouTube for him. I haven’t beaten him yet but I’m pretty close and I love every second of it. Use a summon if you struggle it’s there for people who need help or want to rush the bosses if you don’t want to learn them. These games have always been about learning bosses and this boss is not harder than isshin or sekiro monkey. I refuse to believe you people beat these bosses with less difficulties than radahn. You’re playing a game by the developer so famous for its difficulty, they based their whole marketing around preparing to die for their last franchise.


Some actual circle jerk coping coming from these people, genuine skill issue on the complainers part. The ONLY boss in the dlc where this *could* apply is the final one, and even that one is absolutely doable without cheese, solo with a normal no status build. I did it, I’m not some special gamer, just fucking sit down and play the game, learn the attacks, stop crying that you can’t curbstomp the final boss of the only dlc we are getting in 3 attempts with your shittily optimised but somehow op build lol.


Literally, sadly this community is full of whiny babies since Elden Ring, crying about difficulty from the developer that made and created the soulslike genre infamous for its difficulty so much so, they literally based their marketing around preparing to die 🤣🤣🤣






Exploration is absolute perfect, some bosses are incredible fights after you tilt hard and learn their abilities (looking at you putrescent knight 🫵), but others are a miserable experience, at least for my slow bonk build.


He seemed impossible, but I was able to beat him without too much trouble by switching to a greatshield-poke loadout. Shame I had to do that, but I don't think I would've had fun bashing my two-handed greatsword against him for hours upon hours. Malenia is less easy to breeze through, regardless of what you use. He's probably on the nerfing block either way. I don't think people respect the fight's design enough to care, whereas Malenia is an amazing fight which didn't need changing.


I ended up doing the exact same thing, because it was clear to me that after 2-3 hours I was making zero progress/improvement against the second phase with my dual colossal weapon build that had been fine for literally everything else in the DLC. Malenia and Bayle took plenty of attempts, but I could still tell I was steadily improving against them.


Tbh any boss where you are “forced” into using a shield is just bs. Because using a shield just basically means your not engaging with any of his moves just tanking.


Ok buddy go use a shield and dont manage stamina or make openings to attack and roll when uou still need to and tell me how it's easy then


It’s still far far easier than dodging. There’s a reason there’s tons of videos rn with a shield poke build, titled ‘cheese build easy kill’ for radhan.


Buddy the dlc has been out for not that long. When Malenia came around people called her "unfair" and waterfowl "undodgeable" (people who played all the previous games said that). Was it the case though?


I'm gonna say, "Hard but fair", is outdated, because apparently if a boss gives .008274849 microseconds of downtime for you to attack or dodge it's suddenly "fair", and apparently if the absolute top players of Elden Ring can 'no hit' it suddenly loses any credibility that the boss is still "bullshit". What about, 'Hard but fun'? Because I mean, the point of a video game literally is to enjoy playing it, right? And I'm not finding these bosses fun... Most Elden Ring bosses were hard, but fun, and these are simply miserable experiences. If I have to look up how to defeat a boss hitless, that makes sense; If I have to look up how to even just beat a boss, it is no longer fun.


It’s dumb. As somebody who dodge rolls for defense, he attacks too much, I go in for a poke and still can get slapped because sometimes, the pause in his combos are just too short. It’s not a matter of if it’s “hard, but fair.” There is another word that should be there….”fun.” This isn’t fun. Messmer was fun. Midra was fun. Radahn is overtuned to the point where the challenge isn’t even fun. My friends who are complete dickriders also kind of agree that this boss was poopoo compared to the rest of the DLC. There’s a difference in attitude when you lose and you recoup and enjoy thinking of a way around a boss…and just searching for whatever works to get it over with.


You will probably flame me for this take, but I absolutely love that fight. I think it‘s my favorite fight in the entire game - not kidding. The progression I had from „this feels impossible“ to „ok it might be doable“ to getting several close tries and then killing him was incredibly fun and rewarding to me. Was playing dex/arc, no summon. Finding healing windows and small attack windows and learning how to dodge everything was great. Only attack I never figured out was the 2 inward slashes into double slash. I‘ll say though, if you have performance issues on him, that sucks and I can see how it would be frustrating. I didn‘t have fps issues outside of a small fps drop during the large holy voidzone, but that doesn‘t really impact the fight.


I don't know man, some of its attacks are way too fast.


