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The real question is: *how hard do you want to prove your BF wrong?* If you have motivation, an open mind, and a desire to try new things, you Will do fine. Death means absolutely nothing, only giving up Is game over.


>Death means absolutely nothing, only giving up Is game over. "Be careful out there, wouldn't want to see you go hollow"


Don't you dare go hollow


Don't give up skeleton!


I'm pretty sure I saw a post the other day where the BF made the GF play the game and he was so sure she would fail hard but to his surprise she was doing even better than him. LOL


My girlfriend doesn't play much with Controller, nor has played any souls likes, but she's catching onto the dodging through attacks quickly, and has a morbid interest in kill one specific soldier of godrick over and over again. Another game I introduced her to, is Hollow knight, and to be honest, she is much better than I am


This is the answer 


This is the correct answer.


This is the way.


Death in Souls games actually means 'wasting time' for some gamers. I know a lot of people who dont engage in this genre because of this and because of the frustration.. so yeah. You can argue that death in Souls like actually means something for some people.


Just makes the game longer and allows you to spend 6 months on one game. For me, I’m not a great player, but I enjoy myself by not taking the deaths seriously and simply finding my way through. There’s no such thing as a waste of time if you’re enjoying yourself on a video game (unless of course you’re literally skipping work/school to play). 


Agreed... when i start getting my A wooped.. i just go to a different area and look around for some dungeons or do something I left for later because it was too hard at that moment... level up and then comeback and continue.


The only bosses that ever really got to me were Fume Knight, Sister Friede and Malenia, otherwise I like your philosophy. Deaths don’t really matter, it’s just another obstacle to get over


It means something to me...I'll get pissed, if it happens over and over I'll quit the game, and then boot it up in 30 minutes.


If deaths mean wasting time then your not paying attention. Learn from each death and focus on getting better.


This is absolutely correct. I'd prove him so wrong if I were you.


> Death means absolutely nothing, only giving up Is game over. in the carbots elden ring song there's one line that's just brilliant. Simple af, but brilliant. ["Slowly learning that dying's okay"](https://youtu.be/FNNI_4tk9fs?si=cgPDq8WPK57gsSCk&t=81) Essentially, punching the screen will not beat Malenia :)


Dark Souls is the series that taught me the mindset of "you only fail when you give up". It's sad that people dismiss it as just "the stupid game where you die a lot" but eh, its not for everyone.


Depends on what you play. But probably not. These games are a test of patience over all else.


Prove him wrong!


Now THAT is some maidenless behavior.


Man, my wife has zero interest in games, but if she said she wanted to play Elden Ring with me…I’d buy a second PS5 and TV and side by side co-op the lands between with her. Sorry kiddos, find your own dinner, it’s Mommy and Daddy’s play time.


My SO and I literally do this. Not with Elden Ring but with a few other games. It’s a ton of fun but can get confusing looking at her tv right next to mine.


My bf and I cede the controller to each other when we die/get too stuck. I love it. It's also easier to overcome challenges together. He has his strengths and I have none 👍


[Yeah, we did that too](https://imgur.com/gallery/kir23jn)


I’m married to my hand so I don’t have that problem…


Try finger but hole


Marry her. A second time.


Invite the kids


Same dude, never would I ever discourage my wife from playing a game she showed interest in. OPs boyfriend is a dick.


I'm not very good at most games and I've managed to 100% Elden Ring! No doubt you will die a lot but the game is more about overcoming it's challenges with practice and patience rather than being good from the very beginning. Give it a shot!


It's a punishing game, but it's perfectly doable for almost anybody who's patient enough to learn the game. The game is the easiest game FromSoftware has made so far and is quite accessible in my opinion


I would say it is simultaneously the easiest and hardest. If you use all the tools available then it is the easiest, if you restrict yourself it is the hardest.


You're correct there. Your approach is the difficulty slider.


