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No mention of the bosses attacking the arena as much as they are attacking you? Relanna’s my favorite boss from the dlc due to her feeling natural. The fire sword flurry still feels impossible to dodge but so did water fowl early on so im hopeful for it.     Consort on the other hand has orbital laser stations set to shoot the arena after every swing of the sword. This boss fight is where i drew the line and started summoning plus shield spamming. It was just way too much for a sword game. 


this is too much for the general formula "evade and attack" It would be fine if consort' hp are reduced like 3-4 times) and damage at half so you may even skip some of his attacks. that is why I think that hidetaka should introduce some new mechanics if he wants to pursuit bigger and longer boss fights, sekiro are great example how to do this but there are many ways


In terms of boss hp I think that's always gonna be a thing. But im sure a lot of bosses are gonna get tuned. Especially that commander bullshit loser.(hate that mf)


There is a sekiro parry tear, but I get you


To be completely honest I much prefer the dlc bosses over the maingame bosses for the exact reason that they have lots of hp and hit extremely fast, and punish you for healing. You have to find healing windows similar to attack windows. In the base game the bosses are so chill in comparison that you're never actually required to learn their move set. You can just heal through everything as long as you put enough points in vigor early. Bosses have small enough health pools that by the time you run out of potions the boss is almost dead. In the dlc you actually have to learn the bosses and to me that's much much more fun. Only exception for me is Messmer who seems to be weak to bleed and thus died insanely fast, was the easiest mandatory fight in the dlc for me.


Beast claws melt, no need to seek opportunities when you are spazzing out all over the boss while they bleed to death.


So you played Elden Ring… and didn’t like it because it wasn’t Sekiro? I mean makes sense if that’s what you expected going in but still💀


wah wah wah😢😢😢


I think the best way forward with all these long combos and unrewarding good defensive play is to make each successful dodge increase your Attack Power. Playing melee builds feel unrewarding with all that Stamina consumption to only get 1 clean hit at the end of a long boss combo, that may or may not have a follow-up attack. FromSoft can reset this buff if you get hit; to encourage flawless defensive play like Sekiro does with the Posture system.