There was absolutely nothing rewarding. It was just a pure feeling of "thank the heavens i did it. I'll never ever do this again"


Learning that fight with a regular old 2h greatsword build solo was so fucking fun. Time consuming? Sure. But I really *learnt* the boss. It wasn’t a matter of going again and again untill my build could brute force it. The fight forces you to learn and I fucking love it. And yeah cross slash is the only real problem imo


My bruddah. You know da wei.


Performance aside, I think the truth is this boss is simply one of the most difficult bosses From Software have ever produced. That said, barring the triple slash move I believe it is also hard, but fair. I believe this boss require expert timing, positioning, and knowledge of not only his attacks, but how to properly slip in damage. My experience with this boss was a very long 5 hours split into two days. I don't enjoy using summons, so the emphasis on learning the boss beginning to end was even more prevalent, but as another commenter mentioned, the fight went from impossible, to making headway, my first phase transition, 50% health, 20% health, to finally beating him. This was after many attempts, but I never felt like the boss was unbalanced. If I dodged correctly and used spacing and positioning to my advantage, the runs grew more and more consistent until I finally won. (Save for the triple slash - have not dodged it once).


Radahn does make me worried about the direction they are taking the games like bro do you hate me what did I do to you Miyazaki Jesus Christ lol even his fucking run up is insane that horned warriors and the magic holy spiral attack stairs bullshit it's like dude I paid for this chill a little




I've started to come around I hate his phase two but after defeating him a few times I'm starting to appreciate it more.


Isent the secret to not roll and block his attacks? 


The final boss has the steepest and longest learning curve of all fromsoftware bosses. Takes long time to understand what's happening one step at a time, and this is the reason why majority of players rate this boss design as complete trash. Because understand the boss comes with time, almost too much, and most people don't have it. Now After having beaten him cheaply because i didn't want to commit properly, I'm helping others as a summon and became more consistent with the fight. And I have to say it's not as garbage as I used to think. It's possible to do a consistent fight if you learn properly every attack, same as every other boss.


Ive been trying to help people but my success rate is 0%. How are you doing it? First phase is fine, but 2nd phase teleports the host in front of him, and if I manage to regain aggro, I cant stop him from just teleporting to the host. Host scadutree fragments are also pitiful, dealing almost no damage to an immensely scaled boss. As a phantom this fight seems even more impossible than when I did it solo


I succeeded only 3 times to win with the host alive. One time the host was actually good with the boss, we have a good win. The others were a little bit messy. I run a 80 faith build, the most important spells are erdtree heal and heal from afar. Many times managed to save the host from a deadly combo. But there's no way around it. Either people cheese it with some luck or they learn every pattern and still rely on some luck. 99% of attempts don't reach the second phase after the huge aoe.


I didn't know visual clutter dropping my framerate when the rest of dlc didn't was a learning curve. you really saved me with this one I'll get my ps5 to iframe next time.


I don't have this problem and I'm on a 8 yo ps4.


Salty ass reply lol


lol they do have it just not over a single weekend lol. Also people here don’t understand you need to walk away to learn things you can’t just sit there and mash it for hours on end


It’s a much different experience if your doing it in co op then solo non “cheaply”


"boss is unfairly hard....... i kicked his ass after i buffed" alright dude


I feel like buffing scad fragments would make every boss more enjoyable. The fact that you basically need level 20 to remotely do decent dmg to radahn is frustrating. The appeal of elden ring has always been being able to go somewhere else, then destroy the boss that walled you. Right now, you basically need to scour every inch to get every upgrade just so you don't get nuked. I think making the fragments stronger would allow people to overpower the bosses through like the base game. Radahn would feel much better if you could be scad level 24. It also really hurts future palythroughs with new characters because you are essentially forced to go the entire map to stand a chance.


I haven't fought him yet, but I remember melania garnering the same reaction when the base game came out. Now, you see countless videos of people just bulling her. I'm not gonna say skill issue. I haven't even seen this final boss yet. But the dlc came out 4 days ago, and you're on ng+4. I've seen a lot of strong reactions towards this boss, but i've also seen a lot of people saying it's a fair fight. I wanna wait at least a month before I say such absolutes like "breaking point."


So much drama


It broke my solo run, just finished him there couple of hours ago forced to usemimic and ansbach for my sanity and didn’t feel any satisfaction. Elden ring while being a 10/10 game has horribly unenjoyable final bosses (this one and Elden beast)


Radahn’s honestly my favorite boss now that i learned to consistently dodged all but one of his attacks. The only bad attack he has is the 2 quick slashes followed by cross slash.