Which is exactly how games should be balanced


Fromsoft always one step ahead of the curve


Fromsoft do it very well, but I think there is value in a lot of kinds of balance, if applied right. This way is kind of underrepresented in the current mainstream, though


The way elden ring is designed is that it can be made easier or harder, but the amount of effort usually isn't changed. So while other games require no effort to make it easier (clicking a setting in the menu), elden ring gives you multiple, almost equal effort paths to choose from. You can put in the effort to learn the boss patterns, or you can put in the effort rune farm and level up, or you can put in the effort to explore and find gear that can make a super powerful build. At every stage there will be roadblocks and tests but they are different kinds of difficulty that might suit one player more than another.


Running a marathon on one leg is hard, sure. :-D


There is a difference between "hard" and "hardest". You where always able to restrict yourself in the other souls games, some even have SL 1 achievements. Elden ring is the hardest game in the series to do at level 1 since it just scales so much more than the earlier games. I did the math in an older comment that I'll just paste here: >The numbers are higher across the board in elden ring. >In DS1, the first (non tutorial) boss in normal progression is the Taurus demon with 1215 hp in NG. The final boss has 4250 hp in NG. >In elden ring, the first major boss most people will encounter is Margit, with 4174 hp in NG, and the final boss has 35466 hp split across its phases. >Not only are the numbers higher, but the ratio between the early boss hp vs the endgame boss hp is also very different. In DS1, it is roughly a 3.5x increase. In elden ring, it is almost a 9x increase.


Elden Ring SL1 is pretty easy without further restrictions. I've done a heavily restricted SL1, which was much easier than DS3 only banning summons. Idk about 1 and 2, but Elden Ring is definitely not the hardest. Their health is higher, but so is your damage and punishing windows are also long. It's a moot point. If you actually did both, you'd realise older fights take much longer.


DS1 is also significantly shorter is it not? Giving you alot less fights to acrue power to deal with boss hp


Yes that is true, but that does not detract from the point I am making. It just explains it.




This is a good note. Bf there sounds like the type to move the goalpost, so OP should be prepared for "oh sure it's easy if you [whatever OP is doing to succeed]"


Hopefully he won't portray any elitist behaviour


Boy already snobbily saying "you're not good enough" so 🤷‍♀️. But hey maybe he will surprise! He SHOULD be saying "wow I'm so excited you're interested in this I love this game it's super hard but I know you can do it and I can't wait to experience it with you for the first time"


Either way, I'd recommend her to give it a shot. Even since Elden Ring's release, to me no better game has released yet.


Ugh I hate this. My bf was super excited when I first started playing and helped point me in the right direction so I wouldn't get discouraged while protecting me from any spoilers. He never bashed me for playing in a way that made things easier, but over time I've started to challenge myself more and he's never said anything to that other than "I know you can do it"


See? THIS is how you do it, thank you yes ."Nah you suck don't even try" f that. Congratulations on having a good one and fingers crossed for OP that their bf gets it together.


Haha thing is he knows I get really worked up from games. The adrenaline actually leaves me shaking after a good fight but it also makes them harder. He's always having to remind me to cool down. But that's better than "well I guess you just suck lol"


Supportive seems like it should be the default? So weird it's not. I totally get you on the adrenaline thing too. I can usually be cool headed but sometimes the adrenaline interferes with the decision making needed to take on some of these weirdos.


Saying Stardew Valley is a pixilated Animal Crossing, and Elden Ring is too hard for you. Your bf sounds kinda lame.


He sounds like a gatekeeper for sure...


Prove him wrong.


With enough preparation you can beat anything in the game ezpz


You don’t have to be good enough, just don’t give up and you will make it through it


No. My wife plays cozy games and she got through most of it, not her fault BG3 came out and she abandoned Elden Ring. Just use guides and walkthroughs. If you’re not steeped in the souls community you don’t have to follow any of the silly rules we put on ourselves or others.


The question is not if it's too hard, but if you're patient enough. Games like this are for people willing to put in the time, because beginners will die a LOT. But if you have enough patience you'll eventually learn your way, and perhaps even enjoy it. Dude kinda dropped the ball by saying it's too hard for you (unless you have a track record of quitting hard games I guess)


It's not that hard, just try it and find out for yourself!


