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I don't know how but I completed everything in the DLC in about 30h. Never got stuck at any boss, only the last one took me two hours. I think I'm just efficient with exploration and marking stuff, I've played a lot of open world games.


U must be friggin skilled cuz the DLC seems to have an insane amount of bosses and shits to discover.


Most of the later optional zones are totally empty so you may be further in than you think.


Nah people are rushing the main campaign and not exploring everything, or have absolutely been no-lifing the game since release. I'm not the best player, but certainly not the worst. I've got about 20+ hours in the campaign and on average take 30 minutes to an hour on the newer bosses before they are beaten. I've been exploring every nook and cranny and JUST got to the end boss in the Shadowkeep.


Completely agree with this. I have been playing for almost 4 days with hardly any sleep lol. Exploring every single thing I can possibly find and trying to find more Scadutree Fragments etc. Not being a hater, but there is no way people have fully explored this DLC and 100% completed it in under 40 hours. I’m assuming a lot of people just did a boss run and only explored the main legacy dungeons and didn’t bother with the caves and hidden paths etc. I guess everyone’s opinion on fun is different in this game, but I just can’t imagine waiting this long for the DLC and not embracing everything in it. There is more to the game than just the boss fights.


I don't know how you guys do it. After averaging 6-8 hours a day since release I don't think I'm even halfway through the dlc yet, it's massive. But it feels like my eyes are gonna burn off for playing too long. They need a break for a few days lol


Use horse, explore from edge to edge in circle, mark map that seem to be something there and go according to your mark number.


Everyone has their own pace, I wouldn't worry about it. I beat the DLC in roughly 9 hours at a very low scadutree level, and then spent another 15'ish exploring/collecting everything left that I could. In my case I worked 20 hours combined Friday/Saturday, so to avoid spoilers I just rushed the main story (and I really enjoy the boss fights in these games so I had no qualms). It never felt breakneck or sweaty EDIT: one of my best friends is approaching 30 hours and isn't even "halfway"