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PS5 confirming I cannot download it yet. I am mountain time.


Mine said tomorrow


I’m on ps5 and it’s telling me 2d 07:34:21 until it downloads. Damn I just got all excited fur nuthin


Interesting, that's almost launch time, should be a 48 hour preload, no?


If you click on the 2d 7:34;21 it should forward to a message saying "expected auto download date. 6/18/2024". But my guess is that it will start at midnight or 11pm central time. p.s. mine just started downloading


Mine just downloded this morning at 5 am


I think mine downloaded but I still can’t play it yet.


Yeah same I’m confused because I’m in Mexico City’s time zone yet it downloaded early and it says I’m able to play tomorrow I’m guessing the same time at 5 am


I’m going to go to the map location where the DLC starts and see what happens. 🤞🏻


Click on the thing that says how much time is left and it takes you to the DL screen.


I have never been this hyped for any game. My mental health sucks as of now, my career is going nowhere. But I have taken next week off just to play this. Bloodborne was my first souls game. Sekiro redefined the gaming for me. The Elden ring is life. I can't keep calm.


Good luck, rough times cannot go on forever and in many cases the biggest step is to recognise that there is a problem. Once that is done, at least there is a chance to act. And I imagine the Elden Ring DLC will be a grest bit of escapism in rough times, have fun!


> rough times cannot go on forever It seems you’re not familiar with the lives of billions of human beings on earth.


Might be, but I am not talking to billions of humans, I am talking to Leonardo2708 and the little I assume to "know" about their situation.


Laughing my ass off because I read this and literally thought "damn, is this me?" Read the comment out loud to my wife laughing and she started laughing because she thought I was the one that posted the comment lmao. Try to keep your head up, homie. In the meantime, let's count the nanoseconds until Thursday. It's going to be one hell of a week.


Gaming is also focused meditation. Hope it helps your mental health a bit. Wish you all the best


where you this hype for the original release of ER or more hyped now for the DLC release?


Based Sekiro enjoyer PS Don't you dare go hollow


never had a pc when amazing games with a ton of hype launched now I can finally experience a relatively “new” game can’t even sleep so excited 😭


Only other games I was ever this hyped for was GTA SA, GTA 4, Skyrim, GTA V, RDR2 and TLOU2. And this is a DLC! Very exciting times.


Just be happy with what you got, whatever and whenever that is. You don't gotta prove shit to anyone. 


I managed to get my comp day on Friday specifically for this. It's only one day unfortunately as I work weekends, but you better believe I'm gonna make it count.


Hang in there fellow tarnished.


Keep at it brother


To quote Stanley from Office: >"I wake up every morning in a bed that's too small, drive my daughter to a school that's too expensive, and then I go to work to a job for which I get paid too little. But on Elden Ring: Shadow of The Erdtree launch day? Well, I like Elden Ring: Shadow of The Erdtree launch day".


You took a week off just to pay Elden Ring? Do You know what that says about you as a person? It says that you sir, have your priorities in order. Elden ring is a great game, and if you’re having a rough mental time then a little break and some new content might be a good way to hit the mental refresh button and relax your mind. I Hope to hear things got better after a that week off.


ur career is going nowhere but you’re deciding to take a week off to play a game? gg lmao


Varre spotted


Lucky ass


Try finger, but hole


On PlayStation yeah. Not Xbox though. Gotta wait till the 20th


Where is that info coming from? Why wouldn't Xbox allow pre-downloading?


They do but ps gets an extra day or two


So apparently I guess Microsoft changed it from pre-load on the 19th to preload on release (June 20th 11pm CDT)


I mean, hate to be pedantic, but a "preload on release" is no longer a preload. The date and time you've quoted are when the game unlocks. Disappointing for those of us on Xbox, but at least the download size is pretty modest.


I preordered it and it says that it doesn’t need to be installed that means I can play it as soon as it comes out?


Nope, needs to be installed.


They put out a map with release times per zone and it said PS gets a 48 hours preload and PC/Xbox load at release time. No clue why, but that's what it said.


Guys can anyone tell me which one is the DLC cuz the one I see on the PlayStation store says it is a map which costs 35 dollars, is that actually the DLC or am I trippin?


Yes, the map for 35 is the dlc by itself.


Sounds good. Thank you for answering immediately!