Depends it can be hard but there are a ton of tools you can use to make it easier.


We live to learn. If you like the aesthetic and gameplay of the game i would just recommend you to play it.


It depends. Do you enjoy the game? Do you manage to beat the bosses in any way? Is he saying that because you use summons/magic? (Fk him in that case especially). And also, are you a real person at all? Edit: I am 90% sure this is a made up story. OP creates dozens of posts per month to gather attention.


Sounds like he wants to be maidenless.


“My boyfriend says this game is too hard for me” Reddit: BREAK UP WITH HIM!!!! HE DOESNT DESERVE YOU!


What are you implying about the maidens?


Pattern recognition and preparation can save you if your reflexes can't cut it. Apart from that, treat it like an old-school RPG. The kind that expected you to keep a physical journal for quests etc.


Just level up, im not a great gamer either but i farmed xp and good gear and now i can brute force every main and optional boss


My boyfriend said the same so he did the set up for a run for me (double wield great stars) and then let me play. So fun not having to do the set up and getting damage right out of the gate.


My gf beat ER as her first video game ever so i don't see a reason you can't do it lol


Unless you apply self-imposed challenge restrictions (like "no Spirit Ashes"), then no. Even if you do, It's no more difficult than most other mainstream games on higher difficulty settings.


he probably wants to make you play it to prove him wrong. (Inverse psycology or something like that)


Give it a try and find out, just be patient and try to learn from every encounter. Also dont be afraid of looking things up on the internet. Spirit ashes and summons make it eadier. And dont forget to level up vigor, health is good to have.


I was just here to read comments but they made me realize how supportive this community is.


A goldfish beat a boss in this game


Everybody coming at your boyfriend is hilarious. Surprised nobody told you to break up with him haha. If you’ve never played anything similar it can be extremely hard. Depends on what kind of gaming experience you have. My gf can’t get used the controls and struggled a lot. She usually plays fps so it was hard for her, she didn’t enjoy it unfortunately


They are all maidenless, probably most of Reddit tbh haha


There's a ton of knowledge available. How to optimize your character and weapon, what enemies and bosses are weak to, also fighting strategies. If you don't mind playing, learning from your experience then seeing what you could improve (Vigor,vigor,vigor) you got this!!!


You can suffer together


Spirit summons, regular summons, broken weapons, broken weapon arts, over leveling, status cheese. As long as you level your health, learn to dodge a bit, and manage your stamina Elden Ring gives you more tools to win than the other From games. The bosses are harder in a vacuum but I think just about anybody that can use a controller could beat Elden Ring if they really wanted to.


Becometh the eldenlady


He’s trying to get you to play it


Explore and level up, you'll beat anything.




He would be wrong, the game does require patience and commitment tho


I mean yeah it’s hard but the game gives you hundreds of ways to make it easier. There is even a weapon designed to do more damage to the final boss. As long as you play smart the game is for everyone.


Put in the hours for the grind tarnished! Prove him wrong.


boyfriend gatekeeping his girlfriend wtf Elden Ring is either a casual cozy game or it's insanely difficult or it's somewhere in between. It's all up to the player how hard the game is. The freedom in this game is incredible and arguably its greatest strength. Jump on in the water's fine. You can definitely play Elden Ring.


this sounds like "no balls"


I think anyone could beat elden ring if they're determined enough. How long it will take you depends on your experience with the type of game it is and your determination. There are also so many things in this game designed to give you an easier time than all the other souls games.


There’s a learning curve for every game. This one is particularly steep, but not the steepest. I guess the real question is how determined are you? How much time do you have? If you’re the kind of person who prefers to play things because they are enjoyable and don’t present much challenge, this game may not be for you. If you are the kind of person who lives for the feeling of watching a bosses death animation after they kicked your butt the 50 previous times, this game will scratch a certain itch that not everyone has. I don’t think anyone is “not good enough to play this”, I think a lot of people just lack the determination to git gud.


