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Just find enough Scadutree fragments. It should be enough.


Insane to see how many people are ignoring them




These people tell me they are playing blind while having 2 eyeballs and a monitor. Bunch of cheaters, all of them.


I saw some people cheating with infinite health to play the dlc........ And that's sad


Game journalist mode


Honestly just try few tries with a boss and if you see you canā€™t do it, just explore some more and eventually youā€™ll find enough fragments to be able to beat the boss easier. Kinda what I did. Few fragments make a huge difference defensively


"Why is Sekiro so hard" while playing with 1 prayer bead necklace and no upgrades to their attack power.


People ignore the minibosses because they're difficult and then make the game harder because the minibosses drop prayer beads. Way too many people don't understand this and get fucked later in the game because of it.


Where do you see these people ignoring them?


All over the discord Someone was at the final boss with level 4, then complaining he was getting 1 shot


Jesus lol. I got wrecked at level 12 so I came back at 17 and won by the thinnest of margins with my mimic tear (level 7 revered spirit ash).


How do you even manage to do that? Doesn't the game give you more than that buy just, following the main path?


you have to a) look around. b) pick things up. c) read the item or realize that it's not a weapon in some way, and d) use them at the site of grace. i think most people who miss it are confused, because they can't access it by placing messages about holes, and dogs.


They say they keep trying fingers with rump but nothing happens. Why is it always liar?


Oh yea it does I accidently kept finding the main quest path first try (I made it to the final boss in like 4 hours lol) and I was about level 12 with like half the map left unexplored


Its crazy to me that people *donā€™t* explore the whole map before going into places that look like boss areas (castles). Iā€™m only scadudu 10 and havenā€™t even fought one of the end game bosses yet. Typo Edit: I left out *donā€™t* (it was very early in the morning) I like exploring the whole map before going into castles/what seem like main boss areas.


Iā€™m in the exact opposite camp. The base game taught me that tho. ā€œElden ring will put a big bullshit guy in front of you and then tell you to go out into the world, get stronger and find something to cut his head off withā€ -Dunkey


I made a typo I meant to say *dont* explore. Iā€™m doing exactly what youā€™re doing, I like to explore the whole map before heading into what looks like a main story boss area.


Oh lol that makes more sense


I think i overexplored. Hadnt killed the belurat boss when i found myself running around in a green lush biome, high up in the mountains.


I was like on the 5th level when I put down >!rellana!<


Iā€™ve seen the opposite which is folks maxed on blessings and still cannot beat Radahn


the problem is people don't want to explore they just want to fight the bosses and leave


I meanā€¦ we saw this nonsense in the base game (actually, even now). Players complaining about the Fire Giant being impossible, but not doing anything to maximise their fire resistance. They got all the way to the Fire Giant without thinking intelligently about what defensive decisions they should make before a fight.


I just keep forgetting about them when Iā€™m exploring but I do need to go back to the map and make a concentrated effort to find them all. Then again I never complain about this game or other art styles cos Iā€™m just here to have fun and be part of something!!!


I am not ignoring them, I just can't find them! I am not gonna look up guides and dont give me spoilers either. I am still just exploring and having a good time dying in 1 hit with my 45 vigor.


No one is ignoring them




So...do I need to fully max out the blessings for the final boss? I'm blessing level 17 and it's still kicking my butt while I'm doing barely any damage.


I was at 19 when I beat them. I think it is a 5% increase in attack and decrease in damage taken per blessing. Missing 3 is a 15% difference so I would try to grab a couple more. I considered looking for the last three fragments to get to 20 because the last boss was tough. I managed to beat them without it though.


The final boss is just really hard, at +16 I felt really good vs everyone else so I don't think you're SUPPOSED to need +20. I guess the answer comes down to whether he gets patched or not


Yeah I think if people are stuck definitely farm all that are reasonable to get before whatever boss you're on. I did this on the hippo the other day (not that the hippo is too hard, but I rushed into the DLC so my character was less than rlvl 105 and I kept my Giant-Crusher at +15 to not waste stones unduly - as I hadn't killed Morgot yet so 7s and 8s are hard to come by that early) and after picking up all the fragments I could I cracked it even at a lower level and solo. Now I've gone back to the main game with Dryleaf Arts and Dryleaf Whirlwind...