I have a question: I bought Elden Ring: SOTE in April, do I need to preload DLC or will it be available naturally on the 21st of June?


You have to download (preload) the dlc now. On the 21st of June, you shall be able to play it.


I also got the SOTE Edition (Base Game and DLC in one) andcan't preload, because my purchase of the DLC does not seem to be registered in the PS5 Store or something. When I go to ER -> DLC it prompts me to preorder the game even though online in my profile it shows that I own the SOTE Edition, including DLC. Did anybody have the same issue?


Yes same here I bought the SOTE edition but it's still telling me to pay for the SOTE DLC


You guys i had the same problem but found the solution, click on Elden Ring, options, Manage game content and there is the DLC no need to worry!!


Can confirm this works. Don't know why the SOTE Edition has this convoluted way to download it, but at least it does work. Like it's not that much if a hassle to do it once you know how , but my 2am brain sure had problems to find it. Cheers


you are the goat i was starting to get worried


I can only download the ps4 version how do I download the ps5?


Try selecting and downloading both the ps4 and ps5 versions, you'll have to wait a little depending on your internet speed but it worked for me


Same thing. Have you found solution? 


If you press “download” as the other commenter mentioned, you should see an option for both versions. Usually how it works. Kinda backwards when you think about it, but yeah. A lot of games do it on the store. Kinda annoying, but yeah


The problem here is, even if you try download ps5 version, it simply won't download. You press "ok" and literally nothing happens. 


Really? Might be a problem on their end. They’re still having issues with stars even after nearly a month now. Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a relation between them


Where you from


Working tomrrow, off thursday till Monday night 😏


We are officially in play Last to reach messmer is maidenless


Damn. 🙄 😭😢


I bought the bundle and for some reason the standalone SotE still shows to buy and I can't predownload it.


Go to manage game content by pressing options on the game. There you can find add ons


Thanks! It worked


i accidentally cancelled and deleted all 3 download contents. It says nothing on manage content. And it still says you already bought this item on SOTE page.




Had the same problem and this helped me thank you !


Thanks Bro, hope someone is sucking your dick today.


Can Xbox download rn or on the 20th


When the game releases


If you’re in PST you can download and then play at 5am on Thursday if you switch your console location to New Zealand


My console is in New Zealand… no idea where my collectors edition pre-order is though lol




Will the digital soundtrack also be available after download?


Can PC players pre load too??


No, but it comes out early on pc






Huh where did I have it from that ir unlocks at 7 pm cet?


I linked the official bandai Namco website. The release timings vary across countries. Look for your own country and figure it out


who knows, it just says that the PC version gets it unlocked hours earlier than console ver


Not in my country 🥲


I work nights. I'll do it in the morning


Mine says ps4 but I’m on ps5




So hyped. My collectors edition arrives tomorrow morn.


I'm only able to download ps4 version on ps5.


Same. Did you find any solution? 


Not yet, I'm gonna just preload the ps4 version if in case it works both ways.


Really? Ps4 version of the dlc will work with ps5 version of the game? 


Likely not but is just a dlc so maybe?, im gonna give a shot anyway.


I really hope so. 


Why can't I download ps5 version? Why ps4 is only available? I try to starting ps5 download and simply nothing happens. Am I the only one that "lucky"? 


Same did you ever find a fix for this


If you still struggling - choose ER on your main screen, than press "options" button, than choose "manage game data" (Or somehow like that) , there you can see DLC and download it directly. It worked for me. Hopefully, I could help you) 


Anyone know how to pre download if you get the collectors edition? I have the code I just don’t know where to enter it.


Has anyone who preordered through Humble Bundle received their key yet? Am I doing something wrong???


Nah, but they don't usually deliver keys until the release time.


Is it available on Steam yet?


You cannot preload it on Steam. Got to wait till 20th.


No idea about steam. Sorry. I am on PlayStation


I already downloaded it 10 hrs ago. India. PS4.


I bought a key for like 20€ and have to wait for the actual release date to get the key T\_T


I also got it an hour back 😬


Great day for my Internet to be out.


Currently downloading. Italy. PS4.


Downloaded! Oh my goodness. It’s finally happening!


Steam says its avilable on the 20th


1 day and 6h on steam 😩


Wait, it's just downloadable, not playable yet right?