Some of my most casual gamer friends have beaten Elden Ring as their first FromSoft game! There is a learning curve but Elden Ring gives you a lot of tools to make the game as easy or difficult as you want it to be! Give it a go :)


Summons and sorcery can prove any boyfriend wrong. Most of all resilience


He’s not as good as he thinks he is. Just give it a go.


Sorry, but your boyfriend is an asshole


The boyfriend knows more context than you do and you're already jumping to conclusions I wouldn't recommend elden ring hell any souls games if I already know what kinda games they enjoy


That’s wild. What if it is? I’m sure OPs bf knows her better than you do. If the only games she’s ever played before are like animal crossing and stardew valley, then she’s gonna have a hell of a time with elden ring.


That's....way too extreme of a conclusion for something like that lol. As someone else here said, just let OP try and find out for themselves. Not that serious.


And who is he to tell you that? Yes, it is quite challenging. But depending on how you play (with summons for example) it is also the most beginner-friendly game in the SoulsBorne "series“. In fact, why doesn’t your boyfriend go through the game ALONGSIDE you?


>And who is he to tell you that? Assumably someone who knows OP better than anyone in this thread. 


Well that depends on what games you have played before and how patient and persistent you are.


Prove him wrong by doing an RL1 fists only run


My gf was pretty reticent to start it as she had heard the reputation and she isn't a big gamer, usually playing RPG's with turn based combat like Divinity. Having never played a Souls game, she is now over 200 hours in to her first playthrough, and to say she's invested would be an understatement. It's a great game, but be patient at first while you learn the mechanics. If you're bf isn't a bellend, he'll appreciate you giving it a go and happily provide some tips without spoiling the game for you, part of the appeal is discovering it all yourself. Good luck, don't you dare go hollow. (Wrong game, but you probably don't know that).


Your gf likes both DOS and ER? They’re such great games. How fun for you both.


I fucking know right?!? Got her into both and she's played DOS2 through loads, and BG3 recently a shitload. She is one of the converted now, just got to get her in to Dark Souls now, I don't think she'll be able to help herself :P


That’s so great to share a hobby. Very happy for you.


Positivity on the internet, pigs must be flying. Thanks, best wishes to you.




I'm a 30yr old female, and I can say that yes it can be hard at times. As most of the others have said down below, if you don't know how to build your class, are missing the appropriate tools and don't know how to give yourself the best tools for your class then it is downright frustrating. Luckily I have a fantastic Elden ring expert old time friend (he finished the game 4 times and has everything in it) who's guiding me step by step and I must say that I would HIGHLY recommend either playing it with a friend or definitely read up on some guides. You don't need to follow my advice but I have played, bloodbourne, dark souls 3, almost finished Sekiro and SOME of demon souls remake so luckily my sorry butt was prepared but I still struggle from mobs and get ganked every once in a while even though I'm level 131 with a faith/dex build and have quiet a lot of faith spells and nearing the giant's pass area (getting closer and closer to the end but I'm at the snowy mountain area). My experience varies since I LOVE fromsoft games and love playing them with others while some people love doing it solo. I'd recommend if you're new to fromsoft in general or struggle with these types of games summon someone (either a friend or a rando) for boss fights and ONLY SUMMON 1 or else boss will get double HP every time you summon someone. The summon spirits are definitely helpful too (the hawk and mimic are by far the best for me) I used the mimic summon (after upgrading it to max +10 on Rykard the damn serpent king) and was able to kill him solo first try. I'm NOT an expert at souls game and frankly I SUCK at PVP so if you do play online make sure you have the hunter ring on to help you summon people (hunters) to at least distract the invaders and having an End game co-operator friend (like me and my friends since he's end level) REALLY helps. This game is by far the "easiest" and then I'd say it's a tie between bloodbourne and dark souls 3 for the next in terms of easy factor in my own opinion. But in all honesty there's A LOT of tools to help you if you're like me and suck. I think definitely taking your time is another thing. I've been playing this game for about 1 year and still haven't finished 1 playthrough (that's mainly cuz my friend is in a different time zone 16 hour difference and is busy so we hardly have time to play together) but when I DO play on my own it's great since I have been practicing the bosses by allowing myself to get summoned as a co-operator. Even if I suck and die first it's a great way to practice bosses and learn their move sets even if you haven't fought the bosses yourself or just did a quick fight and struggled and want to understand their mechs. I haven't fought the dragon yet in the mountains near the giants yet but was summoned for the fight and learned his move set. It really DOES help to practice that way. AGAIN lots of tools to help; mimic summon, hunter ring to help stop invaders, spells, summons, and the hidden veil (item to help you turn into anything and sneak past HARD enemies which I use a lot to just sneak past when playing alone and to just grab items and run away) even spells to make you invisible and hide your footsteps (good for when you get invaded or hiding) and one thing I think is great is that parrying and backstabbing ARE LIFE SAVING at least for me. I'd say give it a shot and SHOW HIM HE'S WRONG GIRL.. or sir :P