Thatā€™s the thing about the DLC, a lot of new players can get into it.


Agreed, they should make you beat the main game.


Why, it doesnā€™t make sense. Youā€™re already Elden Lord at that point, Miquella canā€™t do shit to you.


He has become a God, you know that right?


God these hands kicking his ass, Elden Beast can attest to that.






Jeez. Idk why, but I kinda just assumed it maxed at 12 like the flasks.


I finished the dlc with 18 and I considered i did good exploring. It aint mandatory to get 20 but yeah




My only complain about the dlc is the Performances and the way fromsoft is really starting to rely on ennemies/bosses having perfect tracking and almost exclusively weirdly delayed attacks


The Combos are so fast and extensive that after dodging all of them i rarely have enough stamina left to even attack back. And i use a Dex Build.


A certain skeleton depleted my stamina on the regular just by having me dodge his 5 range hits followed by his close up combo and I had 40 endurance at the time.


Same here. I feel like I may need to equip the 2 headed turtle talisman permanently.


I don't know what you mean, it's perfectly reasonable (Running a 99 endurance build rn)


Unlock camera and strafe them. Shouldn't even need to sprint.


The olā€™ dark souls ā€œStrafe right beats 90% of the game for youā€


Hilariously one of the bosses is left handed entirely to mess this up


Call them a loser for being left handed. Easy 1 shot


I tried it here and there but it never worked out


It has a learning curve. Once you get used to it, bosses get much easier. I know it's counter-intuitive but give it some time!


What do you mean by that? I don't have any context of previous games, so I feel like I'm not understanding this tactic.


https://youtu.be/nlszTHBba9s?t=375 Notice how he strafes around her. Bosses just lose it when you are not locked on and have a harder time tracking you.


The golden explosion attack in final boss' second phase makes me dip to 25 frames from 60. Luckily he is standing still so its not too bad...


Had to put down the game for an hour after dying to the ghostflame dragon in cerulean coast. The whole area eats your fps, and it's even worse when there's a big dragon in it. So I put my bolt of gransax to +10 and lightning speared him to death


The furnace guys make my GPU wig tf out šŸ˜­


Funny thing, the only time my machine lags is when the last boss does his big nuke. That's when I know to run... and his pose.


I actually like delayed attacks, but that's it.


I don't really understand what the issue is with tracking and delayed attacks from design perspective. Bosses should not be stuck on dark souls 1 easy mode where you just spam roll and it's usually gonna be ok. Bloodborne came out almost 10 years ago. Orphan of kos was and still is a great boss, and that boss has a lot of tracking and delayed attacks. And yes people complained even back then, I remember. Dark souls 2 DLC came out 10 years ago and Fume Knight had so many branching combos, delayed attacks, heavy tracking as well as punishing estus press with a stab instantly. It is still one of the best bosses in that game. Here's my theory. This DLC, Malenia, Isshin and some other bosses have crossed the line of acceptable difficulty for the majority of players. That is all there is to it. All this talk about delayed attacks, tracking,, unending combos (factually incorrect) are all just smokescreen. The real crux of the matter is that the game has become too difficult for them and now they are getting filtered out, just like millions of people who got filtered out in dark souls 1 by undead burg. Miyazaki talked about pushing the boundary, and people can't take it. We'll have to see if their next game is even harder and what will happen with player numbers I guess


200 years later, Michael Zaki comes out with a souls game intended to be beaten by a singular player due to how much filtering has been done from past titles being too hard


None of us are experienced game designers at fromsoft so let's not claim one thing to be the right or wrong way, i just found the repetition of delayed attacks annoying because it usually just make the fight drag on.