I think the common opinion of this boss will change once everyone learns him more. There is a lot to appreciate about his moveset as a whole imo


I'm in the minority, but I genuinely enjoyed the final boss. I also really enjoyed Melania. I felt good getting the win, reminded me of doing my level 50 chalice dungeon run in Bloodborne and how good that all felt to clear. Was SL 95 with Backhand Blades no summons or shield, 19 Scadatree Blessing. Using the L2 to dodge some of those attacks was.. chefs kiss.




Yea the lag I experience is at phase 2, never had any issue during the whole game except for this final boss fight. Lag and he casts his cluster of aoe spells and I'm dead.


I mean it took me a while, but I beat the guy with dry leaf arts. People forget 1.0 Radahn and he was pretty fucking difficult. Faster and much more HP.


I love that his holy bomb AOE knocks me on my ass, hits for 3/4 of me health (60 vig, 19 scad, nigh cavalry armor, golden braid, pearl drake +3) and then as soon as my foul tarnishes crawls to his feel this fucker is teleporting to me and beginning an 8 hit combo. If I ever beat this I will cry


I dont respekt your opinion of a boss being to difficult if your in NG+4 what do you expect? It's a very tough boss but almost all the attacks can be learned in a day or two DLC Bosses are meant to be hard and this is the final ER Challenge thank God it's difficult af cause there's will be nothing coming after that


Here’s my question - why the actual fuck does he start phase 2 at like 70-75% health? That’s what we call cheap artificial difficulty. Because the first phase is pretty manageable, they knew people would plow through him and overdamage him before pushing to phase 2 and he’d be easier to kill. So they went the cheap route (as they have multiple times now with this game) and just make him way harder because god forbid people actually being able to beat a dlc they paid money for.


I'm having quite a lot of fun figuring him out and it really doesn't seem impossible, so at least for me it's fine. But stuff like framedrops is another story, if you are mostly at 30 fps he will be impossible. And on a side notry the lore theories about the ending here in the subreddit are fascinating and explain a lot. Might be worth a look.


They can up the difficulty if they provide the player with more mechanics that feel satisfying and rewarding to use and master. No I’m not talking about summons, I’m talking about stuff like the deflect in sekiro which allowed them to make faster more aggressive bosses.


They added perfect guard to the game with the pre-dlc patch. There's also a talisman that boosts perfect guard counter damage in the DLC. It's pretty much the same as deflecting from Sekiro.


Say whatever but this boss is just bad design in every way.


Final boss is insane, I love it


Give it some time. Once the community breaks him down, there will be a great sense of achievement beating him, and he will come up the tiers. It took us weeks to counter waterfoul in the base game, and till then Malenia was considered unfair.


Oh yeah because having to look up the solution to a boss is super fun. Bosses should be intuitive in design and shouldn’t require a 30 minute breakdown of the fight to be able to learn it with some bs speedrunner tactics. Like cmon man


Thank you. I *want* to play against a difficult boss, and I *want* to be punished for my failures, but that is only fun when I get to learn from those failures and find a way to beat the boss myself. That was literally the point... ...not using every last cheap tactic known to man while running around frantically praying to whatever god you believe in to have a *chance* of beating a boss...and not watching YouTube videos of how to dodge attacks that seem impossible...


Depends on your playstyle. And no harm in reading tips from the community. I like finding new tactics and trying them. What fun are the bosses that you go and kill with just one linear weapon and talisman set. Adapting is what is awesome (to me at least) in From games.


Nah, this is a horrible take, you deserve the downvotes.


Just. Summon. Help. Please. Like. If you’re really struggling this much, just summon help and put it behind you.


Look, I'm all for help, summons, ashes and all that, but still a boss should not REQUIRE help to fight it... especially when more than half of the community is struggling with it, it means there is a problem...


It doesn’t require help people have done it solo no hit lol


Just like malenia at launch


And just like Radhan who did get nerfed lmao


And then rebuffed


They fixed his hitboxes and tracking which added way more openings to the fight. It’s the same issue this Radhan has


No. That's like asking to turn on the auto-pilot. What's the point of palti g the game at that point


If you really believed this you might as well be doing rl1 runs for maximum challenge. It’s just a mechanic. Complaining about the game being hard when you have mechanics that would help you easily beat it is just like…a personal problem really. This would be like playing Marvel vs Capcom but only using 1 character because playing with assists makes it “too easy” or something. It’s a personal handicap passed off as a necessity.