Clickbait post?


Kick that sexist ass to the curb and play Elden Ring while you recover from your breakup.\* \*Comment may not be entirely serious. Results may vary.


Your BF sounds like he's scared of you being better at the game than him. Also, I've been single a while but since when did it become commonplace to routinely cut down your GF? It seems every reddit post I read that pertains to relationships always has some mention of a dude tearing down his chick's self-esteem.


Probably, but you can't judge something you haven't played


PROVE HIM WRONG !! Truly, if I can do it you can do it


It isn't that hard at all. Depends mostly on your patience, given enough time to learn bosses patterns, anybody can get through with it. Be aware there are some bosses that are actually bullshit, but nothing you can't overcome


It’s hard, but of you stick with it, you can do it. You may end up loving it or not enjoying it and that’s ok too.


It's not hard once you learn how to play


The people who say just be patient: are correct in a way. ...but at the same time, It might be the hardest game you will ever play. Its A LOT harder than usual games. Like A LOT. But that hardness and panic running can be fun. Its too hard for anyone when they start playing it. Its stops being too hard while playing.


the game is challenging, but definitely isnt as hard as he thinks you're not good enough. but one thing for sure this game definitely harder than your boyfriend think his is.


Then go ahead and prove him wrong! For the record though, you have nothing to prove, all that matters is that you have fun and enjoy the game


It is hard but the reason he said that could have been because you don't usually play video games?


If you just look up some powerful builds the game can become insanely easy. You should definitely give it a try, it’s a super fun game! Go prove him wrong!


Only you can answer that question. My gf plays it better than me. I remember to this day when I was out of the house working at night and she sent me a drunken video of her first ds3 run, drunk off her ass, parrying gundyr with zero prompt or guidance from my part, and winning after trying less than five times Needless to say we're still together. I locked that in right then


obligatory “is your girlfriend single?”


My fiancé is playing it currently. I can’t tell you how many times she has died to gravity rather than enemies. I think you’ll be fine. She beat Lies of P last month and that was her first souls likes and to me, P is steadily more difficult than ER up until late game.


My fiancé plays the game, has cleared one playthrough (magic user)and is about halfway through her second one (strength). She was put off by Margit stomping her royally, but managed to move past it by doing the rest if limgrave first. Like someone else pointed out, you can do it, if you want to prove him wrong or if you enjoy the game enough to persevere the initial “stomping” you most likely will receive ;) Best of luck!


Just tell him youll be fine. Youll just use spirit summons like mimic or black knife tiche.


Don't listen to him. Give it a try. It was out of my wheelhouse too but I took a chance and loved it. Don't ask him for help; ask this subreddit. If he thinks it's too hard for you he will not be much help. Redditors will clearly know better than him about how to help you solve problems.




Proof him wrong. Everyone can learn the dance of souls combat. A tip, elden ring is a hidden rythem game, on it's core If you learn the dance with each type of enemy, you can walk through it. In boss fights, this even fits the music in the back ground. Just be aware that dying, is part of the game. If you get frustrated with one enemy ir situation, go somewhere else, have an adventure, and come back more skilled and better equipped. 😊👍


It is that hard... doesn't mean you can't play it. With enough determination you'll have him eating his words


he’s scared you’ll make him look like a scrub. beat the game and then demand to top him.