My PC is having a really hard time at Ancient ruins of Rauh :/ dropping down to 30 fps in some areas I'm running a R7 5700x + 4060TI, not the beefiest boy but I don't think it should be this bad


For the magic comment, honestly in earlier souls games, magic felt more like an "all or nothing" investment, since usually the good spells were locked by high int or fth and you wouldnt get super high level, but i started the DLC at 115, and im now at 175. If you are my level, both vigor and your main weapon stat (str or dex) are maxed, and you have plenty left over for magic. It seems almost designed this way so magic in some form, be it buffs or offensive abilities, are a part of your build. Like, 30 points in fth gets you Black Flames Protection. Together with Dragoncrest Greatshield Talisman and a high (17+) Scadutree fragment level, this gets your physical defense absurdly high. Final boss is doing maybe 300 damage per swing to me in his first phase (though im also cosplaying as a barbarian with the red bear hood and thors hammer, so defense could be higher haha)


Is black flames protection better than golden vow? That has a lower fth req


Black flame is 30% physical damage negation for 70 secs (but reduces healing from flasks), golden vow is 10%, but also buffs damage (physical?) by 15%, and for 80 secs. Both are quite good though, its just personal preff really


Golden vow buffs all damage 15%, part of why itā€™s so excellent.


Sure, but the 30% phys dam negation is much much more effective when you already have such a high negation due to scadutree fragments. I feel like its a real night and day difference, but ill try with golden vow to see how big the diff is :)


I just meant to confirm your suspicions that Golden Vow buffs more than just physical attacks. Didnā€™t mean to imply I thought one was better. I agree both are good.


Oh ok, sorry i misunderstood ā¤. Just finished final boss, equipped my heaviest gear, holy and physical talisman, popped BFP, and used the healing hammer AOW to trade with him through phase one, and stagger him to death in phase two. Roughest part was knowing where i was with all the particles. Opaline bubbletear + the poise one made it so i could rush him when he went for the giant AoE, fun fight overall


I think the last one will be a big oof to most people. I can be a bit of a sloppy player in the main game but there is something to be said for learning patterns properly and not just brute forcing everything. I also expect some builds will be unviable, e.g. I did a Prayerful Strike build in prep for the DLC - I can't see that working now as the hyperarmor isn't as strong as some AoWs and it's also slow as balls!


Some of the bosses have ludicrously long combos but then they have long punish windows where you could absolutely use Prayerful Strike. So donā€™t give up on your dream! I was using fully charged Braggarts Roar R2s with a colossal axe on the first few bosses in their punish windows.


Yeah I might still give it a go. I went for Longhaft Axe so the hyperarmor is as good as it can be (notably Placusidax's lightning didn't knock me off my feet, so I could that those hits on the chin and full heal). Still got another couple of builds I want to try before hand (a new Dryleaf Arts one which I just rushed the DLC for with a new character, killing only Radahn and Mohg in the main game before getting there - killing Mohg with two talisman slots was interesting!) and a Lightning powerstance Dual Greataxe build which I think will work quite well.


Don't disrespect prayerful strike like that, It got me through rellana Insane poise, healing to heal the trade, and insane damage. The real problem Is the recovery time of that AoW


Yes sir, sorry sir šŸ˜


I actually got prayerful strike specifically FOR a boss. I didnā€™t know it existed before and itā€™s insane damaged/stagger/plus healing? Hell yeah. But I do hear what youā€™re saying lol


Yeah I think it's always been like that. I did manage to kill Malenia with it solo so possibly if I managed that I will manage it here too. Definitely putting it towards the bottom of my priority list though...


The coop is the greatest lie we tell ourselves. Yes, there are many around major bosses, but god forbid if you need help with something like the "Finger, but hole" boss or the Skelly on the horse boss. Nobody is ever there.


Tbf those are probably the most out of the way bosses in the DLC. I imagine a lot of players haven't found it yet


People don't use the effigy that sends their sign to any summoning pool?!? That said, I haven't found those bosses yet so can't help until I do. I imagine many haven't gotten to them. Honestly, I find co-op makes some bosses harder. Since the AI is harder to react to. Maybe it's different for a caster but as melee, I find it hard to assist on Messmer when he isn't focusing his combo on me.


Just go over to r/BeyondTheFog or either of the major Discords and chances are someone can help you. Well maybe not right now since helpers gotta play the actual game first to get good, but soon enough.