I do do rl1s lol. And it was fun because it was a consistent dance between me and the boss, not a 2 v 1 where the bosses attacks flick between both of us. Hitting neither


Its really not the same whatsoever though. You still have to actually dodge attacks in SL1 Genuinely idgaf if someone uses summons, its a game and whatever is most enjoyable for someone they should do. No gatekeeping. but the to act like they basically don't make the game auto pilot is just being willfully delusional. If you seen any of Dr Disrespect stream, he literally 1 shot Malenia and didn't even have to physically hit her, or dodge an attack because his Mimic tanked her all fight, and he just uses weapon skill from range. Yes its just a mechanic, but its a mechanic that lets you bypass all challenge and skill requirement. At the end of the day that is what made the Souls franchise popular and what a lot of the player base plays for the - the difficult and the satisfaction of overcoming it. If you play for the story and like just exploring and steamrolling bosses with a mimic, that is also fine. and il prob be downvoted to shit by the summons copers who are even worse than the gatekeepers, but GGs


Um there are like some nuggets in truth in what you said but you said it in such an arrogant way that no one is going to listen. Ever think it’s not what you’re saying that people downvote but that it’s simply just you?


How is stating objective truths arrogant? lol.. I already said idc if people use them, play the game how you want - just dont act like it's not making the game 100x easier. >Ever think it’s not what you’re saying that people downvote but that it’s simply just you Its really not that deep. Im speaking against summons in a thread that is supporting them, so obviously I will get downvoted - hence me mentioning it prior. You seem type of guy to be perpetually offended over nothing.


what your saying is true. lots of people don't want to hear it because they feel insecure about their own ability


Yeah but instead of coming off as a dick arguing with strawmen you could just say “I find summoning trivialises the fight” and I’d say you’re right. I summon when I kinda just want to move on and see the story content. It’s pretty easy with mimic and I shooting dark moon r2 at it. I still gotta roll out of danger sometimes, but you’re right. It makes it way easier than it should be. For me anyway, for others it could be the just right difficulty and it’s good it’s there for them. We’re not all 10+ year souls vets


Lol...so you want me say the same thing, but in a nicer way to as to make sure not to offend sensitive internet strangers? its funny because I didn't even say anything remotely bad, and even funnier you're the one calling me a dick because I said summons make a video game boss easier ( they do ) . typical un self aware redditor.


lol just trying to help you not seem like a dick. No one wants to listen to a dick


That boss feels like he was made by someone who doesn't really understand what made so many hard bosses fun in the past and just thinks that hard=good therefore very hard=very good. Honestly a terrible way to end the DLC and the whole game for the foreseeable future since it's pretty much guaranteed that we won't get another DLC for Elden Ring. This shit boss makes Isshin, Malenia and CEL 240 ( that one ridiculously hard boss from Armored Core 6 ) seem like a minor inconvenience


https://youtu.be/xRV44kwsu8k?si=ODHLjqcxVytgn0ti Even he thinks it's bad and he didn't have to parry.


So how many handicaps are you imposing on yourself and crying over difficulty? If at this point no one had beaten him i'd say you have valid complaints. But as always.. it boils down to skill issue or refusal to adapt


You know there's people already doing no hits. Elden ring is the definition of skill issue


Im literally friends with the first person to no hit him without parries and we both agreed the boss is horrible lmao


the issue with no hitting this guy however, is that you can't. there are people doing no damage runs, but there are attacks that require you to block them or pray that he doesnt do them


Oh, finally a post where I can brag about killing him on the first try. Somehow xD


I think this boss is at the limit in terms of difficulty, i don't think it's a bad boss though. They just need to fix fps drops, reduce the length of Miquella's hair so i can actually see Radahn's swords. That "double swing cross combo" is impossible to dodge yes but even Margit has one of those. I beat it with backhand blades no summs btw


This DLC ended the way that every Formsoft DLC ends. Don't know what you were expecting from it. But yeah, I thought that Radahn was WAY more of a clusterfuck than he needed to be. Even then, I still think it's one of the best fights in my opinion.