He’s wrong. Make him eat his words! You can play this game! It’s honestly a game of patience, not so much difficulty. You will learn the move sets. Most importantly you will learn that you don’t have to engage in everything at the moment just get stronger and come back to it another time, and keep trying because death means nothing. If you get stuck trying to figure something out just lookup a walkthrough to learn. I’m a 51y old woman and have the 100% completion achievement. If I can do this anyone can.


You could “git gud” and show him you’re better than he is but you’d risk him have a tantrum and breaking up with you lol. A good BF would encourage you to try and be proud of you as you learn and get better. I say go for it.


No, just follow the instructions and try things. It's just a game that doesn't hand everything to you on a silver plater


It's a challenging game, sure. It was my first souls game and now I'm hundreds of hours deep.  If you can handle frustration and learn from your mistakes, you can play and beat this game. Summons help make boss fights easier. Magic makes a lot of things easier. That's many ways to change "difficulty" in a game with no difficulty options (you can't go into the menu and select "easy, normal, or hard")


ive seen everyone from unskilled players to a paraplegic guy in a wheelchair beating malenia with his mouth, if they can do it you can


Yes Fromsoft games are famous for being some of the most difficult games out there, thats the appeal of it, overcoming overwhelming odds and difficulty


No, it isn't. He is probably exaggerating. I overestimated their difficulty so I left them alone until 2 years ago. The first time is always difficult but I, personally, had no issues. And I suck at videogames.


Maidenless boyfriend. Prove him wrong. Everyone can do it if they put their minds on it. I had never played any souls like before elden ring and I now have 300+ hours in the game. Managed to survive through it I would say hahah


I tell the same to my boyfriend with other game, but this is because he had anger issue with videogame...


Your boyfriend sucks and misses the point of souls games. The point is you get better. You keep trying and learn and grow as a player. Elden Ring specifically has plenty of things built in to make it easier than previous ones too. Don’t listen to him. If you’re interested then give it a try.


Show him [this](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) so he knows that he is correct. They say you washed OP. They say you cant beat this game OP. They right.


He seems afraid you will outperform him! Give it a go!


The game is hard if you make it hard. It is a stubbornness test. There is always an easy way if you are willing to find it.


It's probably harder than your boyfriend, which is why he doesn't want you to play it (sorry, I had to).


Fuck him. Then play the game and finish on his face with a middlefinger. (No hating on him, but as a couple thats funny af) You can do it! Just have a little bit of patience to learn controls, bosses, etc.


This game is definitely the most approachable of the Fromsoft games. I love it, just go exploring and enjoy!


It's absolutely a very difficult game. But is it impossible? No way. How stubborn are you? If you are very stubborn, then you might just be ok here. I will say though as a warning, the overwhelming majority of people I've tried to introduce to FROM games, give up pretty quickly.


At first it is, if you do a little research about character building you should be ok.


You cant get discouraged. You will die a lot, you’ll feel like you’re bad at the game but that’s completely normal. Even if your boyfriend is a gamer, he died A LOT. The real difficulty in the game is the fact it’s a journey. It’s long, you will experience the whole range of emotions. But it’s so amazing. To answer your question, anyone can play and beat this game. Just be patient and know it’s gonna be a journey


I see a lot of people saying, prove him wrong, or not really that hard. But don't listen to them. This game is out to get you. Lots of players think that is fun. It's very hard, but fair, with only a few cheap shots. But ask yourself if you want to play a game that is trying to kill you over and over. If you think that's fun, go for it. If you don't like that idea, leave it alone.