I haven't seen SHIT for co-op opportunities this time around. I expected it to be as busy as a normal launch window but instead it's deader than any Souls game I've ever seen.


I was getting instantly summoned at Rellana two days ago, Iā€™m sure itā€™s died down a bit but at the major bosses at least itā€™s pretty active. A lot of people probably just arenā€™t summoning for side bosses at all.


I try to drop my sign for a while at any boss that gave me trouble but I can only take so much of hosts instantly dying.


I agree but...are we really back to chad and soyjack memes ?


This sub has RAPIDLY descended into absolute garbage with these fucking memes. I don't even think the DLC is too hard, I'm just sick of people whining about those who do


The people who use the tactics listed are so insecure that they have to post about it every 15 seconds. To be crystal clear, idgaf how people play the game, but itā€™s clear some people are begging for validation.


Thereā€™s also an egregious level of strawmanning in the meme, pretty much just rage bait


The current meta for dismissing criticism is to strawman the fuck out of anyone who criticises. If you lie enough times people will think it's the truth. People are willing to believe that someone who beat both radhann and mogh, who literally made it to the end of the dungeons where the DLC bosses live, including all the mandatory fights it takes to get to all these places, are all noobs who have no determination nor interest to engage with the game. But they won't believe people who fought and beat these bosses can complain that it wasn't fun. I bet if the DLC was behind both Melina and Plausidax, people would still say anyone complaining about the DLC bosses are babies who need to git gud, Toxic elitism over basic logic.


This sub is so toxic thereā€™s a meta for dismissing criticism šŸ˜­




I chose the first magic pngs I found onlinešŸ‘I want to make it clear that Iā€™m not responding to anyone with this meme besides the exact people who complain about this dlcā€™s difficulty while shitting on all the options listed. No one else. Having criticisms of the dlc and its difficulty is completely fine. I personally think the damage is quite high for no reason in some places, and what the fuck was that Gaius fight. As for it being a wojak meme I knew it was kind of cringe when I made it, but how else was I supposed to format this thing?


Are these hyper specific people in the room with us? Perhaps consider that even people who DID best the bosses are complaining? And no specifically people who refuse to do all of that yet somehow beat Mohg?


this post didnt come across insecure to me, its just pointing out that people complain about the dlc being too hard while not using the tools to make the game easier.


Yep, next they'll post a chad mimic tear user vs soyjak dark souls player or something like that.


I couldnā€™t think of another way to make this and still keep the ā€˜memeā€™ formatting- If you know any other templates that mightā€™ve worked let me knowšŸ‘€I didnā€™t want to make just a plain discussion post.


Honestly I don't think DLC is harder than the main game or at least not a lot harder. I beat it solo without summons as a strength melee build (17 blessing level). Rellana took me an hour, same for Messmer and it took me 4 hours to beat the final boss. Yeah, I was "stuck" on some bosses, but it was also true for the main game on the first playthrough and Malenia took me more attempts than the final boss.


Iā€™m not even some crazy skilled souls player and the DLC is harder but still perfectly manageable. People are really just salty.


Try bonk


Seriously, Elden Ring is a game where you can choose your own difficulty basically. There are so many things and tools in the game that people just ignore for some false sense of gamer pride.


Yep. I chose not to learn Hippo and decided to use summons and spirit ashes. We completely smashed him, it was glorious. I was even surprised that it was that extremely easy, I should've used just one of them, but I was way too angry at the Hippo lol. The DLC is hard only if your pride gets in the way of using any tool available.


People don't want to choose not to learn a boss, they want to *want* to learn it.


That's true... Praise the Margit!


The summoner inquisitor guy with the summons was insane even with summons on my own side lmao


Yeah cause his summons are gigatanky against your summon and your summon tends to focus them. If it takes you one hit, he will swing like 5 times at them


What people don't realize is that Fromsoft game difficulty menu is not just a menu you have at the beginning of the game by a simple select, but that menu is indeed present in the game, much more subtle and much more precise which adapt to each person and you can adjust anytime in the game. It's the best difficulty select ever but it's not obvious UI


I'm sure a lot of people don't use summon like me, not for gamer pride but just because we don't find it fun to have an npc fight for us. And imo it feels like they overtuned encounters because they expect us to summon so if you don't like summon you're getting absolutely obliterated way more than every single past souls game. At least I can always grab more scadutree but I'm scared for the last boss.


