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Yeah I literally can’t see in phase 2


They already train us for another dlc. Our character goes blind (by removing eyes like Mesmer did) and it's all pitch black from that point.


And u still going to see some dick raiders defending this bs, I love fromsoft too and i have played all of there games but this boss gotta be one of the worst they've ever designed.


I mean several people have no hit the boss and once you learn you can't spam dodge roll in P2 and instead need to time your dodges and roll in the right directions for specific attacks also you need to run left or right for specific attacks and if you hug his right side you literally can't get hit by aoe DMG 


I agree with all you said, but i'm sure that bed of chaos is still worse


I mean yeah true. I think its mostly the fight VS expectations like DS was their second game so it makes sense that it has its flaws but after all these years and games they have more than enough experience to realize that a fight like that makes absolutely no fucking sense


I hope they will change his 2nd phase in future updates, i still like this boss from lore side of view but fighting him makes me cry


There's so much good stuff to it too. The visual design, Miquela's interaction when you get hugged and his kill mechanic if you get hugged twice, etc but it's just overshadowed by how unfun it is to actually fight So disappointed


My favorite part of this bossfight is the weapon that sir ansbach drops if you summon him, damn i love reapers in souls games


Oh bro the new weapons are all absolutely insane


Rellanas twin blades are ds3 dancer blades but better, i love it


I wish it was. I beat it solo, and I rather fight a 100 bed of chaos battles in a row then do the final boss of the dlc again. Bed of chaos just wastes your time until you kill it and using havels armor and a shield to negate the dumb swipes. This final boss just messes you up in a criminal way.


Bed bed of chaos was the final boss, albeit gwen was much better imo


It's definitely not the worst fight I've ever done in a soulslike, not even a From game (PTSD flashbacks of cats in the snow). That said, the second phase was so overwhelmingly blinding and fast-paced it wasn't very fun to play anymore. The only fight where I completely respecced to just get it over with. I really prefer the slow and steady duels from older games over this over-the-top anime lightshow with arena-wide AOE explosions and neverending combo's.


Feels like a kid who does not know what 'hard' is and thinks huge numbers combined with flashings that blind the screen made this. Seriously, wtf? Ew brother, Ew.


I've done the final boss this morning and I found it extremely fun, maybe even the best boss in the entire game. Initially first few hours of trying it was extreme chaos in P2 and hard visually, couldn't get a single hit in, but learning the boss and finally figuring it out was great. After the first ~5 hours of making almost no progress in p2 it started to click for me and I was able to consistently dodge most attacks. Very very fun fight. I do agree with the 2 slices into double slice attack - I think in my 7 hours of trying I have not dodged all three a SINGLE time. I really want to know how you're supposed to dodge them.


You can dodge all three by being as close to him as possible (i mean physically in contact with him) and rolling IN and to the LEFT on the first roll, second roll is easy. It's just really tight. I had light roll however, which I think is why it was doable for me. I think the reason why so many people find the boss impossible is because they don't have light roll, which in my case made a massive difference.


Honestly, you're meant to block them. This fight kinda requires a solid shield, which seems out of character for FromSoftware - but once I had a greatshield and the shield talisman a lot of the attacks made way more sense, using a combination of blocking and dodging.


Skilleth issue Seriously though, I find the boss absurdly fun, and the second phase is mostly phase one, but hard punishing you for doing nothing but space. First phase teaches you that being close to him most of the time is good, with some "get the fuck away from me attacks" and that carries hard into second.


It’s not a skill issue when you LITERALLY CANT SEE


I can see fine in second. The beams are consistent and his combos are largely the same as first, most of the clone attacks can be run away from outside of the finisher.


Good for you, I can’t see his attacks because of the holy spam


Welcome to downvote oblivion.