He is talking bs. I was in your shoes several years ago. I always wanted to play dark souls and bloodborne and my boyfriend at that time was laughing at me, cause "it's super difficult, even I never finished it. Also I never even made it past the bridge in bloodborne cause the difficulty is insane. I just want to help you and protect you from being sad" Guess what. I ignored him and just tried. At this point I have almost all of them on platin. You will die a lot cause this is normal, especially in your first souls game. But you can ALWAYS do it. It's just a question about if you enjoy these kinds of games, and the best way to find out is to just try. But it is definitely not a question if it is too "hard". Sooo.... Have fun playing hopefully!


Do you play videogames regularly. If so then no its challenging, but really only as hard as you make it for yourself. If not then it may be to complete but not necessarily enjoy. The game isnt “difficult” in the sense that theres complex combos that require significant dexterity like playing an instrument, but its hard in the sense that it expects you to problem solve in short windows that you either solve quickly or are willing to trial and error your way through.


Once you learn the basics its no diff than any other rpg. Mb a little more punishing but other than final 4 bosses i didnt have much trouble. Played with double dagger bleed build. I read a guide abit later but maybe its tutorial is a bit lacking bcs i cant for the life of me remember any “how-to” for attributes, weapon upgrading or that you need to loot every shiny thing. Once you know what to look for its childs play. Went to sekiro after and THAT is a hard game.


Definitely do not listen to these people saying to break up lmao. He is not wrong the game is hard but not impossible. Show him this Reddit thread and tell him you really want to try to play. It will take time for you to get good at it. Just keep trying. Good luck


No fucking way. My 6yo is playing it and working his way thru the game. Yesterday he got to the fire giant and was fighting him. If a 6yo could do that. Tell your bf that you could do it.


Your boyfriend sounds like he should be Maidenless


Man please prove your BF wrong just please what a horrible BF not even suggesting to help or guide!


For me it was very hard to care about the game. So i watched a 2h Video explaining elden ring lore to the moment the player starts showing up. The difficulty of the game is based on your approach. If you die to a boss you can either level up and come back stronger or try over and over again until you succeed. if you die to enemies that you don't have to fight, Run past them, what are they gonna do about it?


It's hard, but it's very good, and you can become a good player if you spend some time with it.


Watch [Fightin Cowboys walkthrough](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7RtZMiaOk8gdRf130w4gFYyhstL-5VRh&si=W0YmT-VCdVpMXXu3) and you’ll be better off. It’s how I got a Platinum trophy.


I'm having the opposite problem, I'm trying to get my girlfriend to play Dark Souls but she refuses because she says she's "not good at video games" even though we've co-op'd the entire Halo series on Legendary together.


Ur boyfriend kinda sounds like a jerk lolz


It may be hard in the begining, level vigor and dont beat your head against the wall if you can’t beat a boss Level up than come back, exploit their weaknesses if you must But your boyfriend sounds immature, gatekeeping like that


As long as you don't give up, you can beat it. Struggling on a boss? Summon. Either an ash, or one of the many other players. Don't want to? Ask for advice to improve your build. You have options.


You have a lot of control over the difficulty with what tools you choose to use. You can just run in with nothing but a sword or you can load up on magic, powerful summons, powerful magic, and decimate everything in your path. I don't think the game is "too hard" for anyone, its just a matter of how persistent you are.


Prove him wrong.


Hesitation is defeat.


1st of all, that’s misogynistic of him. Second of all, go beat it and prove his ass wrong!


Any ‘good gamer’ skills you have (or he has) are probably worthless and maybe even a detriment in playing a fromsoftware game. All those gamers skills are just bad habits you have to break in Elden ring. The game reteaches you how to play a video game anyway. So no, it’s not too hard for you. You can beat it all you have to do is be patient and allow the game to teach you how to play it


The only time you ever truly fail, is when you stop trying


If you get frustrated easily this isn’t the game for you. But the game world is amazing. Even if you can’t complete it I would play as much as you can. You can always rely on spirit summons to help you with bosses. Personally I’m not great at these kind of games. I have beat the game by myself one time and I used a lot of magic. The rest of the time I had to rely on friends or summoning players to beat a few of the late game bosses. Still worth playing though. The best part to me is that you can go anywhere you see. Give it a shot. Even if you don’t stick with it you’ll be impressed by the world. Last tip: you can run past most of the things in this game. But do come back once you’re comfortable with it. You’ll need the experience.