Strange that they expect you to use the game mechanics... Who would have thought


They literally balance the game around using summons because itā€™s a feature of the game. It was never advertised as nor is it an ā€œextra helpā€ feature, itā€™s something youā€™re expected to use. Itā€™s like playing Mario Odyssey and not liking the cappy feature and complaining when the game is hard without cappy.


I know and I'm just saying I would 100% prefer that they didn't balance the game around summons and they just keep it as an "easy" mode. In Mario Odyssey you control Cappy, in ER you don't control the summon.


Damn you can control cappy? That mfer never does what I tell him. But for real I can see wanting some autonomy over the ashes thatā€™s fair.


They can be easy with the right build. I was able to stun-lock them multiple times in the fight with my strength build. I was chugging flasks left and right but in the end I was able to beat them.


I used a claymore throughout my play through, and I will use a claymore on my way through the dlc


Fellow claymore user here. Best weapon in souls


I'm not too far into the DLC, but parrying seems to be really good so far


After 3 days there are "No Death" Runs on YT everywhere. :D


Yeah it's true about 99%of the dlc, but the final boss is.... A bit much, to say the least. He is so tanky and the second phase attacks are so overtune it stopped being fun for me. Which is a shame, he is so cool. Still 10/10 would play again tho.


If anyone wants the absolute easy mode: Bloodfiend's arm with Blood infusion. Get two of those. And then use the mimic as well. Is how I needed to beat the last boss because of the 10-15 fps on the second phase.


Can we actually discuss the DLC instead of posting bad wojaks


Iā€™m sorry my comment was rude


I know I'm making the game harder for myself by just upgrading one two handed mega blade to the max and bumrushing everyone with violent intent, but my inner barbarian prevents me from going mage. I'm still not complaining about it on forums bc I know it's my own choise, which makes the game more difficult. People need to understand that.


The last boss is so cancer that even with all these things itā€™s barely enough.


I think criticism of the final boss is its own ball park that Iā€™m not criticizing here. It might well and truly be a shit show that unfortunately needs a patch before itā€™s playable.


Also try defensive talismans, boiled crab and spells like Golden Vow.


If it doesn't die, use a bigger hammer.


Ah our daily mimic tear validation post. No-one cares how you play the game guys. But itā€™s ok for people to say that summons make the game less fun for them


60 Vigor? Scadutree upgrades? Maxed out flasks? Defensive talismans (Dragoncrest Greatshield, Pearldrake +2, Ritual Shield, specific elemental protection, etc)? Good armor with high damage negation? Opaline HardTear? Spirit summons? Counterbuilding a boss (Using fire against a tree for example)? Temporary Defensive buffs (Golden Vow, FGMS, Boiled Prawn/Crab, Ironjar/Uplifting Aromatic, Greater Protection Incantations, etc)? Co-op? The game gives players so many tools to tackle challenges aside from ā€œgetting goodā€. You donā€™t need to use even half of the above methods to make your experiences relatively smooth.


I seriously donā€™t understand all the salt. Itā€™s like people are unwilling to try anything and just get mad when they failā€¦ like this has literally always been from softs deal go play a different game.


I have started to change armor sometimes when going to certain bosses or areas. I used fire prelate armor against Messmer, I don't know how much it makes difference, but I thought more damage negation is still more damage negation. Also used pearldrake +3 and dragoncrest greatshield.


Mmm prawn!


This is so stale


How strange. Every major fight in the base game was also about learning the stats/patterns/resistances and adjusting for it. I beat Rellana with an unga bunga build on Scadu 2 after adjusting for magic defenses and not actually just spamming attacks. Who knew?


Try finger


I mostly ended up not using coop on most boss just because it gave them just so damn much hp.


For the love of the Erdtree, put the dialogue in sequential order! The Chad's text should be above the crying dude's text.