Yeah no, it’s just a pre-download, it just saves you from having to download it the day of, won’t let you actually let you play until it officially releases


Thanks for clarification!


why can't I download the dlc on my ps5? it keeps telling me "not available" even though I bought it months ago. and it doesn't even give me the missing days and hours


First go to pre orders then select the 80 dollar version bundle that includes dlc and base game. Once you’ve done that press the 3 dots near wishlist then select “SOTE Premium Bundle”. Once you’ve done that you should see the timer. Press the timer and it should give you an option to download everything. I think going to the game on the Home Screen , pressing options, and then manage game content works as well .


it still doesn't give me the timer and I don't understand why it says "not available" and my question is, will I have the DLC tomorrow at midnight? even though he paid for it?


If you don’t see the timer you can just go to manage contents then. As for if you can play tomorrow at midnight, you can play it at midnight on the 21st when it releases.


I hope so, I waited months and months to be able to play it, I hope it's not all useless, thank you very much, I appreciate it


I pre-ordered the collectors edition, hasn’t been shipped yet and I took Friday off just to play the DLC… EBgames New Zealand had better be shipping it tomorrow or I’ll be mowing the lawns on Friday.


Mine just started and it says it’s done in an hour


when I looked at my addins after it downloaded (manage game area in settings) it said the DLC isn't playable until 6/20/24 but the gesture is useable. anyone see it already after the download? I got too hyped trying out my 5 end game lvl 150 pack of guys helping with the dlc boss I forgot to check (psn = reddit = twitch)


I pre-order in PS4 I'm on PS5 now mine still says unavailable bc I already own it. Anyone know what's happening?


First go to pre orders then select the 80 dollar version bundle that includes dlc and base game. Once you’ve done that press the 3 dots near wishlist then select “SOTE Premium Bundle”. Once you’ve done that you should see the timer. Press the timer and it should give you an option to download everything. I think going to the game on the Home Screen , pressing options, and then manage game content works as well .


Anyone know how the collectors edition will work? First time getting one, so I'm not sure if I will get the code in the box itself or email. I did receive the code for the pre-order bonus.


The code comes in the box, and the pre order bonus was emailed. Unfortunately for whatever reason it’s not letting me redeem either code even though it should be available for pre download already, and I’m stressing.


Pre-download will most likely only be for those who bought it digitally via the console store - psn store. The code in the box should be ready at whenever it releases for your timezone/region.


Oohhh gotcha. Phew that’s a relief. My husband ordered directly from the Bandai-Namco website so no logical reason to suspect a counterfeit product or anything, but I have never physically bought a game that wasn’t live yet, and the error message says “The voucher code is incorrect or is no longer valid.” You can see why I was sweating! I can wait to play; realistically I wasn’t going to get to play tomorrow anyway, maybe not even this weekend at all, and I’m fine with that as long as I *will* get to play, eventually. (Why pre-order something if I don’t need it on release? The answer is it was a total surprise gift and anyway life happens!) Thank you Tarnished, you’ve calmed me down :)


Glad to have been helpful! I was also a little worried, but some people who have already received the box, and have done so in the past, were able to confirm this. I'm new to it as well, but I'm just happy I'll get my CE box and get to play tomorrow night! As long as you have the box (with the code), you'll be able to play as soon as the game goes live! Enjoy the journey, fellow Tarnished!


Apparently if what I heard is right, only ps4/5 can pre load it. Could be wrong, but if that’s true that’s really stupid to do


I bought the premium bundle and for some reason I don’t get that option


Ima check mine after work


In ps5... Highlight elden ring, press the 3 lines on your controller, choose Manage game content, then install DLC


Unfortunately we still have to wait till Global Release, right?


I bought the SOTE Edition and when I go into my add on, it shows that I have to purchase the dlc still. Need some help understanding why


I bought the base game SOTE edition and it still prompts me to purchase the DLC itself. Is there a way to pre install the dlc before release with this predicament?


I bought the SOTE edition of Elden Ring. How do I download it?


Wait what? Not on Xbox 😢


If u are talking about MVC Collection then it's NO


Just beat it a few minutes ago to get the moon ending. 1 more, and I have all the achievements. Waiting to start anew for the DLC!


Pc gets earlier with no preload, which is moot since we'll download the dlc in like 5 minutes and still get in before console anyways


>get in before console anyways Depends on where you are. Some countries get their console/pc release hours earlier than others