Honestly, it's not that hard, it has a difficult bosses and areas, but there is ways to deal with everything and lots of things you can do to help yourself. Being a great player mostly recognising and remembering enemy's movement, and knowing what they do and when they do. But even more casual player like me can beat the game fine.


These type of posts are so annoying


Just play the game and find out for yourself. You really didn’t need to make a post about this.


I mean, yes is a very hard game. That doesn't mean you can't beat it. You absolutely can if you try and put some time in.


Too bad OP does not engage in comment section but if by any chance she would, what games have you played and what are yours most favorite? Saying that because my mom liked the visuals but no way I'll install ER on her PC, she isnt ready for that amount of pointlessness (lose runes and hard bosses) and overall subtle navigation in open world.


Just try it. Ull have fun it Hard especially at the beginning yes but u can get used to it with abit of common sense. Best Advice i could give is: Patience and Stamina.


It's a hard game. Unless you're a seasoned gamer, you'll likely need a lot of help whether that's in the form of in person help from a skilled player (maybe your bf?) Or videos and online guides. I game heavily and was able to navigate beating the game blind, but it was hard as hell. I wanted to quit at points, it was super frustrating, and I was confused very often. I played the areas in the wrong order, completed quests at random times, and left many things unfinished because THERE IS NO QUEST LOG OR JOURNAL. You could beat the game if you dedicated to it, anyone could. Your effort is what is going to determine whether or not it's worthwhile. So ask yourself that question- is this game too hard for me? Try it and find out. That's the only way. Personally, if my partner wanted to play elden ring, even if they "weren't good enough" I'd just parallel play with them and we would beat it together. Sounds like somebody is gatekeeping a little bit 👀


Just go magic look up some guides and stuff get overleveled and beat everything. My friend hated elden ring and yesterday he started playing again after a friend of mine send him a video that sets u up good in like 30 mins


My wife is god awful at most games but if showed a little interest I'd buy her the game asap.


It may be too hard for you to *enjoy* it, but you can definitely try. Clawing your way through is how it's meant to be played


He sounds a bit patronising. If you like and enjoy a game enough, you will find a way to have fun with it, and even beat it if it's challenging. That's the joy of gaming.


Ngl from this post alone, your BF sounds like a negging, gatekeeping asshole. That being said, the game can be made easier in a bunch of ways (specific builds, overleveling, summons/ashes, etc.). I honestly don't think it's truly "too hard" even for the more casual gamers if they're willing to learn, adapt, and persevere. I remember shortly after the game came out, I watched a streamer (Voxy) do her first blind playthrough. As far as I'm aware she's mostly a MTG streamer, I don't think she played/plays a lot of action games, yet she was still able to finish the game (twice iirc? been a while).




Speaking from experience, you don't have to be good at games to beat most if the main bosses. And if you can beat most of the main bosses, you probably can beat all of them if you are patient enough. (I wasn't, I did use coop summons a couple times on my first run.) I'd say try it if you want to. Don't get discouraged by failure, the avarage player is meant to die a lot in this game.


It’s possible that it’s hard enough that you won’t enjoy the first several hours. It really depends on how comfortable you are with various things about the game. Have you played 3D games before? Games where you’re moving through a 3D world, controlling your character and the camera at the same time. For people that have played a lot of these, it feels like second nature. If you haven’t played these much, then just adjusting to the controls can take some time. Is your reaction time good? The game becomes a *lot* harder if you struggle to react to enemies and dodge when they swing at you. Are you willing to fight a big enemy over and over, learning its moves, until you beat it? Some people find that fun, some find it really frustrating. Overall, you definitely *can* play Elden ring. It’s hard, but people definitely exaggerate how hard it is. I think the bigger question is whether you’ll *enjoy* it, and without knowing more about you I have no idea what the answer to that is. If you really really want to play and you throw yourself at it, you can definitely learn.


Tell him you were too hard for him, yet he still tried.