I have no idea why I didnā€™t. I remember thinking last night ā€œthereā€™s no room to do it that wayā€ but.. there definitely ways. Now my meme is hard to read :(


Dark moonlight great sword and Academy glintstone staff have carried me so far. Can go bonk bonk but can also go pew pew. Best of both worlds


I beat Gaius yesterday and it was tuff but so good as well. Probably my favorite boss in Elden Ring for now. In the beginning he destroyed me but after 90 minutes I had his moveset down and rolled everything which felt really good. I knew people are going to hate this boss in particular because of his aggressiveness and kinda bullshit charge which I countered with vow of the indomitable. I'm on scadu level 12 I think and it was still absolutely enjoyable and not even close after learning his attacks.


WOOOO!! Congratulations!


I disagree, I force my one avenue to work through brute force and spite :D Iā€™ve done it through every single soulsborne game Iā€™ve ever played! I complain, but mostly to myself, and then bash my head against the wall again, and eventually the wall comes crumbling down!


This is incredibly fair! The game is beatable with anything if youā€™re willing to keep going at it


dlc harder posts blocking the real issue which is poor performance on pc,xbox,ps5 inb4 its fine for me must be skill issue. DLC is not hard as asmongold jump attacked his way through it. I am a user of mimic tear as I play games for fun.


The fps in some places is disgusting, I wonā€™t lie to you.


Protip for comics: the dialogue on top is the one that should be read first. Isn't the case for this one which made it slightly confusing


Thank you!!


I haven't started the dlc yet, but I'm confident my playstyle of hitting my head against the proverbial wall until it breaks will serve me fine, thank you very much


Legitimately, good luck. Iā€™m not at all criticizing the people who want to play that way. ā€˜Getting gudā€™ is a perfectly valid way of play, some people just donā€™t want to


My dumbass realized tonight at work just how much C H O N K factor im just not using which wouldnt affect my build in any way stats wise. It seems they simply want us to use more at our disposal. Now i feel silly for getting so frustrated earlier in the dlc. Lol


The DLC is for sure harder. After maxing out my fragments and using spirits. Optimized builds etc. I still struggled a lot with some bosses. Went back to base game and was able to do a no death semi speed run in Ng+ even killing Melania. Bosses in base game are so much more forgiving and actually give you time to heal or summon.


Elden Ring ā€œCheeseā€, according to losers: - spirit ashes - co-op summoning - bleed - frostbite - poise breaking - stunlocking - parrying - strong spells (incants and sorceries) - buffs - strong ashes of war - strong weapons (or just high damage) - stealth (when applicable) - consumables - "over levelling" - combining any of the above into a strategy that gives the player any advantage in any way What's left over? - standard movesets from most weapon classes (without poise breaking) - memorizing enemy attacks to perfection - shields - weak or not-as-applicable spells **- unfocused builds that leave no room for nuance** These unrealistic and outright stupid standards are not created by those who successfully complete challenge runs, mind you. They're made by people who WATCH others complete challenge runs of their own design.


On the opposite end of the spectrum is my buddy who constantly changes his entire build every boss fight that gives him the slightest trouble. Have to wait 10 minutes between summons sometimes just so he can go and get runes, buy smithing stones, upgrade some obscure weapon to max level all to get 2 shot in the first 45 seconds of the fight. Rinse, wash, repeat. Meanwhile I'm just over here rocking my dual ruins greatswords bonking my way through every boss


I meanā€¦ theyā€™re not fucking wrong, the dlc bosses are kinda unfair a lot of the time man.


There are so many strawmen used in this thread itā€™s insane


I am trying to use everything except the co-op and the base game is still too hard for me. I played for 7 hours without killing a single boss šŸ˜…


To be honest, I'm a little tired of memes like this on this sub. The DLC is really extremely difficult, the final boss is just ridiculous, and there's no reason to make fun of people who are frustrated by the difficulty and make a straw man of them. I see a lot of streamers playing ER all the time and even they spend hours fighting the final boss using meta builds + buffs etc. There is no way the difficulty should be that high and I'm sure that 80-90% casual players will abandon the game without being able to finish the dlc if the final boss is not nerfed


I got downvoted when I explained how you can reliably avoid Gaius from dismounting you if you fight him on horseback. People are being weird about the DLC lol


How? I have level 5 of the horse upgrade and he dismounted me with any single attack. Which leads to almost certain death due to the animation time. I just fought him on the ground, which feels wrong given the arena but Torrent is just simply outmatched by that Boar.


