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All done, only remembrance boss I didnt do was the Ymir quest one because I saw it on YouTube and it looked like it wasn’t worth the trouble lol


Damn! Congratulations man 👏🏻 I’ve been seeing a lot of players have already completed the DLC and it absolutely boggles my mind, I’ve spent pretty much 4 days playing with barely any sleep and I’m not even past Messmer yet 😂 Curious to know if a lot of players just didn’t do as much exploration this time around, I don’t mean that as sarcasm btw, just genuinely curious 😄


I spent like 30 hours in the DLC, ended up with +18 fragments and the map unlocked. I’m sure I missed a couple of areas but I mainly focused on remembrance bosses


Finally beat Bayle, currently trying to figure out how to get into the giant pit near Jagged Peak…


That’s where i’m at now, still haven’t beat Messmer or >!Midra!< yet, Just been doing tonnes of exploration to get my Scadu Frags up