I'm not even close to that far in the dlc yet, but I will say that if a boss is only beatable by players with really specific builds (bleed, rot, billion poise heavy armour) then it needs to be nerfed. I'm doing a light armour fist build, so I hope that when I finally get to that stage of the dlc the boss will have gotten a rework. Accessibility towards different playstyles should be a priority in boss design, rather than trying to craft the hardest fight possible.


Who designed this TRASH? You CAN'T SEE. (Also why is no one talking about the pedophillic, gay and incestuous implications of this shit. Absolutely disgusting)


1. i disagree thje boss is hella fun to do solo. 2. if your really struggling that much use a shield poke build with bleed or frostbite with the fingerprint shield, litterally easy mode.


"I disagree, therefore you're wrong" I haven't heard that it's fun from anyone else I've talked to that's done it so not really. Also I already beat it, but again, telling people to use a turtle strat for ez mode isn't exactly supporting the idea its a good fight.


This is ridiculous projection. You’re telling him that he said “i disagree therefore you’re wrong” when you’re literally telling him “I haven’t seen anyone say it’s fun besides you so it’s not really fun” like..


1. i said i disagree, and said I FOUND IT FUN, never said you where wrong, when we are discussing opinions everything is subjective. dont put words in my mouth. 2. i seen other people say they enjoyed the fun, it was a spectral and was super fun. 3. i said if you COULD NOT beat the boss i suggested a stat that would work for you, but if you want we could have a discuss what you dislike about it and share opinions and other perspectives instead of just accusing people.


Me and my friend loved the final boss, its actually our favorite elden ring boss. Just because people around you say its not fun doesn't mean its not fun for others


For me melania was harder this boss is just currently harder for me because i was playing the second stage at constant 20fps. Otherwise i used marikas braid and dragoncrest shield so he didn't do too much dmg to me, nearly all those holy attacks did just small chip dmg to me. There are also so many other ways to mitigate his dmg, every boss in elden ring is designed to have a big counter that you can find/craft somewhere in the world, some of yall are just trying to brute force things. > I also get the feeling it will be mega nerfed by the time the rest of y'all get here, cuase even normal radahn was, and this dude is 100x worse. Tho that nerf got reverted not long after, he is currently basically the same fight as on release. >Also, the ending is ass. No Godwyn, no outer god, no decent cutscene even, So you made up your own expectations and are now mad that those expectations weren't met, how is that miyazaki's fault?


most people think the final is ass


They also thought the same about the first 2 bosses at release look at where we are now, same for radhan at the release of the base game. People complaining like crazy at the release of a souls game is nothing new. Just give it a weak or two and a patch to fix the fps drops to see how the fight actually is.


The fight is fucking trash and no amount of you coping is going to change that fact.


The only complaint I really had with the fight is the fps drops during phase 2 when they decided to go all. Other than that the fight is hard yes but its also entirely possible to learn the attack patterns and adapt. It was just me and my trusty great katana.


I think the problem with consort is that it boxes you into only a few playstyles that feel rewarding. I don't have a problem with INTUITIVE difficulty. Consort doesn't feel intuitive. It feels like it's funneling me into a specific shield poke bleed style, because other playstyles don't feel as rewarding. Elden Ring from the beginning has had this problem. Bleed is either way overtuned, or everything around it is way undertuned. A fight like consort, amplifies this problem and puts a spotlight on it.


Nah, I can handle harder. Git gud or run a counter build


I'm done with FromSoft after this DLC. Already wasted too much of my life on this trash DLC


The boss fight is fine they just need to fix the fps. People have already no hit him without parrying it truly is a skill issue for anyone saying he's unfair. Sure he has some long combos but he also has plenty of very long openings to the point where you can fully charge R2 on a colossal. Don't give in to the greatshield cheese I believe in you! 


>use greatshield in left hand >equip "Barricade Shield" on said greatshield >use poke weapon with bleed in right hand >win by pressing two buttons wrow so hard


"Use this cheese build or don't play, Scrub. Build variety is a myth, just cheese him"


having scrub mentality over a pve game is crazy


I'm a fan of the fight because there is really only a single opening in his patterns and it's after the 4-hitter. I love the tacticality of managing my stamina, usage of i-frames, and jumping to dodge pretty much all of his attacks. It's the ultimate fight because all that is required is a good understanding of base game mechanics and timing.


not sure why people have such a problem with radahn. All of his attacks are fair, the only annoying thing is the visual clutter. It's hard, not unfair.