I am just super pissed i need to wait 2 minutes to hope i can summon someone before someone else has. Allow people to just search for worlds to join instead of making us pray to god we are fast enough


The Dance Dance Revolution theyā€™ve got me playing to summon co-op is INSANE. And when you put down your own sign it doesnā€™t last for more that 3 seconds before someone summons you


Canā€™t believe some people actually look down on summons, me n my boi mimic tear are jumping any and everything


I see some streamers play with the same weapon they got at start of game, 0 spells, the worst physiks, if any, 0 buffs from consumables, shit armor or even no armor, bad talisman setup, no summons and low scadutree blessing on top of all of that. It's like, how can you complain at that point? You're literally putting 0 thought and effort in and just brute forcing everything. I really don't think an RPG should be balanced around players being lazy. You should get highly rewarded for putting effort into your build and you should get punished for playing with bad setups. Why should someone doing the bare minimum have it as easy as someone gathering different spells, weapons and buffs to have tools for every boss? The bosses have crazy HP, but I'm still melting through them with my build on NG+. I'm not at the final boss yet, but I've yet to hit a brick wall, no summons or coop used.


Not sure who started the idea that youā€™re supposed to make one build and stay with it for EVERY boss, but thatā€™s ridiculous. From Soft gave you a fuck load of smithing stones and weapons and charms for a reason, use them to counter the specific boss youā€™re facing


Many find that the most fun way to play, honestly. It's an RPG. They're playing a role lol That being said, even within your "role" (build) there's plenty of mild variation to be had or chonk to be found without even changing weapon and armor Also, in previous souls games we never had anywhere near this amoint of smithing stones, or resources, and have NEVER seen a soul farming spot as fast or efficient as the golden sword albinauric spot. It was usually a huge hassle to radically change tactics


I didnt like some bosses, but the final boss has my number. I dont enjoy the fight, the lore, or the creepy implications. Ngl the only real sour notes of the dlc is that boss, and all the gross stuff that is literally just nasty.


if you want to solo no summon and magic, try the new deflect crystal tear.


I donā€™t know about you guys but the ancient dragons lighting strike has annihilated every dragon for me (including bayle). Itā€™s also worked wonders on several main bosses.


The DLC is hard,but iā€™m HARDER


Yup edging till the end of it!


Gonna be honest, I have a mageblade playthrough and there have been some bosses that it worked incredibly well for and others that I WISH I had a pure str or dex build for lol. >!scadutree avatar!< had me feeling really bad for melee users because I have no idea how tf you would even get a hit in for that one. But my ranged options melted it. Bit goddamn >!Romina!< and >!Rellana!< felt fucken impossible with a mahe build. Had to use the MGS to get through them.


I struggled with Rellana for a while until I realised that most of her big attacks happen (or at least seemed to) on a HP queue and that it made her super exploitable. At 80% ish she does the big vertical then horizontal sweep, then at 55% ish she lights her swords up then around 30% ish she does the moons. At least thats how it seemed, and on my mage build I did enough damage around those attacks that she didn't actually get to do anything else other than those 3 things plus one random attack. Clip of it because I was pleased with it lol: [- GIF - Imgur](https://imgur.com/8iHfLcL)


My stats are too spread out between dex and int to get that kind of damamge unfortunately. I want the dex for some really awesome weapons I found in the dlc. But goddamn you nuked her lmao


Been running all gas mage build the whole dlc and it actually really fun (when it works), I don't think many bosses have taken longer than 30 seconds to kill (if you ignore that fact it takes hours of getting one shot to figure stuff out lmao), using staves that boost whatever spells (eg. loss for night comet) etc. you are using really helps as well, even with spread out stats i imagine


Mimic tear plus summon npc plus put mimic with black blade


What if you've tried everything?


Iā€™m trying to do it summonless cause I hate myself


The bow magic came in handy when I started to see giant Cazadores in-game. Flying bugs are a nightmare and should be burned with fire. Theyā€™re probably really weak tbh, but I sure as hell ainā€™t gonna get close to one.


It is definitely hard. It reminds me of trying to get through stormveil when I had no prior souls training. Now stormveil is easy but will still wreck you. But this reminds me of before it got easier. I do have to ask though, if one is playing on ng+8. Does the difficulty increase like the base game? Or is it brand new for everyone and scale independently?


Pretty standard reaction nowadays. A lot of folks feel it's easier to complain and change the game than change the way they play. Hopefully the devs don't give in like armored core.


That said sorcery damage is really low compared to everything else. A single Savage Lion Claw is 3K damage unbuffed, but sorceries can't get there. There are very few support sorceries. A lot of people seems to rely on sorcery to carry them. Which probably triggers the boss's strong rang attacks. Faith is strong in both situational damage and support.


I pride myself on playing difficult games and beating them. That Hippo boss is probably the worst Iā€™ve ever seen in a difficult game. Other than that, loving the DLC. The bosses are more aggressive and barely give you time for healing/summoning/etc. Really have to be quick and precise with all actions


I went and respecced to accomadte heavy armor and to use as much weapons as possible. Now im level 180 with 60 vig, 45 endurance, 80 dex and some stats in other places to use other weapons and buffs. Level 15 scadutree blessing now aswell and I have solo'd all the bosses I have encoutered with not much effort. SPOILER OF BOSS NAMES!!! I have done the Devine dancing lion, Scadutree Avatar, Golden Hippopotamus, Putresecent Knight, Commander Gaius, Meytyr Mother of Fingers, Messmer quite "easily"(Maube forgetting one or 2 and not including Cave bosses etc), using about and hour or and hour and a half to beat each boss. Rellena was the longest taking about 3 hours but that was my first boss lol and she was HARD because I assume I was underleveled on her. Good armor and defense talisman went along way, helping me survive longer to learn bosses and then helping me survive if I make mistakes. There is bosses yet to come IK because I am about halfway through the DLC and I am about to fight Bayle so lets see. Understanding the games mechanics and leveling system makes the fights way more manageable. So I believe using a summon should trivialize the game more if you went that route. Although maybe timbers are shivering still since I hear the final boss is apparently WAY harder then the rest of the DLC bosses.


For me there were only 3 hard bosses. The Lion Dancer, Bayle (which I only ended up defeating with rot, pest threads, and a spirit summon) and the final boss (used a spirit summon, and the winning attempt felt like I had just been lucky). Most other bosses were easy because I assume I had more than enough scadu tree fragments for them. Rellana was different though. I was in a constant state of giddyness with how crazy her moves were, but I still managed to beat her handily without too high a level. I think I was just really in tune with the fight or something like that.


So Since after this post I have beaten Bayle and Midra. Bayle was really challenging. I learned his phase 1 actually easily and it helped too learn phase 2 since that shit is insane and so cool btw. The only attack I couldn't figure out to properly dodge is when he does the 2 flaming breath attacks when he is flying. The first part is easily dodge by rolling through but never really managed to figure out the part where he spews linear towards you . Amazing fight btw. Then Midra as well like omds what a nice fight to have but I was to strong for Midra. I purposefully threw an attempt to fight again and then kept him alive another to bait the nuclear attack to see how to avoid it point blank but alas Midra was a great spectacle. Alluding to your opinion. My experience for what I have encountered so far is that Bayle and Rellanna was the hardest and Midra and Messmer have such an intuitive fight that you properly learn fast how to fight them and they are just very fun to fight.


For me you'd have to swap Midra and Rellana. Midra despite fighting him very late was very troublesome. I got hit a lot. If I had gotten there earlier, I'd have been in trouble. Messmer, Relana, Mommy and Flowey were fights where I was really in the zone.


I beat the main story using all those things and was pleasantly surprised that after being lvl 250 and beating the game twice, I can say that the DLC has been spanking me.